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09-14 投稿



psoas 发音

英:[?s???s]  美:[?s???s]

英:  美:

psoas 中文意思翻译



psoas 常用词组

psoas major ─── [医]腰大肌

psoas 短语词组

1、musculi psoas major ─── [医] 腰大肌

2、musculi psoas minor ─── [医] 腰小肌

3、psoas muscle ─── [医]腰肌

4、psoas minor ─── 腰小肌

5、psoas abscess ─── [医] 腰肌脓肿

6、psoas sign ─── 腰大肌征

7、psoas major ─── 腰大肌

psoas 词性/词形变化,psoas变形


psoas 相似词语短语

1、proas ─── n.快速三角帆船

2、Boas ─── n.博厄斯(姓氏)

3、poas ─── POA公司

4、-roas ─── n.罗阿斯(匈奴王)

5、Joas ─── 乔斯。

6、-sas ─── n.(Sas)(法、匈)萨斯(人名)

7、-shas ─── n.沙斯党(以色列最大的宗教党派)

8、psoai ─── psoai公司

9、psoae ─── 腰肌

psoas 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、The tissue and the psoas muscle were dissected and then ligated with titanium endoclips . ─── 结果:34例病人手术后均取得满意的临床疗效。

3、Keywords Psoas compartment Radicularsciatica Lidocain Sodiumbicar bonate.; ─── 腰大肌间沟;坐骨神经痛;利多卡因;碳酸氢钠;

4、If unsuccessful, we recommend open surgical repair with common sheath reimplantation and a psoas hitch is otherwise recommended. ─── 如经治疗失败,与一般输尿管阴道?管不同,我们建议采用共同鞘输尿管再植入手术合并腰肌栓住手术。

5、Results: (1) The nerve fibers to psoas major originated chiefly from L2, secondly from L3, and arose at the lateral-superior of the root of L2; ─── 结果:支配腰大肌的神经纤维主要来源于L2,其次是L3,肌支纤维在L2神经干的外上部走行,部位较恒定。

6、We accomplish this by first contracting the psoas in poses that face forward, then in poses that face the side.We complete the series with the twisting postures. ─── 由面向前的姿势,接著是面向一边的姿势,最后是一系列扭转姿势来实行。

7、Abstrcet:The purpose of this article is to study the best treament for psoas wrick by systematically introducing the effectiveness of hand skill and fast acupunture. ─── 文章系统介绍了手法、快针、治疗急性腰肌扭伤的有效性,探讨治疗本病的最佳疗法。

8、greater psoas ─── 腰大肌

9、Working as a hydraulic pump, a freely moving psoas stimulates the flow of fluids throughout the body. ─── 就好像一个水泵-水帮浦,灵活的腰大肌可以促进身体滑液的流动。

10、musculi psoas major ─── [医] 腰大肌

11、abscess, psoas ─── 腰肌脓肿

12、Keywords Anterior longitudinal ligament;Diagram pars;Greater psoas muscle;Posterior longitudinal ligament;Thoracolumbar vertebra;Splint; ─── 关键词前纵韧带;膈肌脚;腰大肌;后纵韧带;胸腰椎;夹板;

13、84. Psoas stretch is negative. ─── 腰大肌牵张试验显阴性。

14、Nevertheless, pelvic CT still showed an abscess within right psoas muscle and iliac fossa. ─── 但是骨盆腔计算机断层仍旧显示在右腰肌处有脓疡存在,于是病人进行计算机断层导引的引流术。

15、Prention of Postoperative Psoas Pain by Assume Semirecling Position at Early Time ─── 早期半卧位预防腹部手术术后腰肌酸痛的效果

16、Treatment of burst fracture of lumbar vertebrae by pelvis traction combining early exercise of psoas in the aged ─── 骨盆牵引配合早期腰肌功能锻炼治疗老年腰椎爆裂骨折

17、fixation of round ligament of major psoas muscle ─── 腰大肌圆韧带固定

18、musculi psoas minor ─── [医] 腰小肌

19、The conservative and supportive treatment may stabilize the vital signs but surgical intervention and drainage must be done to treat the patients with psoas muscle abscess. ─── 保守及支援性疗法或许可以暂时稳住生命迹象但是脓痬引流则是一必要的步骤。

20、The relationship between the transverse area of the psoas muscle and lumbar disc herniation ─── 腰大肌横断面积与腰椎间盘突出的关系

