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09-17 投稿


ems 发音

英:[?i? em ?es]  美:[?i? em ?es]

英:  美:

ems 中文意思翻译



ems 词性/词形变化,ems变形


ems 短语词组

1、osi ems osi ─── 环境管理系统

2、a p ems a p ems

3、EMS memory EMS ─── 内存 [计] EMS ─── 内存

4、ems up ems ─── 启动

5、e ems ─── 增强扩充记忆体规格(enhancedexpandedmemoryspecification)

6、EMS memory locked EMS ─── 内存锁定 [计] EMS ─── 内存锁定

7、compassing ems ─── 罗盘ems

8、outfielder ems ─── 外场ems

9、stretchers ems ─── 担架ems

10、punctures ems ─── 刺穿ems

ems 相似词语短语

1、elms ─── n.[林]榆树;n.(Elms)人名;(英)埃尔姆斯

2、emys ─── 埃米斯

3、Ems ─── 邮政特快专递服务(ExpressMailService);增强型短信服务(EnhancedMessageService)

4、e's ─── e的

5、emus ─── [鸟]鸸鹋(emu的复数)

6、mems ─── abbr.微电子机械系统(Micro-electromechanicalSystems)

7、hems ─── abbr.高级实体管理标准(High-levelEntityManagementSystem);家庭能源管理系统(homeenergymanagementsystem);直升机紧急医疗服务(helicopteremergencymedicalservice)

8、emos ─── abbr.增强型金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(EnhancementMOS)

9、gems ─── n.[宝]宝石(gem的复数形式);n.(Gems)人名;(德)格姆斯

ems 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、International direct dial, facsimile telegraph, wireless paging, EMS has been fully put into operation and so on. ─── 国际直拔、传真电报、无线寻呼、特快专递等已全面投入营运。

2、Semi-solid forming of EMS is one of mature methods, and it has been used in industry. ─── 半固态电磁搅拌法是半固态成形技术中较为成熟的方法之一,并已开始应用于工业生产中。

3、For EMS fees to Cambodia and Mongolia please include 150 RMB or 18 US dollars. ─── 如果既往柬埔寨和蒙古,请缴纳150元人民币或者18美元。

4、It does not take much to ship to UK as i have brought from china before and EMS ship to UK. ─── 它不采取对船对英国因为我带来了从瓷以前和EMS船给英国。

5、Trem-1 may play an important role in occurrence and development of EMs. ─── Trem-1可能在子宫内膜异位症的发生发展过程中具有重要的作用。

6、In the development of EMS,JENA technology that focuses on RDF has been introduced to process CIM/XML. ─── 在开发基于CIM模型的EMS系统中,通过引入基于RDF的JENA技术来处理CIM/XML,着重讨论了JENA对RDF数据的表达、解析、查询技术在CIM中的应用。

7、Your order will be shipped to you via EMS within 14 days once the products become available. ─── 一旦您定购的产品有库存,我们会在14个工作日内通过EMS快递给您。

8、Each kind of EMI &EMS facility provide for testing service. ─── 产品EMI电磁干扰 &EMS电磁耐受度等相关测试场地的提供与服务。

9、EMS DB Comparer for MySQL is an excellent tool for database comparison and synchronization. ─── EMS DB Comparer 一款强大易用的数据库比较和同步软件。

10、During APC system maintenance, several software components affect how the Element Management System (EMS) reports AP status. ─── 在 APC 系统维护期间,有几个软件组件会影响元素管理系统 (ems) 将如何报告 AP 状态。

11、The Alarms Page shows all of the APs, network elements, and managed objects that are under the control of the EMS. ─── 告警页显示 ems 控制下的所有 AP、网络元素和被管理对象。

12、Demonstrate ability to provide initial and continuing education to all levels of EMS personnel. ─── 学习提供EMS各层级救护技术员基础及继续教育之能.

13、The EMS AP Summary Page is the first page available on the EMS GUI. ─── EMS AP 汇总页是在 EMS GUI 上可用的首页。

14、Job Description:1. Promptly issue invoice upon good delivery;2. Invoicing sending via EMS or registered ma...... ... ─── 公司名称:海格曼商贸(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-3-28

15、It creates and delays tasks dynamically in the course of the system running so that we can converse the EMS memory. ─── 同时采用动态建立和删除任务的方法,从而节约了系统内存资源。

16、New EMS application design patterns. ─── 新的EMS应用程序设计模式。

17、Levitation Control System Design and Analysis of EMS Hybrid Suspension with Electromagnets and Permanent Magnets P. ─── 型电磁永磁混合悬浮控制问题研究。

18、The scene at this point was at a standstill until the ICP was established, along with other components of a joint command system, including EMS. ─── 在事故指挥部建立以及联合指挥系统中包括紧急医疗服务(EMS)的加入以前,作业一直停滞不前。

19、Coordinates with external and internal organizations having connections with the company's QMS and EMS. ─── 协调内外部组织遵从本公司的质量和环境管理体系。

20、You haven't forgotten to send the letter by EMS,have you? ─── 你没有忘记这封信要通过特快专递邮寄,是吗?

