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mirabilite 发音

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mirabilite 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 芒硝


mirabilite 相似词语短语

1、mirabilises ─── n.健神露

2、durability ─── n.耐久性;坚固;耐用年限

3、arability ─── n.适合耕种,可耕性

4、admirability ─── 令人钦佩

5、errability ─── 更改用户数据不稳定性需要身份验证

6、mirabilia ─── n.奇迹,奇事

7、curability ─── n.治愈可能性

8、mirabilis ─── n.健神露

9、hirability ─── 可租性

mirabilite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、mirabilite ore; ─── 芒硝矿;

2、Mirabilite and Paraffin Oil Preparation for the Treatment of Omasal Impaction of Cattle ─── 硝油合剂治疗牛百叶干

3、External application of mirabilite on the abdomen ─── 弥漫性腹膜炎

4、Keywords Phrase diagram analysis;Non-purified mirabilite hydrate;Potassium sulphate; ─── 相图分析;不纯净十水芒硝;硫酸钾;

5、frozing mirabilite ─── 冻硝

6、Clinical observation and nursing care of acute mastitis patients of early and intermediate stage treated with rhubarb and mirabilite external applying ─── 大黄、芒硝外敷治疗早中期急性乳腺炎的临床观察及护理

7、Mirabilite reacted with ammonium bicarbonate under the proper conditions to obtain sodium bicarbonate and mother liquor. ─── 芒硝和碳酸氢铵在适宜的条件下反应得重碱和母液。

8、The Meishan mirabilite ores are characterized by high Ca content, large mirabilite crystalline, shallow occurrence depth and giant reserves. ─── 眉山市芒硝矿以含钙量高、矿物晶体较大、埋藏浅、规模大为特点,目前采用洞室水溶法开采。

9、Keywords absorption of caxbon dioxide;carbonization;soda;ammonia - mirabilite aqueous solution; ─── 2吸收;碳酸化;纯碱;芒硝氨盐水溶液;

10、Sichuan Province Chuanmei Mirabilite Co., Ltd. ─── 四川省川眉芒硝有限责任公司。

11、Keywords mirabilite;sodium bicarbonate;experiment; ─── 芒硝;碳酸氢钠;实验;

12、Mirror Lake township have an area of 43,400 acres, with an average water depth of 70 cm, rich mirabilite is the county's largest alkaline lake. ─── 该乡镜内有盐湖一处,面积43400亩,平均水深70厘米,盛产芒硝,是县境内最大的碱水湖。

13、Liquid-phase separation technique of the aqueous solution mining mirabilite ─── 水采硝液相分离技术

14、Influence of Rhubarb and mirabilite on recovery of gastrointestinal function of patients with severe acute pancreatitis ─── 大黄及芒硝对重症急性胰腺炎病人胃肠功能恢复的影响

15、Keywords liquid phase process;mirabilite;caustic waste residue;light CaCO 3;polyethylene modification.; ─── 液相法;芒硝;苛化废渣;轻质碳酸钙;聚乙烯改性;

16、Contain of churchyard of Hong Ze county is worn ore of rich high grade mirabilite. ─── 洪泽县境内蕴藏着丰富的高品位芒硝矿。

17、Methods 40 cases of periappendical abscess were randomly selected and treated respectively with external application of leaves of Nepal dock and mirabilite or the observation of their effects. ─── 方法将两种外敷药土大黄叶和芒硝随机将40例病例分组使用,进行对照观察。

18、The institute has completed more than 70 geological reports, involved minerals such aspyrite, calcium carbide limestone, bentonite, coal, fluorite, mirabilite and so on. ─── 为国家提交各类地质报告70余份,矿种涉及硫铁矿、电石灰岩、膨润土、煤炭、萤石、芒硝等矿产。

19、Keywords Balikun salt lake;saline composition;mirabilite;saline shrimps; ─── 巴里坤盐湖;物质成分;芒硝矿床;卤虫资源;

20、Plate potash market has once again become a hot spot, while using Yuncheng Salt Lake mirabilite resources and its technical advantages, business development in good shape. ─── 钾肥板块近日再度成为市场热点,而公司利用运城盐湖芒硝资源优势和自身技术优势,业务发展态势良好。

21、Keywords mirabilite;beach field method;Yuncheng saline lake;crystallize; ─── 芒硝;滩田法;运城盐湖;结晶;

22、mirabilite lake ─── 芒硝湖

23、Effect of cold compress of mirabilite ice pack on relieving the swelling pain of wound ─── 芒硝冰袋冷敷减轻创伤肿痛的研究

24、Rapid determination of sodium sulfate content in mirabilite by precipitation analysis ─── 芒硝中硫酸钠含量的快速测定

