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10-02 投稿


premonition 发音

英:[?prem??n??(?)n]  美:[?prem??n??n; ?pri?m??n??n]

英:  美:

premonition 中文意思翻译



premonition 短语词组

1、deadly premonition origins ─── 致命预感起源

2、deadly premonition ─── 致命的预感

premonition 词性/词形变化,premonition变形


premonition 相似词语短语

1、premonitive ─── 先兆的

2、premotion ─── 预先行动

3、premonitions ─── n.(尤指不祥的)预感

4、premonitor ─── n.征兆;前兆;预告者

5、precognition ─── n.预知;先知

6、premunition ─── n.[免疫]传染免疫

7、precondition ─── n.前提;先决条件;vt.预处理;事先准备

8、preadmonition ─── 预给药

9、preignition ─── n.提前点火;早点火

premonition 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、earthquake premonition ─── 地震前兆

2、Princess Lechang and Xu Deyan had a premonition that their county would be occupied by the invaders and they would have to leave the palace and go into exile. ─── 乐昌公主和徐德言都预感到他们的国家将被入侵者占领,他们也会被迫离开王宫,背井离乡。

3、The symptoms, such as ominous premonition, dysphoria, hypodynamia, dyssomnia are common in anxiety; hypoergais, melancholy, irritability, anorexia are common in depression. ─── 常见焦虑症状有不幸预感、睡眠障碍、乏力、焦虑等,抑郁症有能力减退、忧郁、易激惹、食欲减退等。

4、He had an unshakable premonition that he would die. ─── 他有一种强烈的预感:他就要死了。

5、Secure in his enduring marriage to Ingrid, he has no premonition of the storm that is about to engulf him when he meets Anna at an embassy cocktail party. ─── 但没想到的是,安娜居然是儿子马丁的女友。

6、A ridiculous premonition came to me that the George Washington had run aground in the fog, her twenty-five hundred European passengers drowning at the foot of the Statue of Liberty. ─── 我心中起了一个荒唐的念头:乔治·盛顿号在迷雾中触礁了,两百五十个欧洲乘客在自由女神像脚下被淹没。

7、a premonition of disaster ─── 大祸临头的预感

8、As he bought the lottery ticket he had a premonition that he was going to win a big prize, and sure enough it came true. ─── 他买彩票时预感会中大奖,果真应验了。

9、Men of philosophical disposition are known for their constant premonition that our everyday reality, too, is an illusion, hiding another, totally different kind of reality. ─── 在我们生息于其间的客观现实之下,隐藏着另一种绝对不同的现实,它也是一种假象。

10、Not only the children know how to read this statement, also carried out a premonition of training, but also the child has experienced a reflection, questioning and study process. ─── 不仅让孩子知道了怎样读这样一句话,还进行了一个预感的训练,更是让孩子经历了一个反思、质疑、研读的过程。

11、Two days before the ground shook, Ai Zongling said, she had a premonition that something terrible was going to happen. ─── 在地震发生前的两天,艾总灵说,她有一种不详的预感一些糟糕的事情即将发生。

12、As we approach the house, I have a premonition that something terrible have happened ─── 我们走近这所房子时,我预感到出事了

13、He had a premonition of impending doom. ─── 他有一种不祥的预感。

14、Based on a premonition, he removed all of his money from his bankaccountdays before the stock market crash. ─── 凭着预感,他在股市崩盘前将所有资金从银行帐户转出去。

15、Now I think of it, I used to have cravings for McDonald's when I was pregnant. It must have been a premonition. ─── 现在我在想,我怀孕时那么喜欢吃麦当劳的食物,那一定是个预兆。

16、Enterprise risk Premonition ─── 全面风险预警

17、I have the premonition which one kind is unclear.You can to me say bids good-bye? ─── 我有一种不是很清楚的预感,你会向我说致意的再见?

18、Your voice was so sad and your feelings so deep and heavy. Did you have a premonition of your own fate? How unfortunate that what you said became true. ─── 你的口气如此悲凉,感情如此沉重,莫非有了什么预感?这悼词不幸竟真成了谶语!