21、After analyzing the service requirements of EMS, this paper divides the system into user interface section and data processing section, in logic. ─── 在对电力系统EMS的服务需求进行分析的基础上,从逻辑上将系统分为用户界面部分和数据处理部分。

22、NFPA 473: Competencies for EMS Personnel Responding to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents (21pp. ─── 处理危险品事故的紧急医疗服务(EMS)人员资格(21页)

23、Use the EMS CLI to monitor and record the states of all components in the APC. ─── 使用 ems CLI 监视和记录 APC 中所有组件的状态。

24、The LMT Emergency Interface (EI) is also available to observe state change request results when the EMS is unavailable. ─── 在 EMS 不可用时,还可以用 LMT 紧急情况界面 (EI) 观察状态变更请求的结果。

25、For EMS memory , the pointer is used that makes the defination of the array dynamic. ─── 在内存分配中利用了指针,使得矩阵的定义实现了动态化。

26、Enter Sender as bean name and ems as default package. ─── 输入 Sender 作为 bean 的名称,ems 作为默认的包。

27、An AP state on the EMS shows whether those infrastructure processes on the AP are providing service and working properly. ─── EMS上的AP状态显示AP上的基础架构过程是否正在提供服务并运转正常。

28、In the present age of EMS, intelligent management assistance is no longer an option, but a necessity. ─── 在当今EMS时代,智能管理辅助不再是一个选项,而是必需的。

29、Seeds of wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia) were mutagenized with EMS, M_2 populations were screened by rosette leaf number and flowering time. ─── 将野生型拟南芥(Columbia生态型)的种子用甲基黄酸乙酯(EMS)诱变处理,将经诱变处理的种子M_1种植收获M_2种子用于突变体筛选。

30、In July 1870, the publication of the Ems Dispatch by Prussian Chancellor Bismarck triggered the war between France and Prussia. ─── 1870年7月,普鲁士首相俾斯麦将埃姆斯电报公之于众从而引发了普法战争。

31、Ems:a river of northwest Germany flowing about 335 km (208 mi) to the North Sea at the Netherlands border. ─── "爱姆斯河:德国西北部河流,流程约335公里(208英国),注入荷兰边界的北海."

32、Draw up unit worldwide EMI &EMS certify &standards introduce and approval. ─── 产品EMI电磁干扰&ems电磁耐受度各国认证规划与法规介绍。

33、Learn the educational requirements and skill levels of various EMS providers. ─── 学习各层级救护技术员之教育需求及技术水准.

34、The following illustration shows the physical and logical resources that are available from the AP Status screen on the EMS. ─── 下面的图解显示了 EMS 上 AP Status 屏幕中可用的物理和逻辑资源。

35、The LMT Emergency Interface is also available to observe state change request results when the EMS is unavailable. ─── 在ems不可用时,还可以用lmt紧急情况界面观察状态变更请求的结果。

36、Our major customer is local telecom equipment manufacture, smart phone, consumer customer R &D and big EMS customers. ─── 主要客户为国内大型电信设别制造商,手机、消费类电子研发中心和大型电子代工厂。

37、Over 20 logistic companies run business in the campus which include EMS and ZTO Express. ─── 在这所学校里,已经吸引了20多家物流公司进驻,其中包括中国邮政EMS和中通快递等。

38、The EMI &EMS laboratory facility complete on 01-Oct of 2006. ─── EMS东莞实验室场地完成?接受客户预约测试。

39、Expand and select ejb =>ems => SenderBeanHome. ─── 展开并选择 ejb =>ems => SenderBeanHome。

40、Implement and maintain and development company's QMS and EMS . ─── 实行、维护、持续改进公司的质量和环境管理体系。

41、EMS memory is needed by certain programs, such as some older games. ─── EMS内存是某些程序必需的,例如一些老的游戏。

42、It usually means that the entry is an EMS or MMS instead of an ordinary SMS. ─── 它通常意味着进入环或mms不是一般的短信.

