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09-14 投稿



glomeruli 发音

英:[ɡlo??merj?la?]  美:[ɡl???mer(j)?la?]

英:  美:

glomeruli 中文意思翻译



glomeruli 词性/词形变化,glomeruli变形

形容词: glomerulate |

glomeruli 短语词组

1、glomeruli of olfactory nerves ─── [医] 嗅神经小球

2、glomeruli of pronephros ─── [医] 前肾小球

3、glomeruli caudales ─── [医] 尾小球

4、obsolescent glomeruli ─── 陈旧性肾小球

5、nonencapsulated nerve glomeruli ─── [医] 无被囊神经小球

6、vasa efferens glomeruli ─── [医] 输出小动脉(肾小球)

7、Ruysch's glomeruli ─── [医] 肾小球

8、glomeruli of mesonephros ─── [医] 中肾小球

9、glomeruli arteriosi cochleae ─── [医] 蜗动脉小球

10、olfactary glomeruli ─── [医] 嗅小球

11、capsula glomeruli ─── [医] 肾小球囊, 鲍曼氏囊

12、glomeruli pancreatici ─── [医] 胰小球, 胰岛

13、glomeruli of sympathetic ganglia ─── [医] 交感神经节

14、Malpighian glomeruli ─── [医] 肾小球

15、glomeruli of kidney ─── [医] 肾小球

16、vas afferens glomeruli ─── [医] 输入小动脉(肾小球)

glomeruli 相似词语短语

1、glomerulate ─── 肾小球

2、glomerulus ─── n.[组织]肾小球

3、glomera ─── 球

4、glomerate ─── adj.集合的;密集成簇的;[植][解剖]聚成球形的

5、glomeration ─── n.球状体;成球状;球状化

6、glomerulitis ─── n.[泌尿]肾小球炎

7、glomerules ─── n.团伞花序;丝球体(等于glomerulus)

8、glomerular ─── 小球的;血管小球的

9、glomerule ─── n.团伞花序;丝球体(等于glomerulus)

glomeruli 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Monocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes are present in some glomeruli ─── 一些肾小体中,可能存在单核细胞,嗜中性白细胞的淋巴细胞。

2、olfactary glomeruli ─── [医] 嗅小球

3、glomeruli of kidney ─── [医] 肾小球

4、Renal pathology changes were observed at the 12th week by light microscope and electron microscope.Immunohischemistry was used to examine the expression of CTGF in glomeruli. ─── 光镜及电镜观察第12周肾组织病理变化,并应用免疫组化法检测肾小球内CTGF的表达水平。

5、Results TRX-liposomes markedly accumulated in the glomeruli of inflamed kidneys, but did not accumulate in the glomeruli of normal kidneys. ─── 结果:在炎症性肾脏的肾小球中TRX脂质体显著积聚,但在正常肾脏的肾小球中并未观察到TRX脂质体。

6、vas afferens glomeruli ─── [医] 输入小动脉(肾小球)

7、The influence of Sheng Xue Shen Ling on Glomeruli fibrosis of rats with chronic renal failure ─── 生血肾灵对慢性肾衰竭大鼠肾小球硬化的影响

8、Isolation, culture and identification of endothelial cells from rat glomeruli ─── 大鼠肾小球内皮细胞分离培养和鉴定

9、The Relationship Between ACE Gene I/D Polymorphism and Primary Glomeruli Disease, SLE Renal Lesion ─── ACE基因I/D多态性与原发肾小球疾病及SLE肾脏病变关系的研究

10、Seen here within the glomeruli are crescents composed of proliferating epithelial cells. ─── 肾小球内由增生的壁层上皮细胞组成的新月体。

11、glomeruli of kindey ─── 肾小球

12、The expression of ANGPTL3 mRNA increases in glomeruli of ADR rats during the development of proteinuria. ─── ANGPTL3可能通过影响肾小球的功能参与肾病蛋白尿的进展过程。

13、Keywords glomeruli cirrhosis;fibrinolysis factors;correlations; ─── 关键词肾小球硬化;凝血纤溶;相关分析;

