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09-14 投稿



inclusively 发音

英:[?n?klu?s?vli]  美:[?n?klu?s?vli]

英:  美:

inclusively 中文意思翻译



inclusively 短语词组

1、inclusively chinadaily ─── 包括《中国日报》

2、inclusively china ─── 包括中国

3、inclusively exclusive ─── 包括独家

4、inclusively develop ─── 包容性发展

inclusively 相似词语短语

1、exclusively ─── adv.唯一地,专有地,排外地;作为唯一的(消息)来源

2、incisively ─── adv.敏锐地;激烈地

3、illusively ─── adv.错觉地;幻影地

4、inclusive ─── adj.包含的,包括的;包含全部费用的;包括提到的所有……在内的;范围广泛的;一切服务包含在内的;包括明示界限在内的;不排斥任何一方的;有意避免性别歧视的;兼收并蓄的;adv.包括一切费用在内地

5、seclusively ─── adv.隐遁地

6、conclusively ─── adv.最后地;决定性地

7、intrusively ─── adv.干扰地;侵入地

8、reclusively ─── 隐居

9、inclusivity ─── n.包容性

inclusively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、m.s., b.s. in computer science or related field.2. 3+ years software development experience inclu... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:1000人以上

2、Work Location: BeijingGeneral Description:The CS Representative will be responsible for day-to-day CS transactions inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:中以联科电子安装工程(北京)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-7-18

3、RESPONSIBILITIES : Be responsible for providing full supports to Coach - from every aspect of the business inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州伯易企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-5-15

4、ZheJiang DeJia New Material Co.Ltd.was established in 1999,Since years development .we are now inclu... ─── 发布者:唐远丽所在地:浙江嘉兴市行业:橡塑职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生

5、This allows the value of W to vary between zero and one, inclusively. ─── 这样可以使W的值在0和1之间变化,包括0和1。

6、Results:The main radiographic features of subpulmonic effusion inclu ded pseudodiaphragm sign,heart shadow silhouette sign,double diaphragm sign and sign of free fluid. ─── 结果:肺底积液的主要X线表现是假膈征、心淹征、双膈影征和变换体位液体弥散征象。

7、Job Description:1. To ensures supplier quality management system to meets or exceeds Molex‘s requirements, inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:莫仕连接器(成都)有限公司工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2009-3-27

8、job description: -manage all aspects of the product development process for developing markets inclu... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:|公司规模:100-499人

9、occurring every fourth day,counting inclusively,or every72 hours; used of a fever ─── 每四日发作的从首日到末日计算,每四天发生的,或每七十二小时发生的;用于指发烧

10、Secure your files and sensitive data with strong encryption that supports several encryption algorithms, inclu the new AES standard 256 Bits. ─── 确保你的文件和敏感的数据,与强大的加密支持几种加密算法,包括新的原子发射光谱标准256位。

11、Most of the developed countries, inclu登录sina.com免邮箱ding those in both Western and Eastern Europe, oppose war. ─── 发达国度中多数国度不开心战争,其中包括西欧和东欧国度。

12、The T10-P is a Tensile strength tester that used for tensile strength, tearing adhesive, Peeling Etc. The content of test report will inclu ─── 本机可测各种材料之拉力,撕裂,剥离,粘接力等抗力物可列印出测试日期,时间及显示器设定之显示值.

13、moderate cases inclu ded 18of CR,15of PR ,3of MR and 2of NR; ─── 中度()CR18例,PR15例,MR3例,NR2例。

14、She kissed Volodya affectionately, and seemed to take no notice of Kostya until Volodya turned inclusively in his direction. ─── 她深情地吻了一下沃洛佳,似乎并没注意到克斯特亚,直到沃洛佳转身对着他的方向把他也包括进来。

15、I get a random number between 0 and 89999 inclusively and add 10000 to it to get a number in the desired range. ─── 我获得0和89999之间的一个随机数,并且加上10000,以获得所需范围内的数字。

16、you should not remove it from your diet inclusively as the first step. ─── 你不应该将其从您的饮食含作为计划的第一步。

17、It was the subtask's duty to select needed roles and permissions and arrange them in pairs.A session may inclu... ─── 对比分析表明,本模型可以很好地应用到动态协作环境中。

18、If reduced between -1 to -9 HP(inclusively),you become stable(no HP lost from bleeding).You are disabled rather than dying. ─── 当你的生命值降低到-1到-9之间(包含-1和-9),你立刻稳定下来(不会因为流血而持续降低生命),恩,丧失能力总比死了强。

19、Every fence connects two fence intersections, which are numbered inclusively from 1 through 500 (though some farms have far fewer than 500 intersections). ─── 每一个栅栏连接两个顶点,顶点用1到500标号(虽然有的农场并没有500个顶点)。

20、China embarked on the road to reform and opening up in 1978. Our reform is a comprehensive one which inclu..." ─── 中国的经济改革发展迅速,使得中国在短期内取得高速增长。中国德政治改革是否需要跟上经济改革的步伐?

