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clergyman 发音

英:[?kl??rd?im?n]  美:[?kl??d?im?n]

英:  美:

clergyman 中文意思翻译



clergyman 网络释义

n. 牧师;教士

clergyman 短语词组

1、clergyman def ─── 牧师定义

2、clergyman crossword ─── 牧师纵横填字游戏

3、clergyman cap ─── 牧师帽

4、clergyman or other person in religious order ─── 牧师或其他宗教秩序中的人

5、clergyman crossy ─── 牧师克罗西

6、clergyman day ─── 牧师节

7、clergyman crossword clue ─── 牧师纵横字谜线索

8、clergyman's sore-throat ─── [医] 慢性咽喉炎性发音困难

9、a clergyman's sore throat ─── 慢性喉炎

clergyman 反义词


clergyman 词性/词形变化,clergyman变形


clergyman 同义词

priest | minister | cleric | ecclesiastic | shepherd | reverend | clergywoman | man of the cloth | clerk

clergyman 习惯用语

1、clergyman's week ─── 包括两个[三个]星期日的假期

2、clergyman's fortnight ─── 包括两个[三个]星期日的假期

3、clergyman's sore throat ─── 【医】慢性喉头炎

clergyman 相似词语短语

1、Berryman ─── 贝里曼(姓氏)

2、Everyman ─── n.普通人;一般人

3、wherryman ─── n.小船桨手

4、merryman ─── n.丑角,小丑;n.(Merryman)(美、爱尔兰、英)梅里曼(人名)

5、ferryman ─── n.渡船夫;摆渡者;n.(Ferryman)人名;(英)费里曼

6、clergy ─── n.神职人员;牧师;僧侣

7、clergywomen ─── n.女牧师;牧师妻

8、clergywoman ─── n.女牧师;牧师妻

9、clergymen ─── 牧师;n.(Clergymen)人名;(英)克勒吉门

clergyman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An unctuous clergyman who had not known Sam intoned religious platitudes ─── 一个根本就不认识萨姆的假装虔诚的教士正拿腔拖调地唠叨着那套宗教的单调无味的滥调。

2、the residence of a clergyman (especially a Presbyterian clergyman) ─── 一个牧师的居住(尤其是指长老教的牧师)

3、a marriage performed by a government official rather than by a clergyman ─── 一种婚礼是由政府人员主持而不是牧师

4、A clergyman finally succeeded in getting Clyde to write a statement-a declaration that he repented of his sins. ─── 一位教士终于让克莱德写了一个声明,表示他忏悔所犯的罪过。

5、He soon reached the clergyman's house, but found him not at home. ─── 他连走带跑地到了神甫那里,可是神甫还没回来。

6、He is a clergyman, and is said to do a great deal of good. ─── 他是个牧师,据说做了很多好事。

7、He is a meek, charitable, good clergyman ─── 他是一个温和、慈悲的好牧师。

8、He's a clergyman turned politician,ie He was formerly a clergyman but is now a politician. ─── 他以前是个教士,现在成了政治家了。

9、And a man of weak moral fibre, said the clergyman. ─── “一个男人的道德神经是很软弱的。”牧师说。

10、AFTER the incident last described, the intercourse between the clergyman and the physician, though externally the same, was really of another character than it had previously been. ─── 在上面描述的那件事之后,牧师和医生间的交往,虽然表面上同原先没什么两样,但却具有了不同的性质。

11、a marriage performed by a government official rather than by a clergyman. ─── 一种婚礼是由政府人员主持而不是牧师。

12、The clergyman, therefore, hearing no symptoms of disturbance, uncovered his eyes and looked about him. ─── 因此,牧师没有听见任何骚动的征象,便不再捂着眼,并四下张望。

13、"They mostly do," said the clergyman, griping hard at his breast, as if afflicted with an importunate throb of pain. ─── “他们大多能这么做,”牧师一边说着,一边紧紧捂住自己的心口,像是有揪心的疼痛纠缠着他。

14、The office of a clergyman is twofold. ─── 一个牧师的办公室有两部分。

15、Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it; anything but live for it. C. Colton Charles, British clergyman. ─── 人们为宗教而争吵,为宗教而写作,为宗教而战斗,为宗教而献身,但决不为宗教而活着。英国牧师查尔斯。

16、"It may be so, " said the young clergyman, indifferently, as waiving a discussion that he considered irrelevant or unseasonable. ─── “可能是这样的,”年轻的牧师谈淡地说,象是放弃了这个他认为不相干和没道理的讨论。

17、the feel of the city excited him; a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting; it had the smell of treason. ─── 会场的气氛突然紧张起来。

