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09-14 投稿



scuttle 发音

英:[?sk?t(?)l]  美:[?sk?t(?)l]

英:  美:

scuttle 中文意思翻译




scuttle 短语词组

1、scuttle tank ─── 舷窗油箱

2、scuttle hatch ─── 舷窗铁盖

3、ammunition scuttle ─── 输弹口

4、quick-acting scuttle ─── 快动式舷窗

5、coal scuttle ─── 煤斗

6、shuttle scuttle ─── 梭式舷窗

7、scuttle away ─── 急忙跑走

8、scuttle ladder scuttle ─── 女士

9、open Scuttle ─── 露天煤斗

10、Scuttle Flies ─── 可爱的苍蝇

11、pivoted scuttle ─── 旋转式舷窗

12、scuttle hole ─── 小洞

13、scuttle cover ─── 斯库特尔盖子

scuttle 词性/词形变化,scuttle变形


scuttle 相似词语短语

1、scuttler ─── 凿岩机

2、scuttlers ─── 舷窗

3、scrattle ─── 煤斗

4、suttle ─── adj.净重的;n.净重;v.担任军中小贩;n.(Suttle)(美、英、加)萨特尔(人名)

5、skuttle ─── 鸟嘴

6、cuttle ─── n.乌贼,墨鱼;n.(Cuttle)人名;(英)卡特尔

7、shuttle ─── n.航天飞机;穿梭;梭子;穿梭班机、公共汽车等;vt.使穿梭般来回移动;短程穿梭般运送;vi.穿梭往返

8、scuttles ─── n.煤桶;急促的奔跑(声);舷窗,小舱口;车颈(车挡风玻璃与引擎罩之间的部分);v.急促奔跑,疾走;故意破坏(计划),使成为泡影;使(船)沉没

9、scuttled ─── n.煤桶;急促的奔跑(声);舷窗,小舱口;车颈(车挡风玻璃与引擎罩之间的部分);v.急促奔跑,疾走;故意破坏(计划),使成为泡影;使(船)沉没

scuttle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Application of Hyperbolic Coal Scuttle in Vertical Coal Bunker ─── 双曲线收口在立式煤仓中的应用

2、Another danger is that too much anti-foreign sentiment will scuttle China's effort to play the gracious host in August, when hundreds of thousands of visitors will descend on Beijing for the Olympics. ─── 另一个危险便是,排外情绪过于高涨将会破坏中国在塑造谦和东道主形象方面的努力,那时候会有成千上万的外国人因为奥运会会访问北京。

3、The cleanness of the switch of facilitating scuttle and glass of side of inside and outside. ─── 便于天窗的开关和内外侧玻璃的清洁。

4、Scuttle light has the openest view, the freshest air, the most Anacreontic daylighting. ─── 天窗光线拥有最开阔的视野,最新鲜的空气,最明朗的采光。

5、Scuttle: Ariel! Ariel, wake up! Wake up! I just heard the news. Congratulations, kid, we did it! ─── 斯卡托:爱丽尔!爱丽尔,醒醒!醒醒!我刚听到消息。祝贺你,孩子,我们成功了!

6、Several years ago she was convinced that she couldn't write a book she'd contracted to do. The day before she planned to scuttle the deal,she went to a crafts fair. ─── 几年前,她签约写一本书却认为自己无法如约完成,就在她准备取消合同的前一天,她去了一个工艺品交易市场。

7、It is wondrous to walk along the beach watching crabs scuttle in and out of the surf or to watch leaves flutter in the tropical winds. ─── 当你漫步在海滩的时候,你可以观看螃蟹随着潮汐涨落急速逃跑,或者看着树叶在热带风中摇曳。

8、Trouble Removal of Scuttle Not Opening on GUANGZHOU HONDA ACCORD ─── 广州本田雅阁轿车天窗打不开故障排除

9、"Why? ? Hotel manager says: " Because you are bending over to go up in the transparent scuttle of our dining-room now! ─── 饭店经理说:“因为你现在正趴在我们餐厅的透明天窗上!”