25、mirabilite rock ─── 芒硝岩

26、mirabilite method ─── 芒硝法

27、mirabilite gypsum ─── 芒硝石膏

28、The research results are directive and with reference value for development of the new process of soda ash and ammonium sulfate co production by mirabilite. ─── 研究结果对芒硝联产纯碱和硫酸铵新工艺的研究和开发具有指导和参考意义。

29、Keywords double decomposition;soda ash. mirabilite;ammonium aluminum sulfate.; ─── 复分解;纯碱;艺硝;硫酸铝铵;

30、Successful operation of this technology provided a new way not only to mirabilite and petroleum production but also to other fluid mine developmen... ─── 该钻井技术的成功实施不仅为芒硝、石油开采,而且为其它流体矿藏的开采提供一条新的途径。

31、Effect of Mirabilite and Glass REDOX on the Refining of Glass-Melt ─── 芒硝及玻璃REDOX对玻璃液澄清效果的影响

32、On the basis of film theory, a simplified macro - kinetics model in carbonization process of aqueous ammonia - mirabilite solution is developed. ─── 根据双膜理论,导出了简化的芒硝氨盐水溶液碳酸化过程的宏观动力学模型。

33、Applicafion of sitz bath with mirabilite and taheng mixture to cure hemorrhoidal ─── 硝黄合剂坐浴在痔疾中的应用

34、Keywords solar pan;mirabilite;dehydration;anhydrous sodium sulfate; ─── 太阳池;芒硝;脱水;无水硝;

35、Keywords mirabilite;sodium nitrate;ways of improving quality; ─── 芒硝;硝酸钠;质量提高方法;

36、The Meishan mirabilite ores are characterized by high Ca content,large mirabilite crystalline,shallow occurrence depth and giant reserves. ─── 眉山市芒硝矿以含钙量高、矿物晶体较大、埋藏浅、规模大为特点,目前采用洞室水溶法开采。

37、Mirabilite and Shengdiyu ─── 中药芒硝加生地榆

38、Keywords potassium sulfate mirabilite method phospho-gypsum; ─── 硫酸钾;芒硝法;磷石膏;

39、Study On Raising the Water Mesistance of Mirabilite Plaster of Paris Prooducts ─── 提高芒硝石膏制品耐水性的研究

40、Keywords mirabilite plate;black ash;medical;precipitate Ba2SO4; ─── 硝板;黑灰;医用;沉淀硫酸钡;

41、Keywords Brine;Air temperature change;Mirabilite separate;Dissolves; ─── 湖水;气温变化;芒硝;析出与回溶;

42、Effective Observation on Acute and Serious Pancreatitis Treated by Comprehensive Therapy with External Application of Borneol and Mirabilite ─── 加用冰片、硭硝外敷综合治疗重症急性胰腺炎疗效观察

43、mirabilite plate ─── 硝板

44、A new route of using the mirabilite resources to produce alkali sulphide,and then derive o-phenylenediamine was introduced. ─── 青海省芒硝资源丰富,本文介绍了一种利用青海省芒硝资源生产硫化碱,再配套生产邻苯二胺的新思路。

45、Now exploitation condition and plan to be developed for mirabilite in Huaian ─── 淮安芒硝资源开发现状与发展对策

46、Trona is negatively correlated with mirabilite in the mineral bed sections of soda lakes. Trona and halite show a positive correlation. ─── 剖面上,天然碱与芒硝呈互为消长关系,天然碱和石盐则呈正相关。

47、adding catechu and mirabilite before re-boiling; ─── 2)放入儿茶、皮硝,再次煮沸;

48、The result reveals that it is feasible to produce mirabilite ahead of schedule in Yuncheng saline lake and the ahead time is not less than one month. ─── 经试验运城盐湖提前产硝完全可行,至少可提前一个月产运芒硝。

49、Design of modifying mirabilite - settling chamber in caustic soda production from bittern alone ─── 全卤制碱沉硝槽的改造设计

50、This factory and the company of new ferry foreign trade that have advantage of capital, technology, sale are combined, form limited company of day of liability of entire county mirabilite. ─── 这个厂以本地丰富的钙芒硝矿资源为优势,以现有生产为依托,选准新的合作伙伴。该厂与有资金、技术、营销优势的新津外贸公司联合,组成天全县芒硝责任有限公司。

51、Mirabilite alloy ─── 米拉比来铝镍合金

52、Trona is negatively correlated with mirabilite in the mineral bed sections of soda lakes.Trona and halite show a pos itive correlation. ─── 碱湖矿层剖面上,天然碱与芒硝呈互为消长关系,天然碱和石盐则呈正相关。

53、Keywords mirabilite or glauber salt;salt lake;bittern; ─── 无水芒硝;盐湖;卤水;

54、Qinghai province has abundant mirabilite resources.A new route of using the mirabilite resources to produce alkali sulphide, and then derive o-phenylenediamine was introduced. ─── 摘要青海省芒硝资源丰富,本文介绍了一种利用青海省芒硝资源生产硫化碱,再配套生产邻苯二胺的新思路。

