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09-17 投稿


scant 发音

英:[sk?nt]  美:[sk?nt]

英:  美:

scant 中文意思翻译



scant 词性/词形变化,scant变形

动词过去式: scanted |形容词最高级: scantest |动词现在分词: scanting |动词第三人称单数: scants |动词过去分词: scanted |形容词比较级: scanter |副词: scantly |名词: scantness |

scant 短语词组

1、scant supply of materials ─── [经] 材料供应不足

2、be scant of ─── 缺乏

scant 习惯用语

1、be scant of ─── 缺乏

scant 相似词语短语

1、scat ─── v.走开,离开;用拟声唱法唱;n.拟声唱法;(尤指食肉动物的)粪便;金钱鱼;int.嘘(赶猫等的呼声)

2、scan ─── vt.扫描;浏览;细看;详细调查;标出格律;vi.扫描;扫掠;n.扫描;浏览;审视;细看

3、scart ─── n.(尤指书写时留下的)污痕;刮擦

4、scatt ─── 科学通信和技术传递(scientificcommunicationandtechnologytransfer);n.(Scatt)人名;(英)斯卡特

5、scans ─── abbr.网络系统自动程序控制(schedulingcontrolautomationbynetworksystem)

6、scanty ─── adj.缺乏的;吝啬的;仅有的;稀疏的

7、cant ─── n.(尤指道德、宗教等方面的)伪善言辞;流行语;黑话;斜面;楔形木材;v.发表伪善的言论;(使某物)倾斜;倾斜;(船)改变方向;讲黑话;把……改成斜面边;甩掉;adj.精力充沛的;有倾斜角(或边)的;倾斜的;n.(Cant)(美)康特(人名)

8、sant ─── n.圣人;类似皮克牌的一种游戏;n.(Sant)(美、印)桑特(人名)

9、scants ─── adj.不足的;缺乏的;勉强够的;vt.减少;节省;限制

scant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Like many pioneers in new surroundings the first black holes found scant pickings according to new simulations that mimic conditions in the early universe. ─── 对早期宇宙环境的新模仿显示:就象在新环境中进行开拓的许多先驱没有足够的食物一样,宇宙中的第一批黑洞也缺少可以吞噬的物质材料。

2、Then on June 25, we failed on a tie vote, 204 to 204, to obtain even this scant relief. ─── 到了六月二十五日,我们连这样一点细微的安慰都得不到了:投票结果势均力敌,204票对204票。

3、But to his studies he paid scant attention. ─── 但是,他没有把多大注意力放在学习上。

4、He paid scant attention to what was said. ─── 他没怎么听讲。

5、a light pound; a scant cup of sugar; regularly gives short weight. ─── 一份不足的磅;一杯分量不足的糖;习惯性的缺斤少两。

6、He is scant of breath. ─── 他在喘气。

7、On the other hand, animal studies show too much folic acid, the pill version, can spur some cancers.There's scant human evidence. ─── 另一方面,动物研究发现过多的叶酸(片剂)可以诱发某些癌症,但直接与人相关的证据很少。

8、He was wrinkled and black, with scant gray hair. ─── 他满脸皱纹,皮肤很黑,头发灰白稀疏。

9、For a moment, I wondered whether they planned to tie me up to be baptized yet again, but most of them took scant notice of my panic. ─── 有一阵,我想他们是否打算把我捆起来再做一次洗礼,但大多数人对我的痛苦视而不见。

10、Human genetics has a notorious history of jumping to extravagant conclusions from scant data, but that does not mean conclusions should be ducked if the data are good. ─── 在研究遗传学时人们历来只会根据贫乏的数据仓促得出一些夸夸其谈的结论,令遗传学臭名昭著,但是如果数据还有价值,我们也要正眼看看这些结论。

11、Moreover, the material was from a public setting and the sources have scant claim to confidentiality. ─── 另外,他所掌有的资料是由公共设施拍下来而且来源也很难称得上是具有保密性。

12、Government forces, they say, have shown scant regard for civilians. ─── 他们认为,政府没有给予平民足够的重视。

13、Thus as it stands the statistic that the newsletter cites amounts to scant evidence that OD sales and profits will decline in the future. ─── 因此,它的统计,该通讯引用数额很少的证据表明,业务销售和利润将有所下降的未来。

14、As a healer of bodies I had scant success ─── 作为治疗肌体的医生,我的成就甚微。

15、FDA Scrutiny Scant In India, China as Drugs Pour Into U.S. ─── FDA对从中国和印度涌入美国的药品缺乏详细的检查。

16、with scant regard for my feelings ─── 不大理会我的感情.

