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09-14 投稿



insolation 发音

英:[,?ns?'le??(?)n]  美:[,?ns?'le??n]

英:  美:

insolation 中文意思翻译



insolation 词性/词形变化,insolation变形

动词过去分词: insolated |动词第三人称单数: insolates |动词现在分词: insolating |动词过去式: insolated |

insolation 短语词组

1、insolation lamp ─── 日光灯

2、asphyxial insolation ─── [医]窒息性日射病:日射病伴有低温、皮肤发冷和脉搏微弱

3、insolation weathering ─── 日晒风化

4、insolation hole ─── 日照孔

5、insolation sheet ─── 日晒片

6、insolation machine ─── 日晒机

7、insolation area ─── 日晒面积

8、insolation effects ─── 日照效果

9、insolation lot ─── 日晒批

10、insolation rate ─── 日晒速率

11、hyperpyrexial insolation ─── [医] 高热性日射病

12、amount of insolation ─── 日晒量

13、insolation method ─── 日晒法

14、insolation level ─── 日照水平

insolation 相似词语短语

1、insultation ─── 侮辱

2、insulations ─── [电]绝缘;隔离;孤立(insulation的复数)

3、insolations ─── n.日晒;日光浴;[内科]中暑;[内科]日射病

4、consolation ─── n.安慰;慰问;起安慰作用的人或事物

5、insulation ─── n.绝缘;隔离,孤立

6、immolation ─── n.祭物,供奉牲礼;宰杀,祭品

7、in isolation ─── 孤立地;绝缘

8、desolation ─── n.孤寂;悲哀,忧伤;荒芜,荒凉;废墟;凄凉

9、isolation ─── n.隔离;孤立;[电]绝缘;[化学]离析

insolation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study on Improving Insolation Environment with High Plot Ratio in Residence Communities ─── 在高容积率下改善住区日照环境的研究

2、non-uniform insolation ─── 光照不均匀

3、hyperpyrexial insolation ─── 高热性日射病

4、Because this paragraph of time passes a few hours of insolation, vimineous softness bends easily. ─── 因为这段时间经过几小时日晒,枝条柔软轻易弯曲。

5、Wall adornment data bears outside aspic be in harmony, be able to bear or endure insolation, be able to bear or endure rainwater erodes etc. ─── 外墙装饰材料耐冻融、耐日晒、耐雨水冲刷等。

6、Insolation and Temperature; ─── 气压与风;

7、Nix president Tangni - Walshe once contracted the other day by the insolation the cancer of the tongue, is precisely after the competition congress has performed the surgery rapidly. ─── 尼克斯总裁唐尼-沃尔什日前被曝曾患舌癌,且是在选秀大会后迅速进行了手术。

8、diffuse insolation data ─── 漫射日照数据

9、Deposited the WPC in outdoors should package completely and stack in level up, avoid insolation and distortion. ─── 塑木材料在户外堆放时要整捆包装好,平整堆放,以防太阳爆晒变形。

10、Curtain and be closely bound up of the life that occupy the home, it is had adjust wait for multinomial function into leak of smooth, sunshade, dustproof heat insolation. ─── 窗帘与居家生活息息相关,它具有调节进光、遮阳透风、防尘隔热等多项功能。

11、Natural Insolation and Human Accelerating Aging Experiment on the Fluorocarbon Coating to Be Used for National Palaestra "Bird Nest" ─── 国家体育场"鸟巢"用氟碳涂料天然曝晒和人工加速老化试验

12、what's the relationship between the timing of glaciation and precession-driven insolation? ─── 冰期开始的时刻与由岁差驱动的日照量之间的关系是什么?