43、The EMS memory database system is realized by DLL and FileMaping. ─── 内存数据库利用动态链接库和内存映射文件加以实现。

44、The EMS GUI displays the status of AP DS0s on the DS0 Summary and DS0 Status pages. ─── EMS GUI 在 DS0 汇总页和 DS0 状态页中,显示有 AP DS0 的状态。

45、Responsible for overall product and process quality related issues at subcontractor (EMS). ─── 对分销商(EMS)负责所有有关产品和流程的品质问题。

46、Each kind of EMI& EMS facility provide for testing service. ─── 产品EMI电磁干扰&ems电磁耐受度等相关测试场地的提供与服务。

47、Unit worldwide EMI& EMS problematic consultant service. ─── 产品EMI电磁干扰&ems电磁耐受度与相关认证问题解说与疑难质询服务。

48、Measure The length of a line or column of type, normally expressed in ems or picas but sometimes in millimetres or inches. Also calledLine length. ─── 一行字或一栏的阔度。常用‘倍卡’或‘正方’为单位,但间或用毫米或寸为单位。亦称字行长度。

49、The ISOLATED state is the state that results from a loss of communication between an AP and the EMS. ─── ISOLATED 状态是 AP 和 EMS 间失去通信时引起的一种状态。

50、The EMS AP Status, DS1 Status, and RCS Status Pages all show real-time information about the state and alarms that are associated with the RCSs. ─── ems AP 状态页、DS1 状态页和 RCS 状态页都可显示 RCS 相关状态和告警的实时信息。

51、Perform regular on-site quality reviews and audits that lead to the enhancement and control of process and quality system of EMS. ─── 实现日常的现场品质回顾和审计,那将有利于流程以及EMS的品质系统的强化和控制。

52、List of typical environmental factors as well as certificate documents of discharge up-to-grade upon application for EMS certification. ─── 申请EMS认证需提供典型环境因素清单及排放达标证明文件。

53、By the end of the 60s, Cary joined forces with Zinovieff and Cockerell to establish EMS (Electronic Music Studios). ─── 60年代末期,凯瑞与季诺维也夫和考克柔一起建立了EMS(电子音乐工作室)。

54、It is possible to screen for point mutations in the populations of EMS mutagenesis with high-throughput and low-cost. ─── 它能高通量低成本地在EMS诱变群体中鉴定出发生在特定基因上的点突变。

55、From Beijing to Tangshan Luan Nan County need how longtime is the Chinese postal service express delivery parcel (be not EMS)? ─── 中国邮政快递包裹(非EMS)从北京到唐山滦南县需要多长时间?

56、Reports on the performance of the QMS EMS to the company's management review. ─── 在管理评审时汇报质量和环境管理体系的运行状况。

57、The secondary methods include the AP CLI or EMS CLI. ─── 其次,还可以通过 AP CLI 或 EMS CLI。

58、In the Flexent architecture, the network elements or resources that can be controlled are represented by symbols and icons on the EMS GUI pages. ─── 在 Flexent 基础架构中,可以控制的网络元素或资源都用 EMS GUI 页上的符号和图标来表示。

59、The results indicated that the yields of chromosome aberrations induced by EA and EAA were markedly higher than the treatment with EMS. ─── 实验结果表明,它们的诱发染色体畸变率均高于EMS诱发的畸变率,即分别提高为11.2%和7.6%。 用磷酸缓冲液(pb)作对照处理,EA和EAA诱发染色体畸变率比pb处理分别高21.5和16.5倍。

60、Ningbo outstanding international freight forwarders is a main international Speedpost (UPS, TNT, EMS, DHL. ─── 宁波卓越国际货运代理是一家主营国际特快专递(UPS、TNT、EMS、DHL.

61、At least 5 years of EMS purchasing experience related with electronic products assembly. ─── 至少5年生产采购的经验在电子产品组装方面。

62、A simple model of atmosphere is described for reducing computation load and economizing the EMS memory. ─── 为了减少计算量、节省内存的使用,建立了近似的大气模型。

63、Once this scope is defined, all activities, products and services of the organization within this scope are included in the EMS. ─── 一但确定该范围,则组织在此范围内所有的活动、产品和服务皆包括在环境管理体系内。

64、The dynamic EMS memory should be reclaimed by way of the destruction function at a proper time. ─── 动态内存应在适当的时候通过析构函数进行回收。

65、Use the EMS GUI to monitor and record the states of all components in the APC. ─── 使用 ems GUI 监视和记录该 APC 中所有组件的状态。

66、Please send the invoice to ASB by EMS or Registered Letter for accuracy and no delay. ─── 为了能及时、准确地收到发票,请用EMS或者挂号信的方式寄到ASB。