18、"Wretched, unhappy, incorrigible woman!" said the clergyman. ─── “倒霉的,不幸的,不可救药的女人

19、The writer-director often invests his scripts with the sort of advice a concerned clergyman might give the wandering faithful. ─── 作家,导演往往与投资有关的咨询意见一牧师可能会给他的流浪忠实排序脚本。

20、Mean while , many settles had slighter religious commitments than Dane's, as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New world for religion . ─── 同时,许多定居者的宗教献身精神并不如迪恩强烈,一个牧师与从沿海居民那里了解到他们并非为信仰才来到新世界。

21、Or you might spy a Celtic knot inked onto the arm of a well-respected clergyman. ─── 不然就是在人人敬重的神职人员手臂上瞥见一个凯尔特族结饰。

22、You_ assign greater consequence to the clergyman than one has been used to hear given, or than I can quite comprehend. ─── 你可把牧师的作用看得过重了,谁也没听说过牧师这么重要,我也不大能理解。

23、He became a clergyman and remained so. ─── 他成为牧师并且一直担任这样的工作。

24、In a second interview in the forest she warns the clergyman against Chillingworth. ─── 另一次,她同牧师在森林会面,便提醒牧师防备齐灵沃思。

25、They deemed the young clergyman a miracle of holiness. ─── 他们一心认为这年轻的牧师是神圣的奇迹。

26、I d rather not, , the clergyman said, I don t want Him to know I m here. ─── “我想我是免了,”牧师说。“我不想让主知道我在这里。”

27、"Ah," replied Roger Chillingworth, with that quietness, which, whether imposed or natural, marked all his deportment, "it is thus that a young clergyman is apt to speak. ─── “啊,”罗杰 - 其灵渥斯说,不管是做作的还是天生的,他的举止总是安详得令人瞩目,“一个年轻的牧师确实喜欢这么讲话。

28、They all say he is so arrogant to old clergyman of the city. ─── 他们全说他对城里的老牧师太傲慢啦。

29、The parents had heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in disciplining children in the past, so they contacted him, and he agreed to give it his best shot. ─── 他们听说镇上有位牧师过去曾非常成功地管教管束过孩子,所以就设法联系到他,并且他也答应了会尽其所能。

30、Let it suffice that the clergyman resolved to flee, and not alone. ─── 只消一句话就足够了:牧师决心出走,但不是一个人。

31、It was an abnegation that brought with it much suffering for the clergyman . ─── 这是一种给这位牧师带来极大痛苦的放弃。

32、a clergyman appointed to prepare condemned prisoners for death. ─── 为有罪的犯人在临死前作准备的牧师。

33、They nearly always grabbed the job of clergyman for their sons. ─── 他们几乎总是把牧师职位抓在手上,日后留给自己的儿子。

34、Old Mr Clare was a clergyman of a type which, within the last twenty years, has wellnigh dropped out of contemporary life. ─── 在最近二十年里,老克莱尔先生这样的牧师都差不多在现代人的生活里消失了。

35、a clergyman in many Christian churches who has the authority to perform or administer various religious rites. ─── 在许多基督教教会中有权利执行或管理各种宗教仪式的教士。

36、A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book. ─── 一名牧师照着祈祷书读祷文。

37、He that sips of many arts, drinks none.--Thomas Fuller, British clergyman ─── 什么都学的人,什么也学不到。英国牧师富勒

38、He is a scholarly clergyman, and creditable to the cloth. ─── 他是个有学问的教士,从没玩忽职守。

39、a clergyman; especially a settled minister or parson. ─── 一种牧师;特指比较固定的辅佐牧师或教区牧师。

40、Her spirit sank with the idea that all must have been a delusion, and that, vividly as she had dreamed it, there could be no real bond betwixt the clergyman and herself. ─── 她认为一切全都是一场梦幻,她虽然梦得如此真切,但在牧师和她本人之间不可能有任何真实的联系,她的精神随着这种念头而消沉了。

41、A beneficed Anglican clergyman who refused to take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy to William and Mary and their successors after the Glorious Revolution of1688. ─── 一个在1688年革命后拒绝对威廉和玛丽以及他们的继承人宣誓效忠和承认他们至高无上的领圣俸的英国圣公教牧师。

42、someone (physician or clergyman) who substitutes temporarily for another member of the same profession. ─── 临时代替另外一个相同职业的人的人(医师或牧师)。

43、He felt that he ought to rebuke the lady for presuming so to talk to a gentleman and a clergyman many years her senior. ─── 他觉得一个女人对一位比她年长许多的有身份的先生和教士这么放肆地讲话,他实在应该斥责她。

