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09-14 投稿



curring 发音

英:[['k?:??]]  美:[['k?:??]]

英:  美:

curring 中文意思翻译




curring 短语词组

1、curring time ─── [机] 硬化时间, 成形时间

curring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, as great changes am taking place in cur society and economy, it is necessary to revise the law in terms of the industry management system, the organizing forms of accountant offices and legal duties of certified accountants. ─── 但是,随著我国经济和社会生活的巨大变化,《注册会计师法》需要在行业管理体制、会计师事务所的组织形式、注册会计师的法律责任等方面进行修订。

2、Cur - Displays the current selected color number on the colorband. ─── 当前-显示在色带中当前选中的颜色数字。

3、Primer pairs of B1/B2, E1/E2 and 11/12 amplified of a unique 387bp, 390bp and 350bp fragment respectively from genomic DNA samples strain of Cur. ─── 引物B1/B2、E1/E2和I1/I2扩增结果:B1/B2、E1/E2和I1/I2能分别从目标菌Cur.

4、As the Orientals say, "A cur's tail may be warmed, and pressed, and bound round with ligatures, and after a twelve years' labor bestowed upon it, still it will retain its natural form. ─── 对于像这些尾巴一样根深蒂固的本性,仅有一个办法,就是把它们制成胶质,我想通常就是拿它们来作这种用场的,它们才可以胶着一切。

5、The cur rent quality of Chinese herbs and Chinese medicine nostrum made clinical healing efficacy copy difficultly with expect. ─── 中药饮片和中成药质量的现状也使中医经验的拷贝效果往往难以得到预想的重复。

6、curring die ─── 弯边模

7、Objective: to improve curring effects of initial operation on lumbar disc protrusion, and try to avoid reoperation. ─── 目的:提高腰椎间盘突出症初次切除缝合的疗效,制止二次切除缝合。

8、as scared as a stray cur; as pitiful as a lost pup ─── 惶惶如丧家之犬

9、pusillum according to thepresence and pattern of PCR products. Primer pairs A1/A2 can amplified the genomic DNA from both Cur. ─── 引物A1/A2、H1/H2扩增结果:A1/A2可以从Rathayibacter. tritici和目标菌Cur.

10、If you threw things at him, he would cur his lanky body around feet in forgiveness. ─── 如果你拿东西砸它,它就会把瘦长的身子蜷缩起来以求宽恕;

11、Objective: To improve curring effects of initial operation on lumbar disc protrusion, and try to avoid reoperation. ─── 前言:目的:提高腰椎间盘突出症首次手术的疗效,避免二次手术。

12、led perchance by some slight cur which nimbly threaded the wood, and might still inspire a natural terror in its denizens; ─── 也许是些瘦小的恶狗给带路进来的,它们在森林中灵活地穿来穿去,林中鸟兽对这种恶狗自然有一种恐惧;

13、It also can be sprayed on the surface of concrete members as a curring agent, and have a good shrinkage reducing effect. ─── 也可以作为一种养护剂喷涂到混凝土构件与制品的表面,同样具有很好的减缩效果。

14、Primer pairs C1/C2, D1/D2 and G1/G2 amplified different fragments from several genomic DNA samples. Further study should be done to improved PCR conditions or search for other specific primers for the detection of Cur. ─── 引物C1/C2、D1/D2和G1/G2的扩增结果:来自于Cur.

15、he said. "Damned old cur," wiping the slush from his worthless coat. ─── "他说,"这该死的老狗,"一边拂去他那不值钱的上衣上的雪水。

16、Keywords breast;cyst;diagnosis;cur; ─── 乳腺;囊性肿块;诊断;治疗;

17、Western blot analysis showed that the band density areas of HS,CUR and PB groups were higher than those in NS and DMSO groups, especially in CUR group ( P < 0.01) . ─── Western印迹分析经图像处理仪扫描显示CUR组、HS组、PB组高于NS组及DMSO组 ,其中以CUR组最高 (P

18、Western blot was used to analyse the downregulation of the marked P210bcr/abl protein on K562 cells of CML after treated with CUR and FM01; ─── 免疫印迹法检测FM01、Cur对慢性粒细胞白血病K562细胞株特征性蛋白p210bcr/abl表达的抑制程度;