13、Natural Insolation and Human Accelerating Aging Experiment on the Fluorocarbon Coating to Be Used for National Palaestra "Bird Nest" ─── 国家体育场“鸟巢”用氟碳涂料天然曝晒和人工加速老化试验

14、Its form is like the sound box of accordion, be double deck, facilitating heat insolation, free retractility, make no matter be,fluctuate to close, very easy. ─── 其形如手风琴的音箱,是双层的,便于隔热,自由的伸缩性,使之无论是左右开合还是上下开合,都十分的轻易。

15、18 year-old below underage; Has skin disease, infectious disease's patient; Because the skin insolation the third-degree burn time; Just drank up the liquor to come the model community custome ─── 18周岁以下的未成年者;带有皮肤病,传染病的患者;要求做帮会,反动图案的;皮肤由于暴晒严重灼伤时期;刚喝完酒过来纹身的顾客.

16、3. skin biochemistry: Insolation exceeding skin, skin can appear cutin changes grow in quantity of the excessive, cell that bask in spot. 4. ─── 3.皮肤生化:日晒过度的皮肤,表皮可出现角质化过度、晒斑细胞增多。

17、The Application of Hard Foamed Polyurethane In Waterproof and Insolation Engineering of Industrial and Civil Architectures ─── 聚氨酯硬泡在工业与民用建筑上的应用

18、The energy output from a monocrystalline cell varies with insolation level in an almost linear fashion across its operating range. ─── 单晶电池的能量输出随着光照水平基本呈线性变化。

19、Traditional nature, we like to have a long laundry out in a matter of the solar insolation under national, and there are good and bad, good for "four great inventions" what, I do not say bad. ─── 传统使然,我们是一个喜欢把过去了很久的事拎出来在太阳底下曝晒的民族,这里面有好有坏,好的比如“四大发明”什么的,坏的我就不说了。

20、Implements the first day in the new deal, the luxurious brand Reck SARS is the insolation leaves first rises in prices details single one. ─── 在新政实施首日,豪华品牌雷克萨斯是最先曝出涨价详情单的一个。

21、Want to notice heat preservation, avoid wind to blow, insolation, drench. ─── 要注意保暖,避免风吹、日晒、雨淋。

22、Sensitivity of the Australian Monsoon to Insolation and Vegetation: Implications for Human Impact on Continental Moisture Balance ─── 澳大利亚季风对日照和植被的敏感性

23、because this paragraph of time passes a few hours of insolation , vimineous softness bends easily. ─── 因为这段时间经过几小时日晒,枝条柔软轻易弯曲。

24、3.The electrolyser is switched off by active solenoid valves during periods of low insolation, with the PV power then fed directly to the consumers and the batteries. ─── 当太阳辐射量较小的时候,电解器由自动控制的螺线管阀关闭,由PV板直接向用户和蓄电池组供电。

25、To assure the character of artwork, assure can long classics years also not craze, each brush the paint that go up, can indoors natural dry in the shade, cannot stoving or insolation. ─── 为了保证艺术品的品质,保证能久经岁月也不开裂,每一遍刷上去的漆,都只能在室内自然阴干,不能烘干或者晒干。

26、Functional respect waits in disappear sound sound and heat preservation heat insolation, also rise somewhat than plasterboard. ─── 在消声息音及保温隔热等功能方面,也比石膏板有所提高。

27、Can consider a plant above all model repair face film, if the plant is slow face film, after suiting insolation very much flimsy and sensitivity skin. ─── 首先可以考虑植物型的修复面膜,如植物舒缓面膜,就很适合日晒后脆弱而敏感性皮肤。

28、(7) gram insolation, pound a little broken, make pillow. ─── (7)绿豆晒干,稍微捣破,作枕心。

29、The time course,with which both the recovery of parameters of action potentials and the disap-pearance of TTX-resistant action potentials proceeded, was faster in EDL than inSOL. ─── 无论是动作电位的恢复还是抗TTX动作电位的消失,EDL肌纤维均快于SOL肌纤维。

30、I say let the seat for you by five hundred years when the wind blowing five hundred years insolation stone bridge. ─── 我说愿为你当那座受五百年风吹五百年日晒的石桥。

