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08-20 投稿


leone 发音

英:[li?o?n]  美:[li????n?]

英:  美:

leone 中文意思翻译




leone 词性/词形变化,leone变形


leone 常用词组

sierra leone ─── n. 塞拉利昂(非洲)

leone 短语词组

1、Sierra Leone n. ─── 塞拉利昂

2、leone tea ─── 利昂茶

3、leone anime ─── 利昂动漫

4、Sierra Leone monetary unit ─── [网络] 塞拉利昂货币单位

5、leone video leone ─── 视频

6、leone abbacchio ─── 狮子吠声

7、leone timing syracuse ─── 锡拉丘兹

8、Sierra Leone English ─── 塞拉利昂英语

9、sunny leone ─── 珊妮·粱妮

10、vii o leone ─── 七、利昂

11、capital of Sierra Leone ─── [网络] 塞拉利昂首都

12、leone lewis ─── 利昂·刘易斯

13、sunny leone youtube sunny leone youtube

14、miriam leone ─── 米里亚姆·利昂

15、leone akame ga kill ─── 利昂·阿卡姆·加·基尔

16、Republic of Sierra Leone ─── [网络] 塞拉利昂共和国;狮子山共和国;狮子山共和国首都

17、leone x tatsumi ─── 利昂×鞑靼

18、leone chiropractor ─── 利昂脊医

19、leone lattes ─── 利昂拿铁

leone 相似词语短语

1、-enne ─── n.(Enne)人名;(芬)恩内

2、leonine ─── adj.狮子的,狮子般的

3、-ene ─── abbr.东北东(east-northeast);n.(Ene)人名;(罗)埃内;(爱沙)埃娜

4、-done ─── adj.完成的;做好了的;煮熟的;合乎礼仪(规矩)的;不再发生的;为社会所接受的(非正式);int.(表示接受建议)行,好;v.做(do的过去分词);n.(Done)(美、英、罗马尼亚)多恩(人名)

5、lone ─── adj.单身的;独自的;寂寞的;人迹稀少的;n.(Lone)人名;(西、肯)洛内;(丹)隆娜;(缅)伦

6、-gone ─── adj.离去的;死去的;神情恍惚的;无望的;很棒的;不复存在的;怀孕(一定时间)的;用光的;迷恋某人;v.走;行进;去(参加活动);(为了某目的)到;(起跑口令)开始(go的过去分词)

7、-eons ─── n.万古;永世(eon的复数)

8、Leone ─── n.利昂(塞拉利昂货币单位);n.(Leone)人名;(英、葡、德、意)莱昂内

9、leones ─── n.雷昂内斯(西班牙足球队名)

leone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They have spread into areas of Lofa County and Gbarpolu County, bordering Guinea and Sierra Leone. ─── 他们散布到与几内亚和塞拉利昂接壤的洛法县和巴波卢县地区。

2、Leon: Yes, I can tell... The power of hatred and destruction that the whip has against vampires... ─── 利:没错,我知道。这皮鞭所拥有的仇恨和毁灭的力量是可以摧毁吸血鬼的...

3、Leon:You played some as well and foten spun the ball so muchm,it nearly burnt a hole through my racket. ─── 你也打了一些很好的球并且常常将球旋转得很厉害,它几乎可以在我的球拍上戳出一个洞来。

4、Leon Stuart reported what he saw to the publication The Strolling Astronomer. ─── 利昂?斯图亚特向《漫步着的天文学家》杂志报告了他所看到的现象。

5、Leon: I realize that, but... ─── 利:我知道,可是...

6、Leon: Why is a vampire locked away here? ─── 利:为什么一个吸血鬼会被囚禁在此?

7、Old man: Leon... You're not... Baron Leon Belmondo? ─── 利昂...你是利昂.贝尔蒙特男爵?

8、In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education. ─── 在塞拉利昂,所有基础教育都用英语授课。

9、Surveys of Sierra Leone and Guinea Bissau waters found that levels of illegal fishing at 29% and 23%. ─── 塞拉利昂和几内亚比绍水域的调查发现,非法捕鱼比例分别为29%和23%。

10、Hmmm.There will be another time. Have you had a chance to eliminate Leon? ─── 嗯。还有的是机会。你可曾遇到机会把里昂给除掉吗?