19、curring agent ─── 固化剂

20、A mischievous cur must be tied short. ─── 恶狗必须拴得短。

21、The general fire situation assessment of Cur Country and prevention and control of fire ─── 我国火灾形势的总体评价及火灾防治对策

22、Don't get the expression of a vicious cur that appears to know the kicks it gets are its desert, and yet hates all the world, as well as the kicker, for what it suffers. ─── 不要像个小混混那样说话,表现的愤愤不满,仿佛他得到的都是应该的,仇恨整个世界,还有就是抱怨自己所承受的痛苦。”

23、The older girls ordered the younger one out of the carriage, cur off her hands, gouged out her eyes, and left her lying unconscious in the bushes. ─── 两个姐姐让小妹下车,砍下她的双手,挖出她的双眼,把她当作死人扔在了树丛中。

24、Western blotting analysis after image processor showed that the density area in CUR,HS,PB group was higher than those in NS and DMSO group,especially higher in CUR group. ─── Western印迹分析经图像处理仪扫描显示密度面积 CUR 组、HS 组、PB 组高于 NS 组及 DMSO 组。 其中以 CUR 组增高明显。

25、overview: microsoft is a world leader in the design of personal computer input devices. we are cur... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:|公司规模:100-499人

26、The most covetous griping Miser in the World would have been cur'd of the Vice of Covetousness, if he had been in my Case; ─── 我们能够享用的,至多不过是我们能够使用的部分,多了也没有用。

27、The most covetous griping miser in the world would have been cur'd of the vice of covetousness, if he had been in my case; for I possess'd infinitely more than I knew what to do with. ─── 即使是世界上最贪婪、最一毛不拔的守钱奴,处在我现在的地位,也会把贪得无厌的毛病治好,因为我现在太富有了,简直不知道如何支配自己的财富。

28、One section of the industrial electronic control is UV Lighting curring equipment.Now seeking for one position. ─── 公司简介: A specialist process technology company focuses on industrial electronic control, process instrumentations and filtration systems.

29、light curring unit ─── 光固化装置

30、The content of SOD was decreased in PB group than in NS group( P

31、T he density of surface trap levels can be lowered by annealing,so the leakage cur rent of CdSe detectors can be decreased and the energy resolution can be improve d too. ─── 对探测器进行适当的热处理 ,可以降低表面能级密度 ,从而抑制电子注入 ,降低探测器的漏电流 ,改善探测器的能量分辨率 .

32、vtb currve voltage time to breakdown cur ─── 击穿电压对击穿时间的关系曲线

33、If a. Cur file is chosen, the form's cursor is set to the selected cursor. ─── 如果选择了一个.cur文件,该窗体的光标将设置为选定的光标。

34、Evaluation on Medication Route of Puerarin by Plasma Concentration- Time Cur ve and Histodistribution Characteristics in Mice ─── 从小鼠体内血药浓度时间曲线与组织分布特征评价葛根素的给药途径

35、I had grapes enough to have made wine, or to have cur'd into raisins, to have loaded that fleet, when they had been built. ─── 我有足够的葡萄,可以用来酿酒或制葡萄干,等把船队建成后,可以把每只船都装满。

36、a homeless dog; a stray cur - an outcast ─── 丧家狗

37、Cur rent Developmet Siuation ─── 发展现状

38、Her hair fall over her shoulders In a cascade of cur ─── 她的头发鬈曲著披垂在肩上

39、In the process, the bank"s examination obligation has increased little by little, and "de minimis non cur at lex" reaches equilibrium with "de minimis still important to bank". ─── 在这一转变过程中,信用证项下银行的审单义务也逐步加重,而“法律不计较琐事”与“细微处对银行仍有重要意义”之间也取得了相对平衡。

40、The silk merchants whose fortune could match the country in the past now had all been the sick elephants, thin ox and stray cur. ─── 兴旺百年的江南纺织业迅速没落,昔日富可敌国的丝商们顿时都成了“病象瘦牛丧家狗”。

41、incidence of leaf cur disease ─── 发病率

42、Back in the car. A wide range of engineering vehicles, cur infants, and signposts portfolio. Beautiful and lovely children, educational toys! ─── 回力车子.各种各样的工程车,小人儿,和路标组合.漂亮又可爱,是儿童的益智玩具!

