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08-20 投稿


alkalization 发音

英:[?lk?la??ze??(?)n]  美:[??lk?la??ze???n]

英:  美:

alkalization 中文意思翻译



alkalization 短语词组

1、alkalization meaning ─── 碱化意义

2、alkalization def ─── 碱化def

3、alkalization method ─── 碱化法

4、alkalization unit ─── 碱化装置

5、alkalization define ─── 碱化定义

6、alkalization process ─── 碱化过程

alkalization 相似词语短语

1、actualization ─── n.实现;现实化

2、globalization ─── n.全球化

3、animalization ─── n.兽性化,动物化

4、casualization ─── n.转为雇用临时工制;雇用临时工制

5、Balkanization ─── n.巴尔干化;分割成小国;割据

6、alkalinization ─── n.碱化

7、aldolization ─── n.醇醛缩合;羟醛缩合

8、palatalization ─── n.腭音化

9、alkalinisation ─── 碱化

alkalization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Using five kinds of different alkalized conditions in the experiment, the result showed that alkalization by strong ammonia was the best condition and obtained the highest rate of alkaloids. ─── 在实验中采用五种不同的磁化条件,结果证明以浓氨水进行碱化为最佳条件,生物减收率最高。

2、Interrelationship between the Primary Alkalization Parameters of Sodic Soil in the Da'an City, Jilin Province, China ─── 吉林省大安市苏打碱土碱化参数之间的关系

3、Keywords modified polymerized ferric sulphate;alkalization degree;sulfuric acid; ─── 改性聚合硫酸铁;盐基度;硫酸;

4、Keywords lignite;sulphonation;alkalization;heavy metal;adsorption.; ─── 褐煤;腐殖酸;磺化;碱化;重金属;吸附性能;

5、The fixation of phosphorus in gray desert soil is seriously affected by the high content of CaCO3, salinization and alkalization. ─── 对阜康地区灰漠土进行的磷吸附和解吸附实验表明,单施化肥,土壤对磷的吸附会随着施加量的增加而增加。

6、The lowest turbidity of treated water is 5NTU when the pH value is 8.5, the dosage is 3mg/L and alkalization is 7.5%. ─── 在聚合度为7.5%,pH值为8.5,投加量为3 mg/L时,出水浊度最低为5NTU左右。

7、Determination of arsenide in sodium hyaluronate by alkalization destroying ─── 碱破坏法测定玻璃酸钠中的砷盐

8、The equations of linear regression in these parameters of alkalization are analysed. ─── 建立了各碱化参数之间的线性回归方程,并对地下水体的碱化危害程度进行了评价。

9、Test and Research on Filming Technology through Alkalization and Equilibrium Phosphate Treatment for Power Station Boiler ─── 电站锅炉碱化造膜技术和平衡磷酸盐工况试验研究

10、Application of alkalization treatment technology to internal water cooling system of generators ─── 碱性处理技术在发电机内冷水系统中的应用

11、Zhang H C, Wang Z F, Li J Y, Ye X Q.Studies on adsorption characteristics of lignite activated by sulphonation or alkalization for heavy-metal ions [J].Environment Chemistry,1999,18(5): 482 - 487. ─── [4]张怀成,王在峰,李建义,叶新强. 褐煤经磺化及碱化处理对重金属离子的吸附性能研究[J]. 环境化学,1999,18(5): 482 - 487.

12、The effect of the concentration, the alkalization temperature and time on the esterification degree of the cellulose sulfonate are discussed. ─── 分析了碱化过程中氢氧化钠的浓度和温度、碱化时间对纤维素黄酸酯酯化度的影响。

13、Effects of Different Irrigation Water Quality on the Soil Alkalization and Studies on Alkaline Soil Improvement ─── 不同灌溉水质对土壤碱化影响及其改良效果的研究

14、saline alkal soil ─── 盐化碱土

15、alkal melting pan ─── 碱熔锅

16、degree of alkalization ─── 碱化度

17、Vegetation could mitigate salt amount in earth surface, and reduce the degree of soil alkalization. ─── 植物能够减少土壤表层积盐,并可以降低碱化度;苜蓿地比玉米地具有更低的钠吸附比值。

18、Keywords starch;alkalization;carboxymethyl starch;i(?)opropyl alcohol;mon(?)chloro(?)cetic acid; ─── 碱化处理;羧甲基淀粉醚;异丙醇;氧乙酸;

19、alkalization modification ─── 碱改性

20、Test and Research on Filming Technology through Alkalization and Equilibrium Phosphate Treatment for Power Station Boiler ─── 电站锅炉碱化造膜技术和平衡磷酸盐工况试验研究

21、mash alkalization ─── 浆状碱化

22、soil Alkalization ; conservation of water and soil ; afforestation project , greeing space, afforested area; forest coverage. ─── 土壤盐碱化2.水土保持3.造林工程4.绿化面积5.森林覆盖率

