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10-02 投稿


redoubt 发音

英:[r?'da?t]  美:[r?'da?t]

英:  美:

redoubt 中文意思翻译



redoubt 网络释义

n. 多面堡;防御性障碍物

redoubt 词性/词形变化,redoubt变形

动词现在分词: redoubling |动词过去式: redoubled |动词过去分词: redoubled |动词第三人称单数: redoubles |

redoubt 相似词语短语

1、doubt ─── n.怀疑;疑问;疑惑;v.怀疑;不信;恐怕;拿不准

2、redubs ─── 瑞瑞银

3、redub ─── 重编

4、redouble ─── vt.再加倍;把…再折叠;循著…折回;vi.加倍;回响;急速折回;n.再加倍

5、redoubled ─── v.(使)再加倍;变得更大(或更强);(桥牌)对方加倍后再加倍(redouble的过去式及过去分词);adj.大大增强的

6、redound ─── v.有助于,提高,改进(印象,声誉);产生反作用,报应;增添,累积,上升

7、reduit ─── 雷德尤特

8、redoubts ─── n.多面堡;防御性障碍物

9、redout ─── n.红雾视症

redoubt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Asia, the world's last redoubt of fast economic growth, may be a lot closer to recession than people think. ─── 作为全球高速经济增长的最后一个桥头堡,亚洲距离衰退的距离可能比人们想象的更近。

2、The Russians stood in serried ranks behind Semyonovskoye and the redoubt, and their guns kept up an incessant roar and smoke all along their lines. ─── 在谢苗诺夫斯科耶和土岗后面,站着俄军的密集队形,他们的大炮不断地轰击。

3、Pierre did not succeed in finding his groom, and rode along the hollow with the adjutant towards Raevsky's redoubt. ─── 皮埃尔没有找到马夫,他和副官沿着山沟向拉耶夫斯基土岗走去。

4、Napoleon rode with his suite to the Shevardino redoubt, and dismounted there. ─── 拿破仑带着随从来到舍瓦尔金诺多面堡,下了马。

5、" When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms,his face, like the child, was inundated with blood. ─── 当马吕斯抱着伽弗洛什走进棱堡时,他象那孩子一样,脸上也是鲜血淋淋。

6、A cloud of smoke and ash from Mount Redoubt rose 15 kilometres into the sky. ─── 由烟雾和火山灰形成的云团从里道特火山扩散至15千米的高空。

7、redoubt of the Rue de la Chanvrerie, we repeat, seemed very calm within. ─── 的棱堡,我们再重复一遍,内部看起来的确很镇定。

8、A senior counterterrorism official who visited the JSOC redoubt described it as an enclave of unusual secrecy and discretion. ─── 一位曾参观过JSOCredoubt的高级反恐官员将其描述为不寻常的具有酌情决定权的秘密飞地。

9、Now that the entire world is tipping toward Beijing's model of state regulation, China may feel emboldened to sideline this eastern redoubt of British free-market capitalism. ─── 而在金融海啸肆虐的今天,全世界都倾向于中国的金融管制模式,中国自然就更有底气去嫌弃这个英式自由市场资本主义的东方堡迭。

10、Observation modules placed near Redoubt in January are expected to shed some light on how volcanic lightning originates and spreads throughout an ash cloud. ─── 预计一月份布置在里道特火山附近的监测单位将为火山喷发伴生闪电是怎样生成并在火山灰云中传播的研究提供有价值的资料.

11、They may be forced out of their redoubt in the city's Bakara market. ─── 他们可能会被迫从设在该市巴卡拉市场的堡垒撤出。

12、Napoleon, standing on the redoubt, was looking through a field-glass, and in the tiny circle of the glass saw smoke and men, sometimes his own, sometimes Russians. ─── 拿破仑站在土岗上用望远镜观望,在小小的圆筒里他看见了烟雾和人。有时是自己人,有时是俄国人;

13、A cloud of smoke and ash from Mount Redoubt rose 15 kilometers kilometres into the sky.But the wind has been taking that cloud north towards less populated areas. ─── 从里道特火山喷出的烟尘高达15公里,但是风正在把烟尘吹向北部人烟稀少地区。

