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09-04 投稿


corned 发音

英:[k??rnd]  美:[k??nd]

英:  美:

corned 中文意思翻译




corned 常用词组

corned beef ─── 咸牛肉

corned 词性/词形变化,corned变形

形容词: corneal |

corned 短语词组

1、corned beef hash ─── 咸牛肉马铃薯泥

2、corned beef sandwich ─── 咸牛肉三明治

3、jellied corned beef ─── 果冻腌牛肉

4、corned beef recipe ─── 腌牛肉食谱

5、corned beef recipes ─── 腌牛肉食谱

6、hot corned beef ─── 热腌牛肉

7、corned beef ─── 咸牛肉

8、corned beef and cabbage ─── 咸牛肉白菜

9、spiced corned egg ─── 卤蛋

10、canned corned beef ─── 罐装咸牛肉

11、corned beef instant pot ─── 咸牛肉即食锅

12、corned beef and cabbage recipe ─── 咸牛肉白菜食谱

13、corned beef calories ─── 咸牛肉热量

corned 相似词语短语

1、scorned ─── adj.鄙视的,轻蔑的;v.轻蔑,嘲笑;轻蔑地拒绝;不屑于做(scorn的过去式和过去分词)

2、horned ─── adj.有角的;角状的;v.截短…的角(horn的过去式和过去分词)

3、acorned ─── 有角的

4、corner ─── n.角落,拐角处;地区,偏僻处;困境,窘境;vi.囤积;相交成角;vt.垄断;迫至一隅;使陷入绝境;把…难住;n.(Corner)人名;(法)科尔内;(英)科纳

5、sorned ─── vi.强求膳宿;n.食客

6、cornea ─── n.[解剖]角膜;n.(Cornea)人名;(法、罗)科尔内亚

7、cornet ─── n.短号;圆锥形纸袋;n.(Cornet)人名;(法、罗)科尔内

8、cornel ─── n.山茱萸;n.(Cornel)人名;(罗、法)科尔内尔

9、cornfed ─── 喂以玉米的;健康而天真的

corned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There's enough corned beef to go round, but you'll have to double up on the baked beans. ─── 有足够的腌牛肉可以每人分一份,但是烤豆你们只好两个人合吃一份了。

2、They planted ten acres with corn . ─── 他们种了10英亩玉米。

3、The curing process is the same as that for corned beef. ─── 干腌牛肉的过程与盐腌牛肉的一样。

4、Next week they will harvest the corn. ─── 他们下星期收割玉米。

5、An alcoholic liquor distilled from grain, such as corn, rye, or barley, and containing approximately40 to50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume. ─── 威士忌酒一种从谷类如玉米、黑麦或大麦等提炼出来含酒精液体,按容量包含约40%至50%的乙醇

6、People stored corn in me, or rice, or beans. ─── 人们把玉米,大米,大豆贮藏在我的身子里。

7、Alec: Is that the corn dolly there? ─── 亚历克:那边放的是谷物娃娃吗?

8、A New Sweet Corn F1 Hybrid -'Fengtian No. ─── 丰甜1号甜玉米的选育。

9、He needs a pesticide that will kill corn borers. ─── 他需要一种能消灭玉米螟虫的杀虫剂。

10、They corned their horses before the journey. ─── 他们在启程前用玉米喂马。

11、I won't buy their corn flakes today. ─── 我今天不会买他们的玉米片了。

12、Mr Wilson has had right smart of corn this year. ─── 威尔逊先生今年玉米收成很好。

13、The farmer seeded the field: with corn. ─── 农民在地里播种玉米。

14、The farmers are out harvesting (the corn). ─── 农民们在地里收割(作物).

