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09-14 投稿



indefinable 发音

英:[??nd??fa?n?bl]  美:[??nd??fa?n?bl]

英:  美:

indefinable 中文意思翻译




indefinable 网络释义

adj. 难下定义的;难确定的;模糊不清的n. 难下定义的事物;难以确切描述的事物

indefinable 词性/词形变化,indefinable变形

副词: indefinably |名词: indefinability |

indefinable 短语词组

1、indefinable charm ─── 难以形容的魅力

2、indefinable longing ─── 无法形容的渴望

indefinable 相似词语短语

1、undefinable ─── adj.无法定义的;不确定的

2、indeclinably ─── 不可逆转的

3、indefensible ─── adj.站不住脚的;不能防卫的;无辩护余地的

4、indefatigable ─── adj.不知疲倦的;不屈不挠的;有耐性的

5、interminable ─── adj.冗长的;无止尽的

6、indefinably ─── adv.无法下定义地;不明确地

7、definable ─── adj.可下定义的;可确定的;可限定的

8、undeclinable ─── 难以启齿的

9、indeclinable ─── adj.无语尾变化的;不变化的

indefinable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She lacks the indefinable charm of weakness ─── 她缺少那种难以形容的软弱的媚态。

2、It is must weird but indefinable sorrows always come to me when I am happy. ─── 在这方面的记忆还需要多下点功夫。

3、Now the spring of my home is in the air of these strange parts again.It carries me back to my long-departed childhood, and brings with it an indefinable sadness. ─── 现在,故乡的春天又在这异地的空中了,既给我久经逝去的儿时的回忆,而一并也带着无可把握的悲哀。

4、The Cold War came to an end unexpectedly, and America's opponents became so indefinable that it was difficult to define its national interests. ─── 摘要冷战的结束不期而至,美国的对手变得难以确定,其国家利益也难以界定。

5、These gentlemen had an indefinable mistrust of her good offices ─── 这些先生们对她的好意殷勤抱有难以名状的戒心。

6、Among people, ambiguity in sexuality and indefinable emotions, cause them to drift afloat endlessly. ─── 人与人之间,性别的模糊化,情感的无法划分定位,造就了她他们漂浮的缺乏节制的游离状态。

7、An indefinable sadness had come over Huei-fang these last few days ─── 四小姐这无名的惆怅也是最近三四天内才有的。

8、an example of how it is possible to remain effective and dynamic without losing those indefinable qualities, style and character. ─── 你们树立了榜样,显示如何既保持效力和活力,又不丧失那些难以言喻的品质、风格和个性。

9、The mode of expression, the tone and modulation of the voice, the choice of words, and certain other indefinable things distinguish him. ─── 表达的方式、音调的转换、遣词造句以及某种难以言表的东西会让他们与众不同。

10、an indefinable boundary ─── 不明确的边界

11、Some mysterious, indefinable characteristic sets him apart from all other men. ─── 某些神秘的,难以确切描述的特性令这样的人卓尔不群。

12、It all comes, I believe, from trying to define the indefinable . ─── 我相信,这一切都是因为试图定义无法定义的事物。

13、Missoula, Montana, is one of these towns, but it possesses some indefinable spirit that keeps it from being confused with any other. ─── 蒙大拿州的米苏拉就是这类城镇中的一个,但它有某种难以说明的精神,能将它和其他城镇区分开来。

14、an indefinable word ─── 一个难下定义的词

15、no sunset so beautiful that it does not waken the vision of a greater beauty, a vision which passes before it is fully glimpsed, and in passing leaves and indefinable longing and regret. ─── 美丽的落日总会引起一个更加绚丽的景象未及饱览便一闪即逝,并在消逝中给人留下不可名状的渴望和惆怅。

16、Due to the fluctuaing uses of the word, no determinacy may be found in the sense of concept, a fortiori a word is indefinable. ─── 鉴于字的各种变换不定的用法,我们无法在一概念的意义上找到什麽确定的,故字是不可定义的。

17、She did not try to conjecture what the drift of the conversation would be. She only felt that she must be careful, and that Hurstwood had an indefinable fascination for her. ─── 她没有去想他们可能聊些什么,她只感觉到她必须当心一点,因为赫斯渥对她有一种说不清的吸引力。

18、1. a strange exaltation that was indefinable; ─── 不确定的异常兴奋;

19、Javert obeyed with that indefinable smile in which the supremacy of enchained authority is condensed. ─── 沙威含笑照办,笑容还是那样无法捉摸,但表现出一种被捆绑的权威的优越感。