10、scuttle cover ─── 升降口板

11、chassis scuttle ─── 带车头但无挡风玻璃底盘

12、As I picked up the second scuttle by the handles and tried to shovel the coke up off the floor, the mountain began to move. ─── 当我握住第二个煤斗的把柄,并尽力将焦炭从地上铲起来时,这座煤山开始移动起来。

13、Scuttle: I don't know, he looks kind of hairy and slobbery to me. ─── 斯卡托:我不知道。可我觉得他看上去毛茸茸的,而且还流口水。

14、S. intelligence material on the North Korea-Syria connection need not scuttle the six-party accord, under which North Korea is to scrap its nuclear program in exchange for aid and diplomatic benefits. ─── 希尔对此作出回应说,这不会影响六方会谈所制定的协议,该协议规定北韩放弃其核项目,以换取援助和外交利益。

15、Unfortunately, this is another promise that is more likely to scuttle a relationship than shore it up. ─── 不幸的是这是另一个更能毁坏关系而非保养它的诺言。

16、coal scuttle ─── n. 煤斗

17、roof scuttle ─── 屋顶天窗屋顶出入孔

18、channels of coal scuttle ─── 下煤斗

19、There was a general scuttle for shelter when the rain began to fall heavily. ─── 人们都飞跑着寻找躲雨的地方。

20、The insects would scuttle towards one and another and attempt to rip each other apart. ─── 它们快步奔向对方,想把对方撕咬得粉碎。

21、scuttle any chance of peace ─── 毁掉和平的一切机会

22、An arched marble fireplace held its little basket of red flameless heat, and hand-painted coal - scuttle stood on the hearth. ─── 一个半圆形的大理石壁炉燃烧着一小盆没有火焰的通红的炉火,炉边放着一只用手工涂着绘画的煤斗。

23、And I said to myself, "Lewis, don't look left, don't look right. Just scuttle forward and go for it. " ─── 我对自己说:“路易斯,不要向左看,不要向右看,要一直往前冲。”

24、scuttle a ship ─── 弄沈一条船

25、scuttle bulkhead ─── 前舱壁

26、When making air flow organization and distribution of blast, it shall take full advantage of scuttle air at the first row of intake substratum, interlining, and firing floor. ─── 会员不能向其代理、委托人、员工、授权代表、经销商之外的任何第三方泄漏翻译文件内容,本网站保留诉诸法律的权利。

27、side scuttle frame ─── 活动舷窗框

28、Torsional rigidity is vital to minimise the scuttle shake associated with most convertible cars and to help maintain the car's dynamic composure. ─── 对于大多数敞篷车,扭转刚性对减小风挡振动和保持动态稳定性特别重要。

29、Keywords Coal scuttle lifter;Improvement;Electricity conservation; ─── 提煤箕斗;改造;节电;

30、Such concerns could scuttle the capital increase plan, as Congress will need to approve funding for the bank's capital expansion. ─── 这类担忧可能会破坏亚行增加资本金的计划,因为美国国会需要批准为该行增加资本金融资。

31、Scamper,scurry and scuttle indicate people or animals running with short,quick steps.scamper ─── Scamper、scurry、 scuttle三词均指人或动物小步奔跑.

32、One steam masses fast vacate 1.6 hands to move scuttle edition is lowest much now money? ─── 一汽大众速腾1.6手动天窗版现在最低多钱?

33、Reason Analysis and Countermeasure of the Coal Powde from Coal Scuttle was Impeded ─── 原煤斗下煤不畅的原因分析与处理

34、Tilt of housetop tilt window, of all kinds ceiling (contain scuttle, daylighting to support) , condole supports; ─── 倾斜屋顶的倾斜窗、各类天棚(含天窗、采光顶)、吊顶;


36、Thinking optimistically, it is just possible that all this flimflam is actually a cunning plan to scuttle the shuttle once and for all. ─── 乐观地想的话,有可能所有这些鬼话实际上是一劳永逸地破坏太空飞船的狡猾计划。

37、All this scuttle butt was laughed off as nonsense. ─── 这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。

38、to scuttle one's plan ─── 放弃打算要做的事

39、Computer Automatic Generation of Unfolding Drawings of Tunnels Surface for a Special-shaped Steel Coal Scuttle ─── 异型钢煤斗漏斗曲面展开图的计算机自动生成

40、Exparision and Application of Laminated Scuttle with Double Rolls in the Fulfillment ─── 双辊分层煤斗在实践中的推广及应用

41、Scuttle: Right, as if you two didn't know, uh? ─── 斯卡托:好像你们两个还不知道,是吧?

