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08-20 投稿


interchangeably 发音

英:[[?nt??t?e?nd??bl?]]  美:[[?nt??t?end??bl?]]

英:  美:

interchangeably 中文意思翻译



interchangeably 短语词组

1、interchangeably chinese ─── 可互换中文

2、interchangeably antonyms ─── 可互换的反义词

3、interchangeably means ─── 互换方式

4、interchangeably with self ─── 与自身互换

5、interchangeably with ─── 可互换的

6、interchangeably define ─── 互换定义

7、interchangeably defined ─── 可互换定义

interchangeably 词性/词形变化,interchangeably变形

副词: interchangeably |名词: interchangeability |

interchangeably 相似词语短语

1、noninterchangeable ─── 不可交互

2、interchangement ─── 互通式立交

3、exchangeably ─── 可交换的

4、interchanger ─── n.换热器;交换器

5、interchangeableness ─── n.可互换性

6、interchanged ─── v.(两人或两人以上)交换,互换(物品);(使)(两者)互换位置;(某物)可与……交换(interchange的过去式和过去分词)

7、interchangeability ─── n.[数]可交换性,可交替性

8、interchangeable ─── adj.可互换的;可交换的;可交替的

9、interchange ─── n.(思想、信息等的)交换,互换;交错,更替;(进出高速公路的)互通式立交,立体交叉道;(铁路、汽车客运等)转车站,枢纽站;v.交换,互换(思想、信息等);将……交换;(使)互换位置

interchangeably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The inconjunct or quincunx (the terms are generally used interchangeably) aspect in astrology is formed between planets that are roughly 150 degrees apart. ─── 所谓的不结合/梅花位,于占星的角度上便是两颗星体大约处于150度。

2、Since blocks are often defined as a single sector the terms "block" and "sector" are sometimes used interchangeably. ─── 由于块通常被定义为单个扇区,因此,“块”和“扇区”有时可以互换使用。

3、Although these terms are used interchangeably in the literature, ASTM has used the term fancy yarn to identify these types of yarns. ─── 尽管在文献资料中许多相关的名称是可以互换的,美国材料试验协会仍将这些纱线统称为花式线。

4、Whereas in the latter case, “guanxi” and “relationship” can very well be used interchangeably, so there is really little need to differentiate them or discuss (much less demystify) the obvious... ─── 如果任何一个想要多是分配给他/她,他/她将不得不绕过系统,并依靠另一个人负责特定的功能,因为“分配链”做他/她一个特别有利。

5、Forgiveness is often confused with absolution, since the terms are used almost interchangeably in most religions. ─── 宽恕经常与免责混淆在一起,因为这两个词在很多场合里经常互用。

6、You can use them interchangeably to produce the same results. ─── 您可以使用其中的任何一个产生相同的结果。

7、These terms are often used imprecisely and interchangeably. ─── 这些术语的使用常常不够精确,而且常常交互使用。

8、The term computer virus is often used interchangeably with malware, though the two don't actually have the same meaning. ─── ‘计算机病毒’这一术语通常与‘恶意软件’替换使用,尽管这两个词含义并不真正相同。

9、Branding has increasingly become important in the range of services offered by many graphic designers, alongside corporate identity and the terms are often used interchangeably. ─── 品牌日益成为重要的服务范围内所提供的许多平面设计师,除了企业的身份和条件,往往是互换使用。

10、I have a question, the terms "bindstone" and "graveyard" seem to be thrown about interchangeably in this thread. Are they the same thing? ─── 我有个问题,这样说起来缚灵石和墓地似乎是可以互换的。它们是一样的吗?