21、Background: Psoas abscess is a rare disease with insidious clinical course and high mortality rate. ─── 摘要背景:腰肌脓疡是一种罕见疾病,临床上的病程具潜伏性及高死亡率。

22、The Psoas Awakening Series synergistically combines the standing poses to awaken the psoas. ─── 腰大肌唤醒系列由站姿动作组合。

23、Conclusion Taking the pedicled muscle psoas major with muscle film petal fixs kidney for the treatment of nephroptosis has the adva... ─── 结论带蒂腰大肌肌膜瓣固定肾脏治疗肾下垂,操作简便,术后恢复快,远期疗效可靠。

24、5,Is your belly slightly contracted,working with your deep hip muscles (psoas) helping you grow core tall? ─── 你的腹部是否轻柔的稍微收缩,与髋部深层的肌肉(腰大肌)一同帮助你从核心开始延伸(躯干)?

25、Pedicled greater psoas muscle flap in treatment of 46 patients with nephroptosis ─── 带蒂腰大肌肌瓣治疗肾下垂46例

26、We preferred transverse back incision via the lumbar triangle to approach the psoas muscle and combined with groin incision if the erythema at the thigh is marked. ─── 我们偏好经由腰部三角横向背部切开引流,如果大腿的感染症状明显可合并大腿纵向切开引流。

27、Keywords Sprain and strain;Psoas;Fumigate;Pain spot blockage; ─── 扭伤和劳损;腰肌;熏蒸;痛点阻滞;

28、Analysis of anatomy of the lumbar and leg pain caused by psoas injury ─── 腰大肌损伤性腰腿痛解剖学分析

29、The clinical observation of the treatment of radicular sciatica using psoas compartment block ─── 腰大肌间沟注射碱化镇痛液治疗根性坐骨神经痛

30、We present this case to remind clinicians that if low back pain, especially combined with lower limb weakness are present in patients, psoas abscess should be considered even if no fever. ─── 本文目的主要是提醒医师在台湾对于下背痛的病人,尤其合并有下肢无力的情形时,即便没有发烧,腰肌脓疡应该列入考虑。

31、Methods The kidney fixation was used to treat nephroptosis by means of the pedicled muscle psoas major with muscle film petal. ─── 方法采用带蒂腰大肌肌膜瓣行肾固定手术治疗肾下垂。

32、psoas muscles vane ─── 腰大肌肌膜瓣

33、lesser psoas muscle ─── 腰小肌

34、gluteus maximus in the buttocks works with the psoas (located high at the front of the thigh) to balance the pelvis from front to back. ─── 臀大肌与腰大肌(位于大腿前侧上方)共同工作,保持骨盆前后两侧的平衡。

35、The left kidney and psoas shadows may be indistinct. ─── 左肾和腰肌阴影可模糊不清。

36、together with drainage of the psoas cold abscesses and intervertebral bone grafting between the bodies of the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae, using an autograft taken from the ilium. ─── 同时作了腰大肌寒性脓肿引流术,髂骨取骨和第一、二腰椎椎体间植骨术。

37、psoas muscle irritation sig ─── 腰大肌刺激征

38、Keywords genitofemoral nerve(GFN);psoas major muscle;applied anatomy; ─── 生殖股神经(GFN);腰大肌;应用解剖;

39、Keywords psoas compartment block;thermography;sciatica;CT; ─── 腰大肌肌沟阻滞;红外热像图仪;坐骨神经痛;CT;

40、Methods The kidney fixation was used to treat nephroptosis by means of the pedicled muscle psoas major with muscle film petal. ─── 方法采用带蒂腰大肌肌膜瓣行肾固定手术治疗肾下垂。

41、psoas test ─── 腰大肌试验

42、The schwannoma is over the para-spine, near psoas muscle and causes muscle atrophy. ─── 神经鞘瘤位于脊髓附近且靠近腰肌,并造成肌肉萎缩。

43、Psoas muscle ─── 腰肌

44、The gluteus maximus in the buttocks works with the psoas (located high at the front of the thigh) to balance the pelvis from front to back. ─── 臀大肌与腰大肌(位于大腿前侧上方)共同工作,保持骨盆前后两侧的平衡。

45、The psoas works two ways: in the front hip, it helps it bend, while it holds the back hip steady, stabilizing the extended leg. ─── 腰肌以两种方式工作:骨盆前侧的腰肌帮助弯曲,同时它固定髋部后侧,使伸展腿稳定。