42、scuttle ladder ─── 天窗梯

43、With the right spell, you can scuttle your boats to prevent your enemies from using them. It makes for a one way trip, but that's what Summon Boat is for! ─── 使用合适的魔法,你可以摧毁你的船只以防被敌方利用。这使旅行变成单向的,但还有招船术呢!

44、Multicolored ponchos scuttle across streets as people pedal bicycles through huge puddles of water. ─── 成群单车族身穿五颜六色的雨衣,在街头驰骋,骑过大片的水坑。

45、flush bunker scuttle ─── 无围板煤舱口

46、He wondered what to do about the boat. Ideally he would scuttle it, but he might be seen doing so. ─── 他想这条船怎样处理呢?最好将它凿沉,但这样做很可能被人看见。

47、In succession, their superstar missed a big three-point shot, then a crucial foul shot, then -- rub your eyes -- turned the ball over down the stretch to scuttle the Lakers' attempt to go up 3-0. ─── 他们的超级巨星,接连地,丢掉了一个大号三分,之后又罚失了一个关键球,然后--擦亮你的眼睛看哦--在湖人努力将大比分改写成3-0的关键时刻,他竟把球弄丢了。

48、I have heard here that we British are planning to scuttle Roundup. ─── 我在这里听说我们英国人正在着手破坏“围捕”计划。

49、The children scuttle across the street. ─── 我看见他急匆匆地穿街而过。

50、When they snarl in their different ways, he will scuttle back under America's skirts. ─── 但当此三国以各自不同的方式叫嚣威胁之时,安倍将会匆匆地逃回美国的保护圈之中。

51、" George, " said his wife, " we want some more coal in from the shed. The scuttle's empty." " There's no peace for the wicked, " he murmured, laying the newspaper aside and rising to his feet. ─── “乔治,”他太太喊他,“从棚子里拿点煤来,煤桶里没有啦。”“倒霉鬼不得安宁,”他一边嘟嚷着说,一边把报纸放下站起身来。

52、and down through this scuttle came a cat, suspended around the haunches by a string; ─── 一只腰部系着绳子的猫从上面悬空而下,它的头和嘴被破布扎上了,出不了声。

53、Several years ago she was convinced that she couldn' t write a book she' d contracted to do. The day before she planned to scuttle the deal, she went to a crafts fair. ─── 几年前,她签约写一本书却认为自己无法如约完成,就在她准备取消合同的前一天,她去了一个工艺品交易市

54、run coal scuttle ─── 原煤斗

55、India managed to scuttle the notion that India, and hence disputed Kashmir, should be part of the mandate of Richard Holbrooke, Mr Obama's “AfPak” envoy. ─── 奥巴马派遣的阿富汗和帕基斯坦问题特使理查德.霍尔布鲁克认为印度及充满争端的克什米尔地区都应该受他委任统治,但印度方面却成功地打破了这个理念。

56、There was a garret above, pierced with a scuttle over his head; ─── 原来他头顶上是个阁楼,阁楼的天窗正对着老师的头顶。

57、An adversarial or uncooperative attitude can easily scuttle any positive results and plunge the discussion into pointless hostility. ─── 对抗或不合作的态度可以很容易地破坏任何积极的结果,并投入到毫无意义的带有敌意的讨论。

58、a scuttle down the passage ─── 沿通道小跑.

59、I BET with every Wind that blew, till Nature in chagrin Employed a Fact to visit me and scuttle my Balloon! ─── 我和吹来的每阵风打赌,直到自然着恼派遣一个事实来拜访我,我的气球飞走了!