43、Only by changing the idea, seizing the opportunity, strengthening cooperation and. improving one's own competitiveness, can cur province be in the favorable position in one new round of competitions. ─── 我省唯有转变观念、抢抓机遇、加强合作、提高自身竞争力,才能在新一轮竞争中处于有利地位。

44、a ferocious (or vicious) dog; cur ─── 恶狗

45、We can't always build the future for our youth, but we can build cur youth for the future. ─── 我们不能总是为我们的青年创造美好的未来,但我们能够为未来造就我们的青年一代。

46、Objective To analyse reasons of 4 cases with complication among 14 cases implanted pacemaker and find the curring method. ─── 目的分析14例小儿永久性起搏器中4例出现并发症的原因和处理体会。

47、This paper has researched the current character of linkage group subprogram,the common method and cur rency of make main-program for mechanism analysis. ─── 对杆组子程序的通用性特征、主程序编制的一般方法和通用性等问题进行了研究,为开发机构分析的通用软件打下了基础。

48、The method to measure secondary current of a furnace transformer from primary winding with cur rent transformer and continuous contract panel is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种利用电流互感器和连续式触点盘从一次侧直接测量电炉变压器二次侧电流的方法。

49、He saved men from drowning and you shake at a cur's yelping ─── 他搭救了快要溺死的人们,你呢,听到一条野狗叫唤也瑟瑟发抖。

50、He is a cur. ─── 他是个卑鄙小人。

51、1. She was frightened by a cur . ─── 她被一条杂种狗吓坏了。

52、There won't be much longer, I fear, if the lads at Transport House go on running cur lives for us ─── 如果工会的伙计们继续给我们捣蛋,这种局面恐怕也是兔子尾巴,长不了啦。

53、A wild cur flung itself at him with bared fangs and slashed a rent in his overcoat. ─── 一只恶狗张牙舞爪猛地朝他扑来, 撕破了他的上衣。

54、a stray cur ─── 丧家之犬

55、Our Family will cease all business operations and cease to protect any of cur business operations until after my son's funeral. ─── 在我儿子葬礼之前,咱们家族要停止一切业务活动,停止对咱们的任何业务提供保护。

56、Using primer pairs F1/F2, an amplified fragment was obtained from each of the genomic DNA of Cur. ─── 引物F1/F2扩增结果:F1/F2可以从Cur.

57、She could have barged me all night, telling me I was a cur and a coward. ─── 她会整夜地骂我,说我是个坏蛋,是胆小鬼。

58、Cum non sis, qui fueris, non esse,cur"velis vivere. ─── “当你到了今日之我非复昔日之我的时候,就没有再要活下去的理由了”。

59、In the example below, an OpenFileDialog component is instantiated with a "cursor" filter on it, allowing the user to choose only files with the file name extension. Cur. ─── 在下面的示例中,将实例化一个具有“cursor”筛选器的OpenFileDialog组件,使用户只能选择具有.cur文件扩展名的文件。

60、You can export icon images to ICO, BMP and CUR files. ─── 你可以导出图标图像为ICO, BMP 和CUR文件。

61、albidum and Cur. ─── albidum目标菌Cur.

62、Because he is such a mangy, ill-looking cur, offensive alike to the nose and to the touch, all decent people shrink away from him. ─── 他活了下来,因为他是如此污秽不堪,病态的杂种,令人避之不及,所有体面的人都会离他远远的。

63、Except 2 lesions of common warts developed undesirable episode, all of the rest were cur ed with 1-5 injections. ─── 寻常疣及跖疣损害,除2个因故中止用药,其余经1-5次注射,可全部消失。

64、curring time ─── [机] 硬化时间, 成形时间

65、It supports 50 graphics formats;including bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, ico, cur, ani, tga, wpg, psp, clp, cut and many others! ─── 它支持50个图形格式包括BMP ,图像,图片,图片,巴布亚新几内亚,意,当前,茴香,大动脉转位,大联大,掌机,中电,减少和其他许多!

