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10-02 投稿


numerator 发音

英:[?nu?m?re?t?r]  美:[?nju?m?re?t?(r)]

英:  美:

numerator 中文意思翻译



numerator 短语词组

1、numerator register ─── 分子寄存器被除数寄存器

2、numerator time ─── 分子时间

3、numerator degrees of freedom ─── 分子自由度

4、numerator layout notation ─── 分子布局符号

5、numerator layout ─── 分子布局

6、numerator coefficients ─── 分子系数

7、scaling factor numerator ─── 比例因子分子

8、numerator denominator ─── 分子 ─── 分母

9、numerator coefficient ─── 分子系数

10、numerator degree ─── 分子度

numerator 同义词

proficient | count | number | accomplished | competent | enumerate

numerator 反义词


numerator 词性/词形变化,numerator变形

名词: numeracy |动词过去式: numerated |动词第三人称单数: numerates |动词现在分词: numerating |动词过去分词: numerated |

numerator 相似词语短语

1、numerate ─── adj.会计算的,识数的;v.读(数);数,列举

2、numerations ─── n.计算;数字的读法;[数]命数法;编号

3、numerates ─── adj.会计算的,识数的;v.读(数);数,列举

4、enumeration ─── n.列举;[数]计算;细目

5、numerators ─── n.分子;计算者;计算器

6、numeration ─── n.计算;数字的读法;[数]命数法;编号

7、enumerator ─── n.人口普查员,计数员

8、enumerators ─── n.枚举器;枚举成员;计数器(enumerator的复数形式)

9、numerated ─── adj.会计算的,识数的;v.读(数);数,列举

numerator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、June 12, 2008 v1.20 beta sent out to the first beta testers!It still has a very long way to go, but the semi-public beta (select numer of registered users only) is probably not far off! ─── 在这特别提醒试用版本有使用上的时间限制喔,建议如果能力许可的话请支持一下开发团队,毕竟开发与维护一套实用的软体要花很多心血的。

2、Whenever an Indian demographic appears as a numerator, the resulting number looks big. ─── 无论什么时候用印度的人口作为分子,由此得出的结果看上去都是很大的。

3、Objective:Search after method to differentiate Tetrandra Root on the numerator level. ─── 目的:探索在分子水平上对独活药材进行鉴别的方法。

4、a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator ─── 分子大于分母的分数

5、Any company that hopes to stay relevant in a topsy-turvy world has no choice but to grow the numerator. ─── 在眼花缭乱的世界,希望占有一席地位的任何公司,没有选择,只有扩大分子。

6、One can show that the discriminant of the numerator is positive ─── 人们可以证明分子的判别式为正。

7、Computation of Relationship and Inbreeding Coefficient through Numerator Relationship for Animal ─── 动物亲缘系数及近交系数的亲缘协方差算法

8、Dealing with the numerator percentage goes mith the changing of temperature by using? Maxwell? scattered rule of Speed rate, we often meet the maths problems mith the comples nature of the scattered function. ─── 利用麦克斯韦速率分布律讨论分子百分率随温度变化时,常因分布函数的复杂性而遇到数学困难。

9、From but make the HA numerator decline the solution to the HA(FA) numerator of the small numerator. ─── 从而使腐植酸分子降解为小分子的腐植酸分子(黄腐酸)。

10、a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator ─── 分子小于分母的分数

11、Denominator represents numbers of used kits and numerator represents. ─── 分母表示所用试剂数,分子表示为阳性反应的试剂数。

12、Teaching Aids: To know the essence of fractions; To know denominator, numerator, the units of fraction, To know the essence of the whole; Train their espial ability and abstract epitome ability. ─── 教学目标:使学生正确理解分数的意义,理解分母、分子、分数单位、单位“1”的意义;培养学生观察能力和抽象概括能力。

13、In 1997, the numer of poor whites increase to 11.5% while 28% of black families were consider poor and received food coupons regularly. ─── 1997年,贫困的白人比例增加到了11.5%,而28%的黑人家庭仍然被认定为贫苦的同时接受定期的食品券。

14、In a fraction,such as 2/5,the number above the line is called the numerator;the number under the line is the denominator. ─── 旁骛;想出来则是指要把所读材料与我们的生活经验、社会常识和平时所学的知识结合起来,推断出生词的词义。例如:

15、3.if there are common factors involving variables in the numerator and denominator,then there eill be points of discontinuity.to find them,find the zeros of the common factors. ─── 3.如果分子和分母中有共同的变量并可约分, 那么将有断点. 假设共变量为0, 即可找到断点.

