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08-20 投稿


gapes 发音

英:[ɡe?ps]  美:[ɡe?ps]

英:  美:

gapes 中文意思翻译



gapes 短语词组

1、give sb the gapes ─── 使人打呵欠

2、have the gapes ─── 打呵欠

3、the gapes ─── 口吃

gapes 词性/词形变化,gapes变形

原型:gape s

gapes 相似词语短语

1、gapers ─── n.长蛤;打呵欠的人

2、apes ─── n.[脊椎]猿;猩猩;类人猿(ape的复数);v.模仿;仿效(ape的三单形式)

3、gales ─── n.盖尔斯(姓氏)

4、grapes ─── n.[园艺]葡萄(grape的复数)

5、capes ─── n.碎谷;n.(Capes)人名;(英)凯普斯;(葡)卡佩斯

6、Agapes ─── 同步文件夹

7、gaes ─── abbr.肉芽肿性阿米巴脑炎(granulomatousamoebicencephalitis);裂隙;n.(Gae)人名;(罗)加埃

8、gages ─── n.量规,标定测量头;[经]抵押品(gage的复数形式);v.以…做抵押(gage的三单形式)

9、Mapes ─── n.(Mapes)人名;(英)梅普斯

gapes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I didn't know who was new and would gape as I struggled to climb the school bus stairs. ─── 我不知道谁会是新来的学生,会在我艰难地爬校车时盯着我看。

2、A void of ruin at the very centre of the British world gapes upon us to this day. ─── 直至今日,在大英帝国的最中心还有一片空旷的废墟。

3、Don't gape : it's rude! ─── 别张着嘴傻瞪着, 太不礼貌了!

4、A nematode worm(Syngamus trachea)that infects the tracheas of certain birds and causes gapes. ─── 呵欠虫一种危害某些鸟类的气官并引起张口病的线虫(气管比翼线虫比翼属)

5、I am a gape of, now I don't know drive what strength order about, cross the lawn walk toward him to, hug him in the bosom. ─── 我原来是目瞪口呆的,现在我不知被什么力量所驱使,越过草地向他走去,把他拥在怀中。

6、On this, we can observe lovely kitten doggie carefully people, after they wake up, study extends ground stretch oneself, gape all over. ─── 在这一点上,我们可以仔细观察一下可爱的小猫小狗们,学习它们睡醒后全身舒展地伸懒腰、打哈欠。

7、He looks down at the gape void at his feet. ─── 他看着脚下张开的裂缝。

8、Chia-chu was rather taken aback by the idea of having to go and see the police, and could only gape and stare foolishly. ─── 听说是要他到公安分局去办什么事,曾家驹就楞住了。他瞪出一对圆眼睛,只顾呆呆地对着他父亲瞧。

9、We can learn kitten doggie people the whole body after waking up extends ground stretch oneself, gape. ─── 我们可以学习小猫小狗们睡醒后全身伸展地伸懒腰、打哈欠。

10、SUSAN: (gapes at JULIE) Tell me again why I fought for custody of you? ─── (怒目圆睁)告诉我为什么我要争夺你的抚养权?

11、The skin is torn and the flesh gapes open. ─── 形容伤势严重。多指受残酷拷打。

12、mouth width The gape; transverse distance between corners of the mouth. ─── 嘴宽口裂;横跨嘴巴的角落之间的距离。

13、gape field ─── 气隙场

14、the gapes ─── 张口病

15、They gape when more rooms are opened, exhibit profound depression of spirits, and are clearly knocked up. ─── 打开的门越来越多了,他们张着嘴在那儿呆呆地看着现出没精打采和疲惫不堪的样子。

16、Stay tapes are particularly Well suited for the flattering and very popular V and scooped neckline styles, unfortunately, both often gape and sag , destroying the wearer's comfort and confidence. ─── 牵带尤其适合漂亮并十分流行的V形领和汤匙领款式。美中不足,这两种款式的依领往往是敞开的并且下滑的,破坏了穿衣人的舒适感和自信心。

17、Still, many important questions remain unanswered, and a chasm gapes between the molecular and whole-brain research. ─── 仅管如此,许多重要的问题仍未解决;此外,全脑区位及其分子机制之间的研究仍然存在著隔阂。

18、gape erosion ─── 电极端腐蚀

19、the length of the gape is a straight-line measurement from the snout tip to the mouth angle; ─── 口裂的长度是一个从吻部顶端到嘴角的直线距离;

20、Then, sometimes, the door slowly opens and gapes _ for a moment. ─── 有时房门会慢慢打开,敞着不动。

21、Watch,listen,gape in bewilderment ─── 目瞪口呆地看着、听着、愣着.