31、????From insolation at present still unmarried, He Rundong not minces matter her desolate, this year side friend marries many, on September 13 I the birthday that day my diehards must marry. ─── 自曝目前仍单身,何润东毫不掩饰自己的落寞,“今年身边朋友结婚的好多,9月13日我生日那天我一个死党也要结婚了。

32、Want to remember cover of the protection on the bonnet outdoor at the same time, avoid wind to blow, insolation, drench. ─── 同时要记住给室外机罩上保护罩,避免风吹、日晒、雨淋。

33、Prevent hair extensive to fizzle out should prevent insolation and give or have a permanent wave: Many people think, the hair floats fizzling out is inherent, not changeable. ─── 防止头发泛黄要避免日晒和烫发:不少人认为,头发泛黄是天生的,不可改变。

34、The product should be kept in cool and ventilated environments and prevented from insolation. ─── 产品适放在阴凉通风的地方,避免阳光暴晒。

35、After enjoying the insolation, if detected that the face burns because of the solarization appears inflamed, may nurse using the milk. ─── 当享受完日光浴后,若发觉面部因日晒而灼伤出现红肿,可利用牛奶来护理。

36、Paleoclimatic Change Derived from Natural Gamma-Logging Curve in Qaidam Basin and Its Relation to the Solar Insolation ─── 柴达木盆地自然伽玛曲线记录的古气候变化对太阳辐射响应关系的对比研究

37、"Insolation is hurt " produce odds and ultraviolet ray to lose by force, irradiation time and individual constitution difference are concerned. ─── “日晒伤”的发生几率与紫外线强弱、照射时间以及个体体质差异有关。

38、Although director of company has declared the fund chain does not have the question, but yesterday had news insolation crown prince the milk to beset with a crisis again. ─── 尽管公司董事长一直声称资金链没有问题,但昨天有消息再曝太子奶陷入危机。

39、Insolation and climate changes also affect uptake and release of carbon dioxide and methane by plants, soil and the ocean. ─── 植物、土壤和海洋对于二氧化碳和甲烷的吸收与释放,也受到日照与气候变迁影响。

40、It is believed that inland pollutant was carried out seaward by land breeze, and changed into ozone through solar insolation. ─── 2.海陆风环流在盛行风不明显的夏季主导污染物空间中的传送,夏季午后以内陆龙潭的浓度最高,且其最大浓度可能比沿海地区延迟一至二小时出现。

41、How should be done by skin of intense insolation injury? ─── 被烈日晒伤皮肤该怎么办?

42、When cleaning face plate, can use clear water or neuter cleaner, on reload of the air after cleaning (do not insolation or roast) . ─── 在清洗面板时,可使用清水或中性清洁剂,清洗后晾干再装上(切勿日晒或烘烤)。

43、The expression that basks in is in insolation place of the 3 insolation after coming 6 hours appears erythema, still can appear badly blister and apparent bright are painful. ─── 晒伤的表现是在日晒3至6小时后日晒部位出现红斑,严重的还会出现水疱和明显灼痛。

44、Accordingly, the building door window that coloured glass applies to the burning hot zone that wants daylighting to need heat insolation again already or outside wall body. ─── 因此,有色玻璃适用于既需采光又需隔热的炎热地区的建筑物门窗或外墙体。

45、sun bath; insolation ─── 太阳浴

46、Keywords bird nest national palaestra;FEVE;fluorocarbon coating;natural insolation;human accelerating aging;HDI pre-polymer; ─── “鸟巢”国家体育场;FEVE;氟碳涂料;天然曝晒;人工加速老化;HDI预聚物;

47、Hong Kong media the insolation came out from Dalian “to choose the fresh fei egg good” the other day the melamine to exceed the allowed figure 88% news. ─── 香港媒体日前曝出来自大连的“佳之选新鲜啡蛋”三聚氰胺超标88%的消息。