14、Renal glomeruli had hyaline changes suggestive of an immunologic process ─── 肾小球有表明免疫学过程的玻璃样变化。

15、Results:The serum HBV infection markers in all cases were positive.The positive frequency of HBV antigen of glomeruli was 90.0%.The HBV-DNA on glomeruli were all positive in 4 cases. ─── 结果:全部病例血清HBV标志物阳性,肾组织HBV抗原阳性率达90.9%,4例肾组织HBV-DNA均阳性。

16、Both e NOS and nNOS were mainly localized in glomeruli and blood vessel endothelium; eNOS content was richest and that was in renal medulla more than in renal cortex. ─── eNOS和nNOS主要分布于肾小球及血管内皮 ,其中eNOS表达最丰富 ,髓质明显多于皮质 ;

17、Keywords glucocorticoid;adriamycin nephrosis;rat;urinary protein excretion;negative charge of glomeruli; ─── 关键词肾上腺糖皮质激素;阿霉素肾病;大鼠;尿蛋白排泄;肾小球阴电荷;

18、glomeruli of olfactory nerves ─── 嗅神经小球

19、Keywords image segmentation histogram glomeruli thresthold; ─── 图像分割;直方图;肾小球;阈值化;

20、Nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by damage to the clusters of tiny blood vessels (glomeruli) of your kidneys. ─── 肾病综合症一般是由肾小球受损造成的。

21、synaptic glomeruli ─── 突触球

22、glomeruli arteriosi cochle ─── 蜗动脉小球

23、It can segment glomeruli image efficienctly through located the character peak of image. ─── 通过定位图像的特征峰,从而有效地对肾小球医学图像进行阈值化。

24、cerebellar glomeruli ─── 小脑小球

25、capsula glomeruli ─── [医] 肾小球囊, 鲍曼氏囊

26、calyx glomeruli ─── 脉球萼

27、of or relating to glomeruli. ─── 属于或关于肾小球的。

28、Conclusion Both diabetic glomeruli and IMCD cells had an abnormal NO metabolism. ─── 结论糖尿病大鼠肾小球及IMCD细胞均存在NO代谢异常。

29、glomeruli caudales ─── 尾小球

30、The glomeruli were nearly normal,but the tubular enlargement was noted at4weeks and became more obvious at8weeks and16weeks after adriamycin injection. ─── 光镜下肾小球形态基本正常,第4周开始出现肾小管扩张,第8周和第16周时肾小管扩张更加明显,如小囊状。

31、In Group P0,massive inflammatory cells infiltrated in the glomeruli and nephric tubules and hyaline degeneration and necrosis were seen in the nephric tubules. ─── P0组中呈现典型休克病理改变,肾小管可见明显玻璃样变性、坏死,肾小球和肾小管周围可见大量炎性细胞浸润。

32、In this paper,a new method of medical image segmentation based on histogram is presented,which is depended on the character of glomeruli image. ─── 根据肾小球医学图像的特点,提出了一种新的基于直方图特征峰的图像分割方法。

33、The age-related reduction in renal blood flow is accompanied by a gradual loss of functioning glomeruli. ─── 年龄相关性的肾血流量减少并伴随着功能性肾单位的逐渐减少。

34、Under electronmicroscope,the glomeruli displayed obvious pathological changes i ncluding hypertrophy of mesangial cells. ─── ET含量升高程度与肌酐清除率下降程度及肾病理改变相平行。

35、The cortex is fibrotic, the glomeruli are sclerotic, there are scattered chronic inflammatory cell infiltrates, and the arteries are thickened. ─── 它表现为皮质纤维化、肾小球硬化、慢性炎细胞弥散侵润、动脉壁增厚;部分肾小管常扩张并充满粉红色的胶样管型,形态与甲状腺滤泡相似。

36、Figures 7. 8. Right Kidney: In focal areas dysplastic glomeruli and tubules (figure 7) and immature cartilage were present (figure 8). ─── 图7、8右肾:肾小球和肾小管发育异常(图7)和未成熟软骨(图8)。

