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08-20 投稿


forenotice 发音


英:  美:

forenotice 中文意思翻译



forenotice 相似词语短语

1、forensic ─── adj.法医的;法院的;辩论的;适于法庭的;n.司法鉴定手段;司法鉴定部门

2、short notice ─── 临时通知

3、foretime ─── n.过去;已往

4、to notice ─── 注意

5、serve notice ─── 正式通知

6、forestine ─── adj.森林的

7、forensics ─── n.辩论术;法医学

8、prior notice ─── 事先通知;预先通报

9、forestick ─── 弗雷斯蒂克

forenotice 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But i would like to give you a kindly advice, never hang up someone's phone without any forenotice, that not civilized. ─── 发出邮件后,我心想这个人看到我的邮件后应该会对自己无礼的行为做一个反醒吧,应该会回复邮件道一声抱歉吧!

2、forenotice register ─── 预告登记

3、Administrative decision forenotice is an important system of administrative procedure. ─── 行政决定预告是一项重要的行政程序制度。

4、Reflection on Setting up a Forenotice Registration System ─── 关于建立不动产预告登记的若干思考

5、Forenotice registration, firstly written in German civil law in the middle age, is an important component of real property adscription registration system. ─── 预告登记,为德国中世纪民法创立的制度,是不动产物权登记制度的重要组成部分。

6、I have never enjoyed the three episodes of the drama., but I have already seen the forenotice of episode 5. ─── 我还没有看过前三集,但是大家所说的那个第五集预告倒是看了。

7、The basic elements of administrative decision forenotice include term, content and manner of the forenotice. ─── 行政决定预告的基本要素包括预告的期限、内容和方式。

8、14.participate general member salons of whole year freely(enclosure of activity forenotice table); ─── 可以免费参加全年的普通会员沙龙活动(附活动预告表 );

9、basic elements of administrative decision forenotice include term, content and manner of the forenotice. ─── 行政决定预告的基本要素包括预告的期限、内容和方式。

10、At the same time, it puts forward collaboration forenotice system to improve the validity. ─── 同时,为了提高项目管理的有效性,提出了项目协同管理的协同性预警系统。

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