67、The 90 t LF-VD (EMS) refining process for wheel and tyre steel is introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了马钢90 t LF-VD(EMS)钢包精炼炉处理车轮轮箍钢的基本工艺情况。

68、In any case the EMS should demonstrate the ability to resolve non-compliances in a controlled and/or managed way. ─── 任何情况下,组织的EMS都要表现出环境管理体系都应证实其具备以可控和/或可管理的方式来解决不符合的能力。

69、Compared with difference method this arithmetic has several merits such as high efficiency, high precision and few EMS memory. ─── 与传统的差分方法相比 ,本算法具有高效、高精度、占计算机内存少等优点 ;

70、The share EMS memory is used in data management. All of the processes that need to use the system data are connected with the share database. ─── 其中数据管理用到共享内存技术 ,所有需要使用系统数据的进程均与共享数据库相连 ;

71、A detailed EMC design is analyzed for asymmetrical E1 interface and that a full means to EMS and EMI is to be provided in this paper. ─── E1接口广泛使用于欧洲和中国的通信产品中,通过对非平衡E1接口的EMC设计分析,提供了EMS设计和EMI设计的全套解决方案。

72、Located in the lobby, offering services such as typewriting, photocopy, facsimile, internet, EMS, interpretation, etc. ─── 商务中心提供打字、复印、传真电话、因特网、特快专递、翻译服务。

73、WAMS includes the PMU (Phase Measurement Unit), communication system and the control system of the EMS and SCADA. ─── WAMS主要由位于厂站端的PMU、通信系统和位于调度中心的控制系统组成。

74、Also EMS is available to over 100 countries and regions in the world. ─── 国际快速邮件传递业务遍及100多个国家和地区。

75、The primary method for obtaining AP status and alarm information is provided by the EMS graphical user interface (GUI). ─── EMS 图形用户界面 (GUI) 提供了获得 AP 状态和告警信息的主要方法。

76、The EMS displays information about DS0s for DS1s that terminate on an AP ("AP DS0s"), not about DS0s for DS1s that terminate on a cell. ─── ems 显示在 AP 上终止的 DS1 的 DS0 ("AP DS0") 的相关信息,而不是基站上终止的 DS1 的 DS0。

77、State-run and market-oriented syst ems affect education and educational selection. ─── 国家和市场两种体制影响着人才的出口,给教育选拔带来双重影响。

78、ISB(tm) Bearings EMS(tm) "low noise" bearings NBS(tm) Roller bearings NBS(tm) Linear components &... ─── 分类标题:滚针轴承|滚珠轴承、滚针轴承和滚柱轴承...

79、"Patients, the EMS and our staff are now working as a team," notes Dr.LaMonte. ─── “病人,EMS以及我们的职员就像在一个工作组里工作,”拉蒙特医生强调说。

80、Although an AP may show an ACTIVE maintenance state on EMS, that should not be interpreted to mean that the applications are running on the ACTIVE AP. ─── 即使 AP 在 ems 显示为 ACTIVE 维护状态,也不能认定应用程序正运行在该 ACTIVE AP 上。

81、EMS was the most advanced computer-music facility in the world. ─── EMS拥有当时世界上最先进的计算机音乐设施。

82、I never been a fan of ems in CSS files, but sometimes you have to deal with it. ─── 我对CSS文件中的ems一点也不喜欢,但有时你却不得不处理它。

83、Around 5 yrs working experience in EMS,SMT manufacturing field 2.Stronger knowledge with related IPC criteria, J-STD-...... ... ─── 公司名称:东莞莫仕连接器有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-8

84、As to WWF, the EMS memory, which attribute to the JFS, are replaced or amended by customers themselves . ─── 对于WWF来说,内存条都是有客户自己更换的,是属于JFS类的。请更改,谢谢。”

85、Participate in EMS continuous quality improvement. ─── 与EMS持续的品质改善.

86、No existing EMS page gives a graphical indication of the EIN's health or status directly. ─── 在现有的 EMS 页中,还没有哪个 EMS 页可以提供 EIN 运转情况或状态直接的图形指示。

87、But. . . I guess, EMS charge is higher than membership fee so some of you may be surprised of it. ─── 但我想,EMS费用高于会费,也许会让你们当中有些人感到惊讶。

88、Enhanced shot message (EMS)service in fixed network technical requirement etc. ─── 固定网增强短消息(EMS)业务技术要求等.

89、Learn medicolegal principals relating to EMS. ─── 学习和EMS有关之医学法原则.

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