48、The obvious inhibition effect of F~- ion on pitting of iron causedby Cl~- ion was observed. This effect could be explained by the formation of stable, insol uble complex FeF_3. ─── F~-对Cl~-引起的铁孔蚀有明显的抑制作用,可能是由于F~-能与Fe~(3+)形成稳定而难溶解的FeF_3配合物。

49、On a summer day that sets off with fine weather, insolation may trigger the growth of cumulonimbus clouds and the formation of thunderstorms. ─── 在夏天原本天晴的日子,日间太阳的热力亦可能会激发积雨云产生,形成雷暴。

50、Monthly mean insolation hours have been decreasing in summer in recent years. ─── 近年来夏季月平均日照时数在减少。

51、The skin after Chun Xia insolation is urticant, red what returns nose thing, what drug should use? ─── 春夏日晒后皮肤痒,鼻子红什么怎么回事,该用什么药?

52、The heat insolation since the majority, prevent infrared ray, defend the action such as ultraviolet ray, explosion proof. ─── 绝大部分起隔热、防红外线、防紫外线、防爆等作用。

53、insolation meter ─── 日射计

54、Hanging in the home, new homes to maintain air circulation and avoid rain and insolation can be applied to remove some of the detergents smell. ─── 在晾置期间,要保持新居内空气的流通,避免雨淋及曝晒,还可采用一些去除气味的清洁剂。

55、The person that weigh changes medicine, add use chlorpheniramine, hormone or static note dextrose acerbity calcium, allergic reaction should avoid insolation. ─── 重者换药,加用扑尔敏、激素或静注葡萄糖酸钙,过敏反应应避免日晒。

56、Actually, want to absorb proper nutrition only, prevent excessive insolation and give or have a permanent wave, catch hair, hair colour and lustre still ameliorable. ─── 其实,只要摄取适当营养,避免过度日晒及烫发、染发,头发色泽仍可改善。

57、asphyxial insolation ─── 窒息性日射病

58、The good life work and rest is not the direct insolation sunlight surpasses a half hour, to relieve the life pressure sufficiently every day, fixed time the movement, the sleep and so on. ─── 良好生活作息则是每天不直接曝晒阳光超过半小时、纾解生活压力、定时运动、睡眠充足等。

59、Laskar J.Joutel F.Boudin F Orbital,precessional,and insolation quantities for the earth from -20 Myr to + 10 Myr 1993 ─── 李丽.汪品先大洋"生物泵"--海洋浮游植物生物标志物[期刊论文]-地球科学-中国地质大学学报2004(4

60、Season arrived to differ person, a lot of farmer receive the corn of this eight maturity, insolation threshings, preparation vacates cole of stubble direct seeding. ─── 季节到了不等人,许多农户把这八成熟的玉米收下来,晒干脱粒,预备腾茬直播油菜。

61、5th, sunlight insolation law: The sunlight can decompose in the destruction vegetables the part residual agricultural chemicals; ─── 5、阳光曝晒法:阳光能分解破坏蔬菜中部分残留农药;

62、The residential buildings insolation interval analysis is an important job in the field of urban residential district planning and design. ─── 文章提出利用棒影日照图综合分析确定住宅建筑日照间距,对于解决这类问题是一种可靠实用的方法。

63、insolation duration ─── 日照时间

64、insolation from north ─── 北向进光

65、The heat insolation since the majority, prevent infrared ray, defend the action such as ultraviolet ray, explosion proof. ─── 绝大部分起隔热、防红外线、防紫外线、防爆等作用。

66、An outsider's review of the astronomical theory of the climate: is the eccentricity-driven insolation the main driver of the ice ages? ─── 一个旁观者对气候天文理论的评论:冰期的主要驱动器是不是离心率驱动的日射?

