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09-14 投稿



Hercynian 发音


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Hercynian 中文意思翻译



Hercynian 网络释义

adj. 海西的;海西造山期的

Hercynian 相似词语短语

1、hexagynian ─── 六角形

2、halcyonian ─── 清真的

3、Serbonian ─── 塞尔维亚人

4、hercynite ─── n.[矿物]铁尖晶石,热铝尖晶石

5、Hercynian ─── adj.海西期的;海西时期造山运动的

6、hernia ─── n.[中医]疝气;脱肠

7、Neronian ─── adj.尼禄似的,尼禄时期的;残暴的,腐败的

8、herculean ─── adj.力大无比的;困难的;赫拉克勒斯的

9、Hyrcanian ─── 海尔卡尼亚语

Hercynian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hercynian Turkic-type orogen ─── 海西期增生弧型造山带

2、the South Qinling orogenic belt is the combined mountain chain resulted from late Caledonian and Hercynian-Indosinian movement. ─── 南秦岭造山带是晚加里东和海西-印支运动形成的复合山链。

3、Because the south section of Selibuya Fault formed at a time without late rebuilding, the reservoir forming condition is good in Hercynian or Himalayan. ─── 色力布亚南段由于是一次性形成,未经后期运动改造,无论是海西期还是喜山期,都具备成藏的保存条件。

4、Xiamen port simultaneously with the port and Hercynian two subjects should focus on short-term. ─── 厦门港务同时具有港口和海西两大题材,短线应重点关注。

5、Tazhong 4 Oilfield is originally formed at later Hercynian, and then petroleum is entrapped at Yanshanian.Finally, it is reconstructed and reallocated in Himalayan. ─── 塔中4油田最初形成于晚海西期,燕山期又经历了一次重要的成藏过程,喜山期还有一次改造再分配的过程。

6、Single Grain Zircon U-Pb Ages of the "Early Hercynian" Miantian Granites and Zhongping Hypersthene Diorite in the Yanbian Area ─── 延边“早海西期”棉田花岗岩和仲坪紫苏辉石闪长岩的单颗粒锆石U-Pb定年

7、Keywords Hulunxibai gold deposit;Hercynian graniteporphyry;different crytoexplosing structure;Invading-Crypto-breccia-wall Type; ─── 呼伦西白金矿;华力西期;斜长花岗斑岩;隐爆构造部位;隐爆侵入角砾岩墙型;

8、Hercynian folding ─── 海西褶皱

9、According to the National Earthquake measuring Hercynian Haixi Zhou major earthquake in the identify qaidam a south-easterly direction, the magnitude as 6.3 on the Richter, the focal depth of 10 km. ─── 据国家地震网测定,海西地震确定在海西州大柴旦东南方向,震级为里氏6.3级,震源深度10公里。

10、The scale of the fault of the Late Hercynian Stage and the Himalayas one is more biggish, and the main combination is the thrust. ─── 后两期断裂规模较大、组合样式以背冲式为主,对油气的垂向运移、聚集成藏起到重要作用。

11、Tectonic Subdivision of Dabie Orogenic Belt, Central China: Evidence from Geochemical Characteristics of Mantle-Derived Rocks Since the Hercynian ─── 大别造山带构造归属:海西期以来地幔化学成分特征证据


13、Hercynian Unconformity ─── 海西不整合面

14、Early Hercynian ─── 海西早期

15、Its age determined by Rb-Sr isochron is 306 Ma, suggesting that it was formed at Hercynian. ─── 据Rb-Sr等时线测定,其年令值为306Ma,说明它形成于海西期。

16、It seems that the construction of economic zones in the Hercynian background, the construction of Xiamen Port logistics business for the company a strong role in promoting. ─── 如此看来,在海西经济区建设的背景下,厦门港的建设将为公司物流业务带来强大促进作用。

17、The orogenic system to north is represented by the Hercynian Tianshan-Hinggan orogen that connects the Caledonian Altay Ergun orogen with sandwich of the Junggar and lli massifs in be t ween. ─── 北造山系以天山-兴安岭华力西造山系的西段为主体,向北接有阿尔泰-额尔古纳加里东造山系,间有准噶尔、伊犁等微地块。

