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08-21 投稿


gulch 发音

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英:  美:

gulch 中文意思翻译



gulch 网络释义

n. 峡谷;冲沟;干谷峡谷

gulch 词性/词形变化,gulch变形


gulch 短语词组

1、gulch definition ─── 冲沟定义

2、gulch wy ─── 抓住你

3、gulch crossword ─── 峡谷纵横填字游戏

4、gulch io ─── 把我吞下去

5、gulch band ─── 冲沟带

6、gulch radio ─── 黄色收音机

7、gulch radio jerome az ─── 杰罗姆峡谷电台

8、buckskin gulch trail ─── 鹿皮沟小径

gulch 相似词语短语

1、gulches ─── n.峡谷;冲沟;干谷峡谷

2、mulch ─── n.覆盖物,护盖物;护根;vt.做护根;以护盖物覆盖

3、Dutch ─── adj.荷兰的;荷兰人的;荷兰语的;n.荷兰人;荷兰语

4、culch ─── n.贝壳屑;废物(等于cultch)

5、Butch ─── n.布奇(男子名)

6、Cutch ─── n.儿茶(等于catechu)

7、sculch ─── 家伙

8、Dulcy ─── 糖果

9、Dulce ─── n.杜尔塞(河流名);甜酒(酒的种类)

gulch 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a deep gulch or ravine with sloping sides,often dry in summer ─── 干河谷深的峡谷或冲沟,有斜壁,通常在夏天干涸

2、At 6pm on August 5, 1949, a fireman named Wag Dodge and his crew found themselves cut off by a wildfire in Mann Gulch River Valley, Montana. ─── 不过,而且可能算的上是一切发现中最为有趣的是:暂时有迹象表明在发现人类某些最重要的特质:洞察力、灵感和创造力上,我们是走在了前面。

3、Sluice boxes, ditches, dams and hundreds of stamp mills cluttered the small creeks in Deadwood Gulch. ─── 泄水糟、沟渠和水闸,还有数以百计的捣岩机杂乱无章地布满在戴德伍德干涸的条条小溪上。

4、Locals tell stories of car accidents in history where the vehicles left the path of Old Priest Grade and tumbled into Grizzly Gulch. ─── 我们自己从前的一部车子,换过刹车之后,也碰到过类似问题,送去检查,人家说没有关系。所以这回我们也未在意。

5、Good luck and good hunting.""I once wrote that Warsong Gulch was my favorite Battleground. ─── 二者,在制作网站时不会觉得无聊或者力不从心。

6、gulch gold ─── n. 砂金

7、In addition, ecotypic differentiations in leaf area, specific leaf area, bark, height under branch and crown width were found between hilltop and foot gulch in the studied species. ─── 另外,在山顶和山脚调查的几个种群在叶面积、比叶面积、树皮、枝下高和冠幅等方面,均出现了生态型的差异。

8、This is not just New York's Silicon Alley or San Francisco's Multimedia Gulch, but a phenomenon that also characterizes London, Tokyo, Beijing, Taipei, Paris, or Barcelona, among many other cities. ─── 这不仅出现在纽约硅谷或旧金山的多媒体峡谷,这一现象同样成为伦敦、东京、北京、台北、巴黎或巴塞罗那和许多其它城市的特征。

9、Auntie Em, you know what Miss Gulch said she was gonna do to Toto? ─── 埃姆婶婶你知道高驰小姐说想对托托做什么吗?

10、the Silicon Gulch Gazette ─── 硅谷公报

11、Fixed several terrain exploits in Warsong Gulch. ─── 修正数个战歌峡谷地形。

12、Chapter four: Compute the distortion and force of pipeline under different length of gulch. The failure length of pipeline is determined. ─── 第四章:分析在冲沟时的管道的受力和变形,确定了管道的失效长度。

13、Loess gulch nearing Hui Ning hsien. Feb. 13. ─── 2月13日,会宁县附近的黄土峡谷。

14、Noni is a common river or stream gulch plant along the Hamakua coast of the island of Hawaii, and along gulches of all the main Hawaiian islands. ─── Noni是一沿着夏威夷州的和沿着冲沟岛的Hamakua海岸共用河流或者溪流冲沟植物在所有中主要夏威夷人岛。