11、These terms are often used interchangeably. ─── 这两个术语通常可以互换使用。

12、The terms vector and array will be used interchangeably. ─── 术语矢量和矩阵会被交替地使用。

13、Although these terms are used interchangeably in the literature, STM has used the term fancy yarn to identify these types of yarns. ─── 尽管在文献资料中许多相关的名称是可以互换的,美国材料试验协会仍将这些纱线统称为花式线。

14、This is useful if you need to create multiple custom classes that behave similarly and can be used interchangeably. ─── 当你要建立多个具有能够使用的、相似功能的自定义类时,这对于你是非常有用的。例如,下面代码定义一个接口,这个接口包含了三个成员。

15、RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and EMI are often used interchangeably. ─── EMI也常常称为RFI(射频干扰)。

16、These terms are often used imprecisely and interchangeably. ─── 这些术语的使用常常不够精确,而且常常交互使用。

17、Although there is a botanical distinction, the lotus and water lily are often used interchangeably in folklore and mythology. ─── 虽然在植物特性上有差别,荷花和莲花在神话传说中往往是相通的。

18、The fast roll and slow roll can be shifted interchangeably. ─── 前辊(活动辊)自动跟踪推进;

19、The output from the Get-ChildItem cmdlet and the Dir alias is the same and can be used interchangeably. ─── Get-ChildItem cmdlet和Dir别名的输出是相同的,并且可互换使用。

20、Depending on how these clients are configured, they can be used interchangeably to access mail and other information. ─── 根据这些客户机的配置方式,用户可以交替地访问邮件和其他信息。

21、Another important point that I want to make is that Operating System and File System are different things, which many people use interchangeably. ─── 我还想说的另外一个重点是,操作系统和文件系统是不同的两件东西,人们往往混淆了它们。

22、The terms“host”and“server”are often used interchangeably, but“host”is more commonly used in the context of the Internet. ─── 主机和服务器这两个词经常可以互换使用,但是主机被更广泛的运用在互联网这个上下文里面。

23、You can use the static GetSection method of this class or the non-static GetSection method of the System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager class interchangeably. ─── 您可以将该类的静态GetSection方法与System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager类的非静态GetSection方法互换使用。

24、In the practice, the terms budget and plan are often used interchangeably and some people take it for granted that they have the same meaning. ─── 在实际工作中,"预算"和"计划"这两个术语经常通用,并且人们常想当然地认为二者具有相同的意思。

25、The two terms are often used interchangeably. ─── 这两个术语常常互换使用。

26、The second-to-last Shah, Reza Pahlavi, asked the world to call the country Iran in 1935, but in 1959 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi announced that both Persia and Iran can be used interchangeably. ─── 倒数第二位国王拉扎巴勒维,在1935年要求世界称这个国家为伊朗,但是在1959年,穆罕默德拉扎巴勒维却宣称,波斯和伊朗都可以交替地使用。

27、The term PRISON is sometimes used interchangeably with jail, but PRISON is usually the place where only those with long-term sentences are confined. ─── 可见,选择最接近的功能对等词,可以保证英汉法律术语在没有绝对对等词的情况下获得较准确的翻译。

28、Since most Americans can't name the parts of speech anyway,they use them interchangeably. ─── 既然大部分美国人分不清语法成份,他们就把 动词和名词交互使用。

29、Despite the apparent clarity around the distinct origins and meaning of the caduceus and the staff of Aesculapius, they are both used commonly, and often interchangeably, every day. ─── 虽然关于克丢西尔斯杖和阿斯克勒皮亚斯杖的起源和意义很明显是截然不同的,可它们每天都被频繁使用,而且经常被相互替换。

30、Indeed, sometimes they are used interchangeably (decriminalization is equated with legalization which, in turn, is often equated with regulation). ─── 甚至,有时候这些术语可交替使用(祛罪化管理与合法化管理是等同的意思,继而,合法化管理常常与制度化管理也是等同的意思)。

31、A namespace can have multiple aliases, and the namespace name or one of its aliases may be used interchangeably. ─── 一个命名空间可以有多个别名,并且命名空间名字和它的别名可以互换使用。

32、The word copyright is sometimes used interchangeably with vague terms such as literary property or intellectual property. ─── 版权一词常与一些模糊术语混用,如文学产权,知识产权。

33、You will note from this verse the close connection the Hebrews maintained between the dream and the vision.The words are used almost interchangeably. ─── 由此经文可见在希伯来文,梦与异象是紧密关连的,这两个字几乎可互用。

34、Note: In this article, the terms "report" and "document" are used interchangeably, assuming that RS is used for the generation of any print output. ─── 注:在这篇文章中,假定任何报表均是为打印而创建,术语“报表”和“文档”被交替使用。

