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10-02 投稿


turbinate 发音

英:[?t??rb?net]  美:[?t??b?n?t]

英:  美:

turbinate 中文意思翻译




turbinate 短语词组

1、turbinate bones ─── 鼻甲骨

2、turbinate hypertrophy ─── 鼻甲肥大

3、turbinate bone ─── [医]鼻甲骨

4、turbinate nasal ─── 鼻甲

5、turbinate reduction ─── 鼻甲复位术

6、turbinate surgery ─── 鼻甲手术

7、turbinate reduction surgery ─── 鼻甲复位手术

8、turbinate hypertrophy icd-10 ─── 鼻甲肥大icd-10

9、turbinate bodies ─── [医] 鼻甲

10、turbinate synechiae ─── 鼻甲粘连

11、turbinate coblation cpt code ─── 鼻甲共析cpt码

turbinate 词性/词形变化,turbinate变形

异体字: turbinated |

turbinate 相似词语短语

1、turbinated ─── 混浊的

2、turbinals ─── 鼻甲;甲介形的

3、inturbidate ─── 插管

4、urinate ─── vi.小便,撒尿

5、turbine ─── n.[动力]涡轮;[动力]涡轮机

6、turbinal ─── 鼻甲;甲介形的

7、turbinates ─── n.鼻甲(turbinate的复数形式);螺旋形介壳

8、turbidite ─── n.[地质]浊流岩;浊流沉积物

9、terminate ─── vt.使终止;使结束;解雇;vi.结束,终止;结果;adj.结束的

turbinate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The operational skill and solving the deviation of nasal septum and the hypertrophy of inferior turbinate can raise the operation effect. ─── 手术技巧的掌握及术中一并解决鼻中隔偏曲、下鼻甲肥大等鼻阻塞疾病可提高手术疗效。

2、Keywords Left lip;Cleft lip repair;Inferior turbinate mucosal flap; ─── 关键词唇裂;唇裂修复术;下鼻甲黏膜瓣;

3、The acceptable datum are drawn from the research for the water-film of nozzle of ejector condenser.It provides evidences for the design and manufacture of ejetor condenser of ari-cooled turbin. ─── 喷射式凝汽器喷嘴水膜试验研究,得出了可靠试验数据,为空冷机组喷射式凝汽器设计、制造提供依据。

4、nasal process of inferior turbinate bone ─── 下鼻甲泪突

5、of or relating to the scroll-shaped turbinate bones in the nasal passages. ─── 属于或关于鼻腔里陀螺形骨。

6、There no scars left on the inferior turbinate mucosa. ─── 62例随访2-3年后再次进行疗效评价,6例复发,有效率90%。

7、medium pressure steam turbin ─── 中压汽轮机

8、The volume of the inferior turbinate was measured from the three-dimensional reconstruction. ─── 对下鼻甲体积的测定是在三维重现中完成的。

9、The effects on morphology of middle turbinate and olfaction after endoscopic sinus surgery and conventional technique in sinus surgery ─── 内窥镜鼻窦手术与传统鼻窦手术对中鼻甲及嗅觉的影响

10、Local findings revealed a granulomatous polypoid lesion on the posterior end of the left inferior turbinate. ─── 又除鼻部外并未发现其他部位感染结核症,故最后诊断为原发性鼻部结核症。

11、Keywords nasociliary neuralgia;deviation of nasal septum;middle turbinate swell;olfactory sulcus narrow;surgery; ─── 关键词鼻睫神经痛;鼻中隔偏曲;中鼻甲肥大;嗅裂狭窄;手术;

12、Rhinitis of varying severity form mild inflammation to necrotizing effects on mucosa and turbinate bone may by seen ─── 从轻度炎症到有粘膜和鼻甲骨坏死的鼻炎均可见到。

13、The invention relates to a grinding drill for inferior turbinate bone, applied to grind inferior turbinate bone of a patient. ─── 本发明涉及一种下鼻甲骨磨削钻头,应用于磨削患者下鼻甲骨。

14、Comparison between tricut blade and inferior turbinate blade in inferior turbinectomy ─── 动力系统两种刀头行下鼻甲部分切除术的比较

15、The effect of managements of middle turbinate on nasal airway resistance in endoscopic sinus surgery ─── 内窥镜鼻窦手术中不同中鼻甲处理方法对鼻气道阻力的影响