46、CT findings of psoas diseases ─── 腰大肌疾病的CT表现

47、Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are useful in diagnosing patients with psoas abscess. ─── 腹部电脑断层摄影和磁振造影可用来做确定诊断。

48、psoas sign ─── 腰大肌征

49、The histological characteristics of LD (M. longissimus dorsi) and PM (M. psoas major) in pigs were mensurated and compared between the cross-breeds or parts. ─── 对肌纤维特性与肉的食用品质(尤其是嫩度)的关系进行了相关性研究。

50、The medial aspect of the upper pole kidney is mobilized away from the adrenal gland, and anteriorly off the psoas muscle. ─── 肾脏上极的内侧可通过肾上腺开始从腰大肌前方分离。

51、Walking brought along the lumbar vertebra to bend forward and rotate with the movement of right and left lower limbs. The main force to finish this movement came mainly from musculus psoas major. ─── 步行带动腰椎向前弯曲并随左右下肢运动而旋转、侧弯,其主要作用力来自腰大肌。

52、Clinical application of nerve block anesthesia in the psoas major space ─── 腰大肌间隙神经阻滞的临床应用

53、Psoas tendinitis ─── 髂肌腱炎

54、Psoas muscle abscess is rare and presents a diagnostic challenge requiring a high index of suspicion. ─── 摘要腰肌脓痬是一种罕见且困难早期诊断的疾病,除非医师能有高度的怀疑而进一步检查。

55、Dynamic X-ray film investigation of relationship between the role of musculus psoas major and lumbar curvature ─── 腰大肌作用与腰曲关系的动态下X线片研究

56、Keywords dynamic X-ray film;musculus psoas major;lumbar curvature;standing position;sitting up position;stepping position;extending and contracting function; ─── 动态下X线照片;腰大肌;腰曲;站立位;端坐位;跨步位;伸缩功能;

57、Psoas Muscle: Another musical spoof regarding the Chinese soccer, this one aimed at the women's team. ─── 叉腰肌:另一个关于中国足球的恶搞词汇,这次是针对女足的。

58、released, flowing psoas, combined with a stable, weight-bearing pelvis, contributes to the sensations of feeling grounded and centered. ─── 释放儿活动自由的腰大肌与稳定承受重量的坐骨盆是我们内在安定安稳感的来源。

59、Furthermore, abdominal pain and psoas abscess were the only symptoms in two cases. ─── 此外,腹部疼痛和腰肌脓肿是唯一症状的两起案件。

60、There were six cases of psoas muscle abscess with various degree of sepsis from January 1999 to June 2000.There was no significant risk factor to induce psoas muscle abscess except old age. ─── 在1999年一月至2000年六月间,共有六个病人因腰肌脓痬合并不同程度败血症被送到台大医院,其中除了病患年龄较大外并无明显的危险因数。

61、It may provide valuable information for clinicians to make a suitable treatment plan in patients with psoas abscess. ─── 这些资讯可以帮助临床医师规划出更合适的治疗方针。

62、The ureter and gonadal ein packet are dissected en bloc and lifted antero-laterally off the psoas muscle towards the renal hilum. ─── 输尿管和性腺静脉于腰大肌的前外侧被整体提起朝向肾门切除。

63、If unsuccessful, we recommend open surgical repair with common sheath reimplantation and a psoas hitch is otherwise recommended. ─── 如经治疗失败,与一般输尿管阴道?管不同,我们建议采用共同鞘输尿管再植入手术合并腰肌栓住手术。

64、psoas shadows ─── 腰大肌阴影

65、The kidney fixation for treatment of nephroptosis by the pedicled muscle psoas major with muscle film petal ─── 带蒂腰大肌肌膜瓣肾脏固定术治疗肾下垂

66、Keywords Genitofemoral nerve(GFN);Lumbar anterior approaches;Psoas major muscle; ─── 生殖股神经(GFN);腰椎前路;腰大肌;

67、In this study, we shared our clinical experience of dual isotope bone/gallium scan in patients with psoas abscess. ─── 本文分享我们应用双同位素骨骼与发炎扫描于腰肌脓疡病人的临床经验。

68、The pelvis is kept balanced because the psoas flexes the thigh, and the glutei make the thigh lengthen, or extend. ─── 骨盆保持着平衡,因为腰肌使大腿前侧屈曲,臀肌使大腿前侧伸长或者伸展。

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