66、H1/H2 can amplified genomic DNA from both Arthrobacter ilicis and R. . tritici, but no product was amplified from Cur. ─── H1/H2引物对可以从Arthrobacter ilicis和目标菌Rat.tritici中扩增出分子量约为400bp的产物,而Cur.

67、Clinical experience about applying the endoscope to Cur the 106 cases of nose disease ─── 应用鼻内窥镜治疗鼻部疾病106例临床体会

68、I had timber enough to have built a fleet of ships. I had grapes enough to have made wine, or to have cur'd into raisins, to have loaded that fleet, when they had been built. ─── 我有充足的木材,可以用来建造一支船队。我有足够的葡萄,可以用来酿酒或制葡萄干,等把船队建成后,可以把每只船都装满。

69、An unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, uttered something every now and then between a bark and a yelp ─── 一只不幸的杂种狗被链条拴在近旁的狗窝里,时时发出似吠似嗥的声音。

70、Any cursor (. Cur) file can be used; icon (. Ico) files are no longer supported. ─── 可以使用任何光标文件(.cur);不再支持图标文件(.ico)。

71、Objectif: De explorer valeure appliq6e de encephale adas dan evaluation de effet cur atif de tumeur cerebral. ─── Objectif: De explorer valeure appliq6e de encephale adas dan evaluation de effet cur atif de tumeur cerebral.

72、"Damned old cur, "wiping the slush from his worthless coat. ─── 他说,“这该死的老狗,”一边拂去他那不值钱的上衣上的雪水。

73、You are a Bore and a cur. ─── 你太粗鲁下流了。

74、Our products are UL&CUR, VDE, T V and CQC approved. ─── 公司获“产品质量国家免检”资格及意大利“机电元件类产品最佳供应商”称号。

75、Objective Observing the curative effect of polylactorre and lactobacillus in curring infantile diarrhoea. ─── 目的比较聚克与乳酶生治疗小儿腹泻的疗效。

76、Support BMP, PCX, GIF, JPEG, encountered have, TIFF, TGA, CUR, ICO.AVI formats, meaning quick support from key support Photoshop filter. ─── 另外,它还可以进行滚屏捕捉,捕捉视频与游戏,定时捕捉,录制屏幕为视频等。

77、You treacherous cur! ─── 你这个背信弃义的家伙!

78、A wild cur flung itself at him with bared fangs and slashed a rent in his overcoat ─── 一只恶狗张牙舞爪猛地朝他扑来,撕破了他的上衣。

79、an unhappy cur, chained to a dog-house hard by, uttered something every now and then between a bark and a yelp; ─── 一只不幸的杂种狗被链条拴在近旁的狗窝里,时时发出似吠似嗥的声音;

80、We must regard our current curriculum appraisal status,find th e problems, and deepen curriculum reforms to comply with the new tendency of cur ric ulum appraisal development. ─── 必须正确看待我国课程评价的现状,找出问题,深化课程改革,以顺应课程评价发展的新趋势。

81、You could make him apologize for being a cur and forgive him so sweetly that he would hang around trying to kiss you a second time. ─── 你可以让他请求你饶恕这种卑鄙企图,并且用温柔的神态表示原谅,使他还会恋恋不舍地再一次想来吻你。

82、He stopped, grabbed his dust-whisk by the whisk-end and raced after the cur. ─── 他停住了车,倒攥着布子,拚命的追着狗打。

83、Application of Microprocessor Selected Line Eqnipment of Small Cur rent earthed System in a Transformer Station ─── 微机型小电流接地系统选线装置在变电站的应用

84、It may be caused by a fungus (e.g.Taphrinia deformans causes peach leaf curl), or by viruses (e.g. tobacco and cotton leaf cur) transmitted by insects such as whiteflies (Bemisia). ─── 可能由真菌类引起(例如(畸形外囊菌引起桃叶卷曲),也可能由害虫传播的病毒引起(如烟草和棉花叶卷曲)如粉虱(粉虱属)。

85、In which,the actualsurface cur vature is introduced by the way of finite element technique.Furthermore,the interpolation method of geologicalhorizon with faults is discussed. ─── 它通过应用有限元方法得到对实际曲面曲率的真实估计,并进而讨论了对地层曲面插值中的断层边界的处理方法。

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