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08-20 投稿


paralysis 发音

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英:  美:

paralysis 中文意思翻译



paralysis 常用词组

vocal cord paralysis ─── n. 声带麻痹

sleep paralysis ─── 睡眠瘫痪症;睡眠麻痹

flaccid paralysis ─── 驰缓性麻痹;弛缓性瘫痪;松弛性麻痹;软瘫

paralysis 短语词组

1、acoustic paralysis ─── [医] 听神经麻痹, 神经性聋

2、acute ascending spinal paralysis ─── [医] 急性上行性脊髓麻痹, 兰德里氏麻痹

3、adductor paralysis ─── [医] 收肌麻痹

4、apoplectiform bulbar paralysis ─── [医] 卒中状延髓性麻痹

5、acute wasting paralysis ─── [医] 急性消瘦性麻痹, 脊髓灰质炎

6、ambiguo-accessorius paralysis ─── [医] 疑核副神经核性麻痹, 施密特氏综合征

7、abducens paralysis ─── [医] 展神经麻痹(眼外直肌麻痹)

8、anterior spinal paralysis ─── [医] 脊髓前角麻痹, 脊髓前角灰质炎

9、ambiguospinothalamic paralysis ─── [医] 疑核脊髓丘脑性麻痹, 阿费利斯氏综合征

10、ambiguohypoglossal paralysis ─── [医] 疑核舌下神经核性麻痹, 塔皮阿氏综合征

11、abductor paralysis ─── [医] 展肌麻痹

12、acute ascending paralysis ─── [医] 急性上行性麻痹, 兰德里氏综合征

13、acute atrophic paralysis ─── [医] 急性萎缩性麻痹

14、ambiguo-accessorius-hypglossal paralysis ─── [医] 疑核副神经舌下神经核性麻痹, 杰克逊氏综合征

15、acute infectious paralysis ─── [医] 急性传染性麻痹, 流行性脊髓灰质炎

16、alcoholic paralysis ─── [医] 醇中毒性麻痹

17、anesthesia paralysis ─── [医] 麻醉后麻痹

18、anapeiratic paralysis ─── [医] 过用性麻痹, 职业性神经机能病

19、amyotrophic paralysis ─── [医] 肌萎缩性麻痹

paralysis 词性/词形变化,paralysis变形


paralysis 相似词语短语

1、paraphysis ─── n.侧丝;[脊椎]旁突体

2、paralepsis ─── 麻风

3、paralytics ─── adj.麻痹的;瘫痪的;中风的;n.中风患者;麻痹患者

4、paralyses ─── n.麻痹;瘫痪(paralysis的复数)

5、paralysing ─── v.使……无力,使……麻痹;使……瘫痪;使丧失思维能力;使不能正常运作(paralyse的现在分词)

6、analysis ─── n.分析;分解;验定

7、parabasis ─── n.合唱队致辞

8、paralipsis ─── n.假省笔法

9、catalysis ─── n.催化作用;刺激作用

paralysis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body. ─── 两侧麻痹机体两边有相应部分的麻痹

2、He had been crippled by a rare type of paralysis spreading from his ankle. ─── 一种罕见的麻痹症从他的踝部扩散开来,最终道致他的残废。

3、Changes in Cephalofacial Far Infrared Thermogram among Acute and Chronic Peripheral Facial Paralysis Patients[J]. ─── 引用该论文 高宇红,薛毅珑,罗芸,周章玲,崔忻,潘静坤,姚文芳.

4、There are also many people who experience Sleep Paralysis without having signs of narcolepsy. ─── 同时仍然有大批人的经验仅仅是睡眠瘫痪症,而不伴随有嗜睡症。

5、Also, a virus called IAPV for Israeli acute paralysis virus was present in almost half of the colonies studied. ─── 同样,一个名为以色列机型麻痹(IAPV)的病毒出现在近半数的被研究蜂群中。

6、Night Nurses'Paralysis: A New Phenomenon in Clinical Psychology? ─── 夜班护士麻痹症状群:临床心理学的一种新现象?

7、To affect with paralysis;cause to be paralytic. ─── 使瘫痪;引起瘫痪

8、I crept along, fighting paralysis of the calves and the thighs. ─── 我蹑脚蹑手地摸索着走,极力控制着肌肉抽搐的双腿。

9、The accident left him with paralysis of the legs. ─── 事故使他双腿瘫痪。

10、By this time,Leonardo was suffering with paralysis in his right hand,but he continued to paint and to teach. ─── 在这段时期,达芬奇正在忍受着右手麻痹的痛苦,但是他继续绘画以及教学。

11、Characteristic of or resembling paralysis. ─── 似瘫痪的有瘫痪特性的或像瘫痪的

12、The paralysis of polio is typically asymmetrical (that is, involving only one leg or one arm). ─── 小儿麻痹症引起的瘫痪通常是不对称的(亦即只会影响一侧的腿或臂)。

13、The paralysis affects his right leg and he can only walk with difficulty. ─── 他右腿瘫痪步履维艰.