21、POSITION: Lean ManagerJOB SUMMARY-Drive the development and implementation of projects to establish a Lean Culture inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:广东艺珂人才服务公司上海分公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-11

22、The Code itself inclu mes provisions requiring truthful disclosure of product information regarding price, grade, quality, quantity and availability. ─── 商德约法包括的条款要求对产品信息如价格、等级、质量、数量和可供应量进行真实披露。

23、Position Title: CN-TEST ENGINEER (Aircon) Responsibilities: 1. Response for All ICT Test Equipments &PCBA Functional Test equipments, Inclu... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:20-99人经验要求:1-3年最低学历:专科及同等学历职位月薪:1000-50000元/月

24、To provide the new sales staffs with relevant fundamental fastener knowledge as well as the related product standards knowledge inclusively. ─── 向新销售员提供相关紧固件产品,技术标识的基本培训;

25、During the collection, acquisition, coding and transmission of the images, they are all inclusively polluted by the noise that can or can not be seen on different degrees. ─── 摘要在图像的采集、获取、编码和传输过程中,所有的图像均不同程度地被可见或不可见的噪声“污染”。

26、Responsibilities:1.Coordinator and monitor the import and export operation of service parts, repair parts, inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:东芝电脑网络(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-10

27、Occurring every fourth day, counting inclusively, or every 72 hours. Used of a fever. ─── 每四日发作的:从首日到末日计算,每四天发生的,或每七十二小时发生的。用于指发烧

28、h #include linux/ioport.h #include linux/kernel.h #include linux/init.h #include linux/slab.h #inclu ... ─── 内容提要:头文件应该全了: #include linux/module.

29、Submitted project descriptions may be very brixf (one page) but should also inclu rde all the information listed in the project proposal template (PDF). ─── (PDF)所呈送的专案描述可能非常的简短(一页),但是其中应该包含列于专题提案样本中的所有资讯.

30、job profile location:shanghai reporting to engineering manager, your responsibilities will inclu... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:|职位类型:|公司规模:

31、The word 'men' can be understood inclusively(= including men and women). ─── men 这个词可以做概括性的解释(包括男人和女人)。

32、Keywords cyclodetrins;water treatment;host guest inclus; ─── 环糊精;水处理;主-客体包合物;

33、The output file inclu des 38 annotation items downloadable in the form of Microsoft Excel. ─── 含有各种登录号以及基 因或蛋白质的基本信息、功能分类、相互作用共38项注释项供选择;

34、Inclusively, Tony has transformed himself in to on of the best guards in the league. ─── 从内因来看,公园人正在使自己成为联盟的顶级后卫。

35、job responsibilities: 1.actively communicate and assist in organization of project life cycle inclu... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:|职位类型:|公司规模:500-999人

36、The management of retinal vasculitis depends on the stage of the disease,inclu... ─── 就此病的定义、病因、分类、基础研究、诊断及治疗等方面的最新进展进行综述。

37、PURPOSE OF POSITION: Plans and directs all plants and sales branches (in China) Human Resources activities inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海鹰柏企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-5

38、This value should be an integer between 1 and 16384 inclusively. ─── 此值应为一个介于1和16384之间(含这两个数)的整数。

39、Kinin is an important inflammatory factor and might serve as a factor in the mechanism of diabetic retinopathy.Interventions on KKS, inclu... ─── 干预激肽系统用以治疗糖尿病视网膜病变可以有多种途径和方式,包括应用胰激肽酶原等,但确切疗效和副作用有待进一步观察。

40、Conclusion s The basis of diagnosis for traumatic psedoane urysm in the palm inclu des:(1) History of sharp injury in the palm; ─── 结论手掌部创伤性假性动脉瘤的诊断依据是:(1)手掌部有锐器戳伤史;

41、Job Responsibilities:He will be responsible to update project schedule on daily basis as a project planner inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:茜亿尔工程咨询(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-11

42、The action was so graceful and inclusively benign. ─── 这个动作是这样优雅、这样地充满了慈祥。

43、A case in point, Apple computers are inclusively used for post-production in our company. ─── 我公司拥有高品质的商业级摄影器材。后期处理全部由苹果电脑完成。

44、There are several methods to predict the ovarian reserve:age,the level of endocrine secretion(inclu... ─── 现就卵巢储备功能的预测方法做一综述。

45、#inclu de #inclu de #inclu de #inclu de type de f strUCt { unsigned char day; ─── 内容提要: 用C语言编写的一个日历文件的主要内容是: 该程序在vc中调试运行通过.

46、This limited set of characters consists of ASCII characters 26 through 126, inclusively. ─── 这组有限的字符包括从26到126的ASCII字符(包含26和126)。

47、Occurring every fourth day, counting inclusively, or every72 hours. Used of a fever. ─── 每四日发作的从首日到末日计算,每四天发生的,或每七十二小时发生的。用于指发烧

48、Responsibilities:- Assist Facility &Administration Manager on daily facility and operations of the center inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:安永华明会计师事务所工作地点:辽宁省大连市发布时间:2009-6-13

49、On the basis of study of risk factors,some preventive meas-ures, which inclu... ─── 通过正确地评估提出针对性的预防措施:缓解局部压力,减少磨擦力和剪力,避免潮湿,增加营养。

50、The only supported characters for the SimpleDisplayName parameter are ASCII characters 26 through 126, inclusively. ─── SimpleDisplayName参数只支持ASCII字符26到126(包括26和126)。

51、QC supervisor (Qing Dao Office)Knowledge/Skills required :. At least 8 years solid QC experience in garment field inclu...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳赛辉贸易有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-7-11

52、A total of 126 questionnaires were collected from 133 nursing students taking an anatomy course during the years 2001 to 2003 inclusively. ─── 本研究计对从九十到九十二学年度修过解剖学护理学系同学做问卷调查,获得一百二十六份有效问卷。

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