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08-20 投稿


sloped 发音

英:[slo?pt]  美:[sl??pt]

英:  美:

sloped 中文意思翻译




sloped 常用词组

slope stability ─── 坡面稳定性

rock slope ─── 岩石边坡;石坡;岩石坡;石流坡

slope protection ─── 边坡保护,护坡;护坡工程

sloped 短语词组

1、sloped backyard ideas ─── 倾斜后院的想法

2、sloped typeface ─── 倾斜字体

3、sloped roof ─── 坡屋顶斜 ─── 坡屋面

4、sloped meaning ─── 倾斜的意思

5、sloped curb ─── 斜路缘

6、sloped mean ─── 倾斜平均值

7、sloped footing ─── 斜坡底脚

8、sloped ottoman ─── 倾斜脚凳

sloped 词性/词形变化,sloped变形

动词过去式: sloped |动词第三人称单数: slopes |名词: sloper |动词现在分词: sloping |动词过去分词: sloped |副词: slopingly |

sloped 相似词语短语

1、loped ─── v.大步慢跑;n.大步慢跑,大步踏走;n.(Lope)(美、西班牙)洛佩(人名)

2、slope ─── n.斜坡;倾斜;斜率;扛枪姿势;vi.倾斜;逃走;vt.倾斜;使倾斜;扛

3、slopped ─── 脏的

4、slowed ─── adj.慢的;减速的;迟钝的;vi.变慢;变萧条;vt.放慢;阻碍;adv.慢慢地;迟缓地;n.(Slow)人名;(英)斯洛

5、eloped ─── vi.私奔;潜逃

6、sloper ─── n.斜面点;铲坡机;异径接头;服装尺寸样板;n.(Sloper)人名;(英、葡)斯洛珀

7、stoped ─── v.(采矿中)用梯段法采矿(stope的过去式及过去分词)

8、slopes ─── n.倾斜,斜坡;[数]斜率;山坡翱(slope的复数形式)

9、scoped ─── v.评估;调查;审视(非正式)(scope的过去式和过去分词)

sloped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He slipped down on that steep slope. ─── 他在那个陡峭的斜坡滑倒。

2、His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill. ─── 他的小屋在山的缓坡上。

3、She puffed up the steep slope. ─── 她喘着粗气爬上了那个陡坡。

4、The slope is steep and the path narrow. ─── 坡陡路狭。

5、He puffed up the steep slope. ─── 他喘着气走上陡坡。

6、The steepness of the slope forbade ascent. ─── 坡度很陡,没法攀登。

7、We are amazed at his expertise on the ski slope. ─── 他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。

8、They got bored waiting for him and sloped off. ─── 他们等他等得不耐烦,就悄悄走了。

9、An old Ford laboured up the slope. ─── 一辆老式的福特汽车吃力地爬坡。

10、The tank was lumbering up a slope. ─── 坦克正隆隆地开上一个斜坡。

11、He ran lurching down the steep slope to the road. ─── 他蹒跚着冲下陡峭的山坡,来到公路上。

12、In time the slope will be safe and green. ─── 假以时日,将会成为绿化斜坡。

13、The general slope of a region. ─── 坡度一个地区的总坡度

14、To slope(a roof, for example) so as to shed water. ─── 使成斜面使(比如屋顶)倾斜以利于排水

15、She did not dare to bike down the abrupt slope. ─── 她不敢骑著自行车冲下陡峭的斜坡。

16、"Shucks!what do you want to slope for? ─── “胡说,干吗要溜走呢?”