18、The metallogenic epoch should be early-middle Hercynian. ─── 成矿时代属早—中海西期。

19、The degree of activity of marginal structural belt of Junggar basin assumes obvious decline since Hercynian, weak adjustment in Mesozoic and reascending in Cenozoic with less level than in Hercynian. ─── 准噶尔盆地的6边形边缘带划分为6个边缘构造带分段构造组合:准噶尔盆地南缘西段、南缘东段、准东隆起西缘段、乌伦古边缘构造段、加依尔山边缘段和准噶尔盆地西部边缘段。

20、Keywords Central Asia type orogens;metallogenesis;orogenesis;hercynian;northwest China; ─── 中亚型造山带;成矿作用;造山作用;海西期;中国西北地区;

21、And karst topography of this region in early Hercynian is recovered. ─── 恢复了本区海西早期的岩溶古地貌。

22、Most of the faultsformed in middle Caledonian, late Caledonian, Hercynian and Himalayan. ─── 巴楚隆起断裂的活动既有继承性,又有新生性,断裂形成发育主要是在加里东中晚期、海西期、喜山期大构造运动中。

23、The Middle Hercynian movement ─── 中海西期

24、In Ordovician, the mainmigration direction during later Hercynian was SSW-NNE, while the predominatingmigration directions are multiple in Himalayan period. ─── 晚海西期奥陶系油气主要充注方向为南南西-北北东向,喜山期则存在多个优势运移方向,油气相态分布沿主要运移方向呈现有序变化;

25、In early Caledonian, middle Caledonian and late Hercynian, itwas a low uplift zone. ─── 加里东早中期,巴楚地区处于继承性发育的宽缓低隆起演化阶段;

26、At the same time after the Hercynian movement, undulating topography, the significant difference, pots-and the mountain landscape, but also began to appear. ─── 同时经过了海西运动后,地势起伏,分异显著,山盆相间的景观,也开始出现。

27、Hercynian normal faulting ─── 海西期正断

28、Guangdong Pearl River Delta is expected to become connected and Hercynian Economic Zone to the airport as the center, four-in-one iron surface and air transport the new hub of Guangdong. ─── 揭阳有望成为连接珠三角和海西经济区,以机场为中心、水陆空铁四位一体的粤东交通新枢纽。

29、Keywords palaeouplift;early Hercynian period;oil-control effect;Tarim Basin; ─── 古隆起;海西早期;控油作用;塔里木盆地;

30、Gold mineralization of these two deposits occurs within the Archean metamophic rocks of Sanggan Group and Hercynian alkaline complex , respectively. ─── 小营盘金矿产于太古宇桑干群变质岩中,东坪金矿产于海西期碱性杂岩体中。

31、The Later Hercynian granitoids, which are similar to S-type, cordierite bearing-peraluminous granitoids (CPG) or K-rich calc-alkaline granitods (KCG), revealed a post-collision geodynamic environment. ─── 海西晚期花岗岩属富碱低钙钙碱性岩石,具S型花岗岩或CPG,KCG花岗岩特征,形成于碰撞后构造环境。

32、There is a part of Hercynian granite plutons of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt in siziping region of Henan Province. ─── 北秦岭造山带狮子坪地区出露部分海西期花岗深成岩体。

33、According to the evolutional history of thegeochemical field in Danchi basin, the authors divide it into fourgeochemical domains: Yangtse, Caledonian, Hercynian and Indo-Chinese. ─── 据丹池盆地地球化学场演化史,划分了扬子、加里东、海西、印支四个地球化学域。

34、The main accumulation stages are late Hercynian and Himalayan. ─── 其主成藏期为海西晚期和喜马拉雅晚期。

35、Karst reservoirs in Hercynian develop mostly in the area where Carboniferous strata directly overlay the mid-lower Ordovician, and the karst reservoirs in the area covered by upper Ordovician were formed in Caledonian. ─── 海西期岩溶储层主要发育在石炭系直接覆盖于中下奥陶统之上的地区,上奥陶统覆盖区的岩溶储层主要是加里东期岩溶作用形成的。

36、Eraly Hercynian differential paleostress and strain velocity values in the western Kunlun orogenic Belt are estimated in this paper. ─── 文章对西昆仑造山带早华力西变形期的古应力差值、应变速率进行了估算,并对估算的结果进行了分析。