22、Of the caves of Guilin, the Reed Flute Cave is one of the most fascinating haunts. Illumined by multi-coloured lights, the cave looks like a bejewelled world whose brilliant display of colour and light makes one gape. ─── 桂林无数的洞府中,最令人神往的是芦笛洞,在彩灯照耀中,整个洞天仿佛全用宝石珠翠装点镶嵌而成的五彩缤纷的世界,令游人叹为观止。

23、Owing to lack of data of engineering insurance claims, nowadays our engineering insurance industry being in leading strings, there is wide gape among china ,U. ─── 由于我国工程保险起步较晚,缺乏工程出险的数据,因而现阶段主要处于吸收消化阶段,在工程项目在险种的设置和工程保险在工程项目中的运用与欧美国家均存在有有较大的差距。

24、Tell me everything, Yellow River. Let me write it all on that exam so that the old men marking it will gape and stare. ─── 你告诉我一切吧,黄河,让我把一切全写上那张考卷,让那些看卷的老头目瞪口呆。

25、gape worm ─── 比翼线虫

26、gape after ─── vt. 渴望得到

27、Dont gape : its rude! ─── 别张着嘴傻瞪着,太不礼貌了!

28、A void of ruin at the very centre of the British world gapes upon us to this day. ─── 直至今日,在大英帝国的最中心还有一片空旷的废墟。

29、The paper discussed the ways of training larynx with gape and sound vowel U, it will help to develop the singing potential of larynx. ─── 借助于“打哈欠”和“u”母音训练喉头,不断地开发喉头的歌唱潜能。

30、He that gapes till he be fed will gape till he be dead. ─── 张嘴等喂,张嘴等死。

31、Can die already skin, can let labial strong pliable but strong again, not be afraid of gape. ─── 既能去唇上死皮,又能让嘴唇强韧,不怕打哈欠了。

32、A custom-made oral device was used to keep the mandible in titrated jaw opening at 0%(F75 V0 ) , 50% (F75 V50), 75% (F75V75), 100% (F75 V100 ) of the maximum gape with 75% of the maximum advancement,. ─── 使用特制口腔装置从下颌最大前伸位的75%(F_(75)V_0)开始,依次调节至50%(F_(75)V_(50)),75%(F_(75)V_(75)),100%(F_(75)V_(100))的张开量处。

33、Why can be gape and cough infected? ─── 为什么打哈欠和咳嗽会传染?

34、The limitation of gape 3-DRTP is: 7/108(6.5%), 2-DRTP is 12/53(22.6%). ─── 张口受限三维计划为7/108(6.5%);二维计划为12/108(22.6%)。

35、He had traveled all over Europe, proving that words could take you to places so glorious and so far from the place you came from that your own kin could only gape in wonder and envy. ─── 他足迹遍及欧洲各地,这证明以文字为媒,能把一个人从出生的地方,带到如此荣耀和如此遥远的地方,而令亲戚们又羡慕又妒忌。

36、Why can be gape and cough infected each other? ─── 为什么打哈欠和咳嗽会相互传染啊?

37、Don`t gape : it`s rude ! ─── 别张着嘴傻瞪着,太不礼貌了!

38、On the higher fishes the maxillary is excluded from the gape, and the premaxillary bears the teeth. ─── 在较高等的鱼,上颌骨不包括口裂,而且前上颌骨有齿。

39、Most of us who play a bit can only gape and marvel at the pristine technique of Lagoya and Presti. ─── 我们大多数能弹一点吉他的人都只能对拉戈雅和普蕾斯蒂质朴干净的技巧瞠目结舌了。

40、Make whatever you make twice as well.Improve the quality of your work until people have no choice but to stop and gape. ─── 在你提高你产出的同时, 要不断提高你产出的质量直到人们对你惊叹不已。

41、Why the person old gape of rhinitis? ─── 为什么鼻炎的人老打哈欠?