16、Radiofrequency for hypertrophic tonsil and turbinate reduction in children ─── 儿童扁桃体和下鼻甲肥大的射频治疗

17、Objective To observe the anesthetic results of the low temperature plasma ablation in inferior turbinate hypertrophy. ─── 目的:观察低温等离子消融治疗下鼻甲肥大的效果。

18、oA new concept of ice cream was introduced, which is combined two kinds of color lollipop with turbinate ice cream. ─── 介绍了一种由带哨棒的双色棒棒糖与陀螺纸杯冰淇淋结合而成的新概念冰淇淋。

19、;hypanthium shortly turbinate. ─── 不久的托杯陀螺状。

20、One case of pneumatolytic middle turbinate infection accompanied with rhinolith ─── 中鼻甲气化感染并结石一例

21、Rhizome short only; sepals white to reddish purple; ovary base rounded; stigma turbinate or broadly ovoid. ─── 仅根状茎短;萼片白色的到带红色紫色;子房基部圆形;柱头陀螺状的或宽卵形。(3

22、Combined application of carterization of nasal posterior-superior nerve, ethmoidal nerve and turbinate for patients with allergic rhinitis ─── 应用鼻后上神经、筛前神经及下鼻甲联合电灼术治疗变应性鼻炎

23、middle turbinate sharp curette ─── 中鼻甲剥除锐匙

24、Calyx tube hemispheric to turbinate, adnate to ovary; ─── 对陀螺状,贴生于子房半球形的萼筒;

25、paradoxical middle turbinate ─── 中甲反向弯曲

26、Mucosa from the resected middle turbinate is harvested and introduced endocranially into the defect. ─── 将原先切除的中鼻甲粘膜置于缺损处。

27、Ubmucosal Partial Resection of The Inferior Turbinate in Treating Chronic Hypertrophic Rhinitis ─── 下鼻甲粘膜下部切除术治疗慢性肥厚性鼻炎

28、The roles of lateral movement of inferior turbinate in the improvement of nasal ventilation ─── 下鼻甲位置不良对鼻通气功能的影响

29、CT and clinic of middle turbinate gasification A retrospective study ─── 中鼻甲气化CT所见与临床的回顾性研究


31、In experienced hands, the KTP laser should be an useful tool for inferior turbinate surgery. ─── 如果术者有足够之经验,KTP雷射是一个实施下鼻甲缩小手术不错的工具。

32、It is possible that the structure of reserved middle turbinate may return to normal and it is important to save the middle turbinates to improve clinical cure rate. ─── 内窥镜鼻窦手术中经适当处理保留的中鼻甲有恢复正常的趋向,并对术后术腔恢复和提高临床治愈率有积极作用。

33、Possibility and clinical significance of reservation middle turbinate in endoscopic sinus surgery ─── 内窥镜鼻窦手术保留中鼻甲的可能性及其临床意义

34、Rhizome short only. Sepals 4--8, white to reddish purple, 6--10 mm. Anther apex apiculate. Ovary base rounded. Stigma turbinate or broadly ovoid. Fl. Apr. ─── 仅根状茎短。萼片4-8,紫色的白色的到带红色,6-10毫米。花药先端具细尖。子房基部圆形。柱头陀螺状的或宽卵形。花期4月

35、So far, no respiratory turbinate structures have been found in dinosaurs. ─── 到目前为止,还没有在恐龙的骨骼中找到过这种结构。

36、Inferior turbinate laser ablation ─── 下鼻甲激光消融术

37、Keywords Inferior turbinate;Endoscopy;Radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction(RFVTR);Visual analog scale(VAS); ─── 下鼻甲;鼻内镜术;低温射频消融;视觉模拟评分;

38、Keywords inferior turbinate hypertrophy;powered-assisted turbinoplasty;conventional submucous(techniques;) visual analogue scale;acoustic rhinometry; ─── 下鼻甲肥大;下鼻甲切割成形术;黏骨膜下切除术;视觉模拟评分表;声反射鼻测量计;

39、A Set of Practical Special Tool for Assembling Steam Turbin ─── 一套非常实用的汽轮发电机安装专用工具

40、Leaflet blades narrowly lanceolate, margin sharply serrate apically; hypanthium somewhat turbinate. ─── 小叶叶片狭披针形,边缘锐有锯齿;托杯有点陀螺状。