60、It is lucarne of corner window, elliptical arc window or French window, cant no matter, even scuttle of the top of head, organ shade can drape a luxuriant appearance for them. ─── 不论是转角窗、椭圆弧形窗还是落地窗、斜面屋顶窗,甚至头顶天窗,风琴帘都可以为它们披上一层华丽的外衣。

61、scuttle hatch cover ─── 升降口盖舷窗铁盖

62、The old school scold Sold the school coal scuttle; If the old school scold sold The school coal scuttle, The school should scold And scuttle the old school scold. ─── 学校守旧派卖掉了学校的煤斗;如果学校守旧派卖掉了学校的煤斗,学校将责骂并解散学校守旧派。

63、escape scuttle ─── 应急出口

64、Basically use at window of housetop scuttle, balcony. ─── 主要用于屋顶天窗、阳台窗。

65、An arched marble fire place held its little basket of red flameless heat, and a handpainted coal - scuttle stood on the hearth. ─── 一个半圆形的大理石壁炉燃烧着一盆没有火焰的通红的炉火,炉边放着一只用手工涂着绘画的煤斗。

66、The installation antagonism wind-force of inclined housetop scuttle, prevent the respect such as leakage to have very strong professional demand, must ask seasoned technician to operate. ─── 斜屋顶天窗的安装对抗风力、防渗漏等方面有很强的专业要求,必须请经验丰富的技师来操作。

67、Several conscripts were seen to scuttle off barracks. ─── 有人看见几个新兵从兵营里逃走了。

68、pivoted scuttle ─── 枢轴旋动舷窗

69、Summer, sunshine from scuttle point-blank come in, stair is on the wall of sandstone round of corridor of overhand clarity. ─── 夏日,阳光从天窗直射进来,楼梯便在砂岩的墙壁上投下清楚的轮廊。

70、Weld of Scuttle Support Beam in Taishan Thermal Power Plant ─── 台山火电厂煤斗支承梁焊接

71、elliptical steel coal scuttle ─── 椭圆形钢煤斗

72、The controversy stirred by Mr.Xiang helped scuttle what would have been among the biggest private equity investments in China. ─── 他引发的论战搅黄了这桩买卖,而这项投资本有望成为中国规模最大的私人资本运营公司投资之一。

73、passing scuttle ─── 水密门孔

74、scuttle away ─── v. 急忙跑走

75、to scuttle the doubt ─── 消除疑虑

76、scuttle the ship ─── 把船凿沉

77、There is, after all, every chance that China's heavy-handed officials, as intolerant of non-conformity now as under the ming dynasty, will once more contrive to scuttle the ships of its visionaries. ─── 毕竟,现在的中国领导就象明朝的官员一样,专制独裁,不允许有不同意见的存在,因而他们一定会试图扼杀那些有远见卓识之士的想法。

78、scuttle structure of ablation ─── 剥蚀构造天窗

79、scuttle ventilation control ─── 天窗通风控制

80、5. He wondered what to do about the boat. Ideally he would scuttle it, but he might be seen doing so. ─── 他想这条船怎样处理呢?最好将它凿沉,但这样做很可能被人看见。

81、coal scuttle of iron or steel ─── 烟炭桶,钢或铁制

82、Scuttle: It's a dingle-hopper! ─── 斯卡托:是一个长尖尖。

83、Through FEA on the composite structure of reinforced concrete and steel scuttle, seeking destruction reasons by referring to practical destruction features, a beneficial conclusion for this type of structure design is proposed. ─── 摘要通过对一个钢筋混凝土和钢煤斗的混和结构进行有限元分析,参照结构的实际破坏特征,找出破坏的原因,提出对该类结构设计有益的结论。

84、Such threats could scuttle the peace conference. ─── 这样的威胁可能会破坏和平会议。

85、With the right spell, you can scuttle your boats to prevent your enemies from using them. ─── 使用合适的魔法,你可以摧毁你的船只以防被敌方利用。

86、Stress analysis, fabrication and installation standards of steel coal scuttle were made, in addition, the technical measurement for coal level, type selection for discharge dolly and control process of coal discharge were discussed. ─── 完成了方圆杂交钢煤斗的应力分析,制定了钢煤斗的制作和安装标准、煤位测量技术条件、卸料小车选型、上煤控制工艺。

87、a coal scuttle; a scuttle; a hod ─── 煤斗

88、He wondered what to do about the boat. Ideally he would scuttle it, but he might be seen doing so. ─── 他想这条船怎样处理呢?最好将它凿沉,但这样做很可能被人看见。

89、Buxhevden pursues us;we scuttle. ─── 布克斯格夫登追过来,我们就跑开。

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