37、Reservoirs of this area are mainly formed in three stages of Late Caledonian orogeny period, Early Hercynian orogeny period and Himalaya orogeny period. ─── 塔中含油气系统经历了3个成藏期,即晚加里东期、早海西期和喜山期

38、Dynamic system of the hercynian subduction is the second kind of the south margin mineralizing belt.Continental rift and collision took place between Siberia plate and Chinese-Korea plate. ─── (2)海西俯冲动力系统南缘矿化带,西伯利亚板块与中朝板块间大陆拉张和碰撞,正反动力系统产生超壳断裂和金矿化;

39、Shichahai in Beijing after the Hercynian tourist attractions along the bustling Strip, traffic is very large, close to Beijing's largest city, ridicule City of Victoria City tide. ─── 什刹海后海西沿为北京旅游景点繁华地带,客流量非常大,紧邻北京最大市嘲四环市潮。

40、Owing to weathering during Hercynian exposition of the karst is well developed, Ordovician carbonate uplifts in central Tarim Basin are important buried hills containing oil &gas. ─── 摘要塔中古隆起的早海西期风化壳岩溶发育,是塔里木盆地寻找古生代海相碳酸盐岩岩溶型油气田的重要隆起区之一。

41、The Altai Hercynian orogenic belt in northern Xinjiang has experienced two stages (regional) metamorphism. ─── 新疆阿尔泰海西造山带主要发育两期区域变质作用。

42、Hercynian disk on the concept, the concept of an overall strength of the futures market, this is a super bull market in only some of the performance. ─── 盘面上最海西概念,期货概念出现整体走强的走势,这是在超级牛市中才会有的表现。

43、The Yitong Graben is a Tertiary petroliferous strike-slip fault basin developed on the Hercynian fold basement. ─── 伊通地堑是一个主体在海西期褶皱基底上发育起来的第三纪含油气走滑断陷盆地。

44、Xiamen port simultaneously with the port and Hercynian two subjects should focus on short-term. ─── 厦门港务同时具有港口和海西两大题材,短线应重点关注。

45、hercynian movement ─── 海嗡动

46、The gold-bearing occurrence was formed at the Hercynian stage (?),in quartz-reefswithin the fractured zone of granites,being a meso-epithermal gold-bearing reef deposit. ─── 正>一、金矿床地质筒介脉金矿点产于华力西(?)花岗岩破碎带内的石英脉中,为一中低温含金石英脉金矿床。

47、The deep one is characterized by extensional rift growing in later Permian to early Triassic formations during Hercynian movement. ─── 深层为二叠系-早三叠世层系的伸展断陷构造,属海西期的伸展变形构造。

48、The exodiagenesis stage of late hercynian movement, indosinian movement and Yanshan movement played the vital role in the diagenetic evolution and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation of the basin. ─── 晚海西、印支、燕山运动等表生成岩阶段对该区的成岩演化和油气运聚起到重要作用;

49、Basin evolution and sequence stratigraphic framework of south of China during Hercynian cycle to Indo-Chinese epoch ─── 海西-印支期中国南方的盆地演化与层序格架

50、Since the sag had experienced Caledonian, Hercynian, Indosinian, Yanshan and H imalayan movements, the later preservation conditions of the reservoirs are the critical factor to determine the hydrocarbon enrichment. ─── 由于该区经历了加里东期、海西期、印支期、燕山期和喜山期等多期构造运动 ,油气藏的后期保存条件是决定油气能否富集的至关重要因素。

51、The Hercynian geochemical domain is subdivided into the Dachang geoche-mical stage and the Heshan geochemical stage, four geochemical cycles and12 geochemical facies. ─── 对海西地球化学域划分为大厂和合山两个地球化学阶、进而划分了罗富、大厂、石炭、合山四个地球化学旋回,12个地球化学相。

52、The central East Kunlun tectonic Melange belt is a polycyclic composite collisional suture zone which was formed through the neoproterozoic,terminal Caledonian and late hercynian collisional events. ─── 东昆仑中部构造混杂岩带是经历了新元古代、加里东末期和晚海西期3次碰撞事件而形成的多旋回复合的碰撞缝合带。

53、The north sections of Selibuya Fault were formed in mid-late Caledonia, and kept active and kept active and extending upwardly in Hercynian period. ─── 色力布亚断裂北段在加里东中晚期形成,海西期继续活动向上延伸。