41、In fact, the most common cause of functional nasal airway obstruction is inferior turbinate hypertrophy. ─── 事实上,最常见的功能性鼻气道阻塞原因就是下鼻甲肥大。

42、Before this study, there is no report about AA used in inferior turbinate hypertrophy operations by searching relevant literatures. ─── 在本课题展开之前,在相关文献中未检索到关于针刺麻醉行下鼻甲手术的报道。

43、Concha bullosa is a common anatomic variation of the middle turbinate. ─── 摘要大泡状鼻甲为常见之中鼻甲解剖变异。

44、Contract Analysis of Heating Between the Low Temperature Radiation by Electrical Heating Cell and the Concentrating Heating by Steam Turbin ─── 低温辐射电热膜供暖与燃气锅炉集中供暖的对比分析

45、Among all the cases,13 got full recovery without any complications,2 resulted in septum perforation,1 got adhesion between middle turbinate and septum. ─── 16例患者中13例恢复良好,2例发生鼻中隔穿孔,1例中鼻甲与鼻中隔粘连。

46、Workman Ship of Installation for the Steam Turbin Generator Group by Drawing Gas Cooling ─── 抽汽冷凝式汽轮发电机组安装工法

47、turbinate aster root ─── 单头紫苑根

48、Rhinoplasty of inferior turbinate ─── 下鼻甲成形术

49、submucoperiosteous resection of inferior turbinate ─── 下鼻甲粘骨膜下切除术

50、Nasal ventilation improvement after inferior turbinate fracture and partial removal with chisel ─── 下鼻甲凿折外压术探讨

51、Partial middle turbinectomy is effective in treating headache resulted from abnormal middle turbinate. ─── 中鼻甲部分切除术是治疗中鼻甲异常引起头痛的一种很好的方法。

52、Nutlets 4, all or some developed, turbinate to ovoid or triangular-ovoid and dorsiventrally compressed; ─── 小坚果4,全部或者一些发展,陀螺状的到卵球形卵圆形或三角形并且被背面压缩;

53、curet for middle turbinate, cutting ─── 中鼻甲刮匙

54、The free mucosa of inferior turbinate is easy to be got and survive. ─── :自体下鼻甲黏膜取材方便 ,容易存活 ,可用于修补较大面积的鼻中隔穿孔 ;

55、High-resolution CT appearance of pneumatization of the inferior turbinate ─── 下鼻甲气化的高分辨率CT表现

56、Objective: To explore the effect of preserving and resuming physiological function of middle turbinate for sinus operation after removing pathological changes of middle turbinate. ─── 探讨在去除中鼻甲病变的基础上,保留和恢复中鼻甲生理功能的意义。

57、Hypothermy plasma ablation on middle turbinate, inferior turbinate and nasal septum can reduce the rate of nasal adhesion. ─── 在鼻腔手术中应用低温等离子消融术处理中鼻甲、下鼻甲及鼻中隔,能减少术后鼻腔黏连的发生。

58、Comparative study of reservation or remove of middle turbinate on the endoscopic sinus surgery ─── 内窥镜鼻窦手术保留与切除中鼻甲的临床意义

59、Iifferior turbinate ─── 下鼻甲

60、Complete excision of turbinate ─── 完全性鼻甲切除术

61、if it involves the part of inferior turbinate resection, infiltration injections with France under the turbinate mucosa. ─── 如果涉及中下鼻甲的部分切除,同法浸润注射鼻甲粘膜下。

62、Keywords Allergic rhinitis;Anterior ethmoidectomy;Inferior turbinate laser ablation;Therapeutic effect;Mechanisms; ─── 变应性鼻炎;前组筛窦开放术;下鼻甲激光消融术;疗效;机制;

63、Author Liu Sixin Xue Kemin Wang Zheng Harbin Turbin Company Deng Cuiyang Yang Sibin Liu Yunming; ─── 作者柳四新;薛克敏;王真;邓翠艳;杨肆滨;刘云明;

64、Keywords Sleep apnea;obstructive;Surgical procedures;Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty;Submucous resection of nasal septum;Submucous resection of inferior turbinate; ─── 关键词睡眠呼吸暂停;阻塞性;外科手术;悬雍垂腭咽成形术;鼻中隔偏曲矫正术;下鼻甲部分切除术;