42、tag,标签,songs so numbingly gorgeous you will not know what hit you as you gape in awe(), ─── 本网站歌曲内容为猫扑自动搜索的结果,可能受著作权保护,猫扑与歌曲的出处无关.

43、With their mouth they gape at me; They strike my cheek reproachfully; They mass themselves together against me. ─── 10他们向我开口,打我的脸羞辱我,聚集一起攻击我。

44、Keywords Aortic dissection;Image examination;Endomembrane gape;Calcific endomembrane;True of false cavities; ─── 主动脉夹层血肿;影像学检查;内膜撕裂;内膜钙化;真假腔;

45、They gape at me and say, 'Aha! ─── 他们张大嘴巴攻击我,说:“啊哈!

46、After arrangement is secure, dozen gape, trap an idea since, I also much didn't think, then arrive old four of bed top sleep. ─── 安排妥后,打了个哈欠,困意顿起,我也没多想,便到老四的床上睡了。

47、The gape of brother-in-law uncle. ─── 小叔叔目瞪口呆。

48、Don't gape foolishly at people. ─── 别傻乎乎地瞪着眼睛看人。

49、The children gape and stare at me and don't know who I am. ─── 家乡的口音,虽然还没有改变,可是我的两鬓都已经白了。

50、My left ear is very painful recently, my gape when the metropolis is faint pain, do I want to ask what symptom this is? ─── 最近我的左耳朵很痛,我打哈欠的时候都会隐隐作痛,我想问问这是什么症状啊?

51、He must be a very strange-looking camel driver for people to gape like that. ─── 他必定是个很奇怪的拉骆驼的,他想; 要不然,大家为什么这样呆呆的看着他呢?

52、To stare or gape stupidly. ─── 愚蠢地盯着或打哈欠

53、Watch as his huge hole gapes open, wider and wider with each powerful punch! ─── 看着他的巨大差距仍在孔开放,扩大与各冲床强大!

54、I am tongue-tied, gape:"But, you don't have the problem which solve me." ─── 我张口结舌,目瞪口呆:“可是,你并没有解决我的问题。”

55、framed gape net ─── 框架式船张网

56、gape at ─── vt. 瞪眼看(目瞪口呆地凝视)

57、His shirt gapes open with a button missing. ─── 他的衬衫因丢了一颗纽扣而敞开着。

58、He's a sharp;he gapes for nothing but money. ─── 他是个大骗子,他所渴望的只是钱。

59、The group gapes in awe at a full-masted wooden ship perched in the highest branches of one of the tall trees. ─── 当这群人看到一只挂在一棵很高的树的最高树枝上的帆船后,他们感到恐惧和震惊。

60、Serious person can appear durative ache, the masticatory even, ache when biting content, gape, speech. ─── 严重者可出现持续性疼痛,甚至咀嚼、咬物、打哈欠、讲话时疼痛。

61、A customer angrily run into tailor shop and the fashionable dresses which point at storekeeper to his design say:"My station turn Cape to gape in the street and two people fill letter into my mouth!" ─── 一个顾客气愤地跑进裁缝店,指着店主给他设计的时装说:“我站在街道拐角打哈欠,两个人把信塞进我嘴里!”

62、"There was, after 2001, a change of approach, a form of mission creep, whereby we took on far more priorities than simply security and removing al-Qaeda and the Taliban as their host," Gapes said. ─── “在2001年后,我们在阿富汗的战略发生了变化,部队的使命慢慢改变了。开始我们的目的仅仅是确保安全,清剿基地组织和塔利班,而之后我们增加了太多重要的任务。

63、Then, sometimes, the door slowly opens and gapes ajar for a moment. ─── 有时房门会慢慢打开,敞着不动。

64、stare open-mouthed; gape with astonishment ─── 张口结舌

65、SUSAN: (gapes at JULIE) Tell me again why I fought for custody of you? ─── (怒目圆睁)告诉我为什么我要争夺你的抚养权?