14、Bennigsen halted at the earthworks, and looked in front at the redoubt of Shevardino, which had been ours the day before.Several horsemen could be descried upon it. ─── 贝尼格森在突角堡停下来,向前眺望那昨天还属于我们的舍瓦尔金诺多面堡,看得见那儿几个骑马的人。

15、The two barricades united formed a veritable redoubt. ─── 这两处街垒连在一道便构成一座真正的犄角堡。

16、The faubourg and its redoubt lent each other assistance. ─── 郊区和棱堡是相互支援的,郊区支持棱堡,棱堡也凭借郊区。

17、The "National Redoubt" was a phantom. ─── “民族堡垒”其实只是一个幻影。

18、The column, forced to retreat, remained massed in the street, unprotected but terrible, and replied to the redoubt with a terrible discharge of musketry. ─── 纵队被迫退却后又在街上密集,他们已没有掩护,但很可怖,他们用骇人的排枪向棱堡还击。

19、Napoleon was sitting under the redoubt, drinking punch, when Murat's adjutant galloped to him with the message that the Russians would be routed if his majesty would let them have another division. ─── 拿破仑坐在土岗上正在喝潘趣酒,这时缪拉的副官骑马走来,保证说,只要陛下再给一个师,准能把俄国人打垮。

20、Mount Redoubt is on the Alaska's Alaskan south coast, about 180 kilometers kilometres from the state's biggest city which is Anchorage. ─── 里道特火山位于阿拉斯加的南部沿海,距该州最大城市安克雷奇市大约有180公里。

21、In the middle of the conversation, which began to interest Napoleon, Berthier's eye was caught by a general, who was galloping on a steaming horse to the redoubt, followed by his suite. ─── 在开始引起拿破仑兴致的谈话中间,贝蒂埃的目光转向一个将军,这个将军带着侍从,骑着汗淋淋的马向土岗跑来。

22、The charge had been aimed at the cut in the redoubt, and had there rebounded from the wall;and this terrible rebound had produced two dead and three wounded. ─── 大炮瞄准棱堡的缺口,从那儿的墙上弹回来,弹跳回来的碎片打死了两人,伤了三人。

23、Redoubt (Protection) moved to tier 2. ─── 盾壁堡垒移到第2层.

24、"There was rotten redoubt, no water or electricity, good way, is most remote areas, people do invest. ─── 村民告诉记者,现还许多村土陆续被征,对面蒙河村去年就刚卖百十亩土。

25、Nothing like it had been seen since the taking of the great redoubt of the Muskowa by the heavy cavalry;Murat was lacking here, but Ney was again present. ─── 自从夺取莫斯科河炮台以来,还不曾有过这种以大队骑兵冲杀的战争,这次缪拉不在,但是内伊仍然参与了。

26、"After the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, you could no longer say there was no historical Jesus," says Theologian Otto Betz of Tubingen, once a redoubt of Bultmannian doubters. ─── “在死海古卷被发现后,你不能再否认历史上耶稣真人的存在,”图宾根的神学家Otto Betz说。他曾经是Bultmann怀疑论的忠实拥趸。

27、Pierre did not take special notice of this redoubt. ─── 皮埃尔没有特别注意这个多面堡。

28、It also exposed Mr Thaksin as a demagogue who is ready to incite a revolt from his Dubai redoubt. ─── 也暴露出他信作为煽动者想从其流亡地,迪拜,就激起一场叛乱。

29、In a line with the redoubt on both sides stood cannons, and these too kept up an incessant fire. ─── 由岗两旁的防线另外有一些大炮,也在不断地射击。

30、It also exposed Mr Thaksin as a demagogue who is ready to incite a revolt from his Dubai redoubt. ─── 也暴露出他信作为煽动者想从其流亡地,迪拜,就激起一场叛乱。

31、In front of this position, they tell us, a fortified earthwork was thrown up on the Shevardino redoubt as an outpost for observation of the enemy's movements. ─── 在这个阵地的前方,在舍瓦尔金诺高地,设立了一个观察敌情的前哨。

32、The Redoubt Volcano data confirms the lightning's existence, he said. ─── 他说,这次里道特火山爆发所取得的资料数据进一步证实这种类型闪电的存在。