15、Staff Ride to the Battleof Little Bighorn and Mann Gulch Fire ─── 之战和曼恩沟谷火灾战斗

16、DESPITE its name, Smugglers' Gulch is one of the toughest places to sneak into America. ─── 虽然有着越境者峡谷之称,这仍是最难潜入美国的地方之一。

17、Beneath all the requisite genre trappings there's a vast, empty gulch where the affecting dramatic element should have been found. ─── 在那些西部片所必需的标志之下,是一个巨大的、空虚的沟壑,在那里,本该找到些感人的戏剧元素。

18、The trail ducks in(into)a narrow gulch ─── 这条羊肠小道突然下到一个狭窄的峡谷里。

19、The Blood Gulch Chronicles tell the story of the men stationed in a desolate outpost as they fight for control of the universe's most strategic dry creek bed in the middle of a box canyon. ─── 血冲沟编年史讲在一个孤独的前哨内安置的那些人的故事, 因为他们在一道箱子峡谷的中间为宇宙的最战略性的乾燥的小溪床的控制而斗争。

20、Feign Death will no longer make the flag graphic disappear for other players in Warsong Gulch. ─── 战歌峡谷,装死不会让战斗状态消失。

21、The only reliable way to bring people downtown is to force them.Las Vegas has put federal, county and city courts a few blocks to the south of the original Glitter Gulch, together with a jail. ─── 当地城市复兴的热心拥护者希望高层公寓可以给城市中心区带来希望,可以吸引更多的人,同时带来更多投资。

22、a gorge; a chasm; a canyon; a gulch; a gap; a notch ─── 峡谷

23、gulch soft clay ─── 沟谷软基

24、Las Vegas has put federal, county and city courts a few blocks to the south of the original Glitter Gulch, together with a jail. ─── 拉斯维加斯已经把联邦、郡以及市法院连同一所监狱南迁了几个街区到最开始的GlitterGulch

25、Study on geogrid-reinforced and pile-supported embankment over gulch weak subsoil ─── 水泥土桩与土工格栅联合加固沟谷软基机理研究

26、Even at the start of a hike to Buckskin Gulch, the walls of Navajo sandstone darken overhead. ─── 即使动身到鹿皮谷步行,纳瓦霍砂岩阴森森地围墙似地悬在头上。

27、How many horse you need to train now?& why don't use gulch or Special weekend"? ─── 好彩你上次无掉左佢咋......操番都值得吗??

28、Silicon Gulch ─── 硅谷

29、I stand corrected despite the fact cheapest wow gold that I can't imagine playing World of Warcraft without participating in at least a single game of, say, Warsong Gulch. ─── 嫣儿没抬头,生气地说:“你可以不吃。”“那好吧,我一定不吃。”果霖边说边走开,嫣儿气得直跺脚。一个小时后,大家七手八脚地把饭桌摆好,开始吃饭。

30、It's a vast, black gulch in the ground; ─── 这是一个巨大的、漆黑的峡谷;

31、Nether Vortices are now purchasable with 70 Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Alterac Valley, and Eye of the Storm Marks of honor respectively in the Hall of Legends/Champion's Hall. ─── 原生虚空可以用40个战歌、阿拉希盆地、奥山、风暴之眼荣誉徽章购买;虚空漩涡可以用70个战歌、阿拉希盆地、奥山、风暴之眼荣誉徽章购买。

32、a ulcer gulch ─── [美俚]下等餐馆

33、The ancient teachings of Zen Buddhism and the art of organic gardening are the inspiration behind the Green Gulch Farm Zen Center, outside San Francisco. ─── 座落在美国旧金山郊外的绿色峡谷农场佛教禅宗中心,是一个以古老的佛教禅宗教义和有机园艺为精神的农场。

34、This almost makes one wish that the gulch or the cake or Tink's leaf had won. ─── 这几乎让人希望峡谷、蛋糕或婷咔的叶子赢了。

35、Beneath all the requisite genre trappings there 's a vast , empty gulch where the affecting dramatic element should have been found . ─── 在那些西部片所必需的标志之下,是一个巨大的、空虚的沟壑,在那里,本该找到些感人的戏剧元素。

36、Planning for the future is like going fishing in a dry gulch; ─── 计划未来就像在干河中垂钓;

37、5. Warsong Gulch has new item rewards at the appropriate faction vendor near the entrances to the zone. These are available starting at Honored faction. ─── 开放贩卖新的奖品,只要关系到达"荣誉"就可以购买新增的战利品.收藏指正

38、He's the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and I'm his deputy. ─── 他是爱达荷州特温·加尔奇的治安官,我是他的副手。

39、Warsong Gulch has new item rewards at the appropriate faction vendor near the entrances to the zone. These are available starting at Honored faction. ─── 开放贩卖新的奖品,只要关系到达"荣誉"就可以购买新增的战利品.