14、Paralysis of a single limb, muscle, or muscle group. ─── 单瘫指单一肢体、肌肉或一组肌肉的瘫痪

15、Decision-making has been fragmented to the point of paralysis, says Pincus. ─── 据平科斯所说,政府的决断过机构已经被弄得四分五裂以致于瘫痪。

16、An emotional person, mind, and no paralysis. ─── 一个有情感的人,心,不再麻痹。

17、Acute flaccid paralysis identical to that seen during poliovirus infections has been described. ─── 急性松弛性瘫痪与脊髓灰质炎病毒感染的表现相同。

18、Partial paralysis of the lower extremities. ─── 下身轻瘫,下肢轻瘫下肢部位部分的瘫痪

19、V., is really (for Israeli) acute paralysis virus, was present in almost half the colonies studied. ─── V,即以色列急性麻痹病毒也在几乎半数的生物群体研究中存在.

20、It was found that the paralysis time of the botulinum intoxicated preparations was markedly prolonged by toosendanin. ─── 在作者所用的试验条件下,川楝素均显著地延长肉毒中毒标本对间接刺激收缩反应的麻痹时间,表明川楝素能在神经肌肉接头处对抗肉毒的阻遏作用。

21、An attack of paralysis seized him. ─── 他突然瘫痪了。

22、Also a virus called IAPV, Israeli acute paralysis virus was present in almost half the colony studied. ─── 并且一种被称作IAPV的病毒,即以色列急性麻痹病毒存在于计划半数被研究的群体中。

23、Unfortunately, regardless of either CNS or PNS injury, the outcome usually is paralysis. ─── 不幸的是,无论是中枢还是周围神经病损,常见的症状是瘫痪。

24、The paralysis affect his right leg and he can only walk with difficulty. ─── 他右腿瘫痪步履维艰。

25、It is said that in June 1948,he initially organized 16 people who had lower limbs paralysis to partic-ipate in the archery competition. ─── 据说,1948年6 月,他最先组织了16名下肢瘫痪的人参加过射箭比赛。

26、Among the patients with complete oculomotor nerve paralysis,no pupillary change appeared. ─── 完全性动眼神经麻痹者无瞳孔改变。

27、Shejielitear dismantling of the skirt, despair and paralysis on the ground crying. ─── 她竭力撕撤着裙子,瘫在地上绝望地哭了。

28、By combining an anesthetic with capsaicin, researchers can block pain in rat paws without causing temporary paralysis. ─── 把辣椒素和麻醉结合,研究人员在不造成暂时性瘫痪的情况下就屏蔽了鼠爪上的疼痛。

29、Also, a virus called IAPV, for Israeli acute paralysis virus, was present in almost half the colonies studied. ─── 并且,一种名为以色列急性麻痹病毒(IAPV)存在于半数被研究的蜂群中。

30、Paralysis or missed appointments : These dreams can mean you are trying to avoid conflict and are using avoidance as a solution. ─── 无能力或想升迁:这些梦可能意味着你正试图避免冲突并且正设法化解冲突。

31、Geron's trial is of a treatment for paralysis caused by damage to the spinal cord. ─── Geron公司的试验是针对由于脊髓受损导致的瘫痪。

32、Two had hypoglossal nerve injury, of which, one had temporary lingual paralysis, another was permanent. ─── 2例舌下神经损伤,其中暂时性舌瘫1例,永久性舌瘫1例。

33、The pathological changes were paralysis of pelvic floor muscles, ptosis ofpelvic floor and anus laxation. ─── 均采用改良的髂腰肌加强盆底、直肠悬吊术进行治疗。

34、In business, Pfeffer and Sutton report, managers who try to lead through fear cause paralysis more often than action. ─── 在商界,Pfeffer和Sutton称那些试图通过恐惧来领导的经理人所引起的瘫痪多于行动。

35、In fact, people who can't smile due to facial paralysis have trouble with relationships. ─── 事实上,那些由于脸部瘫痪无法笑的人们会出现关系麻烦。

36、Stroke victims with paralysis are very prone to decubitus ulcers. ─── 多见于长期卧床的病人,如中风患者。

37、Apraxia is a deficit in motor planning, existing without muscular weakness or paralysis. ─── 失用症是一种运动规划的缺失,存在于不是肌肉无力就是瘫痪麻痹。

