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10-02 投稿


selvedge 发音

英:[?selv?d?]  美:[?selv?d?]

英:  美:

selvedge 中文意思翻译



selvedge 短语词组

1、fringeless four selvedge warping ─── 无边四边整经

2、selvedge denim ─── 布边牛仔

selvedge 词性/词形变化,selvedge变形


selvedge 相似词语短语

1、gledge ─── vi.偷瞥一眼;n.斜视;偷偷的一瞥

2、belvedere ─── n.观景楼,瞭望台;n.(Belvedere)人名;(意、法)贝尔韦代雷

3、selvage ─── n.镶边;多余的部分;[地质]断层泥

4、alledge ─── 小巷

5、helved ─── n.柄;vt.装柄于

6、delved ─── vi.钻研;探究;挖;vt.钻研;探究;挖;n.穴;洞;n.(Delve)人名;(英)德尔夫

7、sledge ─── n.雪橇;大锤;v.乘雪橇;用雪橇搬运;用大锤打;(板球比赛中对对手)讽刺挖苦;n.(Sledge)(美、英)斯莱奇(人名)

8、selvedges ─── n.镶边;布等的织边

9、fledge ─── vi.长羽毛;vt.装上羽毛

selvedge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords rough selvedge;yarn tail;brush; ─── 毛边;纱尾;毛刷;

2、It is applicable to weave high-strength paper making felt base web with true selvedge,especially r... ─── 该机适用于织造造纸用聚酯单层、多层成形网、干网以及其他行业用过滤网、压榨网等。...

3、A design sample must show both the vertical and horizontal directions as well as the position of the selvedge. ─── 花样必须明确经纬方向及布边方位。

4、No rough selvedge will occur and the mouth or bottom of the bottle products, which saves the cost of the raw material. ─── 瓶口瓶底无毛边废料产生,节约原料。

5、Design of Selvedge Control Device for Lead Cloth Loom ─── 铅布织机布边控制装置的设计

6、computer designing of writing selvedge ─── 计算机边字设计

7、And he made loops of blue on the edge of one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling: likewise he made in the uttermost side of another curtain, in the coupling of the second. ─── 在第一组相连的幔子末幅的边缘上,他做蓝色的钮扣;在另一组相连的幔子末幅的边缘上,他也照样作。

8、No rough selvedge will occur and the mouth or bottom of the bottle products, which saves the cost of the raw material. ─── 瓶口瓶底无毛边废料产生,节约原料。

9、curly selvedge ─── 卷边

10、Keywords gripper-projectile loom;way of wefting;fabric weave;selvedge;suit; ─── 片梭织机;入纬形式;织物组织;布边;配合;

11、Buyers' wording for selvedge stamping should be made known to the mills in detail for their approval before production. ─── 买方边字须于货物生产前详细告知工厂并征得工厂的同意。

12、The Willow-Wren was twittering his thin little song, hidden himself in the dark selvedge of the river bank ─── 鹪鹩躲在漆黑的河岸边,发出吱吱的尖叫声。

13、is usually use crochet form for weaving selvedge on gripper-projectile looms, but it leads to weft density double and thickness increased. ─── 片梭织机上的布边通常采用钩边形式,但钩边形式使布边的纬密增大,厚度也增加,造成布边与布身不相适应,给生产造成困难。

14、Keywords loom models;way of wefting;weave of fabrics;selvedge;suit; ─── 有梭织机;入纬形式;织物组织;布边;配合;

15、The Willow-Wren was twittering his thin little song, hidden himself in the dark selvedge of the river bank. ─── 鹪鹩躲在漆黑的河岸边,发出吱吱的尖叫声。

16、Improving Selvedge and Waste Selvedge on Projectile Loom ─── 片梭织机布边及废边的改进

17、selvedge stamping machine ─── 印边机

18、dyed poplin with blue selvedge ─── 染色蓝边府绸

19、dressing selvedge lace ─── 饰边花边

20、This article analyzed the main causes for weaving selvedge defects on rapier weaving machine and supplied some effective methods to eliminate them. ─── 分析了剑杆织机边部织疵产生的主要原因,并提出了消除边部织疵的具体方法。