54、Intrusions,especially Late Hercynian and Early Yanshanian intrusions,are widespread in Dongwuqi area,Inner Mongolia. ─── 东乌旗地区岩浆岩分布广泛,以华力西晚期与燕山早期最为发育。

55、Late Hercynian intrusions are dominated by acid granites with small amount of diorite. ─── 华力西晚期以酸性花岗岩为主,另有少量闪长岩。

56、During the amalgamation, the western and northern parts joined together earlierly, and formed the continent by the uplift in the early Hercynian orogeny in the late Early Carboniferous. ─── 其中西、北两区拼合较早 ,早石炭世末的早海西运动时抬升成陆 ;

57、The gold deposits are situated in the northwest trend ductile shear zone which is the contact belt of the Northeast China platform and the Hercynian trough. ─── 夹皮沟地区金矿床产于台槽两大构造单元之间,位于槽台边缘构造活动带台区一侧的北西向韧性(脆性)剪切带中.

58、Keywords Tarim basin;Hercynian period;geological events;hydrocarbon accumulation; ─── 塔里木盆地;海西期;地质事件;油气成藏;

59、Keywords geology;gold deposits;copper deposits;Hercynian igneous activity;metallogenic process;Inner Mongolia-Gansu-Xinjiang border (Beishan) region; ─── 地质学;金矿床;铜矿床;海西期岩浆活动;成矿作用;蒙甘新相邻(北山)地区;

60、It is shown that the prevailing metallogenic periods of associated gold deposits of magmatic type are Proterozoic Era and Hercynian Period. ─── 指出岩浆岩型伴生金矿床最主要的成矿期为元古代和晚古生代;

61、Au-Ag-Cu-Hg metallogenic series of ore deposits related to Hercynian continental volcanic rock; ─── 与海西期陆相火山岩有关的Au-Ag-Cu-Hg矿床成矿系列;

62、Late Hercynian ─── 海西晚期

63、Turpan basin, the depositional basin, has been appeared and developed from the Hercynian fold basement. It has been evoluted to unilateral thrustnappe compressive basin since Late Cenozoic era. ─── 吐鲁番盆地是海西期褶皱基底上发生、发展起来的沉积盆地.晚新生代以来,盆地演化为单侧冲断推覆型压性盆地。

64、The deposit is thought to be resulted from the assimilation of the Middle Carboniferous carbonaceous sediments by the Middle Hercynian granite.Boiling and rolling of the assimilated carbon in the ... ─── 围岩中特别是中石碳统的含碳沉积岩被海西中期花岗岩岩浆同化,使碳质聚集并重结晶成石墨。

65、5)Cale-donian fault-fold belt (Hercynian deformation) in the southeast of it ; ─── 5)塔东南中、新元古基底的加里东断褶带(海西改建);

66、Chaiwopu Depression, locates between Bogeda mountain and Yilinhebilgen mountain, is a intermountain basin developed on the basis of the early Hercynian folded rocks. ─── 摘要柴窝堡凹陷位于博格达山和伊连哈比尔尕山之间,是在海西早期褶皱岩系基础上发育起来的山间盆地。

67、The granites formed at late Caledonian stage, middle Hercynian stage and late Hercynian stage are widely exposed and some formed at Yanshanian stage in the Nurt area. ─── 花岗岩广泛分布,主要为加里东晚期、华力西中晚期花岗岩,少量燕山期花岗岩。

68、Hercynian orogeny ─── 海戊山运动海西造山运动

69、The formation of gold mine is closely related to the intrusive bodys of granite,which are formed between later Caledonian and Hercynian. ─── 晚加里东-海西期花岗岩侵入体与金矿密切相关;

70、It is shown that the prevailing metallogenic periods of associated gold deposits of magmatic type are Proterozoic Era and Hercynian Period. ─── 指出岩浆岩型伴生金矿床最主要的成矿期为元古代和晚古生代;

71、Keywords Tarim basin Hercynian orogeny Nappe Strike-slip faultOil and gas reservoir; ─── 塔里木盆地;海西运动;推覆体;平移断层;油气藏;

72、Different metamorphic types reveal different tectonic conditions and record the evolutionary history and geodynamic process in Altai Hercynian orogenic belt of Xinjiang. ─── 不同的变质作用类型代表了不同的大地构造环境,记录了造山带的演化历史和动力学过程。

