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vagrant 发音

英:[?ve?ɡr?nt]  美:[?ve?ɡr?nt]

英:  美:

vagrant 中文意思翻译




vagrant 网络释义

adj. 流浪的;漂泊的;游荡的n. 游民;流浪者;无赖;漂泊者

vagrant 词性/词形变化,vagrant变形


vagrant 短语词组

1、vagrant queen cast ─── 流浪皇后剧组

2、vagrant queen ─── 流浪女王

3、Rogue (vagrant) ─── 流氓( ─── 流浪汉)

4、vagrant boxes ─── 流浪汉箱

5、vagrant rebuild ─── 流浪汉重建

6、vagrant holiday ─── 流浪假日

vagrant 相似词语短语

1、grant ─── v.(合法地)授予,允许;(勉强)承认,同意;n.(政府)拨款,补助金;授予,给予;合法转让,正式授予;n.(Grant)(美)格朗(人名)

2、latrant ─── 拉特兰特

3、vaginant ─── 阴道

4、fragrant ─── adj.芳香的;愉快的

5、vagrantly ─── adv.流浪地

6、vagrancy ─── n.流浪;漂泊;思想游移不定

7、flagrant ─── adj.公然的;不能容忍的;非常的;臭名远扬的;明目张胆的;恶名昭著的(名词flagrancy,副词flagrantly)

8、vagrants ─── n.流浪者(vagrant的复数形式)

9、arrant ─── adj.极恶的;声名狼藉的;彻头彻尾的

vagrant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I'll lock the vagrant winter out and I'll bolt my wandering in ─── 将漂泊的冬天关在门外,将流浪锁进内心

2、His non-appearance afforded Shelton another proof of the delicacy that went hand in hand with the young vagrant's cynicism. ─── 他不来,对谢尔顿又一次证明了他是通达人情的,这种通达人情是跟那位年轻流浪汉的讥诮癖性并行不悖的。

3、At the gate of a garage, two vagrant pet dogs outside are killed. ─── 在一个汽车修理厂门口,两条在外流浪的 宠物狗被打死。

4、She avoided his design being vagrant, but made it scruffier and grungier, therefore making his movements slightly twitchier and edgier. ─── 她没有将他设计成流浪汉的造型,而是更加衣衫褴褛、肮脏丑陋,因此使得他的动作显得有点儿更加病态急躁。

5、She smiled to herself at vagrant impulses which arose from nowhere and suggested that she rumple his hair; ─── 有时一种无赖的冲动无端袭来,她还会想去揉乱他的鬈发。

6、Indeed, it was the death of a vagrant in 1983 after ambulance workers refused to pick him up that inspired Sant’Egidio to start publishing its pocket-sized guides to Rome. ─── 1983年,救护车工作人员拒绝搭载一名流浪汉,后者因此死亡,正是这一事件促使圣埃吉迪奥团体开始出版这本口袋大小的罗马指南。

7、In fact it is because of the run-up of the Olympic Games too, the government not merely murders the vagrant dog, even residents' pet's dog clears up together. ─── 实际上也是因为奥运会的举办,政府不仅杀害流浪狗,甚至连居民的宠物犬也一并清理。

8、It has developed into vast full-length novel from a sort of plain verse which mainly narrates the ideal life of vagrant swordsmen. ─── 它由一种朴素的以叙述理想的游侠生活的诗文发展成为浩瀚的长篇巨制,叙事的技术得到了长足的发展。

9、Vagrant, usually destitute people. ─── 无业游民通常指穷困潦倒的人

10、He got off the train at the next station, bought a piece of meat at a butcher shop, and captured the vagrant on the outskirts of the town. ─── 他在下一站下了车,在一家肉店买了一块肉,然后到镇外抓住了那个流浪儿。

11、vagrant children ─── 流浪儿童

12、A vagrant current or a slight rise in the river had carried off their raft, but this only gratified them, since its going was something like burning the bridge between them and civilization. ─── 可能是一阵湍流也可能是一股上涨的潮水,冲走了他们的小木筏。 他们却为此感到庆幸。 因为没有了木筏,就像是烧毁了他们与文明世界间的桥梁,斩断了他们回返的念头。

13、Glass jug He was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant. ─── 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。