17、For the near future, the most likely outcome remains slow economic growth, scant income gains for most workers and, for investors, disappointing returns from stocks and real estate. ─── 在不久的将来,最有可能出现的结果是,经济增速将依然缓慢,大多数工人的收入会微薄如昔。对于投资者来说,股票和房地产的回报率将依旧令人失望。

18、By dint of effort she contrived to get a glimpse of the light of truth here and there, and hoped that scant ray might suffice to guide her. ─── 她设法靠自己的努力来多少了解一点事实真相,希望所了解的那一点端倪足以指引她前进。

19、Scant attention has been paid to many of the dubious social and economic assumptions that underlie the plan. ─── 对该计划背后的许多可疑的社会和经济假设缺乏关注。

20、They are enshrined in the hearts of all loyal Southerners, and no one begrudges them the scant monetary returns they make for their risks. They are unselfish gentlemen, and we honor them. ─── 他们受到全体忠诚的南方人民的衷心爱戴,人民无不乐意捐献自己的一点点金钱来报答他们所作出的牺牲,他们是些无私的上等人,我们尊敬他们。

21、As conservatives see it, liberal judges have repeatedly subverted the rule of law in recent decades by overruling elected lawmakers with scant constitutional justification. ─── 在保守派人士看来,自由派法官们在最近几十年里一而再,再而三地通过在鲜有宪法合理性的情况下推翻选举产生的立法者们的意见来暗中破坏法制。

22、When we do burning process, these mineral will becondensed to triple.Bamboo charcoal in water, adsorb chlorin alsosupply scant mineral. ─── 在高温闷烧制成竹炭时,矿物质会被浓缩成三倍左右,在自来水中加入竹炭,可以吸附于氯亦可补充日常生活中不足的矿物质。

23、Times: Other veteran possibilities might include Jannero Pargo, who is playing overseas, and Tyronn Lue, who is getting scant playing time in a crowded point-guard situation with the Milwaukee Bucks. ─── 不管怎麽说,湖人都会找一个像他这样的人回来。

24、Howeer there is scant eidence to support the use of DHEA for this purpose, and safety data for DHEA therapy are lacking. ─── 但是脱氢表雄酮对于该目的的使用缺少足够的证据支持,脱氢表雄酮的安全性证据也缺乏。

25、Moreover, the code building of UML is so scant in spite of the strong power on the OOP analysis and design steps. ─── UML的工作主要集中于面向对象的分析和设计阶段,在实现阶段并没有做过多的努力等等,给系统设计带来了不便.

26、Swallows a convulsion also to be possible to proliferate to breathes the muscle, displays for the scant of breath, cyanosis phenomenon, the outbreak intermittence period patient realizes clearly. ─── 咽部痉挛亦可扩散到呼吸肌,表现为呼吸困难、发绀现象,发作间歇期间病人意识清楚。

27、I paid scant attention to what she was saying. ─── 我没大注意她在说什么。

28、Are there yet treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, And a scant measure that is abominable? ─── 10恶人家中岂非仍有不义之财,和可憎的小量器么?

29、Your attachment to substandard lodgings and scant tuition in Dover is clearly irrational. ─── 你留恋多佛低于标准的住宿条件和不足的奖学金,这明显是非理性的。

30、It provides scant counsel on same-sex marriage or eating meat.It is silent on the desirability of mutual assured destruction as a strategy for deterring nuclear war. ─── 它在解释同性婚姻或肉食人群方面显得乏善可陈,在使用“确保相互摧毁”作为一种遏制核战争的战略出台时沉默不语。

31、The position of the Moon and its resultant gravity pull has scant influence on the matter. ─── 月球的位置及其引力拉扯的结果在这件事上影响力不大。

32、Don't scant the butter when you make a cake. ─── 做糕饼时不要吝惜奶油。

33、Progressives and champions of social justice in the North at first paid scant attention to the Niagara rebels. ─── 北方进步派和争取社会正义的战士最初对尼亚加拉造反者不太注意。

34、Oh, and the scant consolation that their bitter Blue rivals Manchester City lost as well. ─── 哦,还有,他们缺少稳定性的同城对手蓝军曼城也输了。

35、Optimists note that the housing slowdown has so far had scant impact on consumer spending. ─── 乐观派注意到房价的减速至今还未对消费支出造成巨大冲击。

36、Medical science offered her no miracles and scant hope. ─── 医学没有为我母亲创造奇迹或带来希望。

37、scant knowledge; the scantiness of knowledge; half-baked knowledge ─── 一知半解

38、And the scant and skimpy equipment which jogging demands must make it a marketer's least favored form of recreation. ─── 跑步只需要少量简单的装备,这就使它成为商品推销商最不喜欢的娱乐形式。

39、Specific commitments were scant because the Bush administration remains skeptical of climate change. ─── 声明中少有特定的决议,因为布希政府仍然对气候变迁的现象抱持怀疑的态度。