67、Characteristics of light impact sound insulation for the floors were studied through adopting small size sound insolation instrument. ─── 采用小型隔声箱体对几种地板的轻量撞击声隔声特性进行了研究。

68、insolation weathering ─── 日晒风化

69、Polar warming in the Mars thermosphere: Seasonal variations owing to changing insolation and dust distributions ─── 火星热层极地变暖:由于日射和尘埃分布改变季节也变化了

70、Insolation Standard ─── 日照标准

71、The intensity of solar illu minance was measured with a light meter, the measured illuminance was converted to insolation using a coefficient. ─── 用照度计测量太阳光的照度,通过比较日 本气象厅在广岛市测得的瞬时日射量和相同时刻所测得的照度,计算出转换系数,然后估算 出照射在牙釉质样品的累积日射量。

72、The coefficient of performance (COP) of PV-SAHP is improved because the evaporating process under insolation. ─── 另一方面,PV-SAHP系统热泵循环的的蒸发过程在太阳直接辐照条件下完成,使得热泵循环的性能系数COP明显提高,也减少了热泵冬季供暖时常出现的运行不稳定和结霜等缺憾。

73、insolation level ─── 检验水平

74、The section “the insolation material” said that Philps studies Chinese, although very diligently, said actually barely satisfactory. ─── 小节“曝料”说,菲尔普斯学中文虽然很努力,说得却差强人意。

75、When cleaning face plate, can use clear water or neuter cleaner, on reload of the air after cleaning (do not insolation or roast) . ─── 在清洗面板时,可使用清水或中性清洁剂,清洗后晾干再装上(切勿日晒或烘烤)。

76、Housewives are Life, a quarter will be renovated and used clothing and bedding through out cleansing insolation. ─── 家庭主妇更是翻箱倒柜,将过季的夏装和即将使用的冬装及被褥翻出来,清洗曝晒。

77、Insolation Standard Day ─── 日照标准日

78、An outsider's review of the astronomical theory of the climate: is the eccentricity-driven insolation the main driver of the ice ages? ─── 一个旁观者对气候天文理论的评论:冰期的主要驱动器是不是离心率驱动的日射?

79、The Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy Data Set web site offers global insolation data broken down into 1 degree of longitude by 1 degree of latitude cells. ─── “表面气象学与太阳能”数据集网站提供全球1个经度和纬度范围内的日晒数据。

80、This is you from seashore insolation return period of time, not only long spot and nigrescence, moreover the very long time with difficulty restores reason. ─── 这就是你从海边暴晒归来的一段时间内,不但长斑和变黑,而且很长时间都难以恢复的原因。

81、Because the autumn and summer are different,the reason that autumnal insolation compares not easy subsidise is, autumnal weather turns cool, cutaneous metabolism also begins the reason of decline. ─── 秋天的日晒比较不容易消退的原因是因为秋天和夏天不同,秋天天气转凉,皮肤的新陈代谢也开始衰退之故。

82、Solar insolation ─── 数值模拟

83、Carry on promotes a person to also like to collect come insolation, pulverize, clip does doughboy to eat in ground rice. ─── 绍兴人也喜欢采来晒干,磨成粉,夹在米粉里做团子吃哩。

84、insolation effects ─── 内脏

85、After carry arrives, should busy put nursery stock vertical stroke, seasonable and cultivated, blow insolation with the root of fangfeng. ─── 运到后,应忙把苗木竖放,并及时栽植,以防风吹日晒。

86、Special attention was given to insolation to sunlight and eyesight on the east and west elevations, both of which are front facades. ─── 特别要注意的是东面和西面高地的采光和视野,这两面都是外立面。

87、Good lasting property, still good appetency with above coating after long-term insolation. ─── 具有良好的耐久性,虽在长期暴晒之后,仍可发挥其与上层之间的亲合力。

88、An outsider's review of the astronomical theory of the climate: is the eccentricity-driven insolation the main driver of the ice ages? ─── 一个旁观者对气候天文理论的评论:冰期的主要驱动器是不是离心率驱动的日射?

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