14、In the dark pines the wind disentangles itself.The moon glows like phosphorous on the vagrant waters. ─── 在这里,我爱你 By Pablo Neruda 在这里,我爱你, 在幽暗的松树林里,风轻柔地释放自己;

15、TANG: commissioner for re-registering vagrant households ─── 括浮逃使

16、Vagrant Minors ─── 流浪未成年人

17、Chinese Government declared recently, the death toll of domestic rabies had increased by a large margin in recent months, so begin to clear up the vagrant dog on a large scale. ─── 中国政府近期宣称,近几个月来国内狂犬病死亡人数大幅度增加,所以开始大规模清理流浪狗。

18、It's not hard to see why they mistook you for a vagrant. ─── 不难理解为什么他们会把你错当成游民。

19、your father had me jailed for a vagrant. ─── 你父亲因我是盲流而将我关进牢房。

20、One who travels aimlessly about on foot,doing odd jobs or begging for a living; a vagrant. ─── 流浪汉徒步毫无目标地四处旅行的人,做些零星的工作或以行乞为生;流浪者。

21、She had never wanted to get to the bottom of the matter.The truth could be something unbearable if she winkled the man out and found him an unwashed madman or a down-and-out old vagrant. ─── 她真没想过要去查个究竟,怕最后揪下来的是个蓬头垢面的疯汉,或者是个十分不堪的老头子。

22、Time flies Riyuerusuo, artless innocence era, Vagrant Boogie's cardamom Love is all in the deadwood. ─── 光阴似箭日月如梭,烂漫的童真时代、放浪不羁的豆蔻年华都已成昨日黄花。

23、What of the ox who lovers his yoke and deems the elk and deer of the forest stray and vagrant things? ─── 我们该怎么看热爱自己的桎梏并认为森林中的麋鹿们是流浪者和放逐者的公牛?

24、A Troupe of little vagrant of the world, leave your footprint i my words. ─── 世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。

25、The Legend of Zelda series, Final Fantasies 1 - 9, Parasite Eve, Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Mana, Legend of Dragoon, Vagrant Story, Earthbound, Super Smash Brothers, and DDR!! ─── 塞尔达传说系列,最终幻想1 -9 ,寄生前夜,跨时空,计时触发,玛娜传奇,传奇骑兵,流浪的故事,陆栖,大乱兄弟,和D DR!

26、It was as though this foreign vagrant twanged within him a neglected string, which gave forth moans of mutiny. ─── 仿佛这个外国流浪汉拨动了他心里久被忽略的一根心弦,因而发出了反叛的呻吟。

27、It was as though this foreign vagrant twanged within him a neglected string, which gave forth moans of mutiny. ─── 仿佛这个外国流浪汉拨动了他心里久被忽略的一根心弦,因而发出了反叛的呻吟。

28、Far more effective was Ernest Dowson, the Bohemian, and poet vagrant of the decade, who existed somehow by his translation. ─── 这十年间生活豪放不羁的流浪诗人欧内斯特·道森要实际得多,他设法靠自己的翻译生活。

29、A poet, a vagrant, had a romantic dream of life. ─── 一个诗人,一个流浪汉,梦想着过浪漫的生活。

30、He who has no home is vagrant; He who has two homes is dissolute . ─── 没家的男人是个流浪汉,有两个家的男人是放浪者。

31、agricultural vagrant ─── 农业流民

32、A vagrant current or a slight rise in the river had carried off their raft, ─── 可能是一阵湍流也可能是一股上涨的潮水,冲走了他们的小木筏。

33、He is a poor vagrant. ─── 他是个可怜的流浪汉。

34、Vast at night here, a grain of dust, we call that the earth, in lonely roam carelessly, and I, already vagrant years at the dust, and say at night: Not so long, one second! ─── 在这浩淼的夜里,一粒尘埃,我们称之为地球,在胡乱孤寂的流浪着,而我,在这颗尘埃上已经流浪了不少个年头,而夜说:没那么长,一秒钟而已!

