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09-22 投稿


mortified 发音


英:  美:

mortified 中文意思翻译



mortified 词性/词形变化,mortified变形

动词过去分词: mortified |动词第三人称单数: mortifies |动词过去式: mortified |动词现在分词: mortifying |

mortified 短语词组

1、mortified correction ─── 屈辱性纠正

2、mortified over ─── 受辱于

3、mortified pride ─── 羞耻的骄傲

mortified 相似词语短语

1、moistified ─── 湿润的

2、fortifies ─── vt.加强;增强;(酒)的酒精含量;设防于;vi.筑防御工事

3、cornified ─── 角质化的;角化的

4、certified ─── adj.被证明的;有保证的;具有证明文件的;v.证明,证实;颁发合格证书(certify的过去分词形式)

5、unmortified ─── 解锁

6、mortifier ─── 灰浆机

7、fortified ─── adj.加强的;防御的;增加营养的;增加酒精含量的;v.筑防御工事于……(fortify的过去式和过去分词)

8、mortifies ─── vt.抑制;苦修;使…受辱;vi.禁欲;苦行;约束;腐坏

9、fortifier ─── n.筑城者;强化物;[助剂]增强剂;加固物

mortified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cheerfulness is a sign of a generous, mortified person, who forgetting all things, even herself, tries to please her God in all she does. ─── 快乐是慷慨、克制的人的记号,这样的人忘记了所有的事情,甚至是她自己,在她所作的所有事情上竭尽所能去让她的上帝满意。

2、I was mortified because I played games worse than other people. ─── 因为我打牌、下棋、玩球不如别人而感到很难过。

3、He did not tell his daughter this;but Natasha perceived this dread and uneasiness of her father's, and felt mortified by it. ─── 他没有把这件事告诉他女儿,但是娜塔莎明白父亲的恐惧心理和急躁情绪,她觉得自己受到了侮辱。

4、It takes courage and stamina, when mortified by humiliating disaster, to seek in the ruins the elements of future conquest. ─── 身负失败的屈辱和不幸,我们需要勇气和毅力,在失败的废墟中寻找未来获胜的要素。

5、and as she was no longer mortified by comparisons between her sisters' beauty and her own, it was suspected by her father that she submitted to the change without much reluctance. ─── 她现在再也不用为了和姐妹们争妍比美而操心了,因此她父亲不禁怀疑到,她这种改变是否出于心甘情愿。

6、It takes courage and stamina,when mortified by humiliating disaster,to seek in the ruins the elements of future conquest. ─── 身负失败的屈辱和不幸,我们需要勇气和毅力,在失败的废墟中寻找胜利的要素。

7、Jane mortified her family by leaving her husband. ─── 简的家人为简离开丈夫感到奇耻大辱。

8、He felt mortified by his mistake. ─── 他因过失感到懊丧。

9、The parents were mortified by their children's bad behavior before the guests. ─── 这对父母强烈克制着他们的孩子在客人面前表现的坏习惯。

10、9. "I am mortified and appreciate that I have put some parents in a difficult position with a lot of explaining to do," Rayfield told the reporters. ─── 在接受采访时说:"我为我说的话感到惭愧。也明白这给许多家长都带来了困扰,他们肯定得费很大的劲向孩子们解释这一切。收藏指正

11、The suitors pretended to receive Telemachus with joy at his return through secretly mortified at the failure of their plots to take his life. ─── 求婚者装出一副为忒勒玛科斯的归来而高兴的样子迎接他,暗里却为没有把他杀掉而恼怒。

12、This unexpected silence mortified him beyond reason. ─── 这意外的不理睬无缘无故地伤害了他的自尊心。

13、If I reduced somebody to tears I'd be mortified. ─── 如果我把谁弄哭了,我会感到手足无措。

14、1、The knowledge of future evils mortified the present felicities. ─── 对未来苦难的了解压抑了目前的喜悦。

15、He is mortified by his mistake. ─── 他因过失感到懊丧.