73、Ilmenite-containing bedrock falls into a Hercynian basic rock. ─── 其含钛铁矿基岩为海西期基性岩。

74、Hercynian geosyncline ─── 海西地槽

75、The deposit was directly formed by sedimentation in the Hercynian period and was superim-posed and tranformed by the Yanshanian magmatism. ─── 矿床主要由海西期沉积成矿作用形成,后来受到了燕山期岩浆活动迭加改造。

76、Petrology,Geochemistry of Hercynian Granites of Hongliuhe Area and Its Tectonic Setting in Eastern Tianshan Mountains, Western China ─── 东天山红柳河地区海西期花岗岩的岩石学、地球化学及其构造环境

77、Two regimes of overthrust systems were formed during the Hercynian movement in the end of Early Permian and the Himalayan movement in the end of Oligocene respectively. ─── 在盆地的演化历史中,早二叠世末的晚海西运动和渐新世末的喜马拉雅运动形成了两个世代的逆冲-逆掩断裂系统。这两期构造也是油气的主要成藏期。

78、Chepaizi salient which is a successive Hercynian paleo-uplift was located in the western margin of Zhungar basin, and now it is a slope leaning to southeast. ─── 摘要车排子凸起位于准噶尔盆地西缘,为一海西期继承性古隆起,总体呈向东南倾斜的斜坡。

79、The petroleum was filled to the Permian System in the end of Jurassic and since Tertiary, which matched the traps formed in late Hercynian and Yansh. ─── 伊犁盆地是西天山褶皱带中一个构造残留盆地,纵向上发育二叠系、侏罗系两套烃源层系,形成上、下两套油气系统。

80、The first is characterized by intermediate-basic intrusive rocks, and the second, by acid intrusions. They are of middle Hercynian age as shown by a Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age determination of 315 Ma. ─── 依据Rb-Sr全岩等时线其年龄为315.7Ma,属于海西中期。

81、Many Paleoproterozoic diorite intrusions and the Hercynian monzonite granite intrusions were encircled in the region of Dayingzi-Fengning. ─── 丰宁大营子一带大面积出露古元古代闪长岩和海西期二长花岗岩。

82、Following Shanghai, the "dual center" as well as the State Council approved in Fujian after the Hercynian zone, Shenzhen and is expected to be granted a national comprehensive reform pilot area. ─── 继上海“双中心”以及福建海西区国务院获批后,深圳又有望获批成为国家综合配套改革试验区。

83、Baiyinchagan Depression Locates in Chuanjing sub-basin of Erlian Basin, is a residual growth of Mesozoic half-graben fault depression overlaying Hercynian Fold. ─── 白音查干凹陷位于二连盆地川井坳陷,是发育在海西褶皱基底之上的中生界残留箕状断陷。

84、Ore genesis is discussed in terms of geological features, fluid inclusions and stable isotope.The gold deposit is a magmatic hydrothermal one which was formed in the Hercynian epoch. ─── 从矿床地质、流体包裹体、稳定同位素等角度较详细论述了金矿的地质特征,并进一步探讨了矿床成因,认为其属华力西早期的岩浆热液型金矿床。

85、The regional S-N trench tectonics is actually heritages before Hercynian orogeny. ─── 而区域性的南-北向构造实质是海西运动前构造形迹的残留。

86、Since Benxi stage to now, the researched area has experienced continuous subsidence and burring during Hercynian Indosinian, then up lifed in Yanshan, disintegration in Himalayan, differential depression in Neotectonic period. ─── 自煤系形成至今,本区经历了海西印支期的普遍沉降埋藏、燕山期的普遍抬升局部断陷、喜山期的剥蚀、新构造运动期的差异沉降等阶段。

87、Gold source is from Caledonian and Hercynian granite. ─── 金直接来源于加里东和华力西花岗岩。

88、As a result of karstification in early Hercynian and Caledonian, karst reservoirs are the main kind of Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in Tahe oilfield. ─── 岩溶储层是塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩的主要储层,是海西早期与加里东期岩溶作用的结果。

89、Three diagenesis types are help to differentiate the middle Caledonian and early Hercynian karst, which are stylolite, dolomitization and dedolomitization. ─── 有三种成岩作用类型有助于区分加里东中期和海西早期岩溶,它们分别是缝合线、与缝合线相关的埋藏白云石化及其相关的去白云石化。

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