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09-17 投稿


yager 发音

英:[?je?ɡ?r]  美:[?je?ɡ?(r)]

英:  美:

yager 中文意思翻译




yager 相似词语短语

1、cager ─── n.篮球选手

2、rager ─── n.愤怒;狂暴,肆虐;情绪激动(rage的变形);n.(Rager)人名;(西)拉赫尔;(法)拉热;(德)拉格

3、lager ─── n.(美)贮藏啤酒(等于lagerbeer);n.(Lager)人名;(法、葡)拉热;(德、匈、瑞典)拉格尔

4、gager ─── n.计量者;检量官(等于gauger)

5、jager ─── n.贼鸥(等于jaeger);n.(Jager)人名;(荷)亚赫;(德、塞、捷)雅格

6、pager ─── n.寻呼机,呼机;n.(Pager)人名;(德)帕格

7、ager ─── n.熟化器;蒸化器;调色装置;n.(Ager)人名;(法)阿热;(英、瑞典)阿格;(西)阿赫尔

8、eager ─── adj.渴望的;热切的;热心的;n.(Eager)人名;(英)伊格

9、yagger ─── 雅格

yager 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ajeyalemi, D. A. (1993), Teacher Strategies used by Exemplary STS teachers, R. E. Yager, The Science Technology Society Movement, 7, 49-52, Washington, D.C: National Science Teachers Association. ─── 毛松霖、陈文典(1996),解决问题教学法,台北县:台湾省板桥教师研习会.

2、Yager says there are times to abandon a friendship, and times to stick it out.It's time to cut bait when the time spent with a friend is not rewarding. ─── Yager说一份友谊有时要放弃,有时也要坚持,当已不值得和朋友在一起时,就到了断交的时刻。

3、Making friends can sometimes seem easy, says Yager. ─── 交友有时看起来容易,说捕杀。

4、10.It creates a very eerie sensation," Yager said. ─── 这给人一种非常怪诞的感觉。”

5、Yager JY,Asselin J.Effect of mild hypothermia on cerebral energy metabolism during the evolution of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in the immature rat..Stroke,1996 May,27(5):919-25. ─── 陈岩,江基尧,潘银英.亚低温对脑缺血再灌注损伤后神经功能的保护作用及机理研究.中华创伤杂志,1997,13(1):7.

6、"Say it's not you, it's not me, it's you and me together that is not the best interaction right now, " Yager said. ─── “要说不是因为你,也不是我的原因,而是我们在一起目前不能给对方最好的影响,”Yager说。

7、For example, lab work, which usually requires close hands-on collaboration between an instructor and students, remains problematic online, Yager points out. ─── 例如,顾工作,通常需要密切手--教员和学生之间的协作,问题依然在线公式指出.

8、In business, the male method of blowing off a friendship works more smoothly, and women are now realizing that what works at home, doesn't necessarily help them advance in the office, Yager said. ─── 在工作中,男性放弃一份友谊采取更平和的方法,女性则正在意识到家庭关系和睦不一定能让他们在办公室得到提升,Yager说。

9、China Evolution from Cities of Subsistence to Cities of Substance--The Interview to Gregory Yager, the Director of Urban Design in RTKL Shanghai Office ─── 中国城市从实现生存到追求实质的演变--RTKL上海办公室城市设计总监叶格先生访谈

10、6、The flightless Mediterranean desert mantis "runs like the wind across the sand," Yager says. ─── 不会飞的地中海沙漠螳螂在沙地上跑起来就像风一样快。

11、"the best thing is to wind it down, rather than stopping cold turkey, because in process of winding down or pulling away, most friends will get the hint," yager said. ─── "最好的方法是逐渐中止,而不要直截了当,因为在逐渐中止或慢慢挣脱的过程中,大部分的朋友会得到暗示,"yager说。"

12、Yager suggests that when possible, friendships that only sometimes verge on toxic should be repaired. ─── 建议如果可能,有时友谊接近破裂时,是可以修复的。

13、Yager, R.E. (2000).A Vision for What Science Education Should Be Like for the First 25Years of a New Millennium. ─── 张世彗(1988):创造性问题解决方案对国小资优班与普通班学生创造性问题解决能力,创造力和问题解决能力的影响。

14、Harms C,Yager R.What Research Says to the Science Teacher.Vol.3.Washington,DC:NSTA,1981 ─── 魏冰.科学素养教育的理念与实践--理科课程发展与研究.广州:广东高等教育出版社,2006