40、When the boar was a scant seventy-five feet away, he fired ─── 当野猪离他不到七十五?盏氖焙颍

41、In Bangladesh, she had been given scant medical care; in Washington, a counselor implied that she was to blame for the attack. ─── 在孟加拉国,她没有能获得足够的医疗护理;在华盛顿,一名顾问暗示她应对攻击事件负责。

42、Limited experience and scant of news ─── 孤陋寡闻

43、A scant 30,000 people call the 186,000-square-mile (482,000-square-kilometer) tract home. ─── 不足30,000人称呼186,000平方英里的(482,000平方公里)的地方为广阔的家。

44、It is specifically this startling phenomenon that has allowed us to codify the scant information currently available about singularities. ─── 人们趋向于更喜欢甜食,而不是那些含有较多碳水化合物的食品。

45、Ansari says she's received e-mail messages from many of them, although her flight has received scant attention in Iran. ─── 安沙利说,她接到她们不少人的电子邮件,但她这趟太空之旅,在伊朗几乎没有引起什麽人注意。

46、An unjust cause finds scant support. ─── 失道寡助。

47、He paid scant attention to my warnings. ─── 他对我的警告很少理睬。

48、I saw him a scant three days ago. ─── 不到三天前我还见过他。

49、He received scant compassion or even understanding. ─── 人们很少同情他,更谈不上了解他。

50、In November, China rushed out its stimulus plan with no public scrutiny, scant details of the spending breakdown and none of the acrimonious debate that slowed action in the United States. ─── 11月,中国未经过全民审查的情况下急促出台经济刺激计划,没有详细的使用计划,没经过激烈的辩论。而美国经常由于长时间的辩论而导致计划执行缓慢。

51、THE meeting of the 14-member Southern African Development Community (SADC) in Zambia last week provided scant hope for the people of Zimbabwe. ─── 十四成员国南部非洲发展共同体于上周在赞比亚举行了一次会议,但没有为津巴布韦人民带来多少希望。

52、1.few; scant; 2.tasteless3.widowed ─── 寡

53、a scant cup of sugar.See Synonyms at meager ─── 将近一茶杯的糖参见

54、But don't assume any field in finance is off limits because of a scant work history. ─── 但是不要因为工作经验很少就将金融行业排除。

55、Traditional manorial organization provided scant encouragement for economic growth. ─── 传统的庄园组织没有为经济发展提供足够的激励。

56、But that is scant consolation to suburban voters with long daily commutes to work, summer travel plans and big, inefficient cars. ─── 但这不足以安慰每天开很长的路上下班、有着夏季旅行计划、开体型大耗油高汽车的郊区中产阶级选民。

57、Scant, simple and unitary is one kind of form. Duplicated and reechoed is another kind of form. ─── 少的、简的、单一的是一种形式。相反多的、重叠的则是另一种形式。

58、The general had to scant his men rs rations. ─── 将军不得不减少士兵的口粮。

59、But details are scant, even as many states have scores of “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects set to be axed. ─── 但讨论的细节却是贫乏的,即便许多州早有许多已准备就绪的基础建设,却面临断炊喊停的命运。

60、While Benson continued to fill in the scant details, Edwards concluded that an assassination might prove an advantageous event. ─── 当本森继续补充那些并不充足的细节时,爱德华兹推断出这场暗杀将是有利事件。

61、Robust US data give Fed scant need to lift rates ─── 强劲经济数据缓解美联储升息压力

62、And the scant equipment which jogging demands must make it a marketer's least favored form of recreation. ─── 慢跑带动的寥寥无几的装备需求恐怕是商人最看不上眼的买卖。

63、Three years later, he is selling outdoor furniture by day and pumping gas by night, while worrying about his skills atrophying and spending scant time with his teenage son. ─── 如今已过了三年,他现在白天卖户外家具,晚上在加油站打工,还担心自己的专业技能退化,也很少有时间陪伴自己十多岁的儿子。

64、Policy-makers paid scant attention to the wider issues. ─── 决策者很少关注更广泛的问题。

65、Micah 6:10 Are there yet treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and a scant measure that is abominable? ─── 弥迦书6:10恶人家中不仍有非义之财和可恶的小升斗吗?