15、They mainly grow wheat, corn, barley and oats. ─── 他们主要种植小麦、米、麦和燕麦。

16、They chopped the cotton and hoed the corn. ─── 他们间棉花苗,锄玉米地。

17、And I say this as a man who has eaten a fair share of corned beef in his life. ─── 我想说的是一个在一生中吃适量的谷物产生的牛肉的男人。

18、Captives come here to eat slop cooked from corn. ─── 俘虏们在这里吃些玉米做的流食。

19、Corn - starch will lump if cooked too fast . ─── 如煮得太快,玉蜀黍会结块。

20、She scattered corn for the chickens. ─── 她撒谷子喂鸡。

21、The farmers rose up in arms over the reduction in price of corn. ─── 农民们对玉米降价极为愤怒。

22、We winter-feed corn and oats to the animals. ─── 在冬季我们以玉米和燕麦饲养牲畜。

23、The corn ripens in the sun. ─── 农作物在阳光下成熟。

24、The cultivator worked fourteen hours a day, laying by the corn. ─── 中耕机每天工作14小时,给玉米作最后一次中耕。

25、The sun in rounding out the corn. ─── 太阳使谷粒饱满起来。

26、Of good seed proceeds good corn. ─── 好种生好苗。

27、They once had a corner on the corn market. ─── 他们曾一度垄断了玉米市场。

28、The price of corn dove nearly 50% on Tuesday. ─── 周二玉米价格骤跌近五成。

29、basis of their diet is white bread and margarine, corned beef, sugared tea, and potatoes—an appalling diet. ─── 他们基本的食物是很糟糕的:白面包夹黄油,咸牛肉,加糖的茶,还有土豆。

30、A social gathering for husking corn. ─── 剥玉米苞会指聚在一起剥玉米皮的人们

31、In August there was a big supply of corn and the price touch bottom. ─── 八月份市场上玉米大量供应,价格降到最低点。

32、Bidding on forward contracts for corn. ─── 为玉米的期货交易叫价

33、A little fire burns up a great deal of corn. ─── 小火焚仓廪。

34、They ate coarse corn flour mixed with herbs. ─── 他们吃的是搀了野菜的棒子面。

35、Breakfast was corned beef hash, browned, with an egg on top of it, coffee and milk, and a big glass of chilled grapefruit juice. ─── 早饭吃的是罐头咸牛肉丁,烘烤得黄灿灿的,上面还配着一只煎鸡蛋,还有咖啡牛奶和一大杯清凉爽口的葡萄汁。

36、And eat steamed corn bread per meal. ─── 一日三餐还得吃窝头呢。

37、Away from the pagoda stretch fields of ripening corn. ─── 从宝塔过去,是一片黄熟的玉米地。

38、The local deli wouldn't even carry our corned beef. ─── 当地的一家小食品店竟不肯赊给我们一些咸牛肉。

39、The ground was ploughed and planted with corn. ─── 地翻耕后种上了玉米。

40、In between the rows of corn there was a scarecrow. ─── 在玉米行中间有一稻草人。

41、The farmer raises chickens and corn. ─── 农夫养鸡和种植玉米。

42、Yeah. How about corn on the cob? ─── 好的。烤玉米怎么样?

43、Groups of ants were pulling pieces of corn. ─── 一群群的蚂蚁在搬运玉米粒。

44、You know what goes good with that? -Corned beef. ─── 你知道什么跟它最配?腌牛肉

45、In winter they feed the horses on hay and corn. ─── 在冬天他们用干草和玉米喂马。

46、He bought two sacks of corn. ─── 他买了两袋玉米。

47、Institutional menus inevitably featured Spam, corned beef, lettuce and "salad cream" . ─── 学校里的菜单无可避免地有着午餐肉、粗盐腌牛肉、生菜,以及“色拉酱”。

48、If you have nothing to do, help me harvest corn. ─── 假如你没事,帮我收玉米。

49、A base or platform which hay or corn is stacked on. ─── 堆放干草或谷物的基架或平台。

50、Calm weather in June sets corn in tune. ─── 六月天无风,五谷定丰登。

51、He made his money by trading in corn. ─── 他靠做玉米生意挣了钱。

52、Then her eyes lit up. "Actually, I think I've got red meat in the freezer, some corned beef. We could do a boiled dinner. " ─── 后来她的眼睛亮了起来。“实际上,我觉得冰箱里有块肉,还有一些咸牛肉。我们可能做个熟食晚餐。”

