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09-14 投稿



unerringly 发音


英:  美:

unerringly 中文意思翻译



unerringly 同义词

unerringly 短语词组

1、unerringly define ─── 准确定义

unerringly 词性/词形变化,unerringly变形

副词: unerringly |

unerringly 反义词


unerringly 相似词语短语

1、untiringly ─── adv.不疲倦地;不屈不挠地

2、unsparingly ─── adv.慷慨地;不宽恕地

3、unendingly ─── 无止境地;不停地

4、erringly ─── 错误地

5、unnervingly ─── adv.令人胆怯地;使人紧张不安地

6、sneeringly ─── adv.嘲笑地;轻蔑地

7、endearingly ─── adv.讨人喜欢地

8、hungeringly ─── adv.饥饿地;渴望地

9、unerring ─── adj.无过失的;不犯错误的;没有打歪的

unerringly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、was wonderful to watch her fingers moving deftly and unerringly. ─── 看着她的手指灵巧又不出错地移动是很美妙的。

2、An unerringly professional team greet and treat clients. ─── 完美的职业团队迎接并善待客户。

3、The therapeutic effects of a combined therapy with radiofrequency thermocoagulation to the ethmoidal nerve uner endoscope and Yupingfeng granule orally Taking on perennial allergic rhinitis ─── 鼻内镜下射频热凝筛前神经结合玉屏风颗料治疗常年性变应性鼻炎

4、Someone once said "he plays the game as if it is a matter of life and death all the time knowing that of course it is not" an unerringly accurate description. ─── 有人曾经说“他踢球,似乎是一直当做生命中最重要的事情,而常人却理所当然的认为不是”精准的描述。

5、The author makes no apologies for his hyperbole and claims that his book is unerringly factual. ─── 作者坚持他的书所述千真万确,并没有为他的夸大事实而做出任何表示歉意之举。

6、The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude. ─── 在上一章中,你学会了创造精神图景,以及如何使这幅图景由不可见到可见。这一周我要让你们拿一件物品,追本溯源,看看它到底是什麽。

7、She had seized unerringly on the fact that most disturbed him. ─── 她很准确地抓住了令他苦恼不已的事由。

8、he unerringly fixed things for us. ─── 他正确地为我们安装了这些东西。

9、My teacher unerringly pounced on the one typographical error in my essay. ─── 我的老师准确无误地在我的论文中找出了一个印刷错误。

10、In summer, i have finally learn to show my inner colors, even to grasp detailed personal feelings carefully, with rich colours unfolden from my difference uner the sun. ─── 夏天我终于学会表达自己,甚至是很狭小的个人情感我也可以清晰的把握,在太阳底下的我存在着很多差异,呈现不同的色彩。

11、The bell captain, Herbie Chandler, was firmly and unerringly impaled. ─── 侍者领班赫比·钱德勒被又稳、又准地抓住了。

12、“In order to achieve perfect seeing one needs a perfect master who knows how to transmit fully and unerringly the four aspects of initiation and skillfully explain the hidden meaning with compassion. ─── "要获得圆满的正见,必须要依止具德的上师。这样的上师能准确无误地完整地将方便智慧的四大灌顶传给弟子,并能善巧地慈悲地解释其中的深义。

13、The bell captain, Herbie Chandler, was firmly and unerringly impaled ─── 侍者领班赫比?钱德勒被又稳、又准地抓住了。

14、The chapter on the sixth sense was included,because the book is designed for the purpose of presenting a complete philosophy by which individuals may unerringly guide themselves in attaining whatever they ask of life. ─── 第六感这一章之所以收录在此,原因在于本书的目的,是为了提出一套完整的哲学,使个人可以无误地引导本身去取 得想要的任何一切。

15、Yet, with all of these precautions, the magician unerringly chooses the correct pocket which contains the cylinder with the match! ─── 然而,与所有这些防备措施,魔术师没有偏差选择包含圆筒与比赛的正确口袋!