11、Leon received his baptism of fire in a naval battle when he was eighteen years old. ─── 利昂18岁时有了第一次海战的经历。

12、Sara: Leon! You came to save me. ─── 利昂,你来救我了!

13、Forna grew up in Sierra Leone, though she was born in Glasgow and spent a good chunk of her life in the UK. ─── 福纳在塞拉利昂(SierraLeone)长大,虽然她出生于格拉斯哥(Glasgow),并且在英国生活了很长时间。

14、The bottom ten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the bottom of the list. ─── 处于末端的十个国家均是非洲国家,塞拉利昂(西非)排在最后。

15、Leon: And Walter has the Ebony Stone in his possession? ─── 利:而沃尔特拥有着漆黑之石吗?

16、The Sierra Leone Authorities fully supported the prosecution of their officer and did not ratify his claim to diplomatic immunity. ─── 塞拉里昂当局支持本港检控其官员,并拒绝认可其外交豁免特权。

17、It was the only airline prepared to land in Sierra Leone and was doing most of its business taking people out. ─── 这是唯一一家在塞拉利昂飞行的航空公司,而且大部分业务是把人们送出该国。

18、The records' release would give al Qaeda "ready-made" propaganda ammunition, the CIA's Leon Panetta said. ─── 中情局的帕内塔说,这些记录的公开会给基地组织提供“现成的”宣传弹药。

19、Cordero, C.T.J.Dodson, and Manuel de Leon. ─── 书名/作者 Differential geometry of frame bundles /Luis A.

20、If they were polished in-country, then Sierra Leone might have seen somewhere near the real value of this incredible natural resource. ─── 假如钻石是在国内打磨,那么塞拉利昂就可以得到钻石这种神奇自然资源大部分的价值。

21、Sir Leon said that in the future, computers would be developed which would be small enough to carry. ─── 利昂爵士说,将来可能会制造出一种携带方例的袖珍计算机。

22、But the index finds that all 22 countries falling into its "low human development" category are in sub-Saharan Africa, with Sierra Leone last. ─── 但今年的 “人类发展指数”排行显示,居于“低人类发展水平”之列的所有22个国家都位于撒哈拉以南非洲地区,塞拉利昂排在最后一名。

23、You didn't disappoint me, Leon, I knew without a doubt that you would accomplish this. ─── 你没让我失望,利昂,我就知道你会不出差错的完成这一切的。

24、Leon: [ww.gaoav comcrashes through Kasumi's door] Room service. ─── 利昂:(冲进了霞的房间)客房服务。(这里带有隐晦的性暗示)

25、Leon: This feeling... Are you a vampire?! ─── 利:这种感觉....你是个吸血鬼?!

26、Leon was out of work and broke, and he was at the end of his rope. ─── 利昂失了业,身无分文,已是山穷水尽了。

27、Sierra Leone and Burundi have been designated as the first two beneficiaries. ─── 塞拉里昂与布隆迪被选定为最先两个受益国。

28、Sir Leon has special responsibility for the development of trade between Europe and China. ─── 他专门负责欧华之间的贸易发展。

29、Hotel Leon Bianco : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

30、Carl Leone, 32, pleaded guilty to 15 counts last April after failing to inform his sexual partners of his HIV status. ─── 卡尔,立昂,32岁,去年四月已经承认未能对其共计15名性伴侣未能告知他的艾滋病状况。

31、The lady in the middle is my mother. Her name is Leone. ─── 中间这位女士是我的妈妈,她的名字是利昂。

32、Just Leon Belmondo. I have given up my title. And you, old man? ─── 只是利昂。贝尔蒙特。我放弃了我的爵位。而你呢?老人家?

33、Il mio nemico somiglia ad un leone che brama lacerare, ad un leoncello che s’appiatta ne’ nascondigli. ─── 他们像急于撕碎猎物的狮子,又像蹲伏在隐密处的幼狮。

34、First impressions of Sierra leone. ─── 对塞拉利昂的第一印象。

35、Liberian refugees in Sierra Leon. ─── 利比里亚难民在塞拉利昂。

36、The basic unit of money in Sierra Leone,equal to 100 cents. ─── 塞拉利昂基本货币单位,相当于100分。

37、Sereni captured a Borriello header and turned Leon's strike out for a corner. ─── 塞雷尼扑住博列洛的头球射门,把莱昂的射门扑出底线。

38、Tu camminerai sul leone e sull’aspide, calpesterai il leoncello e il serpente. ─── 你必践踏狮子和虺蛇。你必踏碎少壮狮子和大蛇。

39、Leone discovered he was HIV positive in 1997, seven years before he was arrested in June 2004. ─── 从1997年立昂发现他患有艾滋病一直到2004年被逮捕相隔了七年时间。

40、A similar body for Sierra Leone won the first conviction for sex slavery (and another over the use of child soldiers). ─── 一个类似的特别法庭在塞拉利昂首次将使用性奴隶(及儿童军)定罪。

41、What are you doing in Sierra Leone... ─── 你在塞拉利昂干嘛?

