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09-14 投稿



iatrical 发音


英:  美:

iatrical 中文意思翻译



iatrical 相似词语短语

1、dioptrical ─── 屈光的

2、icterical ─── 黄疸

3、diametrical ─── adj.直径的;正好相反的;截然的

4、viatical ─── adj.道路的;旅行的;保单贴现业务的;路边生长的

5、vatical ─── 梵蒂冈的

6、iatric ─── adj.医疗的;医师的;医药的

7、satirical ─── adj.讽刺性的;讥讽的;爱挖苦人的

8、metrical ─── adj.测量的;韵律的;有韵律的

9、satyrical ─── 萨特里克的

iatrical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The American Academy of Pediatrics cadimin of PD iatric Says young Autistic children should enter (under) some kind of learning program. ─── 美国儿科医学院称,患有孤独症的孩子应该介入一些学习性的方案。

2、Shanghai Kangren Iatrical Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd. ─── 上海康强医疗器材有限公司。

3、iatric disposable material ─── 卫生材料

4、Checking and calibration of multi-parameter iatric custody ─── 多参数医用监护仪的检查与校准

5、In this thesis, it firstly summarizes the formation and development status of the Regional Iatric Group in America and the background environment of hospital innovation in China; ─── 本文首先对区域性医疗集团在美国形成、发展现状,本案例发生时的中国医改环境进行背景概述;

6、iatrical sewage ─── 医药废水

7、There is a long iatrical history for human to treat diseases applying the characteristic of electric fields and magnetic fields. ─── 应用电场和磁场的物理特性治疗疾病在人类医学史上已有悠久历史。

8、Keywords iatric consumptive material;economic benefit;increase;play down;measure; ─── 医疗耗材;经济效益;增加;降低;措施;

9、The Research of the Iatric Material Distribution Information System in Foshan ─── 佛山地区医用耗材配送中心信息系统的研究

10、The Modernization of Medical Science and Technology and the Construction of Iatrical Moralties ─── 论医学科技现代化与医务道德建设

11、The system can identify the misshapen cells from images expediently, match with the information in the iatrical database, and then realize the computer aided pathology analysis. ─── 使用该系统可以方便地从血细胞图像中识别出畸变细胞,并与后台数据库中的信息进行匹配,从而实现计算机辅助病理分析。

12、It is inevitable for the use of iatric consumptive material in hospital to increase along with the increase of the surgery patient s amount. ─── 医院医疗耗材使用,随着就医病员尤其是手术病人的增加是必然的。

13、This converter applies not only to iatrical video signal but also to general TV signal. ─── 该转换装置不仅应用于医疗视频信号,同样可以应用于普通的TV信号。

14、Although our country government put forward to restore and rebuild in 90 time,cooperate iatrical task, but do not have be successful as a result of the reason of many sided. ─── 尽管我国政府在90年代提出了恢复和重建合作医疗的任务,但由于多方面的原因没有奏效。

15、Criterion of brain death is generally accepted in the iatrical society.It will bring great influence in the field of iatrology,law and ethnics. ─── 脑死亡作为死亡的判断标准已经得到医学界的普遍认可,将对我国的医学、法学、伦理学产生重要影响。

16、Keywords Iatrical entanglement;Iatrical dispute;Iatrical contract; ─── 医患关系;医疗纠纷;医疗服务合同;

17、Not to let their parents know it,They found an excuse of travelling and went to another city where she nearly died from a surgery due to a iatrical accident in an hospital. ─── 她对他没有任何埋怨。为了不惊动父母,他们借口旅行去了外地的城市。只是在去医院动手术的时候,她出了事故差点死掉。

18、Computerized administration of the iatric consumptive. materials.It's one of the modernize storehouse administration. ─── 医用消耗材料库房的网络化管理,是现代化库房管理的标志之一。

19、This paper intends to find out the recovery measures by analyzing the reasons for muscle injuries in track and field sports with athletic and iatrical theory. ─── 文章从运动医学理论对田径运动中肌肉损伤的原因进行分析,寻找科学的田径运动损伤康复手段。