66、This reply came as a cold douche to Feng Yun-ching, who could only gape in consternation at Li Chuang-fei's plump, impudent face, waiting for him to go on. ─── 是冷冷的回答。 冯云卿发急地望着李壮飞的饱满精悍的面庞,盼望他下面还有话;

67、Then looking at a big gorilla to gape hope you:Darling, return to have than my severe of!! ─── 然后看着大猩猩目瞪口呆地望着你:乖乖,还有比我厉害的!!

68、watch, listen, gape in bewilderment ─── 目瞪口呆地看着、 听着、 愣着.

69、The gape that I see, the hand which put on the pants zipper hasn't been dare to take down. ─── 我看的目瞪口呆,那只放在裤子拉链上的手一直没敢拿下来。

70、Turns gapes in a book ─── 能逐页翻阅图书

71、gape net ─── 舷张网

72、Once their bodies warm up, they open their mouths in a gape to dissipate excess heat from the tongue. ─── 一旦身体暖和了,便又张开嘴用舌头散发多余的热量。

73、net gape ─── 网口

74、Culture of gape variety'Yatomi Rosa'on protective ground ─── 大棚栽培粉红亚都蜜葡萄的技术

75、sometimes, the door slowly opens and gapes ajar for a moment. ─── 有时房门会慢慢打开,敞着不动。

76、It is still hard to decide which of his many facets to gape at with the most awe. ─── 很难决定他的哪个精彩演出是最令人叫绝的。

77、he delights in the presence of his inferiors,who will gape at his perfections and exploits;and become at last the victim of those who praise him;for none are more taken in by flattery than the proud. ─── 他喜欢面对不如他的人们,那种人会对他的优点和伟业表现出目瞪口呆的样子他最终会成为赞扬他的人们的牺牲品:因为最为阿谀所欺骗的人,就是傲慢之人。

78、The line along which the jaws of a fish close; the length of the gape is a straight-line measurement from the snout tip to the mouth angle; opening of the mouth, measured tranversely. ─── 口裂沿著一条鱼关闭的颚的那条线;口裂的长度是一个从吻部顶端到嘴角的直线距离;嘴巴的开口,横向测量的。

79、His shirt gapes open with a button missing. ─── 他的衬衫因丢了一颗纽扣而敞开着。

80、Abstract: Our country takes the way of developing sports association and sports club these years, but there is a great gape to go comparing with developed country. ─── 摘要:近几年我国尝试发展体育俱乐部,但是在实际运作中,与发达国家还有很大的距离。

81、6.The word "love" bridges for us those chasms of momentary indifference and boredom which gape from time to time between even the most ardent lovers. ─── "爱情"这个字眼能为我们消除即使在最热烈的恋人中有时也会出现的短暂冷漠与厌烦所带来的隔阂。

82、Earth, gape! O, no, it will not harbour me! ─── 我急忙要奔进洞穴。洞穴--阿嚏!啊,不,它不能将我隐匿!

83、Watch as his huge hole gapes open, wider and wider with each powerful punch! ─── 看着他的巨大差距仍在孔开放,扩大与各冲床强大!

84、The gap gapes to 11% when they are in their 30s, skulking down in the service lift to fetch offspring from school or taking sick leave when it is their child who is ill. ─── 而进入三十岁后,她们要常常偷偷摸摸地乘坐员工电梯到学校接孩子或者在孩子生病时候自己也请病假,这时候的薪酬差距能扩大到11%。

85、After that, the paper point out to gapes in three sides, through home, education, society, to regularity of talent, in fact, it is present state and key question to fostering talent. ─── 然后以此为线索,指出了我国当前三大人才培养渠道即家庭、教育、社会中所存在的与人才培养规律不相符合之处,也就是我们当前人才培养的现状及所面临的主要问题。

86、You may gape long enough ere a bird fall into your mouth ─── 有鸟会掉进你的嘴巴;你尽可长打呵欠来等它

87、The week knife knife take newspaper to make a gape form, later on right away dizzy vegetables! ─── 周刀刀拿着报纸作目瞪口呆状,随后当即晕菜!

88、3.Dont gape : its rude! ─── 别张著嘴傻瞪著, 太不礼貌了!

89、A nematode worm(Syngamus trachea) that infects the tracheas of certain birds and causes gapes. ─── 呵欠虫一种危害某些鸟类的气官并引起张口病的线虫(气管比翼线虫比翼属)。

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