35、Because parent_label and parent_name can be used interchangeably, Caspol. Exe must be able to distinguish between them. ─── 因为parent_label和parent_name可互换使用,所以Caspol.exe必须能够区分它们。

36、Note that some users use this term and "non-notable" interchangeably. ─── “不讲道理的投票会被视为无效”。

37、In many contexts, these words can now be used interchangeably. ─── 可以描述表达,但是表达正不正确,贴不贴切那是另外一回事了啊。

38、It is often used interchangeably with design management, but is also liberally applied to any big personality around the industry. ─── 它是经常可以互换和设计管理,但也慷慨适用于任何大的个性在产业。

39、Less often arbiter is used interchangeably with arbitrator. ─── 通常较少与互换使用。

40、Although they are sometimes used interchangeably, a class and an object are different things. ─── 尽管有时类和对象可互换,但它们是不同的概念。

41、A concept in media planning stipulating that a certain amount of exposure to an advertising message is necessary before it is effective. Often used interchangeably with the term effective frequency. ─── 广告媒介策划中使用的概念。指受众必须有一定的广告暴露频率,广告才能发生效用。经常与有效频率交替使用。

42、Although even immunologists use the terms allergy and sensitivity interchangeably, there is a difference. ─── 尽管免疫学家也经常把过敏、敏感这两个词交替使用,两者还是有所不同。

43、Today the terms generally are used interchangeably , and the U.S.Department of Agriculture requires that a label with the word yam be accompanied by the term sweet potato. ─── 一般而言,今天这两个词被大家混用,美国农业部要求商品标签上印有”番薯“字样的产品也必须加上”甘薯“这个词。

44、These expressions are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings. ─── 这些表达法经常可以互换使用,但它们的确有不同的含义。

45、The terms referendum, proposition and ballot initiative frequently are used interchangeably. ─── “全民投票”、“建议”和“公民投票”常常互换使用。

46、If there are words or phrases that are used interchangeably with the keyword, type them in the Synonyms box. ─── 如果存在与关键字可互换使用的单词或短语,请在“同义词”框中键入它们。

47、In most institutions, course "units," "credits," or "hours" (the terms are used interchangeably) are accumulated as the student progresses toward a degree. ─── 在大多数学校里,学生在读学位的过程中所积累的课程“单位”,“学分”或“学时”(各词均可交替使用)会不断增加

48、Sometimes, one hears the words style and fashion used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings and should not be considered synonymous. ─── 有时款式和时装这两词是可以互换的,但它们的确具有不同的含义,不应该被认为同义词。

49、Although the terms are often used interchangeably, they are different. ─── 我们又如何了解对手的需求呢?

50、The terms common stock and capital stock are often used interchangeably when the company has no preferred stock. ─── 在公司未发行优先股的情况下,普通股与股本常常可以互换使用。

51、While the two definitions have been used interchangeably, a third one has slipped into clinical discussions. ─── 当这两种定义得到交替使用,第三个定义潜入临床讨论中。

52、The purported health threat of U.S. beef imports is a rallying cry South Korean producers invoke interchangeably with the far more imminent economic threat. ─── 韩国的养牛业界人士造成了一种声势,指称进口美国牛肉会对健康构成威胁,而且进口美国牛肉还被视为一种更迫在眉睫的经济威胁。

53、These two words are identical in meaning and can be used interchangeably. ─── 这两个词意义相同,可以相互替换使用。

54、These terms are used interchangeably. ─── 这些词语互换着使用。

55、Sheet-metal forming ( also called stamping) is often used almost interchangeably with pressworking. ─── 板料形成(也称为冲压)是最常用的互换和印刷的几乎。

56、Hydrophobic is often used interchangeably with lipophilic, "fat loving." However, the two terms are not synonymous. ─── 疏水性通常也可以称为亲脂性,但这两个词并不全然是同义的。

57、These terms are used interchangeably. ─── 这些词语互换着使用。

58、The terms master model, pattern and plug are sometimes used interchangeably. ─── 术语“原模,基模,阳模”有时是可互换的。