33、When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms, his face, like the child, was inundated with blood. ─── 当马吕斯抱着伽弗洛什走进棱堡时,他象那孩子一样,脸上也是鲜血淋淋。

34、At the moment when Jean Valjean entered the redoubt, no one had noticed him, all eyes being fixed on the five chosen men and the four uniforms. ─── 冉阿让走进棱堡,没有引起任何人的注意,这时大家的目光都集中在这选出的五个人和四套制服上。

35、There was something of the cess-pool in that redoubt and something Olympian in that confusion. ─── 这棱堡有丑陋的一面,而在杂乱无章之中也有威严之处。

36、The A cloud of smoke and ash from Mount Redoubt rose 15 kilometers kilometres into the sky, but . ─── 从堡垒山喷发出的一团烟灰云升入空中15公里之远。

37、The Mount Redoubt volcano in southern Alaska came to life Sunday night erupting 6 times through Monday, with plumes of gas and smoke shooting as high as 14480m above sea level, AP reported. ─── 据美联社报道,当地时间22日晚至23日,美国阿拉斯加州里道特火山忽然爆发,迄今共喷发6次,将火山灰烟柱喷射到海平面以上1.448万米的高空。

38、The object of this mode of firing was to drive the insurgents from the summit of the redoubt, and to compel them to gather close in the interior, that is to say, this announced the assault. ─── 这样轰击的用意是想把棱堡顶上的战士赶下去,迫使他们退进街垒,也就是说总攻已迫在眉睫了。

39、The Upper Town, built on the cliff, has remained the religious and administrative centre, with its churches, convents and other monuments like the Dauphine Redoubt, the Citadel and Chateau Frontenac. ─── 魁北克北城建立在悬崖上,至今仍然是宗教和行政中心。城区内有教堂、女修道院和一些纪念碑,如巴里耶芒要塞和弗隆特纳克堡。

40、Spitzer's ascension could weaken their already tenuous hold on the State Senate, their only redoubt of power. ─── 就职仪式本身对他来说反倒是个休息时间。

41、Korea began training drew, two people set up a deep friendship, and hand in hand to mock court process in a redoubt. ─── 韩开始训练德鲁,二人建立起了深厚的友谊,并且携手准备与程在比武场上一决胜负。

42、Mount Redoubt continues to rumble and simmer, prompting geologists to say this Alaska volcano could erupt within days. ─── 罗道特山持续发出隆隆声和哗哗做响声促使地质学家推测阿拉斯加火山近日要爆发。

43、He had hardly run up into the redoubt when a thin man with a yellow, perspiring face, in a blue uniform, ran up to him with a sword in his hand, shouting something. ─── 他刚跑进战壕,就有一个又瘦又黄、汗流满面,身穿制服,手持军刀的人,喊叫着向他冲过来。

44、The redoubt consisted of a mound, with trenches dug out on three sides of it. ─── 这个多面堡就是一座三面挖有战壕的土岗。

45、Redoubt%20(Protection) moved to tier 2. ─── 盾堡,移动到第二层.

46、A cloud of smoke and ash from Mount Redoubt rose 15 kilometers kilometres into the sky. ─── 烟和灰组成的云朵从R 山上升15公里直冲云霄。

47、The redoubt had been cleverly made over, into a wall on the inside and a thicket on the outside. ─── 这棱堡的外表是乱七八糟的,可是朝里的这一面却很巧妙地变成了一堵墙。

48、anxiety in the redoubt was profound. ─── 在棱堡中人心焦虑。

49、a stronghold; a base of operations; a foothold; a fastness; a beachhead; a redoubt ─── 据点

50、Redoubt: This ability can now trigger while the Paladin is sitting. ─── 盾牌壁垒:圣骑士坐着时仍可触发.

51、ON THE 24th was fought the battle before the redoubt of Shevardino;on the 25th not a shot was fired on either side; ─── 八月二十四日,在舍瓦尔金诺多面堡打了一仗,二十五日,双方都没有开火,二十六日,波罗底诺战役爆发了。

52、They were hemmed in by the lofty, six-story house which formed the background of their redoubt. ─── 他们被迫退到棱堡后部一所七层的楼房前面。

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