38、A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations. ─── 嗜眠病以突然的和不由自主的,虽然通常短暂的深度睡眠发作,有时伴随有麻痹和幻觉为特征的一种紊乱

39、Order has been established. At the price of a paralysis of the spirit, a deadening of the heart, and devastation of life. ─── 秩序已经建立起来,其代价是精神上的麻痹、心灵的麻木、生活的荒芜。

40、The person rabies' symptom may divide into: Prodromal stage, manic time, paralysis time three stages. ─── 人狂犬病的症状可分为:前驱期、狂躁期、麻痹期三个阶段。

41、So there is a progressive paralysis. ─── 所以这是一种进行性麻痹。

42、Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs, usually caused by damage to the spinal cord. ─── 截瘫,下身麻痹通常由于脊髓受伤引起的包括双腿在内的下部身体完全的瘫痪

43、The strike caused total paralysis in the city. ─── 罢工使这座城市完全瘫痪。

44、The island can heal cancer in some and paralysis in others, but it negates the ability of human beings to reproduce. ─── 小岛可以治疗一些人的癌症,还能治疗其他人的瘫痪,但是却不允许人类具有繁衍后代的能力。

45、Not enough is known about the above condition of waking paralysis. ─── 对上述清醒麻痹的情形并无充分了解。

46、paralysis of the leadership leaves the army without its supreme command. ─── 领导层的瘫痪使得军队没有了最高统帅。

47、Paralysis affecting only one side of the body. ─── 偏瘫,半身不遂只对身体某一侧有影响作用的瘫痪

48、Muscular atrophy of a person affected with paralysis. ─── 因麻痹而导致人体肌肉萎缩

49、Only an open-ended and continuously self-critical approach could avoid paralysis in the theory. ─── 只有一种无限制的、持续的自我批判方法才能避免理论中的瘫痪现象。

50、Bulbar paralysis is mainly manifested as difficulty in swallowing, horse voice and gastric reflex. ─── 延髓麻痹,亦称球麻痹,为声音嘶哑,吞咽困难和饮水反呛的一组证候群。

51、Poliomyelitis and polyneuritis (neuritis of multiple nerves) result in paralysis with muscle wasting. ─── 小儿麻痹症和多神经炎(多根神经的神经炎)会导致伴随有肌肉消瘦的瘫痪。

52、In this case of temporary vocal fold paralysis, there was no invasive procedure to directly damage the nerve. ─── 在这种情况下的临时声带麻痹,没有侵入性程序,直接损害神经。

53、I bustling in paralysis, numbness makes me more pain. ─── 我在热闹中麻痹,麻痹使我更加痛苦。

54、Affected with paralysis; paralyzed. ─── 患瘫痪的被麻痹的; 瘫痪的

55、A typical result of an upper motor neuron lesion is paralysis of voluntary movement. ─── 典型的上位运动神经之损伤就会导致随意运动麻痹。

56、Effect of Acupuncture Based Acupuncture-herbal Drug Therapy on 186 Cases of Peripheral Facial Paralysis. ─── 以针灸为主配合中药治疗周围性面神经麻痹186例

57、An overnight use of air conditioner in summer, closely relating with facial paralysis, is inadvisable. ─── 夏天开空调过夜很容易引起面部神经麻痹,因此最好不要通宵使用。

58、Coonhound paralysis is a type of polyradiculoneuritis seen in Coonhounds. ─── ]是一种见于[[猎浣熊犬]]的多神经根神经炎。

59、But WatchDog is not absolutely safe, which loses frequently the validity and makes the system paralysis. ─── 但watchdog并非绝对安全,常常失去有效性,使系统瘫痪。

60、Abnormal lowering or drooping of an organ or a part, especially a drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle weakness or paralysis. ─── 下垂一个器官或器官的一部分不正常的下降或垂落,尤其指由肌肉松弛或麻痹引起的上眼睑的下垂

61、Also, a virus called IAPV, for Israeli acute paralysis virus, was present in almost half the colonies studies. ─── 另外,一个叫做IAPV,来自以色列的麻痹病毒,已经在将近一半的研究群体中发现。

62、Dr: Let me examine him.Oh, he has lost consciousness and paralysis all over. ─── I think he [has apoplexy/cerebral hemorrhage] 让我给他检查一下,啊, 他感觉没有了。

63、Abnormal was noted TMS MEP and paralysis not recovered in 2 patients with injury of conus medullaris and cauda equina. ─── 2例圆锥损伤有异常TMS?MEP,截瘫及TMS?MEP基本恢复。