16、I am not happy, but I should be. . . Anyone of delicate numerator hiding a unknowing corner is peeping at my stubborn happiness. ─── 我不快乐,但是应该要快乐…任何一个微妙的分子躲在不为人知的角落里窥视着我顽强的快乐。

17、a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator. ─── 分子小于分母的分数。

18、The Computing Program of Excel in Livestock's Numerator Relationship Matrix ─── 分子亲缘系数矩阵的excel计算程序

19、6 is the numerator of 6/7. ─── 6是6/7的分子。

20、What the telephone numer you want? ─── 你要的电话号码是什么?

21、Based on programming of Excel's Macro and VBA, this paper realized the statistical analysis of livestock's numerator relationship matrix and its contra-matrix. ─── 本文通过VBA语言编程,实现了分子亲缘系数矩阵及其逆阵计算的程序设计,提高了数据处理的准确性。

22、The principle of separating big biological numerator(for example DNA)by CGE,advantages of CGE and key factors influencing results of CGE separation have been mainly analysed. ─── 着重分析了CGE生物大分子 (例如DNA )分离原理、优点以及影响分离结果的主要因素。

23、Many old families have a numer of seletons in thire closets which they are loath to discuss. ─── 很多古老的家庭都有他们不愿意讨论的家丑.

24、numer center ─── 多工序自动数字控制机床

25、You can search any of the library's holdings by title and get its information on call numer, location and status. ─── 您可以书刊资料的名称,查检本馆已编目的馆藏,并得知其索书号、馆藏地及处理状态(是否外借、到期日、处理中等),以便寻找和利用。

26、Peelet Numer ─── Péclet数

27、As a result, the denominator and numerator should be about equal if the null hypothesis is true ─── 因此,如果无效假设为真,那么分母和分子应该差不多相等。

28、In this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction by entering a numerator and denominator. ─── 在此练习中您要将一个给定的数字转换成一个分数,输入转化结果的分子和分母。

29、"fraction,In arithmetic, a number expressed as a quotient, in which a numerator is divided by a denominator. " ─── 分数,在算术中指两个数量相除的商,被除数称为分子,除数称为分母

30、numer mite ─── 数字控制钻床

31、You can search any of the library's holdings by standard number (ISBN/ISSN/CODEN, etc.) and get its information on call numer, location and status. ─── 您可以书刊资料的ISBN、ISSN等标准号码,查检本馆已编目的馆藏,并得知其索书号、馆藏地及处理状态(可否外借、到期日、处理中等),以便寻找和利用。

32、Objective:Search after method to differentiate Dalbergia odorifera T.chen on the numerator level. ─── 目的:探索在分子水平上对降香药材进行鉴别的方法。

33、The existing studies are stagnating at carrying out the "numerator strategy" (supplying more capital) and "denominator strategy" (controlling risk weighted assets). ─── 已有的研究成果基本停滞在"分子策略"(补充资本)和"分母策略"(控制风险权重资产)的运用上。

34、"fraction ,In arithmetic, a number expressed as a quotient, in which a numerator is divided by a denominator. " ─── 分数,在算术中指两个数量相除的商,被除数称为分子,除数称为分母

35、Objective: Search after method to differentiate Tetrandra Root on the numerator level. ─── 前言:目的:探索在分子水平上对独活药材进行鉴别的方法。

36、the pair of integers represents a fraction , the first integer being the numerator , and the second integer being the denominator. ─── 类的新实例。此整数对表示一个分数,第一个整数为分子,第二个整数为分母。

37、Method:With the FIB-R,CD62P as the numerator marking things,FCM three-color immunity fluorescence,analyze the CAP. ─── 方法:以纤维蛋白原受体(FIB-R)、P-选择素(CD62P)作为分子标志物,FCM三色免疫荧光分析CAP。

38、Common fraction : a fraction having an integer as a numerator and an integer as a denominator. ─── 分数:一个有整数分子和整数分母的分数。

39、A piecewise rational cubic spline function involving four parameters is presented,which is a rational polynomial with a cubic numerator and a cubic denominator. ─── 构造了含有4个参数的分段三次有理样条函数(分子、分母均为三次多项式),其中2个参数称为形状参数,另外2个称为保形参数;

40、Returns numerator divides denominator and numerator % denominator . ─── 回传此分数的分子除以分母的商和模数.

