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09-11 投稿


campana 发音

英:[kɑ?m?p?n?]  美:[k?m?p?n?]

英:  美:

campana 中文意思翻译



campana 短语词组

1、campana sobre campana ─── 钟上 ─── 钟

2、campana italian balm ─── 坎帕纳意大利香脂

3、campana brothers teddy bear chair ─── 坎帕纳兄弟泰迪熊椅

4、campana insurance and income tax ─── 坎帕纳保险和所得税

5、campana brothers ─── 坎波那兄弟

6、campana noticias ─── 贝尔新闻

campana 词性/词形变化,campana变形

名词: campaigner |动词现在分词: campaigning |动词过去分词: campaigned |动词过去式: campaigned |动词第三人称单数: campaigns |

campana 相似词语短语

1、campagnas ─── n.平原;农村

2、campagna ─── n.平原;农村

3、camaca ─── 改变

4、camaka ─── 卡马卡

5、campanas ─── n.(排)钟

6、camphane ─── n.[有化]莰烷;菠烷

7、Tampan ─── n.波斯锐绿蜱

8、campanula ─── n.风铃草属植物

9、Campania ─── n.坎帕尼亚(意大利行政区名)

campana 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Design Miami 08: here are some photos of the HSBC Private Bank lounge designed by Humberto and Fernando Campana for design Miami earlier this month. ─── 设计迈阿密08:这里有一些照片,汇丰银行私人银行设计的休息室温贝托和费尔南多·坎帕设计迈阿密本月初。

2、Campana, who's 38, had already been sentenced to nine years in jail for his mob activities. ─── 38岁的Campana已经因暴乱活动被判处九年的监禁。

3、In any case, the Campana Brothers wished to design a place for relaxation close to nature where one can enjoy the sun. ─── 在任何情况下,坎帕纳兄弟希望设计一个亲近自然放松的地方可以在那里享受阳光。

4、Campana chuckled. "Hey, you'd better cool down, Anthony --- you're getting to be a real party animal! " ─── 坎帕纳吃吃地笑。“嗨,你最好冷静下来,安东尼——你快变成一个真正喜欢结群生活的动物了!”

5、Campana slammed on the train's brake and blasted his air horn. ─── 坎帕纳猛地扳动火车刹车,拉响了警报器。

6、content of this page is from the CAMPANA port or CAMPANA customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自CAMPANA港口或CAMPANA海关的进出口公司目录;

7、Design Miami 08: here are some photos of the HSBC Private Bank lounge designed by Humberto and Fernando Campana for Design Miami earlier this month. ─── 设计迈阿密08 : 这里有一些照片, 汇丰银行私人 银行设计的休息室 温贝托和费尔南多坎帕 设计迈阿密本月初。

8、Macrocilix mysticata campana ─── n. 丁铃钩蛾

9、Campana slammed on the train's brake and blasted his air horn. ─── 坎帕纳猛地扳动火车刹车,拉响了警报器。

10、Italy's Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said the capture of Campana was a big blow against his organisation. ─── 意大利内政部长马洛尼(RobertoMaroni)表示,Campana的被捕对他的犯罪团伙是一个很大的打击。

11、The content of this page is from the CAMPANA port or CAMPANA customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自CAMPANA港口或CAMPANA海关的进出口公司目录;

12、In any case, The Campana Brothers wished to design a place for relaxation close to nature where one can enjoy the sun. ─── 在任何情况下,坎帕纳兄弟希望设计一个亲近自然放松的地方可以在那里享受阳光。

13、Serrodes campana Guenee. ─── 铃斑翅夜蛾.

14、Serrodes campana ─── n. 铃斑翅夜蛾

15、La Campana. ─── 是钟声。

16、The Campana Brothers were asked to create a modern day, contemporary version of a gloriette. ─── 在坎帕纳兄弟被要求建立一个现代化的一天,一个亭当代版本。

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