19、In young man heart suddenly crimple, produced a kind bodeful premonition. ─── 年轻男子心中猛地缩紧了,产生了一种不祥预感。

20、As an absolute consequence of purist simplicity, the open space still remains a daring premonition of future design. ─── 作为绝对的后果纯粹简单,开放的空间仍然是一个大胆的预感未来的设计。

21、So i like best of all autumn, because its leaves are a little yellow, its tone mellower, its colors richer, and it is tinged a little with sorrwo and a premonition of death. ─── 所以我爱上了所有的秋天,不仅仅因为叶子们的一点点的泛黄,因为她透着成熟的语气,因为她是富足的颜色,因为伴随着一丝谈谈的呻吟,夹杂着一丝步向死亡的预兆。

22、Although the carrier has a premonition that they have signs of the market downturn, but really, once a recession, the rate is still fierce surprisingly. ─── 尽管承运人表示他们已预感市场不景有征兆,但一旦真的出现衰退,其速度之猛烈仍然是令人感到惊讶的。

23、I am dim at the beginning to have a premonition we do not like the future. ─── 一开始我就朦胧的预感到我们好象没有未来。

24、As he straddled his bi cycle again he felt ill at ease, almost a sense of premonition. ─── 再跨上车时他觉得心神不安,仿佛有种不详的预感。

25、His premonition kof disaster was correct from the beginning;and like a ranting actress in an indifferent play, I might say that we have paid for freedom. ─── 他对灾难的预感打一开始就是灵验,而我呢,不妨效法一出戏里的女戏子,装腔作势地嚷嚷,宣布我们为自由付出了代价。

26、But Wright Nibu a premonition that "a Wu Zhang" is still present. ─── 但尼布赖特预感到“一场恶仗”还在眼前。

27、He recalled that in 1978 when Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening-up, he had a premonition that China will change. ─── 他回忆说,1978年当邓小平提出改革开放,他就预感到中国将会发生变化。

28、My premonition was right . ─── 我的预感应验了.

29、Call it a premonition,Call it a crazy vision,Call it intuition,The Spear of Destiny sticking right through me ... ─── 习惯是自己欺骗自己绝佳的方式...在这个现在性的社会...每一天都在颠覆...但却没有人吃惊...最多只有诧异...

30、Dreams are often premonition s of things to come. ─── 梦常常是未发生的事情的前兆。

31、He had had a premonition about this a long time ago. ─── 他早就看出了这件事的苗头。

32、Kazakhstan and Mongolia said: “I have the premonition, I will bump into them once more. ─── 哈蒙说:“我有预感,我会再次碰到他们。”

33、So I like best of all autumn, because its leaves are a little yellow, its tone mellower, its colours richer, and it is tinged a little with sorrow and a premonition of death. ─── 我最爱秋天,因为秋天的叶子颜色金黄,成熟,丰富,但是略带忧伤与死亡的预兆。

34、With the progress of science and technology, remarkable changes have occurred in the premonition observational modes from the 9th to 10th Five-year Plans. ─── 摘要随着科学技术的进步,与“九五”相比,“十五”前兆网络项目在观测模式上有了很大的变化,如何适应这种变化?

35、As we approached the house,I had a premonition that something terrible had happened. ─── 我们走近这所房子时,我预感到出事了.

36、The morning before the car accident, he had a premonition of disaster. ─── 出车祸的那天早晨,他就有一种不祥的预兆。

37、The accident prevention mainly consists of strict basic work of prevention and cure water disaster and efficient identification of water burst danger premonition. ─── 事故预防主要包括在事故发生前的扎实的基础防治水工作和透(突)水危险预兆的有效辨识两部分;

38、a premonition of something adverse. ─── 某种不利事情的征兆。

39、Based on a premonition, he removed all of his money from his bank account days before the stock market crash. ─── 凭着预感,他在股市崩盘前将所有资金从银行帐户转出去。

40、Is it kind of a premonition? ─── 它是一种预兆?