55、Keywords Mirabilite;Double decomposition and circulation;Sodium bicarbonate; ─── 芒硝;复分解循环法;碳酸氢钠;

56、Keywords External application of mirabilite on the abdomen;Peritonitis;Operational therapy; ─── 弥漫性腹膜炎;手术治疗;芒硝外敷;

57、mirabilite ore ─── 芒硝矿石

58、It uses 20773. 5 tons of silica sand, limestone, soda-ash, feldspar, mirabilite, 8760 tons of heavy oil. 4. ─── 年用石英砂、石灰石、纯碱、长石、芒硝等原料共约20773.5t,年用重油8760t。

59、Keywords roast mirabilite;mirabilite;pharmacological action; ─── 关键词芒硝;朴硝;药理作用;

60、Highly mineralized groundwater can be explored from strongly salinized land thus producing mirabilite and table salt. ─── 盐碱地可开采高矿化地下水,生产芒硝和食盐。

61、Effects of white blood cell in treatment of appendicular abscess with rheum officinal Baillo, Mirabilite and table vinegar for extemal application ─── 应用大黄芒硝食醋外敷治疗阑尾脓肿对人白细胞水平的影响

62、In this paper some formulas to calculate the mass percentage of all sort of compound in and rock salt and mirabilite were created on the reaction rule of equal amount of substance. ─── 本文以等物质的量的反应规则建立了岩盐、芒硝中各种化合物的质量分数的计算公式。

63、Keywords mirabilite;alkali sulphide;o-phenylenediamine; ─── 芒硝;硫化碱;邻苯二胺;

64、Objective To observe efficacy of rhubarb and mirabilite on treating fatty fluidization in celiotomy incision. ─── 目的观察大黄、芒硝外敷腹部伤口脂肪液化的疗效。

65、Aobao north side of the mountain is a rich reserves of mirabilite Lake, lake pebbles under the cool surging high-quality mineral water, the Alkali Water symbiotic one of the wonders of a sigh. ─── 敖包北侧山下是一片储量丰富的芒硝湖,湖边鹅卵石下涌动着清凉的优质矿泉水,这一碱水共生一处的奇观令人感叹。

66、The development course of mining technology for calcium mirabilite mines is introduced,and the tacking dissolving leaching technology is considered as a safety and economical mining method. ─── 简述了钙芒硝矿开采技术的发展过程,阐述了钙芒硝矿堆浸工艺,认为堆浸技术是一种安全、经济的方法。

67、Experimental Study on Mineral Processing for a Mirabilite Ore in Inner Mongolia ─── 内蒙古某地芒硝矿选矿试验研究

68、Mirabilite reacted with ammonium bicarbonate under the proper conditions to obtain sodium bicarbonate and mother liquor. ─── 芒硝和碳酸氢铵在适宜的条件下反应得重碱和母液。

69、Lueneburgite, a Mg--P Borate, Discovered from a Mirabilite Deposit in Shansi, China ─── 山西某芒硝矿床中硼磷镁石的研究

70、Application of Interconnected Horizontal Well Drilling Technology in Mirabilite ─── 连通水平井钻井技术在芒硝矿中的应用

71、he effects of using sulfite paper making waste,mirabilite and high-effeieney water reducer as composite grinding aids on the grinding efficiency and properties of cement were studied experimentally. ─── 利用亚硫酸盐纸浆废液、芒硝和高效减水剂作复合助磨剂对水泥粉磨效率及其性能进行了试验研究。

72、mirabilite crystal ─── 寒水石

73、Experience in Treating Episiohematoma and Hematoma Pelvis After Operation by Spreading Pieplant and Mirabilite ─── 大黄、芒硝外敷治疗外阴血肿及手术后盆腔血肿的体会

74、The company is possessed a large mine abounding with 200,000 tons of mirabilite ore,rich in ore sources and high in quality. ─── 公司拥有一座年提升钙芒硝矿20万吨的大型矿山,矿区资源丰富,矿石品味极高。

75、Based on the above questions, we systematic studied about the thermodynamics and dynamics of mirabilite crystallization process. ─── 基于上述问题,本文对芒硝结晶过程的热力学和动力学进行了系统研究。

76、Keywords mirabilite deposit multi-component solution mining liquid-phase separation; ─── 芒硝矿;多组分;溶采;液相分离;

77、Trona is negatively correlated with mirabilite in the mineral bed sections of soda lakes. Trona and halite show a positive correlation. ─── 碱湖矿层剖面上,天然碱与芒硝呈互为消长关系,天然碱和石盐则呈正相关。

78、Sichuan Province Chuanmei Mirabilite Co. , Ltd. ─── 四川省川眉芒硝有限责任公司。

79、Keywords mirabilite method;layer crystalline sodium disilicate;detergent additive; ─── 芒硝法;层状结晶二硅酸钠;洗涤助剂;

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