35、and shall guide and escort that vagrant or beggar to the relief station if he/she is disabled, minor, old, or has any otherwise difficulty in action. ─── 对其中的残疾人、未成年人、老年人和行动不便的其他人员,还应当引导、护送到救助站。

36、From the vagrant to the tramp, the race is maintained in its purity. ─── 从剪径贼到挡路虎,那是一个纯血统。

37、She has no lofty aspirations other than vagrancy. She thinks the simplicity of vagrant lift is the only only way that will truly save his soul. ─── 其他的没有什么大的志向。她认为日子只有在走走停停的简单中心灵才能获得真正意义上的救赎。

38、The judge turned to the other vagrant and asked, ─── 法官转而问另一个流浪汉:

39、A vagrant impulse ─── 无抑制的冲动

40、vagrant A species that has strayed beyond its natural range but not established reproducing populations. ─── 流浪汉一个已经迷路超过它原来的分布范围的种,但是不再制造族群。

41、The truth could be something unbearable if she winkled the man out and found him an unwashed madman or a down-and-out old vagrant. ─── 我在那一幅画前站得愈久,心愈冷。

42、Han Dynasty Pro Longxi County Peach County ie vagrant County in Gansu Province, when a defensive edge Qiang sleep center for Longxi County in southern du qun governance. ─── 两汉时期的陇西郡临桃县即今甘肃省氓县,那时是一个防御羌人的边睡重镇,为陇西郡的南部都尉治。

43、One who travels aimlessly about on foot, doing odd jobs or begging for a living; a vagrant. ─── 流浪汉徒步毫无目标地四处旅行的人,做些零星的工作或以行乞为生;流浪者

44、rare vagrant to E Europe and Middle East. ─── 偶有的漂鸟至东欧和中东地区。

45、In the snowbound wilderness of the Changbai mountain range, in China's northeastern Heilongjiang Province, we find an unusual family: a hunter, his wife, a vagrant named Xiao Li, two dogs and one cat. ─── 在中国长白山深处,猎人.女人.流浪汉.两条狗还有一只猫,组成了一个家庭。

46、Their nosesprobed the forest floor and the vagrant eddies in the air, scenting thewarm tracery of two more running humans. ─── 他们的鼻子嗅探着森林的地面和空气中的味道,探查着剩下两个人类的热量痕迹。

47、Now there are 909 assistance and management centers across the country and 130 assistance and protection centers for vagrant children. ─── 全国现有救助管理站909个,流浪儿童救助保护中心130个。

48、Of vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods, ─── 无居的林中有流浪的居者

49、Humanity: We should treat people and animals with humanity.Even treat a vagrant dog or a vagrant cat. ─── 博爱:我们应该以仁慈之心对待世界万物,甚至是对一只流浪的狗或流浪的猫。

50、What goes along with that stress?What vagrant movements in the mind are creating it?What persistent movements in the mind are creating it?You have to watch for both. ─── 是什么伴随那种紧张?是内心哪些游离动态在制造它?是内心哪些持续动态在制造它?这两个方面你都必须审视。

51、1.rivers and lakes; 2.all corners of the country3.itinerant entertainers, quacks, etc.4.wandering; vagrant; vagabond5.sophisticated and shrewd ─── 江湖

52、You shall be a vagrant and a wanderer on earth. ─── 你终会沦为一个流浪汉,到处漂泊。

53、I must down to the seas again to the vagrant gypsy life. ─── 我一定要再回海上,如吉普赛人那样流浪。

54、He is the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant . ─── 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官

55、The existence of vagrant children means a harm to the legal rights and interests of vagrant children. ─── 摘要流浪少年儿童的存在,是对少年儿童合法权益的一种损害,也是我们必须面对和需要解决的问题。

56、vagrant merchant ─── 流浪商人

57、We met a band of vagrant beggars there. ─── 我们在那里遇到了一伙流浪的乞丐。

58、In the snowbound wilderness of China's northeastern mountain range, we find an unusual family: a hunter, his wife, a vagrant named Xiao Li, two dogs and one cat. ─── 中国长白山深处,猎人、女人、流浪汉,组成一个家庭。山里只有这户人家,冬天狩猎夏天放羊。

59、Hope you to are healthy, strong, like The state of being a vagrant, want to see the world of beauty, so with I together. ─── 希望你健康,坚强,喜欢流浪,想看尽世间绝美,那么跟我一起。

60、The moon glows like phosphorus on the vagrant waters. ─── 月在漂浮的水面上象磷光般闪亮。

61、I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life, ─── 我必须再度出航,前往吉普赛式的漂荡,