41、I had a sort of vague premonition that I would not reach the Bastille without being taken in tow by one of these buzzards. ─── 我有一种模模糊糊的预感:到达巴士底广场之前我准会被一只秃鹰拖了去。

42、But I really have a premonition that Chu is facing GREat danger. ─── 大臣庄辛预见到楚国会发生危险。

43、As we approached the house, I had a premonition that something terrible had happened. ─── 我们走近这所房子时, 我预感到出事了.

44、When he asked his friend to watch my back to that moment. I have a premonition that Mingmingzhizhong: He would like to Bugaoerbie. ─── 当他托他朋友把手表还给我的那一刻。我冥冥之中有一种预感:他想不告而别。

45、I bet $20 on a horse called Premonition. ─── 我在那匹名叫“预言”的赛马身上下了$20的赌注。

46、Soul I already have the premonition However, before yielding to the pleasure of the flesh How hypocritical my agony is ─── 我已有了某种预感然而,在服从肉体的快乐之前我的痛苦是多么地虚伪

47、Wang crisis premonition to the marriage and found her husband, General brought back a woman is a goblin, had no choice but to go for the old lover to come back to help care Zhuoyao love. ─── 一旦决定了这个角色,肯定会有个完整的戏份,让这个角色能够出得来,所以,我的电影配角都很出彩。

48、Everything seemed clear to him now; he had a premonition of a still unhappier future. ─── 他似乎明白了这一切,而且将来的更不愉快的结果也预言似地出现在他的眼前了。

49、In fact Muliniao already had a premonition before the game international Milan will possibly lose Derby. ─── 事实上在赛前穆里尼奥就已经预感到国际米兰可能会输掉德比。

50、Zhuang Xin explained, "I dare not curse the State of Chu.But I really have a premonition that Chu is facing great danger. ─── 庄辛解释说:“我不敢诅咒楚国,但我可以预言楚国正面临着巨大的危险。”

51、have no premonition of the catastrophe ─── 对灾祸毫无预感

52、I repeat premonition that I was facing the risk of bankruptcy. ─── 我隐隐预感到,我正面临着破产的危险。

53、Soon their premonition came true. ─── 不久他们的预感就成为了现实。

54、We have a premonition of little creatures stirring in the stone walls, and we pretend not to see Winter just peeping round the hedge with a gray cloud in his hair and frosty malice in his eye. ─── 严冬之神仍然不肯离去,它的鬓发上浮动着灰暗的云朵,透过树篱投来霜雪般怨毒的眼神,我们对这一切却已视而不见;

55、Implies shuddering abhorrence, or aversion, for it usually connotes a sight, activity, or demand rather than a premonition as a cause of fear ─── 不是因不祥预感而是因某种情景、行为或需要所引起的令人颤栗的厌恶感

56、As we approach the house , I have a premonition that something terrible have happen ─── 我们走近这所房子时, 我预感到出事了

57、I have a premonition that there will be a storm. ─── 我有暴风雨要来的预感。

58、"I was sure now that my premonition of evil was justified. ─── “我敢肯定我对于罪恶的预感是公正的。

59、In one nightmare I had (or maybe this was just a dream) I knew it was a premonition of an event to come and it went like this. ─── 在我做过的一个噩梦里(或者可能这只是一个梦),我发现这个梦预示着即将有事发生的事,而且这件事就真得发生了。

60、But what if it was a premonition? ─── 但是如果那是前兆呢?