65、Keywords Microwave;Treatment;Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis;Turbinate partial laryngectomy; ─── 微波;治疗;慢性肥厚性鼻炎;

66、turbinate aster herb ─── 单头紫苑

67、Methods Aeration of the middle turbinate is termed "concha bullosa" (CB) . ─── 方法所谓鼻甲泡是指中鼻甲的气化。

68、turbinate bodies ─── [医] 鼻甲

69、Keywords FESS;inferior turbinate;chronic sinusitis;nasal polyps; ─── 功能性鼻内窥镜鼻窦手术;下鼻甲;慢性鼻窦炎;鼻息肉;

70、In fact, the most common cause of functional nasal airway obstruction is inferior turbinate hypertrophy. ─── 事实上,最常见的功能性鼻气道阻塞原因就是下鼻甲肥大。

71、process of inferior turbinate bone ─── 下鼻甲泪突, 下鼻甲突

72、Ovary subinferior, obconical to turbinate, 4- or 5-loculed; ─── 半下位的子房,倒锥状与陀螺状,室4或5;

73、The inferior turbinate are the most significant functional component in nasal breathing because their anterior heads occupy a significant portion of the nasal passage. ─── 下鼻甲是鼻呼吸最明显的功能成分,因为他们的前部占据了鼻腔通道很大一部分。

74、ObjectiveTo explore the changes of shape and structure of the middle turbinate in two nostrils with a deviated nasal septum. ─── 目的比较鼻中隔偏曲患者双侧中鼻甲形态结构的改变。

75、Keywords inferior turbinate;submucous plasty;function; ─── 下鼻甲;粘膜下成形术;功能;

76、He suffered from gross turbinate, and had difficulties breathing recently. ─── 他患有先天性鼻甲肥大,最近老觉得呼吸不畅。

77、Keywords inferior turbinate;operation;medical appliance;renal puncture needle; ─── 下鼻甲;手术;器械;肾脏穿刺针;

78、hypertrophic inferior turbinate ─── 下鼻甲肥大

79、Fruit obovoid, turbinate, clavate, or terete, small, 5-ribbed or deeply 5-angled, often rough, with sessile, sticky glands. ─── 倒卵球形的果,陀螺状,棍棒状,或圆柱状,小,5棱或深深具5个角,通常粗糙的,具无梗,发粘腺体。

80、sclerosing therapy for inferior turbinate ─── 下鼻甲硬化疗法

81、LONG Hong-neng1; 2; WANG Wei-min1; GE Peng2; XIA Kai-yu1; WANG Zheng1 1.Dong Fang Steam Turbin Works; Deyang; Sichuan 618201; China 2.Sichuan University; Chengdu 610065; China; ─── 东方汽轮机厂;四川大学;东方汽轮机厂四川德阳618201四川大学;四川德阳;

82、of or relating to the scroll-shaped turbinate bones in the nasal passages ─── 属于或关于鼻腔里陀螺形骨

83、Indications of inferior turbinate has no statistic significance. ─── 下鼻甲情况对比无明显统计学意义。

84、When you speak, your voice has a nasal tone. There must be some obstruction in your nose. Your nasal turbinate appears enlarged. Apparently this is obstructing your nasal passage. ─── 医生:您说话时带着鼻音。您的鼻子里一定有些堵塞。您的鼻甲肥大,显然您的鼻道被堵塞。

85、Keywords oice cream;lollipop;turbinate;processing technics; ─── 冰淇淋;棒棒糖;陀螺杯;生产工艺;

86、Ciliary beat frequency of different cilia is equal on the same cell, it is also equal from uncinate process and inferior turbinate. ─── 同一来源的体外培养的钩突和下鼻甲的纤毛摆动频率是相同的。

87、Radiofrequency ablation for treatment of nasal obstruction secondary to inferior turbinate hypertrophy ─── 射频消融治疗下鼻甲肥厚所致鼻塞的疗效

88、Ovary half inferior, turbinate, 4-celled. ─── 子房半下位,陀螺状的,4室。

89、After application, does make nasal vasoconstriction, thereby reducing the turbinate to improve the nose ventilation. ─── 应用后,确能使鼻黏膜血管收缩,从而缩小鼻甲,改善鼻子通气。

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