16、She was mortified to realize he had heard every word she said. ─── 她意识到自己的每句话都被他听到了,直羞得无地自容。

17、The boy felt a little foolish, and he said: "Aunt Polly, it seemed mortified, and it hurt so I never minded my tooth at all. ─── 这孩子觉得有点不好意思,于是他说:“波莉姨妈,脚趾头看着真像是发炎了,痛得我把牙齿的事忘得一干二净。”

18、feel [be] mortified at [by] ─── 感到屈辱

19、And I, I mean, just mortified, and -- because I was signed up for the 200, you know, which went off in a half hour. ─── 我郁闷坏了,而且--而且我还报了200米的比赛,半小时之内就要开始!

20、too embarrassed to say hello to his drunken father on the street; humiliated that his wife had to go out to work; felt mortified by the comparison with her sister. ─── 大受困窘而不愿在街上向他喝醉了的父亲打招呼;为他妻子不得不出去工作而感到羞耻;在与她姐姐的比较中感到羞辱。

21、I, Madwa, am mortified that I spent so much time meditating and reasoning, when that was all pointless. ─── 我马达瓦后悔我花了太多的时间在瞑想及合理化,但都是无目的的作为。

22、The suitors pretended to receive Telemachus with joy at his return through secretly mortified at the failure of their plots to take his life ─── 求婚者装出一副为忒勒玛科斯的归来而高兴的样子迎接他,暗里却为没有把他杀掉而恼怒。

23、3.When my boyfriend and I saw each other the first time, I was totally mortified, and he was so dreaded out that he dropped his book on the floor. ─── 我和我的男朋友第一次见面时,我差不多完全吓死了,而他也差不多吓昏了,他甚至还把书掉在地上呢。

24、I'm mortified thinking of my guess at the identity of the half-blood prince, which fortunately I only revealed to my best friend and her family. ─── 很丢脸我猜错了谁是半血王子,好在我只告诉了我最好的朋友和她的家人。这种幽默的句子也值得咱学习啊。

25、Mortified at his clumsiness, Liu pressed two hundred dollars into the old lady's hand to pay for the damages, but she would not take the money, saying, "We are all from one home. ─── 你也许会因此认为彭城一定是处于惶恐不安的气氛之中,然而这里丝毫没有乌云压城之感,倒是充满了喜洋洋的气氛。

26、Miss Bingley was very deeply mortified by Darcy's marriage; ─── 达西结婚的时候,彬格莱小姐万分伤心,可是她又要在彭伯里保持作客的权利,因此便把多少怨气都打消了;

27、It was odd to have summoned him in that way, and then forgotten him; but Archer felt more curious than mortified. ─── 她那样子召他前来,然后又把他忘掉,真是好生奇怪。但阿切尔的好奇心却超过了窘迫。

28、Probably the reasons she gave to the mortified young man himself were not those which actuated her refusal. ─── 她向那位失望的年轻人当面提出的理由,也许并不是真正促使她拒绝他的原因。

29、"But Yucun, although mortified and enraged, betrayed no indignation and went about looking as cheerful as before. " ─── "那雨村心中虽十分惭恨,却面上全无一点怨色,仍是嘻笑自若."

30、Jennie, mortified by this correction, fell earnestly to her task, and polished vigorously, without again daring to lift her eyes. ─── 珍妮听了很委屈,但仍旧认真地干活,使劲地磨擦,再也不敢抬起她的眼睛。

31、That is very true,"replied Elizabeth,"and I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine. ─── “这倒是真话,”伊丽莎白回答道,“要是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲。

32、" I barely squeaked into college, mainly because my parents were too mortified to have a non-college-educated child. ─── 我勉勉强强的进入了大学,主要原因是我的父母认为他们的孩子没有受过高等教育是很没有面子的一件事。

33、He felt mortified, for being criticized by the managing director in front of all his junior colleagues. ─── 他在全体下级同事面前受到总经理的批评,感到很难堪。

34、I was mortified, I didnt know what to do, so I did what every good grown up man does, he calls his wife. ─── 于是我作了所有成年男人都会做的事,找太太帮忙。