20、iatric fiber ─── 药物纤维

21、To discuss computerized administration of the storehouse of iatric consumptive materials ─── 谈医疗耗材库房的网络化管理

22、Keywords iatrical grade silicone rubber;addition cure;liquid injection;biology consistency; ─── 医用硅橡胶;加成型;液体注射成型;生物相容性;

23、According to the requirement of iatrical image manipulation, one image had to be divided into several different areas rapidly and accurately. ─── 根据医学图像处理的要求,需要将图像划分若干区域,其划分过程要求迅速、精确。

24、On the one hand, the principle of iatrical ethic is the tool wihch we use to integrate and understand iatrical practice. ─── 一方面,医学伦理原则是我们规整和理解医学实践,并通过这种道德实践对传统伦理进行批判的理论工具;

25、Keywords Iatrical rubbish;Surroundings;Bacteriology;Survey; ─── 医疗废物;环境;细菌学;调查;

26、secondary iatrical education ─── 中等医学教育

27、Keywords iatrical sewage;micro-electroanalysis;sew-age treatment; ─── 医药废水;微电解;废水处理;

28、system of iatrical commissionaire ─── 守门人制度

29、Cooperative iatrical holds a form more agile, alternative strong, medical treatment holds a form safely relatively onefold, earnest. ─── 合作医疗的举办形式更为灵活,选择性强,医疗保险的举办形式相对单一、严厉。

30、Does the person jump what iatrical method does eyelid have not to need to go to a hospital again? ─── 人跳眼皮有什么医疗的方法又不需要去医院呢?

31、The analysis of this case stepped from the technical layer, discussing the first attempt of the Regional Iatric Group management mode, a new management mode of hospital in China. ─── 本案例研究重点从技术层面分析、探讨“区域性医疗集团”这一新型医院运营模式在中国的初次实践。

32、Iatrical rubbish ─── 医疗废物

33、Keywords iatric disposable material;storage accounting;management system;network;information system; ─── 卫生材料;库存核算;管理系统;网络;信息系统;

34、In addition,as the Iatrical resource can not meet the people's need.So there are so many patients in the hospital everytime.And the doctor is very busy and will not say much to every patient. ─── 另外,因为医疗资源不能满足民众的需求,所以每次在医院都会有很多病人,医生也会特别忙,他们也不会对每个病人说得太多。

35、Keywords circumferential nerve stimulator;SCM;monitoring of iatrical effects of the muscle relaxation; ─── 周围神经刺激器;单片机;肌松药效监测;

36、iatrical grade silicone rubber ─── 医用硅橡胶

37、But iatrical robot has seldom been used in tooth-arrangement of full denture and a lot of problems and shortages are existing. ─── 其中医用机器人是一个重要的发展方向,而医用机器人在全口义齿排牙中的应用很少,并且存在很多的问题和不足。

38、Analyses of the cause of iatrical dissension and economic compensation ─── 浅析医疗纠纷产生的原因及经济补偿

39、Do not need iatrical method how can significant extensive diplopia force? ─── 不需要医疗的方法如何能有效的恢复视力?

40、Keywords iatric fiber;development;development technology; ─── 药物纤维;发展;开发技术;

41、Methods: Retrospective research of 85 3 cases newly-married womens pre-marriage iatrical checking data was conducted. ─── 方法:对85 3例初婚妇女的婚前医学检查资料作回顾性调查分析。

42、Methods Recall and summarize the emergent cured measures of seven iatrical organizations took after the outsize fire damp explosion. ─── 方法回顾总结特大瓦斯爆炸后七家医疗单位协同应急救治措施。

43、The Iatrical Action Under the Alternating Influence of the Modern State Idea and the Local Practice--The Double Historical Origins of the Source of the Chinese Red Cross ─── 现代国家理念与地方性实践交互影响下的医疗行为--中国红十字会起源的双重历史渊源

44、Discussition on how to analyze economically iatric consumptive material in hospital ─── 对医院医疗消耗性材料使用经济分析的研究