59、Used interchangeably with broker when referring to a firm rather than an individual. Also called brokerage house or brokerage firm. ─── 是指为买卖双方充当代理人的商业行为,通常收取佣金作为回报。

60、these terms can be used interchangeably. ─── 这些术语可以交替使用。

61、Many of these additional "best practices" are used interchangeably during discussions and it is now not easy to separate one "best practice" from another. ─── 许多额外的最佳实作理论都在讨论之中被拿出来替代掉原本基本的观念同时这些最佳实作的理论现在也不容易和其他的最佳实作理论分离了。

62、Artists use "paint" and "pigment" interchangeably. ─── 画家们即用“油漆”也用“颜料”。

63、These two words can be used interchangeably. ─── 这两个字可以换用。

64、This is the input terminal of a TFT. This is used interchangeably with column electrode of a TFT array. ─── 这是TFT的进线端子.这是用柱子可互换使用一个TFT阵列的电极.

65、Conclusion The test and reference preparation are bioequivalent and may be prescribed interchangeably. ─── 结论两种茴拉西坦胶囊具有生物等效性,临床上可替代使用。

66、It is possible to have subrules with similar IDs. A subrule with a similar ID to will be an alias of the other. Both subrules may be used interchangeably. ─── 子规则有相同的ID是可能的。有相同ID的子规则将互为对方的别名。这些子规则可以互换使用。

67、The term is also used interchangeably with “nucleotide” although the latter is composed of a five-carbon sugar joined to a phosphate group and one of the bases. ─── 它还与核苷酸互换使用,尽管后者是由一个五碳糖、磷酸和一个碱基组成。

68、NOTE Throughout this book, the terms device driver, KLD, LKM, loadable module, and module are all used interchangeably. ─── 注意在本书中交替使用设备驱动程序,KLD,LKM,可装载模块,还有模块这些术语.

69、The next two levels of model abstraction, the logical data model and the physical data model (often referred to interchangeably) provide the details required by software developers to implement the objectives for the conceptual model. ─── 在抽象概念中的另外两层,逻辑层和实体层(常被提到是可以互换的)则提供了软体开发者去实现概念层的目标中所需要的细节。

70、The names are used interchangeably in this article for general terms, unless reference to a specific file or name is used. ─── 如果没有引用特定的文件或名称,那么这两个名称在本文中可以互换使用。

71、The terms'block'and'sector'are sometimes used interchangeably. ─── “单元”和“扇区”有时互换使用。

72、Since most Americans can't name the parts of speech anyway, they use them interchangeably. ─── 既然大部分美国人分不清语法成份,他们就把动词和名词交互使用。

73、And now,the concept of "reform of writing system" is no longer used while the concepts of "language planning" and "Chinese language modernization" are widely and interchangeably used. ─── 现在,“文字改革”的提法不再使用,“语言规划”和“语文现代化”两个名称被广泛接受并使用,它们经常交替使用。

74、Note In some object-oriented programming languages and abstract object models, the terms field, property, and attribute are used interchangeably. ─── 注在一些面向对象的编程语言和抽象对象模型中,术语字段(field)与属性(property和attribute)可交替使用。

75、“May” and “might” are used interchangeably. ─── “也许”和“可能”的字眼在书中被互换使用。

76、These two concepts are often used interchangeably, but it is important to understand their differences. ─── 这两个概念通常是类似的,但是,理解他们的不同之处也很重要。

77、The terms are often used interchangeably. ─── 这两个词通常可以相互替代。

78、It, which is simple in structure,can remarkably improve the performances of underground loader and be used interchangeably with the existing differential. ─── 该差力差速器能显著地提高地下装载机的工作性能,且制造简单,可与现有差速器互换使用。

79、Is often used interchangeably with the term ─── 常与术语

80、Tao Ran, What I am trying to tell you is that, A synonym to faith is belief, and is commonly used interchangeably. ─── 陶然,我想告诉你的是,一个别名,以信仰是信仰,是常用的互换。

81、Hydrophobic is often used interchangeably with lipophilic, "fat loving. " However, the two terms are not synonymous. ─── 疏水性通常也可以称为亲脂性,但这两个词并不全然是同义的。

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