35、Aunt Polly, it seemed mortified, ─── “波莉姨妈,脚趾头看着真像是发炎了,

36、This letter chagrined and mortified Nikolay. ─── 这封信使尼古拉十分痛心,感到受了侮辱。

37、Most people would be mortified by a thought of treading too heavily on their carefully manicured lawns. ─── 大部分的人可能会因为有重重地踩踏他们精心修剪的草坪的想法而感到丢脸。

38、He goes to look inside and is mortified at what he sees: the body of a three year old little girl, laid out as though in a coffin. ─── 他往里面看了看,他的所见让他十分难受:一个三岁大小女孩的尸体,像在棺材里一样躺着。

39、A man is mortified when, after having endeavoured to divert the company, he looks round and sees that nobody laughs at his jests but himself. ─── 一个人当在努力娱乐他的伙伴中受了窘,他会环顾四周,看见除了自己没有人在嘲笑他。

40、"Aunt Polly, it seemed mortified, and it hurt so I never minded my tooth at all." ─── “波莉姨妈,脚趾头看着真像是发炎了,痛得我把牙齿的事忘得一干二净。”

41、He was/felt mortified ─── 他深感羞愧.

42、Winterbourne fancied there was a tremor in her voice; he was touched, shocked, mortified by it. ─── 温特伯恩隐隐约约发现。她的笑声带着一丝颤抖,心头不由一震,感到十分难受和痛苦。

43、The former military police officer is mortified that detainees at the Iraq prison were dragged on leashes and stacked nude in a pyramid. ─── 前任的军警长官正在痛苦地忍受着那些被拘留在伊拉克监狱的人被戴上狗链拖出去,然后裸体着被堆成金字塔的形状。

44、He lived for the day, not cumbered and mortified by his memory. ─── 他生活在现在,从没受过自己的回忆的羞辱和妨碍。

45、She was mortified that Rhys should not only witness her shame but save her from it. ─── 她感到屈辱,里斯不仅亲眼目睹了她的丢脸,而且还把她从中解救出来。

46、Nor need he mortify sin; Christ has mortified sin for him. ─── 基督徒也不必治死罪;基督已经为我们治死罪了。

47、And her little face was so serious, so serious that even then I might have read it!And I was mortified: "Can she be choosing between me and the grocer!" ─── 她的面色是那么严肃,严肃得使我当时就可以看出她的想法来!

48、Her father had most cruelly mortified her, by what he said of Mr. ─── 如果真是这样,那他一定再也不会回来。

49、I was somewhat mortified to be told that I was too old to join. ─── 当被告知由于我年龄过大而不能加入时,我有点感到受了屈辱。

50、The handsome young countess smiled scornfully, apparently not in the least mortified. ─── 貌美的薇拉鄙夷地微露笑容,显然她一点也不感到屈辱。

51、It mortified her to think that while she was simply living in the thought of him, he was living a real life, seeing new places and new people who were interesting to him. ─── 如今她以全副精神关注他,而他在过真正的生活,观察那些他颇感兴趣的地方和新人物,当她想到这一点,心里就感到十分委屈。

52、Forgetting the introductory remarks really mortified me. ─── 忘记了开场白真使我窘迫。

53、Only when he came to the word tarnish, he looked upon his lace like one a little mortified. ─── 只是当他读到“失去光泽”这几个字的时候,他望望自己的花边,似乎感到了一点耻辱。

54、He is so gross, I was totally mortified when I realize he was my blind. ─── 他这么粗鲁无理,当我知道他是我盲目约会的对象时,我真是吓死了。

55、I was mortified when my mother paged me on the store intercom. ─── 我妈妈在商店的扩音器叫我的时候,我真是难为情死了。

56、Only when he came to the word tarnish, he looked upon his lace like one a little mortified. ─── 只是当他读到“失去光泽”这几个字的时候,他望望自己的花边,似乎感到了一点耻辱。

57、He felt mortified for his mistake. ─── 他对自己的过失深感羞愧。

58、I felt mortified to be of so little use in the boat. ─── 我坐在小船里什么用处也没有,真觉得丢人。

59、The teacher is mortified by his own inability to answer such a simple question. ─── 老师因自己回答不出如此简单的问题而感到羞愧。