44、She had immense faith in him, and to her he was a type of all that the Christian clergyman should be. ─── 她对他怀有无限的信赖,在她眼里,他是基督教牧师最完美的典型。

45、A distinguished clergyman and the elders from his congregation attended an out-of-town meeting that did not finish until rather late. ─── 一位著名牧师和他教区啲几位老人出席城外会议直到天黑才开完会,他们准备在回家前吃点东西。

46、He preferred Mrs. Almond to his sister Lavinia, who had married a poor clergyman, of a sickly constitution and a flowery style of eloquence. ─── 他喜欢可尔蒙德太太,而不喜欢这个妹妹拉维尼娅。这个妹妹嫁了个一副病态,却偏好鼓唇弄舌高谈阔论的穷牧师。

47、a clergyman ministering to some institution. ─── 一些公共机构和协会中的牧师。

48、and he guessed that she nursed a secret disappointment at having been invited out in London to meet a clergyman and a French tutor. ─── 他猜想她心中正暗自感到失望,因为在伦敦被邀请去见一个牧师和一个法国教师而失望。

49、"Hester," said the clergyman, "farewell!" ─── “海丝特,”牧师说,“别了

50、A clergyman improved the tone of the meeting. ─── 一个牧师使会场的气氛突然紧张起来。

51、In the statement read by another clergyman, Haggard called himself "a deceiver and a liar" and said he had a dark side. ─── 哈格德在书中称自己为骗子,并称其有不为人知的黑暗一面。

52、"It may be so," said the young clergyman, indifferently, as waiving a discussion that he considered irrelevant or unseasonable. ─── “可能是这样的,”年轻的牧师淡淡地说,像是放弃了这个他认为不相干和没道理的讨论。

53、induct a clergyman to a benefice ─── 使牧师就任有俸禄的圣职

54、Three daughters of an Irish-born clergyman grew up at Haworth parsonage, in Yorkshire.This remote region of bleak moors greatly influenced the imagination of the sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. ─── 出身在爱尔兰牧师家庭的三姐妹在约克郡的哈沃斯教士公馆里长大,这片偏僻荒凉的沼泽地对夏洛特、艾米丽和安妮三姐妹的想象力影响很大。

55、"I did," answered the clergyman, "and would gladly learn it. ─── “是啊,”牧师回答说,“我很乐于听一听。

56、"I see what ails the child," whispered Hester to the clergyman, and turning pale in spite of a strong effort to conceal her trouble and annoyance. ─── “我明白这孩子是怎么回事了,”海丝特对牧师低声说着,由于强按心中的忧烦而变得面色苍白。

57、the residence of a clergyman (especially a Presbyterian clergyman). ─── 一个牧师的居住(尤其是指长老教的牧师)。

58、But, whether influenced by the jealousy that seems instinctive with every petted child towards a dangerous rival, or from whatever caprice of her freakish nature, Pearl would show no favor to the clergyman. ─── 但是,不知是出于一切受宠的小孩子那种似乎是本能的对危险的对手的妒嫉,还是她那种异想天开的天性又发作了出来,珠儿不肯对牧师表示丝毫好感。

59、Indonesian officials have ordered the clergyman to report for questioning. ─── 印尼官员已要求巴什尔牧师接受调查。

60、A Protestant clergyman in the state of Maryland has performed hundreds of wedding ceremonies over the years. ─── 一位马里兰州的新教牧师这些年已经主持了上百次婚礼。

61、The clergyman at my left was an old acquaintance of mine clergyman now, but had spent the first half of his life in the camp and field and as an instructor in the military school at Woolwich. ─── 坐在我左边的牧师是我的老相识。 他现在是牧师,可前半辈子却是在戎马生涯中度过的,而且还当过伍立奇军事学校的教官。

62、Pearl had not found the hour pass wearisomely while her mother sat talking with the clergyman. ─── 她母亲坐在那儿和牧师谈话的当儿,珠儿并不觉得时间过得无聊。

63、"I do verily believe it," answered the clergyman. ─── “我的确十分相信这一点,”牧师回答说。

64、The things which troubled the gloomy clergyman in his reflections on the speech were chiefly making changes which he says had been increasing in the last twenty years. ─── 困扰这位阴郁的教士深思的关于口语的东西,用他的话说,大多数在最近二十年里正在发生越来越多的变化。

65、A clergyman, walking down a country lane, sees a young farmer struggling to load hay back onto a cart after it had fallen off. ─── 一位牧师正走在一个乡间小路上,发现一个年轻的农民正在努力地把翻落在地上的干草装到车上去。

66、After being served, one of the elder asked the clergyman to say grace. ─── “我想我是免了,”牧师说。

67、He' s a clergyman turned politician, ie He was formerly a clergyman but is now a politician. ─── 他以前是个教士, 现在成了政治家了.