45、Some issues about the after service of iatric equipments ─── 有关医疗仪器设备售后服务的几个问题

46、The large number of informations about reagent,antibody,technical services and iatrical equipments,provide a comprehensive and perfect service for bio&medicine companies. ─── 海量试剂、抗体、技术服务、医疗设备等各类产品信息,为生物医药界企业提供全面而完善的服务,

47、Analysis and Discussion on Iatrical Accelerator Producing Impressibility Radioactivity ─── 对医用加速器产生感生放射性的分析与探讨

48、The scientific management of iatric consumptive materials ─── 医用低值材料采供管理的探讨

49、Iatrical robot seldom used to tooth arrangement of full denture and be a lot of problems with shortage. ─── 医用机器人在全口义齿排牙中的应用很少,并且存在很多的问题和不足。

50、On the Dilemma and Countermeasures of Market Entry System of Iatric Service in China ─── 中国医疗服务市场准入制度的困境与出路

51、Keywords iatric fiber;slow release;percutaneous absorption;development technology;application;value; ─── 药物纤维;缓释;透皮;开发技术;应用;价值;

52、Whether you are engaged in nurse, management, foodstuff's supply, IT or marketing, you can find a postion in local iatrical center or in hygienical corporation. ─── 不论你从事护理、管理、食品供应、IT,还是市场营销,都可能在当地医疗中心或保健企业找到一席之地。

53、Iatrology and ethic share an indiscerptible relationship in all ages. Iatrical ethic is a part of iatrology meanwhile is a branch of ethic. ─── 医学与伦理学这两个学科,从古至今都有着不可分割的关系。医学伦理学是医学的一个组成部分,同时又是伦理学的一个分支。

54、In order to satisfy the needs and depreciate the iatrical cost, we need a kind of cardiogram detecting system which can communicate with the PC as to use its powerful calculation. ─── 为了满足对心电监护设备的需求,降低医疗成本,需要一种能与 PC 机进行通信和数据传输、利用 PC 机强大运算能力的心电检测系统。

55、Analysis of results of antisepsis inspection fo all levels iatrical units in Ji Shui county ─── 吉水县各级医疗单位消毒监测结果分析

56、iatrical acceleration ─── 医用加速器

57、Keywords Reinforce checkout;Improve;Iatric quality; ─── 加强检验;提高;医疗质量;

58、With the practice instance of iatric equipments in our hospital,this paper is refer to some experience of the issues about the after service of instruments which should be pay attention to. ─── 本文结合我院医疗仪器设备的实际情况,就仪器设备的售后服务应注意的几个问题,谈了一些经验和体会。

59、But iatrical robot has seldom been used in tooth-arrangement of full denture and a lot of problems and shortages are existing. ─── 其中医用机器人是一个重要的发展方向,而医用机器人在全口义齿排牙中的应用很少,并且存在很多的问题和不足。

60、The Application of Synthesis Index Method and TOPSIS Method in the Evaluation of Iatric Quality ─── 综合指数法和TOPSIS法在医疗质量综合评价中的应用

61、However,they are different in their cultural foundations,iatric bases,the origins of mental disorder,and the conceptions and ways of psychotherapy. ─── 差异主要表现在文化根基、医学基础、心理问题的起因及治疗的理念、方法与途径等方面。

62、Iatrical Edge Tool Injury in Doctors and Nurses: Investigation and Analysis ─── 医护人员医疗锐器损伤情况调查分析

63、Game theory, relation between iatrical worker and sufferer, proceeds, model. ─── 博弈论,医患关系,收益,模型。

64、Bar iatric surgery ─── 肥胖外科手术

65、Observing 28 female skaters suffering from the inordinate catamenia, we discuss the iatrical problem in transect research with evidential diagnosis. ─── 主要采用中西医结合方法,辩证施治。

66、Basing on physical education for students of type A behavior pattern,this paper aims at how well physical teaching can gain both iatrical and healthy educational benefits. ─── 本文就学生A型性格进行体育教学,达到医疗作用与健康教育作用。

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