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09-11 投稿



wattled 发音

英:[?wɑ?tld]  美:[?w?tld]

英:  美:

wattled 中文意思翻译




wattled 词性/词形变化,wattled变形

原型:wattle 过去式:wattled

wattled 短语词组

1、Wattled False-Sunbird ─── 打着假鸣鸟

2、wattled bird of paradise ─── 天堂之鸟

3、Wattled Brush Turkey ─── 战刷土耳其

4、Wattled Crane ─── 战鹤

wattled 相似词语短语

1、rattled ─── adj.担忧的;紧张的;恼火的;v.发出嘎嘎声;发出连续短促的高声;咔嚓咔嚓前进;呆在……里;占用;(非正式)使紧张,使恼火(rattle的过去式和过去分词)

2、prattled ─── vi.闲聊;胡说;小孩般说话;n.无聊话;咿咿呀呀声;vt.天真地说

3、warstled ─── 温斯顿

4、wattle ─── n.板条,编条;[林]金合欢树;枝条编成的篱笆;adj.板条的;由编条做成的;vt.用编条做成

5、twattler ─── 特瓦特尔

6、battled ─── v.斗争;作战(battle的过去式和过去分词)

7、brattled ─── n.隆隆声;格格声;v.发出格格声(或隆隆声);n.(Brattle)(英、澳、加、美、新)布拉特尔(人名)

8、wattles ─── n.(Wattles)人名;(英)沃特尔斯

9、tattled ─── vi.闲谈;泄露秘密;n.闲谈

wattled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wattled Ibis ─── n. 肉垂鹮

2、Wattled Brush Turkey ─── n. 肉垂塚雉

3、And the young Fisherman leapt up, and left his wattled house, and ran down to the shore. ─── 年轻的渔夫跃然而起,冲出了他的小屋,奔向海岸。

4、Gould's wattled bat ─── n. 垂缨蝶蝠

5、Combed and wattled gules, and all the rest of the blazon. ─── 红色的鸡冠和肉垂,还有所有的家徽纹章。

6、Wattled Blulbul ─── n. 菲律宾肉垂鹎

7、wattled wall ─── 篱笆墙

8、A wattled hedge surrounds the house. ─── 房子四周围绕着一圈篱笆障。

9、Wattled Broadbill ─── n. 肉垂阔嘴鸟

10、A wattled hedge surrounds the house. ─── 房子四周围绕着一圈篱笆障。

11、wattled fence ─── 篱棚

12、Wattled Guan ─── n. 肉垂鸣冠雉

13、Wattled Crane ─── n. 肉垂鹤

14、and wattled gules, and all the rest of the blazon. ─── 红色的鸡冠和肉垂,还有所有的家徽纹章。

15、A wattled starling shakes itself off after a bath ─── 一只肉垂椋鸟洗澡后甩干自己。

16、Wattled Starling ─── n. 肉垂椋鸟

17、The trunks of several trees had been wattled across, the intervals strengthened with stakes ─── 几颗树木的树杆,交叉盘绕,形成一道围篱,树和树的中间,还用树桩加固。

18、The trunks of several trees had been wattled across, the intervals strengthened with stakes. ─── 几颗树木的树杆,交叉盘绕,形成一道围篱,树和树的中间,还用树桩加固。

19、The Wattled wall, the woman and the dog ─── 篱笆墙·女人和狗

20、Wattled Jacana ─── n. 肉垂水雉

21、Wattled Curassow ─── n. 肉垂凤冠雉

22、wattled bird of paradise ─── 肉阜风鸟

23、Wattled False-Sunbird ─── n. 肉垂拟太阳鸟

24、Its roofs and doors were wattled with hissing snakes, ejecting poison, through which perjurers and murderers were forced to wade by way of punishment ─── 这儿,屋顶上、门上到处盘缠着毒蛇,它们喷着毒液,咝咝直叫。作伪证的人和谋杀犯被强迫打这儿通过,以示惩罚。

25、Wattled Honeyeater ─── n. 肉垂吸蜜鸟

26、the young Fisherman leapt up, and left his wattled house, and ran down to the shore. ─── 年轻的渔夫跃然而起,冲出了他的小屋,奔向海岸。

27、Because of the host being away, the wattled gate is shut and the poet cannot get in to see his friend. ─── 因为主人不在,门打不开,进不去,诗人非常遗憾,而且很可惜门前的青苔被白白地踩上了脚印。

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