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08-20 投稿


apostasies 发音


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apostasies 词性/词形变化,apostasies变形

名词复数: apostasies |

apostasies 短语词组

1、apostasies definition ─── 撇号定义

2、apostasies of the catholic church ─── 天主教会的叛徒行为

3、apostasies meaning ─── 背道意义

4、apostasies synonym ─── 撇号同义词

5、apostasies mean ─── 背弃意味

apostasies 相似词语短语

1、apostolises ─── 使徒

2、apostatized ─── vi.变节,脱党;放弃信仰

3、apostolizes ─── 使徒

4、apostatised ─── 叛徒

5、hypostasises ─── n.本质;原质;根本原理;下位(指遗传特性);坠积性充血

6、apostatizes ─── vi.变节,脱党;放弃信仰

7、apostatises ─── 背道

8、hypostasizes ─── v.假设某些观念等的实在性;将(抽象物)视为实体;视为现实

9、apostates ─── n.脱党者;变节者;叛教者;adj.变节的;脱党的;背教的

apostasies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your own wickedness will correct you, And your apostasies will reprove you. ─── 19你自己的恶必惩治你,你背道的事必责备你。

2、"Although our iniquities testify against us, O LORD, act for Your name's sake! Truly our apostasies have been many, We have sinned against You. ─── 耶和华阿、我们的罪孽、虽然作见证告我们、还求你为你名的缘故行事.我们本是多次背道、得罪了你。

3、Probably the most shocking element in these inspired statements is the revelation about the number of apostasies. ─── 或许在这些灵感之言中最令人震惊的成分就是关于背道数量的启示。

4、"Your own wickedness will correct you, And your apostasies will reprove you; ─── 你自己的恶必惩治你。你背道的事必责备你。

5、Although our iniquities testify against us, O Jehovah, act for Your name's sake, For our apostasies have become many; We have sinned against You. ─── 7耶和华阿,虽然我们的罪孽作见证告我们,还求你为你名的缘故行事;我们本是多次背道,得罪了你。

6、and encouraging believers to apostasies is also treated as a crime. ─── 并且,鼓励信徒背叛也被视为犯罪。

7、Everyone who goes out of them will be torn in pieces, Because their transgressions are many, their apostasies are numerous. ─── 凡出城的、必被撕碎。因为他们的罪过极多、背道的事也加增了。

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