23、alkalization grassland ─── 碱化草原

24、The principle of alkalization treatment for silicon cleaning technology and the practice on 2×300 MW units in Pingliang Power Plant have been presented. ─── 摘要介绍碱化处理洗硅工艺的原理及平凉电厂2×300mw机组的洗硅实践。

25、alkal potassium persulphate oxidation ─── 碱性过硫酸钾氧化

26、Keywords methylbenzene;diversification;C_9 aromatic hydrocarbon;Alkalization;increase production;energy-saving;research; ─── 甲苯;歧化;C_9芳烃;烷基化;增产;节能;研究;

27、Keywords alkalization;measuring method and modification; ─── 碱化度;测定方法;改进;

28、Serious deterioration of agricultural soils will occur worldwide, due to erosion, loss of organic matter, desertification, salinization, alkalization, and waterlogging. ─── 因为侵蚀,有机质的丧失,沙漠化,盐碱化和水涝的原因,农业用地的严重退化将在世界范围内发生。

29、The lowest COD and turbidity of treated water is respective 5.1NTU and 148.8mg/L when the pH value is 8.5, the dose is 40mg/L and alkalization degree is 8.5. ─── 当聚合度为8.5,pH值为8.5,投加量为40 mg/L时,出水浊度为5.1NTU,COD的值为148.8mg/L,COD的去除率为71%。

30、Keywords polyester/polyamide compound fiber;segmentation;alkalization; ─── 涤锦复合丝;剥离工艺;碱减量;

31、Keywords beryl flotation fine concentrate;commercial beryllium oxide;high fluorine and high-Mg;pretretment;partial alkalization; ─── 绿柱石浮选粉矿;工业氧化铍;高氟高镁;预处理;局部过碱;

32、One of the major reasons of soil degradation, land resources shortage and ecological environment worse is land salt-alkalization. ─── 土地盐碱化是造成土壤退化、土地资源短缺和生态环境恶化的主要原因之一。

33、Relationship between salinization and alkalization of sodic soil in Da'an City ─── 吉林省大安市苏打碱土盐化与碱化的关系

34、The Alkalization Parameters and Their Influential Factors of Saline-Sodic Soil in the Songnen Plain ─── 松嫩平原苏打盐渍土碱化特征与影响因素

35、Comparative study on two different ways of hydration and alkalization in the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with high-dose methotrexate ─── 大剂量氨甲蝶呤治疗小儿急性淋巴细胞白血病水化和碱化方法的探讨

36、Keywords sulphonate;esterification degree;bamboo pulp;alkalization;cellulose; ─── 黄酸酯;酯化度;竹浆;碱化(浸渍);纤维素;

37、Hollow polymer particles can be obtained by core-shell emulsion polymerization on the base of the core particles and then by alkalization treatment of the core-shell latex particles. ─── 该核乳胶粒经过核-壳乳液聚合和适当的碱处理工艺就可成为具有中空结构的聚合物微球。

38、Treatment of Plant Fibre by Alkalization Process ─── 植物纤维的碱法处理

39、This delay of dissolution and the dissolution speed depend upon the solution alkal... ─── 溶解滞后和溶解速度与溶液的碱度有关,与树脂膜厚无关。

40、de alkalization ─── 脱碱作用

41、In areas which are prone to salinization-alkalization and water-logging, measures shall be taken to control and lower the groundwater level. ─── 在容易发生盐碱化和渍害的地区,应当采取措施,控制和降低地下水的水位。

42、Salinization and alkalization ─── 盐碱化

43、Saline alkal soil in northwest area ─── 西北地区盐碱地

44、Effects of Different Irrigation Water Quality on the Soil Alkalization and Studies on Alkaline Soil Improvement ─── 不同灌溉水质对土壤碱化影响及其改良效果的研究

45、Study on factors effecting alkalization degree of polymerized ferric sulphate ─── 聚合硫酸铁盐基度影响因素研究

46、Keywords Exploitation and utilization of water resources;protection of water environment;secondary salinization and alkalization;earth subsidence;water pollution; ─── 水资源开发利用;水环境保护;次生盐碱化;地面沉降;

47、Keywords carboxymethyl chitosan (CMC);two-step alkalization;isoelectric point precipitation,yield;degree of substitution (DS); ─── 羧甲基壳聚糖(CMC);两步加碱法;等电点沉降法;收率;取代度;

48、Alkalization of natural conglomerate ─── 天然石材泛碱

49、A Study on the Activation of Fly Ash Exited by Alkal ─── 碱对粉煤灰活性激发的研究

50、chlor - alkal ─── 氯碱

51、Parameters and Characteristics of Alkalization of Sodic Soil in Da'an City ─── 吉林省大安市苏打盐碱土碱化参数与特征分析

52、Soil salinization and alkalization ─── 土地盐碱化

53、Application of Weak Alkalization Technique to Inner Cooling Water of Generator ─── 发电机内冷水微碱化技术的应用

54、alkal stable pepsin ─── 碱稳定胃蛋白酶

55、natural cellulose linter pulp raw materials, HEC is the name of a series of products after alkalization and etherification. ─── 纤维素醚是以天然纤维素(棉桨粕或木桨粕)为基本原料,经过碱化、醚化反应而生成的一系列产品的总称。