66、For after years of paying scant attention to infectious diseases, pharmaceutical companies have begun to comb through the vast chemical libraries assembled over the past decade in search of new antimicrobial agents. ─── 多年来对感染疾病注意太少,但是为寻找新的抗菌素医药公司已开始像梳篦一般对这些巨大的化学药物库进行筛选工作,即把在过去10年内研究的新抗菌素药进行了筛

67、Dubai World's debt was not technically government-backed, but it was widely regarded as such by investors, who drew scant distinction between the Dubai government and a company it wholly owned. ─── 从技术层面上分析,迪拜世界的债务并非政府担保,但很多投资者将迪拜政府和政府独资的公司混为一谈,因此对迪拜世界的政府背景坚信不疑。

68、The Bonn meeting, the third in Germany this year, was added because of scant progress with the deadline looming. ─── 今年第三次会议在德国举行,这个波恩会议是被增加的,因为最后期限临近而收效甚微。

69、The Afar are a nomadic people who drive their camels, donkeys, and goats in search of the region's scant pasturelands. ─── 他们过着游牧的生活,在这一地区放骆驼、驴和山羊搜寻日益减少牧场。

70、In sum, the editorial's author cannot justify the recommendation on the basis of the scant logic evidence provided in the editorial and make an unwise advisement in the end. ─── 建议多看看范文,逻辑问题不大,中国人大家都比较聪明,关键在把你想的能够明确的表达出来。中国式的句形让老美看会比较糊涂的。

71、He came here a scant three months ago. ─── 他将近三个月以前才到这里。

72、Many mothers pay scant attention to their own needs when their children are small. ─── 孩子们小的时候, 许多母亲都忽视自己的需求。

73、You have a scant hour in which to pack ─── 你有一小时来整理行李。

74、But there is scant risk of too much fiscal probity in Washington. ─── 但在华盛顿再多财政廉洁也没有大风险。

75、Your attachment to substandard lodgings and scant tuition in Dover is clearly irrational. Move to Cambridge at once. You may be wrong, of course, but a risk of error is no excuse for inaction. ─── 你留恋多佛低于标准的住宿条件和不足的奖学金,这明显是非理性的。赶快去剑桥吧。当然,你可能会犯错,但犯错的风险不是不行动的借口。 Dear Economist

76、The other bit of news with these cranks, as well as the Next and SIXC, is the new bottom bracket which comes in at a scant 85g. ─── 与这些曲柄新闻其他位,以及下一步SIXC,是新中轴的排在一个缺乏85克。

77、While the details of the Treasury plan are still too scant to make firm predictions, some economists said the plan could provide one big lift: forestalling the number of homes going into foreclosure. ─── 尽管财政部拯救方案尚未公布诸多细节,让各机构难以作出准确预测;但一些经济学家表示,该方案可能会带来一个很大的好处:避免更多房屋陷入止赎程序。

78、However, we still haven't achieved the effective competition for there are excessive competitions in some parts while scant in others. ─── 但是,迄今为止,有效竞争的局面并未完全形成,局部市场的竞争过度与竞争不足同时并存。

79、pay scant attention to sb's advice ─── 不甚重视某人的劝告

80、When we do burning process, these mineral will be condensed to triple.Bamboo charcoal in water, adsorb chlorin also supply scant mineral. ─── 在高温闷烧制成竹炭时,矿物质会被浓缩成三倍左右,在自来水中加入竹炭,可以吸附馀氯亦可补充日常生活中不足的矿物质。

81、She began to berate the police for paying scant attention to the theft from her car. ─── 她开始严厉斥责警方对她车内东西失窃一案关注不足。

82、He's fat and scant of breath. ─── 他胖得喘不过气来。

83、There were too many Irish ancestors crowding behind Gerald's shoulders, men who had died on scant acres, fighting to the end rather than leave the homes where they had lived, plowed, loved, begotten sons. ─── 在杰拉尔德背后站着许多爱尔兰祖先,他们都死守在一块小小田地上,宁愿战斗到最后一息也不离开家乡,不离开他们一辈子居注耕种、恋爱和生儿育女的家乡。

84、And there is scant recognition of their achievement in reaching the last four of the World Cup, 40 years after Eusebio and co were denied a final appearance by Bobby Charlton. ─── 但是,人们忽视了他们在尤希比奥的球队被查尔顿阻挡而无缘决赛的40年以后重新进入世界杯四强这一成就。

85、But it's a little-acknowledged fact of life in suburbs, exurbs and cities with scant public transportation: A great many drivers on the road have had at least a drink or two, or three, or more. ─── 不过在公共交通稀少的市区、远郊区和城市,有一个很少有人承认的事实:很多开车的司机都至少喝了一两杯,甚至更多。

86、When the boar was a scant seventy-five feet away, he fired. ─── 当野猪离他不到七十五呎的时候,他开了枪。

87、With no international recognition and scant outside help, Somaliland's leaders have built a stable, functioning government. ─── 尽管没有国际社会的承认和缺乏外部援助,索马里南的领导者建立了一个稳定而运行良好的政府。

88、However, he paid the scant attention-everybody to their own troubles. ─── 可他没有注意到--大家各扫门前雪。

89、But there would be scant need to worry about a broad slip in productivity. ─── 但也没有必要担心生产率在更多的产业中下降。

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