64、Paralysis has deprived him of the use of his left leg. ─── 他的左腿瘫痪了。

65、Hopkin, although who had severe general paralysis disease , but he unceasing to study the secret of cosmos area. ─── 他凭着毅力,在宏观世界里对人类却做出了杰出的贡献回顾我现在垂垂老矣,过去很多年宝贵的时间都被白白地浪费了。

66、Paralysis of the mouth - the corner of the mouth may droop and saliva may dribble from it and speech may be slurred. ─── 嘴巴会麻痹----嘴角可能会下垂唾液可能会从嘴角流出而且会口齿不清。

67、Symptoms include inte e leg pain in one or both extremities, with severe muscle weakne or paralysis. ─── 其症状有一侧或两侧小腿的剧烈疼痛,并有严重的肌肉无力或瘫痪。

68、Complete paralysis of the body from the neck down. ─── 四肢瘫痪自颈部以下身体的完全瘫痪

69、Tarlov I M.Acute spinal cord compression paralysis[J].J Neurosurg,1998,36:10-21. ─── 万永刚,李益群.手术治疗自发性硬脊膜外血肿5例分析[J].中国误诊学杂志,2006,6(16):3194.

70、Bees infected with Israeli acute paralysis virus shiver, their bodies become frozen and they die. ─── 感染了以色列急性麻痹病毒的蜜蜂不停颤抖,然后身体变冷死去。

71、Paralysis of the lower limb condemned him to a wheelchair. ─── 下肢瘫痪使他只好坐轮椅。

72、Beyond the overall toll the findings paint a sobering picture of the cycle of paralysis and poverty. ─── 报告指出,除了整体人数,调查结果清楚地描绘出瘫痪和贫困的循环。

73、As a manager, you can provide a well-defined framework of guidelines and principles for your team to avoid a similar sort of paralysis. ─── 作为管理者,你可以为你的团队提供一个详细定义的指导方针和原则的框架,以防止类似的瘫痪出现。

74、Affect when haemorrhage when two side, appear two flank paralysis and limb atony the gender breaks down. ─── 当出血波及两侧时,出现两侧面瘫和四肢弛缓性瘫痪。

75、Any kind of jostling or bumping could potentially cause severe pain and even paralysis. ─── 任何挤压或碰撞都会导致无法忍受的剧痛和麻痹。

76、Wu Fangmiao, an eighteen-year-old boy, never gave up himself because of his mental paralysis. ─── 十八岁的吴方淼没有因身患脑瘫,而自暴自弃。

77、A temporary partial paralysis of habitually or excessively used muscles. ─── 抽筋肌肉习惯性或过分活动引起的局部暂时性麻痹

78、Sometimes the findings cannot be expressed in terms of a disease, e. g. , paralysis of unknown cause. ─── 有时检查所见并不能用一种疾病来表达,例如原因不明的瘫痪。

79、The action, the sense of can-do, is so different from the political and economic paralysis of America's age of constraint. ─── 他们的行为、做强手的意识,与美国受限时代的政治、经济瘫痪是如此的不同。

80、Paralysis of the extrinsic or intrinsic eye muscles. ─── 外在或内部的动眼肌瘫痪。

81、Poison from the fish causes paralysis, swelling, and nausea. ─── 鱼的毒素会引起瘫痪、肿胀、恶心。

82、At some point after entering the trance state, you will feel a mild paralysis come over you. ─── 在进入恍惚状态之后的某个时刻,你会感到全身的一种轻度的麻痹。

83、But on Ashurst there had now come a feeling of paralysis. ─── 但这时艾舍斯特却不知道怎么办才好。

84、All parts are used medicinally for infantile paralysis and pulmonary tuberculosis. ─── 婴儿的麻痹和肺的结核病的全部深裂的可药用。

85、I had got infantile paralysis since I was four years old.The disease had been torturing me.My heart sank. ─── 四岁起,我就患了小儿麻痹症,忍受著病魔的摧残折磨,弱小的心灵笼罩著可怕的阴影。

86、In rare occurrences the Botox cosmetic may spread to adjoining muscles and cause temporary paralysis. ─── 在罕见的肉毒毒素美容的发生会传播到邻近的肌肉麻痹造成一时。

87、The 3-year old girl had onset of paralysis on 4 June. ─── 1名3岁的女孩于6月4日发生麻痹。

88、Any of a group of enteroviruses that can cause a disease resembling poliomyelitis but without paralysis. ─── 库克萨基病毒任一种肠道病毒,能引起以脊髓灰质炎为特征的疾病,但不会导致瘫痪

89、To affect with paralysis; cause to be paralytic. ─── 使瘫痪;引起瘫痪

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