41、The numerator of beat number denote number of each section, denominator denote one beat of some note. ─── 拍号中分子表示每小节的拍数;分母表示以某种音符号为一拍。

42、common fraction:a fraction having an integer as a numerator and an integer as a denominator. ─── 分数:一个有整数分子和整数分母的分数.

43、On a machine where modulus follows the sign of the numerator then the value of division truncates toward zero. ─── 如果求模的结果随分子的符号,则除出来的值向零一侧取整;

44、a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator. ─── 分子大于分母的分数。

45、numer centre ─── 多工序自动数字控制机床数控中心

46、a fraction with fractions in the numerator or denominator ─── 分子或分母有分数的分数

47、When the numerator and the denominator of the ratio both decrease by the same absolute amount, the arithmetic, of course, works to reduce the ratio. ─── 当分子与分母均按相同的绝对数额减少时,得出的百分比自然会下降。

48、Extreme value problems of fractional function which numerator and denominator are quadratic ─── 分子分母都是二次式的分式函数的极值问题

49、How do you get the result? (the product of numerator act as numerator, the product of denominator act as denominator. ─── 你是怎样算的?(分子相乘的积作分子,分母相乘的积作分母)

50、4.a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction and so on. ─── 一个分数其分子为实数分母为实数加分数,分母中分数的分子也是实数,分母也是实数加分数,如此类推。

51、to removea common factor from the numerator and denominator of a fractional expression ─── 从一个分数表达式的分子和分母去掉一个公因子;约分

52、D.X.Xie, L.Zhang and X.Y.Hu, Least-square solutions of inverse eigenvalue probem of bisymmetric matrices, Math. Numer Sinica, 1(1999) 62-72. ─── 廖安平,谢冬秀,双对称非负定矩阵一类逆特征值问题的最小二乘解,计算数学,23:2(2001)209-218

53、Bengali Currency Numerator One Less Than The Denominator ─── 孟加拉文货币分子一小于分母

54、Surfactant can become the single numerator monolayer on the surface of water,and it can be used to repress water evaporation,which is one of its important applications. ─── 不溶性表面活性剂,可以在水面上形成单分子膜,单分子膜的一个重要应用就是阻止水的蒸发,因此可以作为抑制水蒸发的阻止剂。

55、best = (sign,integer,numerator,denominator,my_value,circulator,min_error ─── 找到第一个误差为0的值,就退出.如果不这样处理,效率会低很多。

56、Dormitory buildings might house a small numer number of students or many hundreds. ─── 有的宿舍楼只能容纳少量的学生,有的则能容纳数以百计的学生。

57、all numeric directory numer ─── 全数字电话簿号码

58、partial numerator ─── 偏分子

59、How do you get the result? ( fix denominator, plus numerator. ─── 你是怎样算的?(分母不变,分子相加)

60、numerator register ─── 分子寄存器被除数寄存器

61、fraction , In arithmetic, a number expressed as a quotient, in which a numerator is divided by a denominator. ─── 分数,在算术中指两个数量相除的商,被除数称为分子,除数称为分母。

62、When only one operand is negative, the sign and value of the result for the modulus operator can follow either the sign of the numerator or of the denominator. ─── 当只有一个操作数为负数时,求模操作结果值的符号可依据分子(被除数)或分母(除数)的符号而定。

63、"In a proper fraction, the numerator is less than the denominator. If the numerator is greater, it is called an improper fraction and can also be written as a mixed number-a whole-number quotient with a proper-fraction remainder. " ─── 真分数的分子比分母小;如果分子比分母大,称为假分数,并且可以以带分数的形式表示,即一个整数加上一个真分数。

64、numer (numeral) ─── 数控

65、In this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction by entering numerator and denominator. ─── 在此练习中您要将一个给定的数字转换成一个分数,输入转化结果的分子和分母。

66、The impact of factors of pump powder, enriching time, numer of filtering net holes were observed.The optimal conditions for enriching schistosoma cercariae was screened by orthogonal test. ─── 分析潜水泵功率、富集时间、滤网目数等因素对血吸虫尾蚴富集效果的影响,并通过正交试验筛选尾蚴富集装置的最佳配置。

67、24 Could you tell me where I can claim my baggage? My flight numer is C1104. ─── 我的行李要到那里取得呢?我的班机是C1104.