15、Harms, N.C. &Yager, R. E. (Eds.) (1981). What research says to the science teacher. Vol.3.Washington, DC: national science teacher association. ─── 苏远志(民82):生物技术。黎明文化事业股份有限公司,台北市。

16、Some excellent experts such as Shotliffer, Duda, Shafer, Heckerman, Pearl, Dubois, Prade, Yager, etc work hard in this area and got some effective conclusions. ─── 在国际上,这方面优秀的专家有Shotliffer, Duda, Shafer, Heckerman, Pearl, Dubois, Prade, Yager 等等。

17、Yager says there are times to abandon a friendship, and times to stick it out. It's time to cut bait when the time spent with a friend is not rewarding. ─── 说一份友谊有时要放弃,有时也要坚持,当已不值得和朋友在一起时,就到了断交的时刻。

18、Harms, N.C., &Yager, R.E., (1981), What Research Says to the Science Teacher. Vol. 3, Washington, D.C.: NSTA. ─── 魏明通(1989),近二十年来我国高级中学自然科学课程之发展,教育资料集刊,14(),195-208.

19、Some excellent experts such as Shotliffer,Duda, Shafer, Heckerman, Pearl, Dubois, Prade, Yager, etc work hard in this area and gotsome effective conclusions. ─── 在国际上,这方面优秀的专家有Shotliffer, Duda, Shafer, Heckerman, Pearl, Dubois, Prade, Yager等等。

20、"It takes two people to start a friendship, but only one to end it," Yager said. ─── "一份友谊的开始依靠两个人,但结束它只要一个,"yager说。"

21、Yager R R,Rybalov A.Uninorm aggregation operators.Fuzzy Sets and Systems,1996,80:111-120 ─── 汪培庄等.模糊系统理论与模糊计算机.北京:科学出版社,1996

22、Say it's not you, it's not me, it's you and me together that is not the best interaction right now," Yager said. ─── 要说不是因为你,也不是我的原因,而是我们在一起目前不能给对方最好的影响,”Yager说。

23、When a mantis hears that sound, it goes into a tight, spiraling power dive."The bat can't afford to get so close to the ground, so it has to break off," Yager said. ─── 螳螂一听到这种声音,就会激烈地呈螺旋状向地面俯冲,这时“蝙蝠不会冒险离地面那麽近,因此也只好停止捕杀”。

24、"say it's not you, it's not me, it's you and me together that is not the best interaction right now," yager said. that leaves room for resuming the friendship later on. ─── "要说不是因为你,也不是我的原因,而是我们在一起目前不能给对方最好的影响,"yager说。这样为以后恢复友谊留了条后路。

25、David Yager, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland, pioneered new photographic techniques to aid his studies of insects. ─── 美国马里兰州州立大学心理学与神经科学副教授戴维·雅戈为方便昆虫研究,最近开创了一种新型照相技术。

26、"Say it's not you, it's not me, it's you and me together that is not the best interaction right now," Yager said. ─── "要说不是因为你,也不是我的原因,而是我们在一起目前不能给对方最好的影响,"Yager说。

27、Yager method ─── Yager

28、When a mantis hears that sound, it goes into a tight, spiraling power dive. "The bat can't afford to get so close to the ground, so it has to break off," Yager said. ─── 螳螂一听到这种声音,就会激烈地呈螺旋状向地面俯冲,这时“蝙蝠不会冒险离地面那么近,因此也只好停止捕杀”。

29、Downer is a person you have to let into your life with care because this trait can be contagious," Yager says. ─── 扫兴者是一种让他进入你生活时你必须小心的人,因为这种性格会感染他人”,耶格说。

30、"The Downer is a person you have to let into your life with care because this trait can be contagious, " Yager says. ─── “扫兴者是一种让他进入你生活时你必须小心的人,因为这种性格会感染他人”,耶格说。

31、The flightless mediterranean desert mantis " runs like the wind across the sand , " yager says. ─── 不会飞的地中海沙漠螳螂在沙地上跑起来就像风一样快。

32、Yager suggests that when possible, friendships that only sometimes verge on toxic should be repaired. ─── 建议如果可能,有时友谊接近破裂时,是可以修复的。

33、Yager, R. ─── 苏明勇;

34、"We looked into installing a variable speed drive on the press," explains Yager, "so we could stamp the aluminum at the slower speed and the steel at the original speed. ─── “我们考虑在压机上安装一个可变速的驱动装置,这样我们就可以冲压铝件时降低速度,冲压钢件时恢复原来的速度。”

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