21、In order to meet the woman needs for close-fitting underwear, the pieces of elastic close-fitting panties with neat selvedge were developed on Raschel (or Tricot) warp knitting machine. ─── 为适应女性对紧身内衣的需求,采用拉舍尔型经编机(亦可用特利科型)编织光边女紧身裤片。

22、cracked selvedge ─── 破边

23、The paper introduces how to design a good selvedge on gripper-projectile looms in theory and offers the experience for reference. ─── 文章对在片梭织机上如何处理好布边的问题作了一些理论上的探讨,并介绍了一些经验。

24、selvedge thickening ─── 布边增厚

25、1. [KJV] And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of the one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling; ─── 其中一组相连的幔子最后一幅的边上,你要做蓝色的钮扣;

26、selvedge guider ─── 导布器

27、selvedge defect; ─── 布边疵点;

28、We specialize in gray fabric with high density and wide breadth. and is the nation best manufacturer of width fabric with closed selvedge. ─── 我们的特色就是生产高支高密特宽幅面料,是全国生产特宽幅光边坯布质量最好的厂家。

29、fringe selvedge ─── 毛边

30、selvedge apparatus ─── 织边装置

31、loose selvedge ─── 松边

32、And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of the one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling; and likewise shalt thou make in the uttermost edge of another curtain, in the coupling of the second. ─── 其中一组相连的幔子最后一幅的边上,你要做蓝色的钮扣;在另一组相连的幔子最后一幅的边上,你也要这样做。

33、The paper introduces how to design a good selvedge on gripper-projectile looms in theory and offers the experience for reference. ─── 文章对在片梭织机上如何处理好布边的问题作了一些理论上的探讨,并介绍了一些经验。

34、Closer settings of lap selvedge guides. ─── 棉卷边缘导向器隔距太小。

35、selvedge machine ─── 包缝机

36、Measures in Reducing Selvedge Defects on Projectile Loom ─── 减少片梭织机边疵的有效措施

37、broken selvedge ─── 裂边

38、Keywords water jet loom;weaving;selvedge defect;reason;measure; ─── 喷水织机;织造;布边疵点;原因;措施;

39、Keywords rope selvedge binder mechanism;fuzzy optimal design;fuzzy synthetical judgment; ─── 绳状统边装置;优化设计;模糊优化设计;模糊综合评判;

40、The Willow-Wren was twittering his thin little song, hidden himself in the dark selvedge of the river bank. ─── 鹪鹩躲在漆黑的河岸边,发出吱吱的尖叫声。

41、Traditional shuttle looms and selvedge of fabrics ─── 有梭织机与布边

42、selvedge defect ─── 布边疵点

43、In order to reduce cost,improve jean's appearance,it reforms technics of jean's selvedge and waste selvedge. ─── 为降低成本提高牛仔布的外观形象,使产品上一个档次,对牛仔布布边及废边工艺进行改进。

44、torn selvedge ─── 烂边

45、loop selvedge ─── 毛圈边

46、complete hollow selvedge ─── 管状布边

47、selvedge motion ─── 识边机构

48、The paper introduces the cause of forming small torn selvedge defect in weaving viscose fine plain and the measures for improving. ─── 介绍了织造粘胶细布过程中所产生的小烂边疵点的成因及改进措施。

49、In silk production, it is applicable to testing tension of yarn or fabric, measuring fabric selvedge, silk fibre diameter, or dynamic fabric width. ─── 丝绸生产中可用于丝或织物的张力检测,织物边缘测定,丝纤维直径测定,织物门幅动态测定等。

50、Splices shall be marked with red yarns attached to both selvedge, visible from roll end. ─── 接头应标明既重视布边,可见从辊端红纱线。

51、Control Technique of Rough Selvedge on Shuttle Loom ─── 控制有梭织机毛边疵点的技术研究

52、By selecting proper yarn, some fabricdefects such as curling selvedge and loop distortion can be eliminated and some properties such as anti-pilling property and surface hand property can be improved. ─── 通过合理选择纱线种类,可以改善针织物的卷边性、线圈歪斜、抗起毛起球性以及布面手感等性能。