42、Leon: You promised, answer me. What is the Ebony stone? ─── 利:像你保证过的,回答我,什么是漆黑之石!!

43、The malaria-carrying mosquito is honoured in Sierra Leone today for making the country the "white man's grave" in the past and preventing Europeans settling there. ─── 塞拉利昂的疟蚊,由于它过去曾使这个国家成为“白人的坟墓”, 使欧洲人无法在此定居,如今受到了人们的赞誉。

44、Leon made out of the office at once on hearing the news. ─── 利昂一听到这消息就马上离开了办公室。

45、Leon: I know, Rinaldo! I do know. but... ─── 利:我知道,莱昂纳多!!我知道,可是...

46、Clements, Leon F.Burrell.M.Jerry Weiss, reading consultant . ─── 书名/作者 Profiles :/a collection of short biographies//Zacharie J.

47、The change is based on what are seen as success stories in Sierra Leone and Nepal, both coming out of a long and bitter conflict/. ─── 作出这样的改变是依据塞拉利昂和尼泊尔已有的成功事例,此前两国都结束了当地长期痛苦的争斗。

48、Leon: Wouldn't the Crimson Stone work for humans as well? ─── 利:这样说来深红之石也对人类有利了?

49、Leon won the match, and now they are leaving and talking about the match. ─── 利昂赢得了比赛,现在他们正准备离开,谈论着刚才的比赛。

50、Edited by Leon Bramson and George W.Goethals. ─── 书名/作者 War:studies from psychology, sociology, anthropology.

51、Mr. Leon said in the future, computer would be developed which would be small enough to carry in the pocket. ─── 利昂先生说,将来会生产出小得可以放在口袋里的计算机。

52、A mother takes care of her malarial child in the intensive care unit at an MSF hospital in Sierra Leone. ─── 塞拉利昂一所无国界医生医院的深切治疗部,一名母亲陪伴患上疟疾的儿子。

53、Leon: Is that- that stone... the Crimson Stone? ─── 利:那...那块宝石...是深红之石?!

54、Cecilia Tallis: No I told you I wouldn't. Leon waited outside the hospital last week I just pushed past him. ─── 塞西莉亚:不,我告诉过你我不会的。上周里昂等在医院外面,我只是从他身边挤过去了。

55、Leon didn't finish his geometry homework because his mind kept jumping the track to think about the new girl in class. ─── 利昂没完成几何作业,因为他思想总在开小差,想着班上新来的女生。

56、For example, it says Freetown, Sierra Leone, has established farming within the city limits to meet much of its growing food demands. ─── 例如弗里敦和塞拉利昂已经在城市范围内制定农事,以满足正在增长的食物需求。

57、Harvey, Leon Goure [and] Vladimir Prokofieff.With a foreword by Foy D.Kohler. ─── 书名 :Science and technology as an instrument of Soviet policy[by] Mose L.

58、A child born in Japan has a chance of living 43 years longer than a child born in Sierra Leone. ─── 一个出生在日本的儿童可能比出生在塞拉利昂的儿童多活43年。

59、Major Cities: Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla, Ciudad Juarez, Leon, Tijuana, Acapulco de Juarez, Chihuahua. ─── 主要城市:墨西哥城、瓜达拉哈拉、蒙特雷、普埃布拉、华雷斯城、莱昂、蒂华纳、阿卡普尔科-德华雷斯、奇瓦瓦。

60、Leon: Are you the legendary monster that turns people to stone? ─── 利:你就是那传说中将人变成石像的怪物吗?

61、Leon: Yes, you're right. I do understand how you feel... I, too... ─── 利:没错,你是对的。我确实理解你的感受...我也一样......