17、A downward inclination or slope. ─── 倾斜向下的倾斜或斜坡

18、The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head. ─── 地面平平坦坦,但是天花板向他的头部倾斜。

19、He pedaled his way up the slope. ─── 他骑着脚踏车上坡。

20、The car can't come up, as the slope is so steep. ─── 坡太陡了,车子上不来。

21、An incline, especially of a road; a slope. ─── 坡度,特指道路,斜坡

22、The varying angles of roof slope. ─── 屋顶斜面多种多样的角。

23、A local farmer grazes his cattle on the slope. ─── 一个当地的农民在这个斜坡上放牧他的牛群。

24、You can't slope off now! Finish it. ─── 你别想溜,做完吧。

25、Start by traversing on moderate slope. ─── 先在比较缓和的雪坡上做穿越的动作。

26、These boys sloped up to the stage in their tatty blazers, with long hair flapping while their cultured parents clapped indulgently. ─── 这些男孩穿着破旧的运动夹克懒散地走上台,披头散发,与此同时,他们有教养的父母则溺爱般的鼓着掌。

27、The approach to the Gardens sloped like a hillside and the several parts of the structure rose from one another tier on tier. ─── 通往花园的阶梯像山坡一样陡然而下,伴随着一些层层相叠的台阶。

28、To cause to lean, slant, or slope. ─── 倾斜使倾斜、弯曲或斜向

29、Mr. Slope had thus left her quite bewildered. ─── 因此,斯洛普先生离开她的时候感到六神无主。

30、A small hard mound or bump on a ski slope. ─── 小坡,雪坡滑雪斜坡上的一个小而硬的丘或冲撞

31、Flatground: Tricks performed on a flat slope. ─── 平地花式。

32、Pasterns quite short, slightly sloped. ─── 骹骨:相当短,略微倾斜。

33、He sloped off without being seen. ─── 他人不知鬼不觉地溜走了。

34、A loose deposit of rock debris accumulated through the action of gravity at the base of a cliff or slope. ─── 塌积物在峭壁或斜坡底部由于重力作用堆积形成的岩石碎片松散的堆积物

35、A ridge with a gentle slope on one side and a cliff on the other. ─── 单面山一边是缓坡而另一边是悬崖的山脊

36、He slithered helplessly down the slope. ─── 他控制不住地滑下了坡。

37、A one-party state can be the start of the slippery slope towards fascism. ─── 一党专政有可能是滑向法西斯主义的起点。

38、The car at the top of the slope backed slowly down. ─── 坡顶上的那辆车慢慢地从斜坡上退下来。

39、There is no slope or angle to the croup. ─── 在臀部没有斜面和角度。

40、Dozens of MPs had sloped home, rather than vote. ─── 下院的几十名议员不投票回家了。

41、A stone came rolling down the slope. ─── 一块石头从山坡上滚了下来。

42、A thin thread of path dwindled and finally disappeared as it climbed the steep slope of the down. ─── 一条小径越远显得越细,在爬上土丘的陡坡时终于消失了。

43、Most people in the audience have sloped off. ─── 大多数听众已经溜走了。

44、Shoulders should be well sloped; blades well back and not too much width between them. ─── 肩胛倾斜,肩胛骨向后,彼此间没有很宽的距离。

45、She had no suspicion of Mr. Slope's intention. ─── 她一点儿没有料到斯洛普先生的用意。

46、He, in his sleigh pulled by nine reindeer, usually lands on slippery sloped roofs. ─── 他坐在由九头驯鹿拉着的雪橇上,在通常很滑的斜屋顶上降落。

47、Does your handwriting slope forward or backward ? ─── 你的书法向前斜还是向后斜?

48、Attach slope indicator below camera position. ─── 在摄像机下面装上水平仪。

49、You have to change down when you drive up a slope. ─── 当你开车爬坡时,得换成低速档。

50、The smooth road sloped invitingly before her. ─── 平展的山路诱人地倾斜在她面前。

51、I coasted down a gentle slope toward a river. ─── 俺一路下跌缓坡走向河。

52、The inverse of its slope is the speed of light. ─── 其倾斜的倒数是光速。

53、A long wagon train was snaking its way along the slope. ─── 一列长长的货车沿着山坡蜿蜒而行。

54、EUROPEAN bank presentations used to be filled with graphs of assets that sloped pleasingly upward. ─── 曾几何时,欧洲银行做陈述时,总是展示一幅幅上扬的资产曲线图,令人赏心悦目。

55、You groom ski slope before a competition . ─── 你在比赛前清扫一下滑雪坡道。

56、You should build on the level, not on the slope. ─── 你应该在平地上而不是在斜坡上建造房屋。

57、Does your handwriting slope forward or backward? ─── 你的书法向前斜还是向后斜?