53、natural selvedge ─── 织物布边

54、The Structure and Design of Tuck-in Selvedge on Projectile Loom ─── 片梭织机折入边的结构与设计

55、The solutions of selvedge thickening during mercerizing developed by Benniger AG are described. ─── 描述了由瑞士贝宁格公司开发的丝光处理中布边增厚的解决方案。

56、center selvedge ─── 中央布边

57、Selvedge needles, in particular, are subject to high levels of stress in modern crochet knitting machines, resulting in problems due to lateral flexing, excessive wear and machine standing idle. ─── 用于现代钩编机的织针,特别是边针,要承受很大的张力,从而导致钩针侧向弯曲,过度磨损和机器空转。

58、Abstract: This article analyzed the main causes for weaving selvedge defects on rapier weaving machine methods to eliminate them. ─── 作者简介:郭金燕,女,1980年出生,2002年毕业于太原理工大学,助理工程师。陈红宇,男,1978年出生,2002年毕业于太原理工大学,助理工程师。

59、The article discusses the reasons of tight selvedge of V/F mixed fabric, and raises relevant solving methods. ─── 本文探讨了粘麻交织物产生紧边问题的原因,并提出了相应的解决办法。

60、After that, the idea has merit editing suites, creativity and planning the implementation of the 样纸, the selvedge formation laser job chart group Edition can ” “ as construction. ─── 之后,版面编纂给把决计、创意和策不静落实在版样纸上,变不败激光照排的息业图,组版职员才可“按图闭工”。

61、The solutions of selvedge thickening during mercerizing developed by Benniger AG are described. ─── 描述了由瑞士贝宁格公司开发的丝光处理中布边增厚的解决方案。

62、It is easy to deal with the selvedge while the fabric texture is simple by traditional shuttle looms,if the fabric texture is complicated, it will be difficult. ─── 有梭织机在织比较简单组织的织物时,布边处理非常容易,但织复杂组织织物时,相对难以处理。

63、Analysis on computer designing of writing selvedge ─── 计算机边字设计浅析

64、It analyses some device reason of rough selvedge on shuttle loom.It points out how to solve such defects and technical measures and work methods. ─── 分析有梭织机毛边产生的原因,提出改进措施和改进方法,指出解决疑难疵点的方向。

65、ripped selvedge ─── 豁边

66、selvedge dividing sinker ─── 分纱片

67、This machine is mainly applicable to weave multi-layer true selvedge fabrics, especially to weave 4 layers grade 6-8 integral core for fire retardant conveyor used in the coal mine or at the wharf. ─── 本机主要适用于多层光边织物的织造,特别适用于织造4层6 - 8级煤矿井下及码头阻燃输送带整体带芯。

68、With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards ─── 每隔--码烫有边印

69、seated selvedge ─── 封边

70、Keywords worsted fabric;weaving;yarn;name selvedge; ─── 关键词毛织物;织造;丝线;边字;

71、Causes for Weaving Selvedge Defects on the Rapier Weaving Machine and Eliminating Methods ─── 剑杆织机边部织疵形成原因及消除方法

72、white poplin with blue selvedge ─── 蓝边漂府绸

73、uneven selvedge ─── 不匀布边

74、It is usually use crochet form for weaving selvedge on gripper-projectile looms,but it leads to weft density double and thickness increased. ─── 片梭织机上的布边通常采用钩边形式,但钩边形式使布边的纬密增大,厚度也增加,造成布边与布身不相适应,给生产造成困难。

75、selvedge decurler ─── 剥布边器

76、specification for cotton selvedge tapes and webbing for electrical purposes ─── 电气用织边棉带和边带织物规范

77、tight selvedge ─── 紧边

78、Tension control of worsted fabrics selvedge ─── 毛织物丝边张力控制

79、red selvedge melton ─── 红边麦尔登

80、stringy selvedge ─── 木耳边

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