62、In Sierra Leone, by contrast, no one will mourn Mr Taylor's incarceration. ─── 不过在塞拉利昂,却没有人会对泰勒先生的羁押感到难过惋惜。

63、Leon Nacson: The simplest way to help the environment is not to impact on it. ─── 利昂·可森:保护环境最简单的方法就是不要去摧残它。

64、Leon: Just Leon Belmondo. I have given up my title. And you, old man? ─── 利:只是利昂.贝尔蒙特...我放弃了我的爵位。而你呢?老人家?

65、If the British Treasury can be out by a factor of ten, think what the ministry of finance in Sierra Leone is going to be like. (Laughter). ─── 假若英国财政部的亏损额可达到10的倍数,那么想想塞拉利昂的财政部会做出什么事来。

66、Per capita GDP is 45 times higher in Iceland than in Sierra Leone. ─── 冰岛的人均GDP为塞拉利昂的45倍。

67、Leon: Tell me, is this whip effective against him? ─── 利:告诉我,这皮鞭对他有效吗?

68、He was ordered to delay the enemy before Leon. ─── 他受命在里昂前方阻滞敌人。

69、Sierra Leone is desperately poor. ─── 塞拉利昂是一个十分贫穷的国家。

70、His Great grandfather is the Great Leon of Vaudeville fame. ─── 他的曾祖父是杂耍表演名望伟大的利昂。

71、Sierra Leone is located in Western Africa bordering the North Atlantic Ocean between Guinea and Liberia. ─── 塞拉利昂位于西非,在新几内亚与利比里亚之间,面对著北大西洋。

72、A man named Leon Stuart of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was taking pictures of the moon. ─── 俄克拉何马州塔尔萨的一个名叫利昂?斯图亚特的男子那天正在为月亮照相。

73、The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has the worst score (highest level of hunger), followed by Eritrea, Burundi, Niger, and Sierra Leone. ─── 刚果获得了最差的得分(最高级的饥饿程度),紧随其后的是厄立特里亚,布隆迪,尼日尔和塞拉利昂...

74、On Mr Annan's watch the UN also contributed to peace efforts in Congo, Sierra Leone, Liberia and elsewhere. ─── 在安南的领导下,联合国对维持刚果,塞拉利昂,利比里亚等国家的和平起了举足轻重的作用。

75、A basic unit of currency in Sierra Leone. ─── 利昂塞拉利昂的基本货币单位

76、RUF was a revolutionary group based in Sierra Leone in WesternAfrica. ─── RUF是成立于西非塞拉里昂的革命组织。

77、It is as if, suddenly, the Internet were awash with pictures of the C. I. A. director, Leon E. Panetta, cavorting half-naked on vacation. ─── 这就好像突然间,互联网上充斥着中央情报局(C.I.A)局长昂·帕内塔(LeonE.Panetta)在旅游景点半裸着蹦跳的照片。

78、Leon: I have a question, Rinaldo. ─── 利:我有个问题,莱昂纳多。

79、Leon Nacson: Air and water pollution are our Number One priorities. ─── 利昂·可森:空气和水污染是我们关注的首要问题。

80、No! You just say that so that I won't worry! I don't wanna lose you Leon! ─── 不要!你想让我走!里昂,不!我不能失去你!

81、CNN presents an extraordinary documentary on Sierra Leone. ─── CNN为您播出震撼性的塞拉利昂纪录片。

82、Leon: Rinaldo. What must I do? ─── 利:莱昂纳多...我该怎么做?

83、Shayne Ward.Leona Lewis and Leon Jackson. ─── 前四季冠军分别是 Steve Brookstein.

84、Leon: Yes, he abducted my betrothed... How did you know that? ─── 利:对,他绑架了我的未婚妻...你怎么知道?

85、Leon:Ha!You think a man like you can defeat my platoon. ─── 利昂:哈!难道你认为你可以击溃我的队伍吗?

86、It is Sunday afternoon, and Jim and Leon have just played a match of singles tennis. ─── 周日下午,吉姆和利昂刚打了一场网球单打赛。

87、Sierra Leone is desperately poor. ─── 塞拉利昂是赤贫国。

88、There is no doubt that the reasons for international investors to consider Sierra Leone as their choice for investment are many. ─── 毫无疑问,对国际投资人来说,投资塞拉利昂的理由是丰富的。

89、Leon: But if the Ebony Stone reappeared, then the Crimson Stone... ─── 利:但如果漆黑之石正在发挥作用,那深红之石...

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