37、vas efferens glomeruli ─── 肾小球输出小动脉

38、glomeruli of pronephros ─── [医] 前肾小球

39、Compound staining method for muscular and collagen fibers, basement membrane and cells of glomeruli in renal tissue ─── 肾组织肌纤维、胶原纤维、肾小球基膜和细胞的组合染色法研究

40、An adequate renal biopsy should contain at least 6 glomeruli so that there is less chance that focal lesions will be missed. ─── 一张较好的肾脏活体组织切片应该至少包含6个肾小球,以减少误诊的机会。

41、Study of Apoptosis in Developing Renal Glomeruli in Mice ─── 小鼠不同发育阶段肾小体细胞凋亡的实验研究

42、arterial glomeruli of cochlea ─── 耳蜗动脉丝球

43、glomeruli pancreatici ─── [医] 胰小球, 胰岛

44、"Classical" biomarkers of CKD progression include quantitatie proteinuria, the percentage of sclerotic glomeruli or fractional interstitial fibrosis. ─── 显示慢性肾病进展的典型生物标记物包括定量蛋白尿,肾小球硬化比例,局灶性间质纤维化比例.

45、Effect of Herbs on the Proliferation of Bovine Glomeruli Mesangial Cell Induced by High Glucose ─── 中药对高糖作用下牛肾小球系膜细胞增殖的影响

46、Microscopically there is a reduction in the number of functional glomeruli, but the size and capacity of the remaining nephrons increase to partially compensate for this loss. ─── 微观上功能肾小球数量减少,但剩余的肾单位的大小和能力增加起到部分弥补作用。

47、vasa efferens glomeruli ─── [医] 输出小动脉(肾小球)

48、Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in diabetic rat glomeruli ─── 血管内皮生长因子、细胞间黏附分子1在糖尿病大鼠肾小球的表达

49、juxtamedullary glomeruli ─── 髓旁肾小球

50、We conclued: (1 )there is increased collagen content in glomeruli of SHR; and (2) accumulation of glomerular collagen may be the early lesion of glomerulosclerosis in SHR. ─── 提示(1)SHR肾小球胶原沉积增加,(2)累积的肾小球胶原可能是肾小球硬化的早期病变。

51、Glomeruli mesaginal cell ─── 肾小球系膜细胞

52、Note that the cysts fill most of the parenchyma, and it is hard to find glomeruli. ─── 图示大多数实质被囊肿充满,很难发现肾髓质。

53、In this lab, however, we will focus only on the classical abnormalities of the glomeruli. ─── 不过在这个实验中,我们将只着重在典型的肾小球异常。

54、Objective:To observe the effect of valsartan and low molecular weight heparin on the proliferation of glomeruli mesangial cells stimulated by high glucose. ─── 目的:探讨缬沙坦和低分子量肝素对高糖刺激大鼠系膜细胞增殖的影响。

55、Observations on the ABS casts of the glomeruli in the human kidneys ─── 人肾小球ABS铸型观察

56、At the far right is normal kidney, then to the left of that hyperemic kidney that is dying, then to the left of that pale pink infarcted kidney in which both tubules and glomeruli are dead. ─── 最右边是正常肾脏,其左边是濒临坏死的充血区,再往左边是苍白、粉红的梗死区,此处肾小球和肾小管都已坏死。

57、Some juxtamedullary glomeruli have two efferent arterioles ─── 某些近髓质肾小球具有两种出球小动脉。

58、19. The amorphous pink depositis of amyloid may be found in and around arteries, in interstitium, or in glomeruli. ─── 动脉壁及其周围、肾小球和肾间质可见无定形的粉红色淀粉样沉积物。

59、Causes Nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by damage to the clusters of tiny blood vessels (glomeruli) of your kidneys. ─── 【病因】如前所述,肾病综合症一般是由肾小球受损造成的。

60、Effect of losartan on expression of Janus kinase 2 and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 in glomeruli of diabetic rats ─── 氯沙坦对糖尿病大鼠肾小球信号蛋白JAK2和STAT3表达的影响

