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09-17 投稿


jangling 发音

英:[?d???ɡl??]  美:[?d???ɡ(?)l??]

英:  美:

jangling 中文意思翻译



jangling 词性/词形变化,jangling变形

名词: jangler |动词现在分词: jangling |动词过去分词: jangled |动词过去式: jangled |动词第三人称单数: jangles |

jangling 短语词组

1、jangling discords ─── 刺耳的不和谐

2、jangling discord ─── 刺耳的不和

jangling 相似词语短语

1、jingling ─── adj.发叮当声的;叮当响的;n.叮当声;v.发出叮当声;押韵(jingle的ing形式)

2、fangling ─── 捕获;

3、janglings ─── v.使发出叮当声;使争论(jangle的现在分词)

4、mangling ─── v.压碎,撕烂;严重损坏;使变形;糟蹋;榨干(mangle的现在分词)

5、dangling ─── adj.悬挂的;摇摆的;v.摇晃(dangle的ing形式)

6、gangling ─── adj.过分瘦长的;动作笨拙难看的;v.笨拙地移动(gangle的ing形式)

7、cangling ─── 苍岭

8、tangling ─── v.(使)缠结在一起;(使)乱成一团;处于混乱状态;(和……)争吵;打架;n.缠结;混乱,纷乱;争吵;打架;大型棕色海藻(尤指昆布)

9、angling ─── n.钓鱼;钓鱼术;v.调整…的角度;斜向地行进(angle的现在分词);n.(Angling)人名;(瑞典)昂林

jangling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I have to listen the familiar jangling of the loose alter he sll the time carried. ─── 我能听到零钱相碰而发出的熟悉的丁当声,他总是把这一些零钱带在身上。

2、Unaware of this, I’d started to play with myself and become insanely randy when there was a knock at the door.I ignored it but then heard some keys jangling so I got myself together and opened up. ─── 我完全不知道,就开始了自娱自乐,等到有人敲门,我已经欲火焚身、饥渴难耐,根本没听见,但我听到有钥匙转动锁孔的声音,马上裹好自己前去开门。

3、He may also remember details of a poem or two: Poe's "Raven", croaking "Nevermore", or his jangling "Bells". ─── 他或许还记得一两首诗的细节:坡的《乌鸦》用阴惨的声音预报“永不复返”;也会记得刺耳的《铃》声。

4、Gaox yaos zhod uat jangl zhit nyaob rongd? ─── 你是虎为什么不藏在山里?

5、It would be a momentous feat. But it will also set nerves jangling. ─── 这将是一项重大的功绩,不过同时也刺激着(保守者的)神经。

6、With the faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. ─── 怀着这个信念,我们将能把我们国家的刺耳的不和音,转变成一曲优美动听的兄弟情谊交响曲。

7、Loud. Jangling with PEOPLE and NOISE. We find Red bagging groceries. Registers are humming, kids are shrieking. Red calls to the STORE MANAGER: ─── 纷乱的喧哗声,瑞德在给物品打包。计价器嗡嗡的响着,孩子们大声的叫着。瑞德跟商店经理打招呼:

8、With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.With this faith we will be able to work together. ─── 演说词除了具有论说文说理的特征外,还讲究以情感人,只有具有了相当的文采和感召力,才能唤起听众的共鸣,达到演讲的效果。

9、Loud. Jangling with PEOPLE and NOISE. We find Red bagging groceries. Registers are humming, kids are shrieking. Red calls to the STORE MANAGER ─── 纷乱的喧哗声,瑞德在给物品打包。计价器嗡嗡的响着,孩子们大声的叫着。瑞德跟商店经理打招呼

10、Jangling depression, whose formation and development are very complicated, underwent multistage tectonization. ─── 江陵凹陷的形成与发育过程非常复杂,经历了多期构造运动。

11、And led by two protest goats, complete with jangling bells, a group of young locals marches through the square waving banners that demand access to the land they believe is rightfully theirs. ─── 参加抗议并且系著响铃的两只的山羊,领著一支由当地年轻人组成的游行队伍挥舞著旗帜通过广场,要求使用土地的权利,他们相信这是他们正当拥有的。