60、He was mortified by his humble scores at the examination. ─── 他的丢人的考试成绩使他十分懊恼。

61、"I am mortified and appreciate that I have put some parents in a difficult position with a lot of explaining to do," Rayfield told the reporters. "I love Christmas." ─── 雷菲尔德在接受采访时说:“我为我说的话感到惭愧。我也明白这给许多家长都带来了困扰,他们肯定得费很大的劲向孩子们解释这一切。”他还强调:“我本人深深热爱圣诞节。”

62、If a poor man dozes off, even for a few seconds, he feels mortified;he imagines that he has committed a crime against the composer. ─── 若是一个穷汉打瞌睡,哪怕只是几秒钟,他也会觉得很丢脸,他会以为自己对那位作曲家犯下了罪。

63、I am mortified by Mary's treating him so unkindly. ─── 玛丽对他那样不客气使人深感羞辱。

64、She was mortified to realize he had heard every word she said. ─── 她意识到自己的每句话都被他听到了,直羞得无地自容。

65、It cannot be doubted that Sir Walter and Elizabeth were shocked and mortified by the loss of their companion, and the discovery of their deception in her. ─── 毋庸置疑,沃尔特爵士和伊丽莎白在失去自己的伙伴,发现受了欺骗之后,感到又惊又羞。

66、"That is very true," replied Elizabeth, "and I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine." ─── “这倒是真话,”伊丽莎白回答道,“要是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲。”

67、The sphinx was so mortified at the solving of her riddle that she cast herself down from the rock and perished ─── 斯芬克斯见到有人破了它的谜语,痛苦万分,纵身跳下岩石摔死了。

68、He did not tell his daughter this; but Natasha perceived this dread and uneasiness of her father's, and felt mortified by it. ─── 他没有把这件事告诉他女儿,但是娜塔莎明白父亲的恐惧心理和急躁情绪,她觉得自己受到了侮辱。

69、It looked like I murdered 20 people with a fork... anyway, I walked into a convieniance store down the street and said my girlfriend needs a tampon.The guy at the counter was mortified. ─── 无论如何,我走进一间街尾的便利店,说我女朋友需要些棉球...收款的老兄吓到趴了。

70、I would have been mortified if I had been caught. ─── 如果当时我被发现,我也许已经改变了。

71、"Oh, auntie, my sore toe's mortified!" ─── “哦,姨妈,我那只肿痛的脚趾头发炎了

72、A mom of a recent graduate attended a college alumni career networking event with her daughter. She came to "help" her daughter (who looked appropriately mortified) find a job. ─── 一位母亲带着她刚毕业的女儿一起参加了校友职业交流活动。这位妈妈是来帮女儿(她看起来似乎十分苦恼)找工作的。

73、"I am mortified and appreciate that I have put some parents in a difficult position with a lot of explaining to do," Rayfield told the reporters. ─── 在接受采访时说: “我为我说的话感到惭愧。也明白这给许多家长都带来了困扰,他们肯定得费很大的劲向孩子们解释这一切。”

74、The teacher was mortified by his inability to answer the question. ─── 老师因为自己答不出这个问题而感到羞怒。

75、I was mortified when my son, Eric, as an eight-year old, roller-bladed up and off a plywood ramp! ─── 孩子能冒险我自叹不如,当我儿子!

76、For the rest of the evening, too mortified to go back to the dining table, I nursed a bit of potato salad on my plate. ─── 剩下的时间里,由于羞于再回到餐桌旁,我整晚都只守着盘子里那一点点土豆沙拉。

77、"How do we make him say the word 'mortified'? ─── "我们使他说起来如何字 '受辱的'?

78、"Here's how to use your vocabulary word, Jason: I have never been so mortified in my life. ─── "该如何使用你的字汇字,杰生在这里: 我从不已经在我的生活方面是如此受辱。"

79、The parents were mortified by their children's bad behavior before guests. ─── 孩子们在客人面前的不良行为,使父母亲蒙羞。

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