56、The results reveal that land desertification,steppe degeneration,secondary soil salinization or alkalization,soil erosion and air pollution in urban areas are the most serious entironment problems. ─── 结果表明:土地沙漠化、草场退化、土壤次生盐碱化、水土流失及城市空气污染是该地区最为严重的环境问题。


58、Keywords Modified polyferric;Highly concentrated modified polyferric with high alkalization degree;Preparation; ─── 改性聚铁;高浓度高盐基度改性聚铁;生产方法;

59、soil alkalization ─── 土壤盐碱化

60、As natural cellulose linter pulp raw materials,HEC is the name of a series of products after alkalization and etherification. ─── 纤维素醚是以天然纤维素(棉桨粕或木桨粕)为基本原料,经过碱化、醚化反应而生成的一系列产品的总称。

61、Experimental Study on Factors Effecting Alkalization Degree of PFS ─── 影响聚合硫酸铁盐基度的因数分析

62、Alkal metals ─── 碱金属

63、Keywords Total alkaloids of flavescent sophora root;alkalization;extraction; ─── 关键词苦参总碱;碱化;萃取;

64、Keywords polymerized ferric sulphate;alkalization degree;assistflocculant.; ─── 聚合硫酸铁;盐基度;助聚剂;

65、The way to get the solution for the soil alkalization is pointed. ─── 本文对绿洲生态系统的动态稳定性作了初步探讨。

66、Application of double-needle intravenous route around 24-hour continuous hydration and alkalization in the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with high-dose methotrexate ─── 24小时持续水化、碱化在大剂量氨甲喋呤治疗儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病中的应用探讨

67、Key words:sodic soil;groundwater quality;salinization;alkalization;Da an City ─── 灌溉水质对土壤盐渍化的产生有着重要影响

68、Keywords jet nonwoven fabric;man made leather;polyvinylalcohol;alkalization degree;polymerization degree;filling finish; ─── 射流法非织造布;人造皮革;聚乙烯醇;碱化度;聚合度;上浆整理;

69、cell alkalization ─── 细胞碱化

70、Status Quo of Soil Salinization and Alkalization and Soil Amelioration in Huanghe River Irrigation Plot of Baiyin District ─── 白银区沿黄灌区盐碱土的现状调查及改良措施

71、And coatings containing aluminum layer should be avoided being applied in the galvanic corrosion environment due to the alkalization of corrosion of magnesium and its alloys. ─── 由于镁腐蚀发生碱化,所以防止电偶腐蚀的环境应避免选用含铝涂层体系。

72、cytoplastic alkalization ─── 细胞质碱化作用

73、Comparative method on the difference of two different ways for hydration and alkalization in the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with high - dose methotrexate ─── 大剂量甲氨喋呤治疗小儿急性白血病时两种水化、碱化方法的比较

74、Keywords polymerized ferric sulphate;alkalization degree;H_2O_2;flocculation performance; ─── 聚合硫酸铁;盐基度;双氧水;絮凝性能;

75、Experimental Research on Alkalization in Waterworks ─── 水厂加碱试验研究

76、The Alkalization Parameters and Their Changes in Vertical Orientation of Soda Solonetz Soil Profiles in the Da'an City, Jilin Province, China ─── 吉林省大安市苏打碱土碱化参数与特征

77、Using five kinds of different alkalized conditions in the experiment, the result showed that alkalization by strong ammonia was the best condition and obtained the highest yield rate of alkaloids. ─── 在实验中采用五种不同的碱化条件,结果证明以浓氨水进行碱化为最佳条件,生物碱收率最高。

78、alkalization treatment ─── 碱处理

79、OBJECTIVE Phyllanthus urinaria L.has many chemical constituents,such as flavonoids,lignans,alkal oids and so on.It has obvious effects on againsting the hepaitis B and little toxic to healthy. ─── 叶下珠含黄酮类、木脂素类、生物碱类、鞣质等多种成分,具有明显的抗乙型肝炎病毒活性及对肝损伤的保护作用,且毒副作用低,是一种值得深入开发的抗乙肝药物。

80、alkalization degree ─── 盐基度

81、The soil surface are commonly found with a high degree of alkalization. ─── 这部分碱化土壤一般表层碱化度较高,而巨碱化、盐化特点同时存在。

82、Soil salinity varied sharply in the zone, showing an obvious trend of alkalization. ─── 垦区的土壤含盐变异强烈,碱化倾向明显;

83、The machine's major used is the alkalization and dehydration in the course of fat oil's refinement. ─── YLYG系列脱色锅: 属于间歇性脱色设备,用于油脂的脱色、干燥、冷却等。

84、Study on Bacterial Salt Tolerance and Enzymatic Characteristic in Saline Alkal Soil of Shaanxi, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia ─── 黄河中上游半干旱区典型盐渍土中细菌耐盐性及产酶特性研究

85、Alkalization parameters ─── 碱化参数

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