12、jangling pianos ─── 丁丁当当的钢琴声

13、This is our hope. This is With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. ─── 有了这个信念,我们将能把这个国家刺耳争吵的声,改变成为一支洋溢手足之情的优美交响曲。

14、I am not sorry this has happened, for I think their jangling makes excellent sport. ─── 事情弄成这样,我一点也不难过,因为我看他们争吵得倒很好玩哩。

15、With nerves still jangling in Europe, the region's central bankers are leery of appearing to be forced sellers. ─── 由于神经依然紧张,欧洲各国央行官员不愿摆出一幅被迫抛售黄金的模样。

16、From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; ─── 6有人偏离这些,反去讲虚浮的话。

17、The iron gates of the park shut with a jangling clang. ─── 公园的铁门当啷一声关上,

18、Instead, a more prosperous, bumptious Turkey is jangling many nerves. ─── 相反,一个兴盛而傲慢的土耳其正刺激着许多人的神经。

19、And so far am I glad it so did sort, As this their jangling I esteem a sport. ─── 事情会弄到这样我是满快活的,因为他们的吵闹看着怪有趣味。

20、Yet in China, too, the present downturn is jangling nerves. ─── 但是中国至少有行动,而且有很多钱。

21、The Buick's parked outside, and she's jingling, jangling a pair of keys. ─── 别克车就停在外面,她手里摇晃得一串钥匙当啷啷响。

22、Jangling depression,whose formation and development are very complicated,underwent multistage tectonization. ─── 江陵凹陷的形成与发育过程非常复杂,经历了多期构造运动。

23、She was suddenly wide awake, her nerves jangling. ─── 她突然间清醒过来,神经焦躁不安。

24、I could hear the familiar jangling of the loose change he always carried. ─── 我能听到零钱相碰而发出的熟悉的丁当声,他总是把这些零钱带在身上。

25、Absorbed by her project, Triner was able to ignore jangling telephones, hunger pangs, even the march of time. ─── 特林纳全心投入工作时,电话铃怎么响、肚子怎么饿,她全无感觉,甚至时间过了多久都不知道。

26、With tambourines jangling and wood sticks plonking, second graders at the International School of the Peninsula practiced their music lesson on a recent Thursday morning. ─── “铃鼓铛铛,木棒咚咚”。最近,一个周四的上午,半岛上国际学校的两年级学生在上音乐课。

27、Roy was jangling some keys. ─── 罗伊晃动钥匙叮铛乱响。

28、J is for jingle bells jangling bright. ─── 是圣诞铃声,发出响亮铃铛声。

29、When you've only a few pennies in your pocket, you can hear those pennies jangling as you're walking, as you're walking back from her place to your own. ─── 当你的口袋里只剩几枚硬币走路时只能听见硬币碰撞时的叮当声就在你从她的世界里退出重新开始一个人生活的路上。

30、I can't stand the woman.I can still hear that high-pitched voice jangling on my ears! ─── 那位妇女真让我受不了,她那尖细刺耳的声音仍不绝于耳。

31、We will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. ─── 我们将会能够将我们的国家的这使不和发出刺耳声转化进入兄弟关系的一美丽的交响乐。

32、From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; ─── 有人偏离这些,反去讲虚浮的话。

33、With this faith we will be able to tansform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. ─── 有了这个信念,我们就可以把国家的嘈杂不谐之音变成一首歌颂手足之情的美妙交响曲。

34、I was not made for the desk and counting-house, for petty business squabbling, and legal jangling. ─── 我正处在风格逐渐结晶形成的时期,却去做记者,简直是文学上的自杀。

35、Nerves are also jangling in the capital markets. ─── 资本市场的紧张论调同样不绝于耳。

36、Jangling depression, whose formation and development are very complicated, underwent multistage tectonization. ─── 摘要江陵凹陷的形成与发育过程非常复杂,经历了多期构造运动。

37、Loud. Jangling with PEOPLE and NOISE. Brooks is bagging groceries. Registers are humming, kids are shrieking. ─── 在纷乱的喧哗声下,布鲁克斯正在装食品袋,计价器嗡嗡的响着,孩子们大声的叫着。

38、The City of Jangling Hiter ─── 锁链之城

39、He kept on jangling the bell. ─── 他不停地摇铃,发出阵阵刺耳的声音。

40、Nerves are also jangling at the zealous behaviour of the justice minister, Zbigniew Ziobro. ─── 行为热烈的司法部长也是忧心重重。

41、Gaox yaos rangx uat jangl zhit nyaob houd? ─── 你是龙为什么不住在海里?