61、Glomeruli mesangial cells ─── 肾脏系膜细胞

62、glomeruli of sympathetic ganglia ─── [医] 交感神经节

63、Effect of curcumin on extracellular matrix accumulation in the glomeruli in nephrotoxic sera nephritis rats ─── 姜黄素对大鼠肾毒血清肾炎肾组织细胞外基质积聚的影响

64、howeer, it is not unusual for renal biopsies in such cases to exhibit some immune complex deposition within glomeruli on immunofluorescence and/or electron microscopic study. ─── ANCA相关性肾炎中这些沉积物的成分及沉积部位尚未得到广泛研究,且其致病性及临床意义出不清楚。

65、Diabetic kidney disease. Diabetes can lead to kidney damage (diabetic nephropathy) that affects the glomeruli. ─── 糖尿病(性)肾病糖尿病会对肾脏造成损害,从而影响肾小球功能。

66、The amorphous pink deposits of amyloid may be found in and around arteries, in interstitium, or in glomeruli . ─── 动脉壁及其周围、肾小球和肾间质可见无定形的粉红色淀粉样沉积物。

67、Effects of Heat-Clearing Herbs on the Proliferation of Glomeruli Mesangial Cells Induced by High Glucose ─── 清热中药对高糖培养下肾小球系膜细胞增殖的影响

68、Membranous nephropathy.This kidney disorder is the result of thickening membranes within the glomeruli. ─── 膜性肾病特征是肾小球基底膜(上左图——基膜)的增厚。

69、Exploration of heparin calcium for expressions of matrix metalloproteinases in glomeruli ─── 肝素钙对肾小球内基质金属蛋白酶表达作用的探讨

70、Increased expression of phosphorylating-cAMP-responsive element binding protein1 in early diabetic glomeruli ─── 磷酸化的cAMP反应元件结合蛋白1在糖尿病大鼠肾小球中表达增强

71、glomeruli arteriosi cochleae ─── 蜗小动脉丝球

72、Malpighian glomeruli caudales ─── 马尔皮基(氏)尾小球:肾小球

73、Glomeruli and cortex tubuli of rats were dissected by laser microdissection. ─── (2)通过激光微分离系统成功地分离了大鼠肾组织中的肾小球和肾小管。

74、In the blood, creatinine is removed by filtration through the glomeruli of the kidney and is secreted into urine. ─── 血液中的肌酐通过肾脏肾小球过滤,分泌到尿液中。

75、Apoptosis in Developing Glomeruli of Mouse Kidney ─── 小鼠肾脏肾小体发育中的细胞凋亡

76、The glomeruli show irregular thickening and splitting of basement membranes. ─── 肾小球表现为不规则增厚,基底膜分离。

77、Keywords Shenshu capsule;Adriamycin nephrosis;Rat;Oxygen free radical;Negative charge of glomeruli; ─── 肾舒胶囊;阿霉素肾病;大鼠;氧自由基;肾小球阴电荷;

78、Renal glomeruli had hyaline changes suggestive of an immunologic process . ─── 肾小球有表明免疫学过程的玻璃样变化。

79、Monocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes are present in same glomeruli. ─── 一些肾小体中,可能存在单核细胞,嗜中性白细胞的淋巴细胞。

80、efferens glomeruli ─── 输出小动脉(肾小球)

81、Seen here within the glomeruli are crescents composed of proliferating epithelial cells. ─── 肾小球内由增生的壁层上皮细胞组成的新月体。

82、glomeruli of mesonephros ─── [医] 中肾小球

83、Results TRX-liposomes markedly accumulated in the glomeruli of inflamed kidneys, but did not accumulate in the glomeruli of normal kidneys. ─── 结果:在炎症性肾脏的肾小球中TRX脂质体显著积聚,但在正常肾脏的肾小球中并未观察到TRX脂质体。

84、nonencapsulated nerve glomeruli ─── [医] 无被囊神经小球

85、The Quantity Change and Action of Nitric Oxide in Primary Glomeruli Disease ─── 原发性肾小球疾病一氧化氮含量变化及其作用

86、The material examined showed no segmental scars in glomeruli except for the glomerulus next to the medulla. ─── 除髓质附近外的肾小球外,未发现有局段(节灶)性疤痕。

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