20、These gentlemen had an indefinable mistrust of her good offices . ─── 这些先生们对她的好意殷勤抱有难以名状的戒心。

21、4.There are women who have an indefinable charm in their faces which makes them beautiful to their intimates, but a cold stranger who tried to reason the matter out and find this beauty would fail. ─── 有一些女人的脸孔会散发一种奇特的魅力,让身边的熟人觉得她很美,但对一个完全陌生的人来说,却往往看不出来她究竟美在哪里。

22、34. and in passing leaves an indefinable longing and regret. ─── 并在消逝中给人留下了不可名状的渴望和惆怅。

23、Classic movies are often distinguished or unique works of cinema that have transcended time and trends, with indefinable quality. ─── 古典经典电影通常是十分著名并独特的电影创作是经过时间的考验而深受观众喜爱的质量上乘的作品.

24、She has that indefinable something that makes an actress a star. ─── 她具备了那种使演员成为明星的说不出的特质。

25、So does a special indefinable charm, with the help of the media. ─── 与众不同又有不可捉摸的魅力再加上媒体的渲染起了同样重要的作用。

26、Phillips heard something indefinable in Presley's voice, though the truth is that he didn't hear it right away. ─── 菲利普斯从“猫王”的声音里听到了某种无法描述的东西,但事实上他并没有马上肯定。

27、The point, however, is to keep the humanities changing fast enough so that they remain indefinable and unmanageable. ─── 然而,关键的是要人文学科变化的足够快以使得它们保持在不可定义和不可操纵的状态中。

28、There's an indefinable air of tension in this town. ─── 这城镇里有种难以描述的紧张气氛。

29、Mrs.Penniman, moreover, though she had a good deal of a certain sort of artificial assurance, shrunk, for indefinable reasons, from presenting herself to her brother as a fountain of instruction. ─── 更甚之,佩尼曼夫人,虽然多少有点矫揉造作的自信,但不知是何原因,在他哥哥的面前却显得畏首畏脚。

30、They immersed into my childhood life and made me keep the close distance and indefinable secret love to the country. ─── 她们浸香了我的童年,并使我和乡村一直保持着贴心的距离与莫名的暗恋。

31、There' s an indefinable air of tension at the meeting. ─── 会议上有种难以描述的紧张气氛。

32、Because cure's decree not mature, Chinese medicine doctor's healthy insurance outlay allot insufficient properly, Chinese massage operator face law disturb with take up employment place's indefinable double difficulty. ─── 由于医疗法令不完备,中医健康保险的经费分配不够适当,推拿业者面临法律干扰与就业场地不明确的双重困境。

33、One that is indefinable. ─── 无法定义的事物

34、Big names and big subjects tend to generate big publicity around publication time, but it takes an additional, often indefinable something for a book to continue selling. ─── 在这个印刷品时代,醒目的标题与重磅的内容更倾向于受到读者的关注,但一本书要想持续热卖还需要一种东西,一种玄妙的东西。

35、She has that indefinable something that makes an actress a star. ─── 她具备了那种使演员成为明星的说不出的特质。

36、Though she had an indefinable urge to protest, she admitted that things had indeed returned to normal. ─── 尽管她还有想去抵抗的冲动,但是她也承认,一切已经恢复了正常。

37、He had a trick of resettling his spectacles on his nose which was curiously disarming -- in some indefinable way, curiously civilized ─── 他总会习惯地把鼻子上的眼睛扶扶正

38、Indefinable management and its application in shipyard ─── 不确定性管理及在修船企业中的应用

39、All at once, she experienced that indefinable impression which one undergoes when there is some one standing behind one, even when she does not see the person. ─── 她忽然有一种说不出的感觉:在自己背后立着一个人,即使不看,也能感到。

40、an indefinable air of mystery ─── 不可言状的神秘气氛.