68、A clergyman is walking down a county lane in a hot day and sees a young farmer struggling to load hay back onto a cart after it had fallen off. ─── 大热天 , 一名牧师走在乡间小路上 , 看到一位年轻的农夫正忙着把从大车上掉下来的大堆稻草搬回去。

69、"Then I need ask no further," said the clergyman, somewhat hastily rising from his chair. ─── “这样看来,我就不必多问了,”牧师说着,有点匆忙地从椅子上站起身。

70、Of rare spiritual as well as physical endowments,she would have undoubtedly received a welcome at the hands of the benevolent old clergyman and his wife,but an empty house reverberates to her knocking. ─── 她天生来就具有罕见的心灵美又长得漂亮,本来毫无疑问会受到仁慈的老牧师和他的妻子的欢迎。但是她的敲门声引起的是空旷的回响。

71、A man of the cloth, ie a clergyman ─── 一位神职人员(传教士)

72、Van Gogh was born on March 30,1835at Groot Zundert in the Dutch province of Noord Brabant. He was the son of a clergyman. ─── 凡高1853年3月30日出生于荷兰北布拉班特省的格鲁特·宗德尔特,是位牧师的儿子。

73、You are perfectly right," said the clergyman kindly. ─── 你说得很对。”牧师和蔼地说。

74、a clergyman appointed to prepare condemned prisoners for death ─── 为有罪的犯人在临死前作准备的牧师

75、-year-old clergyman escaped with superficial wounds. ─── 岁的牧师带着些皮肉伤逃脱了。

76、Stiff white collar worn by a clergyman ─── (牧师穿的)白色硬领; 牧师领

77、Not with standing his own distress of mind, he could not, according to his sense of duty as a clergyman, pass this person without speaking to him. ─── 因而,尽管自己心里也很苦恼,而凭着牧师的责任感,不能不找他谈谈就放他过去。

78、He asked to see the boys individually, so the eight-year-old was sent to meet with him first.The clergyman sat the boy down and asked him sternly, "Where is God? ─── 他提出要单独见见孩子们,因此一个8岁的男孩首先被带到他面前,牧师让孩子做下,并且很严肃地问:上帝呢?

79、Meanwhile, many settlers had slighter religious commitments than Dane's, as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New world for religion . ─── 与此同时,许多定居者并没有戴恩那样虔诚,就像一位牧师在海边遇到一些人时听到的那样,那些人嘲弄说他们不是为了宗教来到新大陆的。

80、On September 14, 1638, John Harvard, a 31-year-old clergyman from Charlestown, Massachusetts, died, leaving his library and half his estate to a local, newly established college. ─── 1638年9月14日,约翰哈佛,一个麻州查尔斯敦的31岁的神职人员,约翰哈佛逝世,他捐出他的图书馆及一半财产给一所地区性、刚成立的大学。

81、Sir George Staunton was placed next to a clergyman of respectable appearance, and wellbred, though plain demeanour . ─── 乔治?斯汤顿爵士的座位被安排在一位外貌可敬,彬彬有礼而举止质朴的牧师旁边。

82、To fill the church was always the most difficult part of a clergyman's function. ─── 使教堂座无虚席总是一个教士最难完成的任务。

83、Slowly -- for she saw the clergyman! ─── 她走得很慢,因为她看到了牧师。

84、He passed the clergyman the cash and walked away satisfied. ─── 他把钱递给牧师,然后满意地离开了。

85、A local clergyman said at least 180 civilians had been killed during the night. ─── 一位地方教士讲道,事发当晚至少有180位平民惨遭杀害。

86、In her late singular interview with Mr. Dimmesdale, Hester Prynne was shocked at the condition to which she found the clergyman reduced. ─── 在海丝特 - 白兰最近和丁梅斯代尔先生的那次独特的会面中,她发现牧师的健康状况大为下降,并为此深感震惊。

87、It was held to be the best possible measure for the young clergyman's welfare; ─── 人们认为,这是有利于年轻牧师的最好的可行措施。

88、A clergyman performed their ceremony on a beautiful Atlantic Ocean beach. ─── 在美丽的大西洋海滩上,一位牧师为他们主持了仪式。

89、KittyLydia were far from envying Miss Lucas, for Mr.Collins wasa clergyman; ─── 吉蒂和丽迪雅根本不羡慕卢卡斯小姐,因为柯林斯先生不过是个传教士而已;

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