68、English: In this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction by entering numerator and denominator. Do not forget to reduce the result! ─── 在此练习中您要将一个给定的数字转换成一个分数,输入转化结果的分子和分母。不要忘了将结果约分至最简分数!

69、Here is my ticket, Numer Four. ─── 四号,这是我的牌子。

70、"Any fraction can be written in decimal form by carrying out the division of the numerator by the denominator. The result may end at some point, or one or more digits may repeat without end. " ─── 任何分数皆可经由除法(分子除以分母)以十进制方式表示,其结果可能是有限小数,也可能是有一个数字或数字节不断重复的循环小数

71、You have to enter numerator and denominator. ─── 您需要输入结果的分子和分母。

72、An iterative procedure is presented for the estimation of variance component s in the mixed model with a numerator relationship matrix from non-balanced data . ─── 摘要 论述的是来自非均衡资料的混合模型中具有亲缘关系矩阵时利用迭代法估计方差组分问 题。

73、Each pair represents a fraction; the first integer is the numerator and the second integer is the denominator. ─── 每一对都表示一个分数;第一个整数是分子,第二个整数是分母。

74、a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction and so on ─── 一个分数其分子为实数,分母为实数加分数,分母中分数的分子也是实数,分母也是实数加分数,如此类推

75、The Ratio Estimator with Known Numerator ─── 分子已知情况下的比率估计量

76、Numerator is percentage of dry sieving and denominator is percentage of wet sieving ─── 分子为干筛,分母为湿筛

77、With estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function first and the common denominator later, the parameter estimation of the original SISO model is obtained. ─── 再估计出这个新的单输入多输出系统的传递函数,最后得到原单输入单输出系统的模型参数。

78、The numerator polynomial and denominator polynomial of the IIR filter’s transfer function are considered to be two separate FIR filter’s transfer functions in this thesis. ─── 本文提出,首先将IIR滤波器的传递函数的分子、分母多项式分离,并将分母多项式对应的IIR滤波器看作是由输出到输入的FIR滤波器。

79、Numerator is the number of positive, denominator is the number of nepative. ─── 分子为阳性数,分母为感染猪的血清样品总数。

80、You'd start subtracting the denominator from the numerator, keeping a counter, until you couldn't subtract it anymore, and that'd be the remainder。 ─── 你开始从分子减去分母,直到不能再减只剩余数为止。

81、The numerator of the fraction is an integer. ─── 这个分数的分母是个整数。

82、Creates a fraction with the numerator and denominator centered above and below the division line, respectively. ─── 创建分数,分子分母分别在分数线上下居中。

83、Any company that hopes to stay relevant in a topsy-turvy world has no choice but to grow the numerator. ─── 在眼花缭乱的世界,希望占有一席地位的任何公司,没有选择,只有扩大分子.

84、May I have your name and phone numer,please? ─── 可以告诉我你的姓名和电话吗?

85、a fraction with fractions in the numerator or denominator. ─── 分子或分母有分数的分数。

86、Whenever an Indian demographic appears as a numerator, the resulting number looks big. ─── 无论什么时候用印度的人口作为分子,由此得出的结果看上去都是很大的。

87、Divides one number (numerator) by another number (denominator). ─── 用一个数(分母)去除另一个数(分子)。

88、Here with we give you the production pre release for part numer 2323. ─── 在这里,我们预颁布给你门的产品零件号为2323。

89、in order to meet customer's mind, some shops find methods on the price of goods by using numer 8, so the prices of goods have became 48.....and so on. ─── 一些商场为了迎合顾客的心理,在商品的价格上,也开始动8的脑筋。所以,商品的价格就成了48元、68元、168元等等

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