53、There was a little hay left and a little corn. ─── 只剩下一点儿干草和玉米了。

54、There was an abundance of corn last year. ─── 去年玉米丰收。

55、Make a long harvest for a little corn. ─── 小题大做。

56、The corn will come along better if it rains. ─── 如果下雨,玉米会长得更好。

57、Actually, I think I've got red meat in the freezer, some corned beef. ─── 实际上,我觉得冰箱里有块肉,还有一些咸牛肉。

58、Today, corn is found all over the world. ─── 今天,全世界都有了玉米。

59、It is a season that peasants reap the corn from what they planted in spring. ─── 农民们春季播种玉米,现在是他们收获的季节。

60、The farmer scattered corn for the chicken . ─── 农夫撒谷子喂鸡。

61、Farmers often burn the stubble after they have cut the corn. ─── 农民们在收割完庄稼后常烧茬子。

62、Much of the corn and soy is fed to animals. ─── 很多这样的玉米和大豆被用来喂养动物。

63、He bought a machine to pop corn. ─── 他买了一台爆玉米花的机器。

64、They cropped 15 acres with corn. ─── 他们种了15英亩玉米。

65、If the corn comes in well, we don't need importation. ─── 如果玉米收成好的话,我们就不需进口了。

66、He made his money by trading in corn . ─── 他靠做玉米生意歉了钱。

67、And try our corn cereal. It is home made. ─── 再尝尝玉米粥吧,是自家做的。

68、Can you get me some corn from the store? ─── 你能从商店买些谷粒吗?

69、The yield of corn is down compared with last year. ─── 农作物产量跟去年相比下降了。

70、Harry has made out a strong case for the repeal of the Corn Laws. ─── 哈里提出强有力的理由,赞成废除《玉米法案》。

71、There was a sack of corn in the corner of the barn. ─── 在谷仓的墙角处有一袋玉米。

72、He may well measure your corn by his bushel. ─── 他很可能以小人之心度君子之腹。

73、Crows all but destroyed a farmer's field of corn. ─── 乌鸦几乎把农夫田里的王蜀黍都吃光了。

74、Luckily they were able to grow this new corn. ─── 幸好他们能够种植这种新玉米。

75、They are hoeing the fields of corn. ─── 他们正在锄玉米地。

76、The whistling bullets cut the enemy soldiers down like corn. ─── 呼啸的子弹象割庄稼般地把敌兵扫倒。

77、They mix the bran and corn powder together to feed the pigs. ─── 他们把麦麸和玉米粉混合起来喂猪。

78、Don't measure other's corn with your own bushel. ─── 不要以己度人。

79、I want ) five pounds of corned beef, please . ─── 应卫生部的要求,将停止销售腌牛肉。

80、They are thrashing the corn in the barn. ─── 他们正在谷仓里打谷。

81、Mr White's farm is largely corn land. ─── 怀特先生的农场大半是玉米地。

82、Do you have things like corn flakes? ─── 你们有玉米片吗?

83、It's corned beef and cabbage," said Malone. "Yuck," said Maureen. ─── 说:“是咸牛肉和白菜”。“嗯,真恶心”,毛琳说。

84、She plants her own corn and designs fixtures. ─── 她自己种植玉米还设计了装置。

85、He thinks their corn is the most delicious. ─── 他以为他们的谷物味道最鲜美。

86、You ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? ─── 你是否听到狼对著皎洁的月光发出的吼叫声?

87、Key value of Beijing CAU CORN STD. ─── 中农大康的核心价值在哪儿?

88、I don't like dry bread and corn. ─── 我不喜欢烤面包和玉米。

89、My dear father, I admit the corn. ─── 我亲爱的爸爸,我错了。

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