41、This borderline is indefinable. ─── 这条分界线难以确定。

42、When, troubled by pain indefinable, ─── 扭曲,激动着嘲笑沉睡的精神,

43、But soon the traveller from Paris is shocked by a certain look of self-satisfaction and complacency mingled with an indefinable hint of narrow-mindedness and lack of imagination. ─── 但是从巴黎来的游人很快就会对他那种浅薄狭隘、乏想象力、满和自得的神态,产生反感。

44、Together with the vibrations manifested in the aura, this response creates something indefinable that brings us closer or separates us from people surrounding us. ─── 一起在辉光里是振动的显现,这个回应产生出某些不确定的,引领我们靠近或从我们周围的人群中分离开。

45、2.a strange exaltation that was indefinable; a strange fantastical mind; what a strange sense of humor she has. ─── 不确定的异常兴奋;异常的空想;她的幽默感是多么不同寻常。

46、And she had something extra, something indefinable. ─── 她还有一些别的事,一些不能确定的事。

47、Shi Jing (below as Shi): I was influenced by progressivism, and I wanted to make something that was indefinable. ─── 史晶(以下简称史):当时是受到进步论的影响,就是想做出一种无法界定的东西。

48、indefinable yearnings; indescribable beauty; ineffable ecstasy; inexpressible anguish; unspeakable happiness; unutterable contempt; a thing of untellable splendor ─── 无法言喻的向往;难以形容的美丽;难以形容的痴迷;不可名状的痛苦;难以表达的高兴;无法言喻的轻蔑;不可名状的壮观

49、These words were uttered with an indefinable sound which startled the girl ─── 这些话的口气有些暧昧,它使姑娘吃了一惊。

50、an example of how it is possible to remain effective and dynamic without losing those indefinable qualities, style and character. ─── 你们树立了榜样,显示如何既保持效力和活力,又不丧失那些难以言喻的品质、风格和个性。

51、The vision leaves an indefinable longing and regret. ─── 这种景象留给人们一种莫名的渴望和遗憾。

52、Indefinable yearnings ─── 说不清道不白的渴望

53、an indefinable feeling of terror ─── 无名的恐惧

54、The group's repertoire focuses on Liu Xing's contemporary chamber music “Indefinable” series, “Earth and Sky” series and “hackberry on the mountain” series. ─── 今后还将改编部分优秀传统曲目和西方古典音乐经典曲目。

55、something indefinable in her eyes. ─── 她的眼神里有种难以形容的东西。

56、A sign that they are losing the sense of their criminality, and that they feel, even among thinkers and dreamers, some indefinable support which the latter themselves know not of. ─── 这说明他们已失去了那种自惭多罪的感受,并感到自己已在某些思想家和空想者中间受到一种说不上是什么的不自觉的支持。

57、and in passing leaves an indefinable longing and regret. ─── 并在消逝中给人留下了不可名状的渴望和惆怅.

58、Both bore languidly the indefinable burden of immaterial pleasures.Thus lived these somnambulists who are called lovers. ─── 这两个所谓情人的梦游病患者便是这样过活的。

59、As a sculptor and installation artist, he attempts to create a partially indefinable sculptural sensibility of the material world that is “realistic” and ”imaginary” at the same time. ─── 身为一名雕塑、装置艺术家,他试图在物质世界中创作出一种真实又梦幻,而不可名状的雕塑感度。

60、These words were uttered with an indefinable sound which startled the girl. ─── 这些话的口气有些暧昧,它使姑娘吃了一惊。

61、His kindness/hospitality is indefinable. ─── 他的热情真是难以表述。

62、Like all great cities, New York has an indefinable aura all its own. ─── 纽约像其他大城市一样,有它自己不可言状的氛围。

63、20. indefinable yearnings; indescribable beauty; ineffable ecstasy; inexpressible anguish; unspeakable happiness; unutterable contempt; a thing of untellable splendor. ─── 无法言喻的向往;难以形容的美丽;难以形容的痴迷;不可名状的痛苦;难以表达的高兴;无法言喻的轻蔑;不可名状的壮观。

64、She met him at the door herself, and her woman's eyes took in immediately the creased trousers and the certain slight but indefinable change in him for the better. ─── 她亲自到门口来迎接他。她那双女性的眼睛一眼就发觉了褶痕笔挺的裤子和他身上那难以说清的微妙变化。

65、Its purity and coherence amazed me.The performer's performance is not just physical and cerebral but in some indefinable way spiritual. ─── 水月的纯净与和谐让我惊豔。舞者的演出不只需靠躯体和大脑,还具备了无法言喻的灵气。

66、” We believe the indefinable power of this rebel boy, it is the main motivation of releasing his solo exhibition by the end of this year. ─── 我们更加相信这个有著反叛生活方式的年轻人身上那种莫名的力量,这是今年年底推出他的个展的主要动机。

67、it was the quality of it , the repose , and the musical modulation - the soft , rich , indefinable product of culture and a gentle soul. ─── 他爱恋她声音的悦耳平和与它那动人的起伏那是文化教养与高雅的灵魂的流露,柔和丰富得难以描述。

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