40、4.A deep gulch or ravine with sloping sides, often dry in summer. ─── 在乾燥炎热的夏天,这个区域时常受到野火的威胁。

41、It was founded in 8'4 after the discovery of gold at Last Chance Gulch. ─── 在.最后的机会峡谷.发现金子之后,建于8'4年。

42、The models and visualization system are in accordance with the gulch development rule in the study area, so they can be used for reconstructing ancient and predicting future shapes of different gulches. ─── 模型演算与可视化的结果表明,该系统将合所研究地区的沟谷演化规律,可以用来恢复古沟谷形态和预测将来的形态。

43、He's the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and I'm his deputy. ─── 他是爱达荷州特温加尔奇的治安官,我是他的副手。

44、A deep gully cut by an intermittent stream; a dry gulch. ─── 旱谷被断断续续的河水断开的山谷;干涸的沟壑

45、A deep gulch or ravine with sloping sides, often dry in summer. ─── 斜壁干谷;干河谷深的峡谷或冲沟,有斜壁,通常在夏天干涸

46、Of five aspiring immigrants who spoke to your correspondent in Smugglers' Gulch earlier this week, three were trying to join their families. ─── 如果你在越境者峡谷那里问5个人,有三个人是要与家人团聚。

47、A deep gully cut by an intermittent stream;a dry gulch. ─── 旱谷被断断续续的河水断开的山谷;干涸的沟壑

48、3.A deep gully cut by an intermittent stream;a dry gulch. ─── 旱谷被断断续续的河水断开的山谷;

49、Optimization of High Embenkment Section Design and construction Method on Loessic Gulch ─── 黄土冲沟高路堤横断面的优化设计和填筑方法

50、A deep gulch or ravine with sloping sides,often dry in summer. ─── 斜壁干谷;干河谷深的峡谷或冲沟,有斜壁,通常在夏天干涸

51、Or we can stay close to the ranch in nearby Levengood Gulch . ─── 或者我们可以呆在干谷峡谷附近农场的周围。

52、The characteristic differences in ecological factors, community structure and species ecotype between hilltop and foot gulch were determined, which were compared with those of non-Danxia Landform. ─── 测定广东省丹霞山宝珠峰和海螺峰的山顶的生态因子特征、群落结构特征和物种生态型特征,并与山脚的群落与种群以及相近非丹霞地貌区作比较。

53、The time before players with flags in Warsong Gulch receive the Focused Assault and Brutal Assault debuffs has been reduced. ─── 战歌峡谷中,夺取旗帜的玩家将在更短的时间后获得"聚焦攻击"和"野蛮攻击"减益。

54、a deep gulch ─── 深谷

55、The gulch through the reef was three points to windward and, try as he could, Blackthorne could not gain way. ─── 布莱克松发现逼近的礁石间有狭窄陡峻的空隙,和迎风面的夹角只有三个罗盘方位,他苦苦琢磨,也想不出能把船挤过去的办法。

56、At the Green Gulch Center, she says farmers here coax leeks, kale and cabbage from the ground, nurturing the soil and surrounding environment. ─── 约翰逊说,绿色峡谷中心种植了各种各样的产品,包括韭菜、芥兰、和包心菜,这些都可以使土壤变得肥沃,有利于周围环境。

57、Early life in Bachelor Gulch was challenging, as the fledgling community strove to survive through the hardships of logging and raising cattle. ─── 贝切雷卡什的早期生活充满艰辛,社区刚刚成形,人们克服伐木和养牛过程中的种种困难,艰苦求生。

58、we take the brush with the redskins at Slightly Gulch? ─── 我们就来讲讲在斯莱特利谷和印第安人的一场小遭遇战吧?

59、In contrast to those on the hilltop, plants at the foot gulch showed stronger tropical character. ─── 相比山顶而言,山脚沟谷的植物有很强的热带性。

60、Gucci gulch ─── 华盛顿市游说集团

61、DESPITE its name, Smugglers' Gulch is one of the toughest places to sneak into America. ─── 虽然有着越境者峡谷之称,这仍是最难潜入美国的地方之一。

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