16、She knew only that if she did or said thus-and-so, men would unerringly respond with the complementary thus-and-so. ─── 她只明白,只要她如此这般地做了说了,男人们便会准确无误地用如此这般的恭维来回报她。

17、Amoghsiddhi (literally "The One Who Unerringly Achieves His Goal") is the fifth Dhyani Buddha in order. ─── 北方不空成就佛,以“无畏印”结跏趺坐,统率五部中的业部。

18、Over unsounded gorges, through the rifled hearts of mountains, under torrents' beds, unerringly I rush! ─── 冲过无人的峡谷,越过绵延陡峭山峦,穿过激流浅滩,我奔驰而去!

19、She knew only that if she did or said thus-and-so, men would unerringly respond with the complementary thus-and-so. ─── 她只明白,只要她如此这般地做了说了,男人们便会准确无误地用如此这般的恭维来回报她。

20、Fortunately, Midlake writes unerringly tuneful melodies and thoughtful lyrics about topics other than love and introspection, and lays down plenty of gentle hooks. ─── 我将唱片请回家,之后整整两个星期,就像一名被巫师下了重蛊的摇滚族人,我夜以继日地疯狂重播,毫无道理可寻。

21、Disappointment flooded through me as my eyes unerringly focused on his table. ─── 当我的目光准确地投向他的桌子时,失望吞没了我。

22、A large, soft tomato, unerringly aimed, stuck the chairman in the face ─── 一只又大又烂的西红柿,不偏不倚地正好打在董事长的脸上。

23、Unerringly, I find out the answer. ─── 没错,我是找到答案。

24、Historically, the typical stock market investor has managed to underperform the market itself, unerringly buying high and selling low. ─── 历史地看,典型的股市投资者的业绩逊于市场平均表现,恰恰做到了高买低卖。

25、Moreover, one trait, such as dark skin, doesn't unerringly predict the presence of others, like hair texture, the association said. ─── 再者,一个特徵像是黑皮肤已经不能准确地预料出现在其他人身上,或者像是头发的质地亦然。

26、With just a flick of his wrist he could make any well-shaped pebble fly unerringly to its mark. ─── 只要手腕轻轻一甩,他可以让任何形状不错的鹅卵石飞无误地向自己的目标。

27、18.The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude. ─── 18、引力法则必然准确无误地按照你的习惯、性格以及占主导地位的精神状态,在生活的景况、境遇、经历等方面回馈于你。

28、You unerringly manage to pick the wrong people and the wrong things. ─── 这点心上面是厚厚的一层巧克力,中间还夹着一层糖。

29、They knew unerringly what to aspire to ─── 他们完全明白应追求什么。

30、The 7m-high Okere Falls drew us unerringly onward ─── 落差7米的奥克耳瀑布把我们准确地向它拖了过去。

31、The chapter on the sixth sense was included, because the book is designed for the purpose of presenting a complete philosophy by which individuals may unerringly guide themselves in attaining whatever they ask of life. ─── 讲第六感这一章之所以收录在此,原因在于本书的目的, 是为了提出一套完整的哲学,使个人可以无误地引导本身去取 得想要的任何一切。

32、Historically, the typical stock market investor has managed to underperform the market itself, unerringly buying high and selling low. ─── 历史地看,典型的股市投资者的业绩逊于市场平均表现,恰恰做到了高买低卖。

33、Mozart goes unerringly toward what is not mathematical in music, but instead is asymmetrical, strange and ambiguous. ─── 莫扎特所关注的就是音乐,它和数学没什么关系,对于诸如不对称性,陌生而又难于言喻的东西,他始终保持了那份矢志不渝的热情。



elecllent中文意思是adj. 极好的,卓越的,优秀的

The finish and workmanship of the woodwork were excellent.

wonderful中文意思是adj. 绝妙的,令人惊叹的,

It was wonderful to watch her fingers moving deftly and unerringly.



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