58、As the enemy climbed the opposite cliff , we sloped our firing to follow them . ─── 当敌人爬向对面的山崖时,我们举枪向上朝他们射击。

59、They almost bit the dust skiing down that slope! ─── 他们滑下那个小坡时差点送了命!

60、The northern slope is very steep. ─── 北坡很陡。

61、To ascend a ski slope with the ski tips pointed outward. ─── 倒八字形上坡使滑撬末端指向外地上一斜坡

62、He sloped off without being seen. ─── 他人不知鬼不觉地溜走了。

63、To or toward higher ground; up a slope. ─── 上坡去到或朝向更高的地面地;上坡地

64、The roof of a house should be sloped in case of heavy rain . ─── 为防大雨,屋顶必须有坡度。

65、Let's slide down this grassy slope. ─── 咱们顺着这草坡滑下去吧。

66、The children like to roll down the small slope in the park. ─── 孩子们喜欢从公园里的小斜坡上滚下来。

67、They descended the slope towards the hamlet. ─── 他们顺坡下山, 向那个村子走去。

68、Slowly, steadily, it ascended the slope. ─── 它慢吞吞的,一步步的走上坡来。

69、Now you can start to coast down the slope . ─── 你现在可以开始顺坡向下滑行了。

70、In Rihanna's case, one of the alleged responses to a balcony being improperly sloped was that it was under a deep overhang. ─── 在蕾哈娜的案子中,其中一个反应是一个阳台的倾斜角度是错误的,它在一个深深的屋檐下面。

71、In the wind, the three oaks appeared staggering on the slope. ─── 在风中,坡上的三棵橡树像是摇晃欲倒似的。

72、The path sloped gently down. ─── 小路顺坡缓缓向下。

73、The bank sloped down sharply to the river. ─── 那座堤岸陡峭地朝着那条河倾斜下去。

74、He ran up the slope to the top of the hill. ─── 他爬上斜坡到了山顶。

75、The roof of a house should be sloped in case of heavy rain. ─── 为防大雨,屋顶必须有坡度。

76、A car clipped down the slope of the mountain. ─── 一辆汽车沿著山坡疾驰而下。

77、A descending slope, as in a road. ─── 下坡路等的下坡

78、The running water from the mountain top eroded a gulley along the slope. ─── 从山顶上流下的水在山坡上冲蚀出一条沟渠。

79、Does your handwriting slope forwards or backwards? ─── 你写的字是向前斜还是向后斜?

80、The public toilets are up a very steep slope. ─── 公共厕所在一个陡坡上。

81、If the glacier forms on a slope, it moves downhill. ─── 如果冰川形成在斜坡上,它则向山下移动,

82、The hospital is on the eastward slope of the hill. ─── 医院在小山的东坡。

83、They slope the grind so that the water can run away. ─── 他们将地面铺得有坡度以便水能流泻。

84、She watched his slow progress down the steep slope. ─── 她望着他慢慢走下陡坡。

85、A steep slope in front of a fortification. ─── 壕沟内壁防御工事前的陡峭的斜坡

86、He strode steadily up the slope. ─── 他大摇大摆地向山顶走去。

87、Snowboard your heart out on this perfect slope. ─── 在这个充满刺激的雪地斜坡上滑雪会怎样过瘾呢?

88、To slope (a roof, for example) so as to shed water. ─── 使成斜面:使(比如屋顶)倾斜以利于排水。

89、On the other side , the hill sloped more steeply . ─── 山的那边更为陡峭。

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