61、A few teahouse customers have a premonition of a disaster and, one at a time, slip away outside. ─── 有几个茶客好像预感到什么灾祸,一个个往外溜。

62、Their vigil is suddenly interrupted by a premonition as the younger woman turns abruptly and stares at the cistern, watching in disbelief as a young man's head appears. ─── 其中较年轻的妇女突然侧身,打断了她们的守灵,她看着水池,诧异地发现一个青年男子的头从水池里冒了出来。

63、As he straddled his bi cycle again he felt ill at ease, almost a sense of premonition. ─── 再跨上车时他觉得心神不安,仿佛有种不详的预感。

64、She had a vague premonition of danger. ─── 她模糊地预感到危险。

65、Premonition observation ─── 前兆观测

66、She had a sudden premonition of what is going to happen. ─── 她对即将发生的事有一种突如其来的不祥的预感。

67、As we approach the house, I have a premonition that something terrible has happened. ─── 我们走近这所房子时,我预感到出事了。

68、danger premonition identification ─── 危险预兆辨识

69、I was sure now that my premonition of evil was justified. ─── 我敢肯定我对于罪恶的预感是公正的。

70、Alex, is embarking on a trip to Paris with his high school French class.In the plane's cabin, Alex experiences a powerful premonition. ─── 拥有预知能力的艾历斯与老师及同学齐齐飞往法国巴黎作游学之旅。

71、her accident, she had a premonition of danger. ─── 在发生事故的前一天,她有一种会发生危险的预感。

72、Uzi had a sentry posted by the entrance round-the-clock. More than once, shaken by some premonition, he roused me in the middle of the night to help patrol the perimeter. ─── 尤兹在住所入口设了24小时岗哨。由于某些预兆,他不止一次深夜把我摇醒,跟他去别墅周围巡逻。

73、have a premonition of disaster ─── 有大灾的预感

74、Few of these examinations is not the mentality, it should be hit test, I had a premonition that. ─── 很少有这种考试很随便的心态,应该考砸了吧,我预感到。

75、'It was', he said, 'a premonition of hell. ─── 他说:“那是地狱的征兆!”

76、premonition stage ─── 前兆阶段

77、He had a premonition that he would never see her again. ─── 他有一种将再也见不到她的预感。

78、One night he looked so helpless that I was assaulted by the premonition that he would die very soon, and I felt sorry for him. ─── 有天晚上,他看起来特别孤苦无助,我忽然觉得他就快要死了,心里很难过。

79、Call it a premonition, an instinct, a feeling -- whatever you label it, it's your intuition talking. ─── 称之为预感也好,本能也好,感觉也好--无论你管它叫什么,那都是你的直觉在”讲话“。

80、As we approach the house,I have a premonition that something terrible have happened. ─── 我们走近这所房子时,我预感到出事了。

81、The appearance and breakage of double-dry regions are the premonition of thunderstorm weather. ─── 双干区的出现和破坏是雷暴天气产生的先兆特征。

82、He berates her for coming to see him near the school; she is a little hurt, and admits that she came becaue she had a premonition that he would be injured. ─── 但是他却指责她不应该来离学校这么近的地方见他;她觉得有点伤心,说是她觉得他有可能会受伤才来的。

83、A Premonition System of Operational Risk in Insurance Enterprises Based on Fuzzy Optimum Selection and Artificial Neural Networks ─── 基于模糊优选和神经网络的保险企业经营风险预警系统构建

84、Normal person is in premonition when will producing adverse situation, can generate worry, this kind of angst does not make a disease normally, it is a kind of normal mentation. ─── 正常人在预感将要发生不利的情况时,可产生焦虑,这种焦虑通常并不构成疾病,是一种正常的心理状态。

85、In fact, it would be a miracle if some death premonition dreams did not happen to come true! ─── 事实上,如果出现死亡预兆的梦完全没有成真,才是一项奇迹呢!

86、I have a premonition that a disaster is about to overwhelm my people, but I will do everything in my power to protect them. ─── 我预测到有一场毁灭性的灾难要降临到人们身上,不过,我一定会为捍卫真理而献上自己的绵薄之力!

87、have a premonition of failure ─── 有失败的预感

88、Meanwhile, Joe is concerned about one of his colleagues after Allison has a premonition of the colleague having a heart attack. ─── 但苦无证据下,杜爱丽唯有亲自查案,而且她很快发现,原来少女自杀与介入三角恋有关。

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