42、Then suddenly she was wide awake, nerves jangling again, thoughts chaotic. ─── 那时,她突然完全醒来,神经再次受到刺激,然后又神智不清。

43、you can hear those pennies jangling as you're walking, ─── 在你行走的时候你可以听到便士在铛铛响,

44、A beggar pours his change into the pocket of another, as the sound of jangling money rings out for minutes. ─── 一个乞丐将身上的零钱都倒进另一个人的口袋的时候,钱币丁零当啷的声音持续了好几分钟。

45、choose a dramatic setting for your first date , such as a roller coaster , or go to see a nerve - jangling movie such as fatal attraction . ─── 第一次约会,选择一个具有戏剧性的环境,如,坐过山车,看刺激神经的电影,比如致命诱惑。

46、With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. ─── 怀着这个信念,我们就将能够从绝望的大山中凿出一块希望的石头,怀着这个信念,就将能够将我国不和谐的喧嚣之声,变为一首优美的友爱交响曲。

47、Keywords Jangling Depression;Eocene;reservoir characteristics; ─── 关键词江陵凹陷;下第三系;储层特征;

48、With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. ─── 有了这个信念,我们将能把这个国家刺耳的不可谐之音,转换成为一支洋溢手足之情的美妙交响曲。

49、With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. ─── 有了这个信念,我们就能把这个国家的嘈杂刺耳的争吵声,变为充满手足之情的悦耳交响曲。

50、I heard the crisp jangling of the bicycle rising from the quiet alley. ─── 清幽的小巷里响起了清脆的自行车铃声。

51、With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood,Yale City belongs to both Louis and Finly. ─── 有了这个信念,我们就能把这几个国家的嘈杂刺耳的争吵声,变为充满手足之情的悦耳交响曲,远京再也无须管自己姓林还是姓流风。

52、3. I can't stand the woman. I can still hear that high-pitched voice jangling on my ears! ─── 这个女人实在叫我受不了。我现在还能听到她刺耳的尖叫声。

53、She was suddenly wide awake, her nerves jangling. ─── 她突然间清醒过来,神经焦躁不安。

54、Grampy stretched his long leg out straight and reached his huge hand deep into the pocket.I could hear the familiar jangling of the loose change he always carried. ─── 我简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,我没有听错吧?他是在跟我说话吗?

55、He may also remember details of a poem or two: Poe's "Raven", croaking "Nevermore", or his jangling "Bells" ─── 他或许还记得一两首诗的细节:坡的《乌鸦》用阴惨的声音预报“永不复返”;也会记得刺耳的《铃》声。

56、Jangling Depression ─── 江陵凹陷

57、Those whirling circles one above the other are worse than the jangling of all the bells. ─── 这些一个比一个高的旋转的圆圈,真有比齐鸣的钟声还要坏。

58、Those whirling circles one above the other are worse than the jangling of all the bells ─── 这些一个比一个高的旋转的圆圈,真有比齐鸣的钟声还要坏。

59、!Those damn Grecian mercenaries, the King's coins jangling in their pockets, sacked the temple of Sobek and killed all the priests. ─── 那些唯利是图的可恶希腊人,君王的钱币在他们的口袋里咣咣作响,他们还洗劫了索贝克神庙,杀了所有的牧师。

60、Ledger, his body tightly wound but limbs jangling, all but disappears under the character’s white mask and red leer. ─── 莱杰先生身体受伤,但是观众只留心他的白色面具和红色斜眼。

61、With this faith we will beable to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.(Martin Luther King, Jr. ─── 怀着这个信念,我们就将能够将我国刺耳的喧嚣声,变为一首优美的友爱交响曲。

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