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09-21 投稿


jealousness 发音

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jealousness 中文意思翻译



jealousness 短语词组

1、jealousness makes people ugly ─── 嫉妒使人丑陋

2、jealousness a kind of worship ─── 嫉妒是一种崇拜

3、jealousness is kind of worship ─── 嫉妒是一种崇拜

jealousness 相似词语短语

1、perilousness ─── 冒险;危险;艰险

2、sedulousness ─── 勤勉

3、zealousness ─── n.热忱;积极;狂热

4、callousness ─── n.麻木不仁

5、nebulousness ─── 模糊

6、emulousness ─── 竞争

7、jealousies ─── n.嫉妒;猜忌;戒备

8、jealouses ─── 犹太人

9、deviousness ─── n.迂回;曲折

jealousness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Could you imagine what my first feeling was when I met all of you for the first time who are Li Tingruo’s playmates?The earliest feeling was jealousness. ─── 这是我很高兴,以满足大多数成员的俱乐部,包括你在 纽约大学3个月前。

2、We need to avoid self centered thought and jealousness, and to face reality, do self-control, and use an attitude of resilience to cope with others. ─── 不陷入自我中心的思考,不嫉妒,面对真实,注意自律,学习达观等处世原则。

3、Sometimes, ugliness, lowliness and jealousness are ink of soul, even if you despise them you'll have got nothing about beauty. ─── 有时候,丑陋、卑微和妒忌,是灵魂的墨迹,即使鄙视也要承认它是美的色底。

4、You are not a little boy, you should know that jealousness is not a good stuff. ─── 你不是个小男孩了,你应该知道,吃醋并不好。

5、But if you have a girlfriend,because I'm narrow-minded,then I will quarrel with you for jealousness,it is not in favor of family happiness. ─── 你交女朋友,我心眼儿小,吃醋和你吵架,不利于家庭安定。

6、while being together ,you should let go of your jealousness and she should change her "nice to everyone"attitude.especially to male. ─── 两人相处,你应心胸放开一些,而她也应收敛一下对每个人都好的态度,特别是对异性。

7、Do you think jealousness is the most acid feeling? ─── 你以为最酸的感觉是吃醋吗?

8、I really like a king of jealousness like you said, in the field of jealousy, I am always a winner.I am afraid that other people also like you like I do. ─── 我确实像你说的是个醋坛子,在吃醋这方面确实很多人都比不上我,生怕其他人也像我一样喜欢你。

9、I don't think so, but the biggest issue is jealousness. ─── 我不这么认为,肯定是“嫉妒”在作怪吧?

10、In the contents of fairy tales, the themes of mother-child relationship, ego development and jealousness are the main conflicts that children would face in their ego"s growth. ─── 童话内容中的母子关系主题、自我成长主题、嫉妒心理主题正是学前儿童自我发展中面临的主要冲突;

11、A war will end, a enemy can be terminated, but how shall we heal the wound caused by the people around us just because of their jealousness , slander or even circumvention! ─── 战争可以停止,敌人可以消灭,但是我们如何抚平身边的人的嫉妒,诽谤甚至陷害带来的伤害!

12、I think those people who want HU Bing dead or be in jail are disgusting because of jealousness. ─── 什么是交通漏洞我想不需要我来说吧,每天那么多人死于非命为什么呢?

13、Everyone can be very venomous, if you taste what is the jealousness. ─── 任何人都可以变得狠毒,只要你尝试过什么叫忌妒。

14、No envy, no jealousness, and no fickleness, sono mindafflictive, even more, no unease that dancing with mask. ─── 没有嫉妒,眼红,浮躁带来的心理折磨,更没有那种“带着假面具跳舞”的不自在。

15、while being together , you should let go of your jealousness and she should change her "nice to everyone" attitude. especially to male. ─── 两人相处,你应心胸放开一些,而她也应收敛一下对每个人都好的态度,特别是对异性。

16、Jealousness is the mother of all the evils, the thief of good virtue! Even vice mixes some unreasonable pleasure, butjealousness only has hatred and enmity. ─── 嫉妒真是万恶的根源,美德的_贼!一切罪恶都还参杂些莫名其妙的快乐,而嫉妒只包含厌恨和怨毒。

17、The girl was full of misery and jealousness. ─── 女孩对语文老师万分不满。

18、You are not a little boy, you should know that jealousness is not a good stuff. ─── 你不是个小男孩了,你应该知道,吃醋并不好。

19、Have u ever lost your love or career because of jealousness? ─── 你的爱情或事业可曾因嫉妒而失去?

20、No, it is the most acid that it is not your turn to be jealousness. ─── 不是的,最酸溜溜的感觉是没权吃醋,根本就轮不到你吃醋,那就是最酸最酸的。

21、Pink and orange's jealousness borne the rosy clouds, the tiny windows was opened casually,they are like the naughty skin of the wall who is designing his own escape. ─── 粉色与橙色争风吃醋而酿造的彩霞,不规则微微开启的弹丸小窗,仿佛墙上爬起来的调皮的漆皮.

22、70、Do you think jealousness is the most acid feeling? ─── 70、你以为最酸的感觉是吃醋吗?

23、You need to drive away the jealousness: not to be jealous of other's merits, jealousness is a depressive fire in heart which will destroy your creation and vitality. ─── 不嫉妒:切忌别人比自己好而眼红,嫉妒是一种闷烧的心火,会毁掉创意和活力。

24、No envy,no jealousness,and no fickleness ,so no mind afflictive,even more,no unease that dancing with mask. ─── 没有嫉妒、眼红、浮躁带来的心理折磨,更没有那种“带着假面具跳舞”的不自在。

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