62、They are vagrant beggars. ─── 他们是四处流浪的乞丐。

63、The moon glows like phosphorous on the vagrant waters. ─── 月亮像磷光在漂浮的水面上发光。

64、"Thanks to a vagrant current of the Gulf Stream, a stretch of the Kola coast is free of ice year round" (Jack Beatty) ─── “由于墨西哥湾流的流向不定,它使科拉沿岸成为不结冰地区”(杰克·贝蒂)

65、In the old society, owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads, the labouring people led a vagrant life. ─── 在旧社会, 残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战, 使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。

66、He thought you were a vagrant. - It's bad luck. We try again tomorrow. ─── 他肯定误以为你是流浪汉了.-点背不能怨社会,待明日从头再来。

67、vagrant waste ─── 杂乱垃圾

68、I saw a vagrant follow a foreigner and want get some money from him. ─── 昨天在路上, 看见一个流浪汉一直跟著一位外籍人士想要些钱.

69、Maybe "I am just a silent, vagrant cloud in the sky, with my free thought and life, I want no one to be my steerman. ─── 或许“我只是天空中一片悄然而过的云彩,我的思想和生命都是自由的,我不想让任何人成为我的舵手。”

70、experience alone could solve the question. Passepartout had been a sort of vagrant in his early years, and now yearned for repose; ─── 人们知道,路路通青年时代曾经历过一段东奔西走的流浪生活,现在他很希望稳定下来,好休息休息。

71、A homeless person, especially an impoverished vagrant. ─── 流浪汉无家可归的人,尤指穷困潦倒的流浪者

72、O good sir, peradventure you mean the ragged regal vagrant that tarried here the night. ─── 哦,好先生,也许您指的是那个衣衫褴褛、在这儿过夜的皇家流浪汉吧。

73、Vagrant shrew ─── n. 漂泊鼩鼱

74、The Relationship Between the Parliament and the King Seen from the Vagrant Law in Tudor Monarchy ─── 从流民法看都铎时期议会与王权的关系

75、What of the ox who loves his yoke and deems the elk and deer of the forest stray and vagrant things? ─── 对于那些喜爱自己的轭,并把林间糜鹿视为迷途者的牛而言,又该如何?

76、Glass jug He was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant. ─── 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。

77、Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery. ─── 一个长得像基督的流浪汉在一个充满宗教和渎圣景象的怪异堕落之地游荡。

78、When they complain about the noise, Mason informs the Foxes they are the motels only guests, and suggests a vagrant may have broken in and taken up temporary residence next door. ─── 当他们向曼森抱怨这个情形时,曼森却说他们两人是旅馆唯一个顾客,解释道那些噪音,可能是流浪汉想要破门闯入而引起的。

79、"Or an idle and vagrant Indian, whom the white man's fire-water had made riotous about the streets, was to be driven with stripes into the shadow of the forest." ─── 或是一个闲散的印第安游民,因为喝了白人的烈酒满街胡闹,要挨着鞭子给赶进树林。

80、You shall be a vagrant and a wanderer on earth ─── 你会成为流浪汉,到处漂泊。

81、He lived on the street as a vagrant. ─── 他作为一个流浪者露宿街头。

82、The degree of contrast will also be diminished by the presence of some vagrant ordinary light. ─── 反差度还将因某些杂散自然光的存在而降低。

83、The vagrant had to beg for money. ─── 那个流浪汉不得不乞求钱财。

84、He who has no home is a vagrant; he who has two homes is dissolute. ─── 一个没有家的人是流浪汉;有两个家的人是放荡者。

85、unknown vagrant ─── 无名流浪人员

86、The story of the vagrant dog and me ─── 我和流浪犬的故事

87、More assistance and protection centers for vagrant children with complete sets of facilities will be constructed in cities at the prefectural level or above, and in key counties and districts. ─── 在市(地)级以上城市和重点县区建设一批设施比较完善的流浪未成年人救助保护中心。

88、Keywords vagrant;patients with mental disorder; ─── 流浪;精神障碍患者;

89、The word "vagrant thoughts" how translated into English, not what the name or classic. ─── “随想”这两个字怎么翻译成英文,不是什么名字或是名著。

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