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maud 发音

英:[m??d]  美:[m?d]

英:  美:

maud 中文意思翻译



maud 网络释义

n. 灰色条纹呢;灰格子呢旅行毯n. (Maud)人名;(西、英)莫德(教名Magdalen、Matilda的昵称)

maud 短语词组

1、maud frizon ─── 自由鼠标

2、maud lewis ─── 莫德·刘易斯

3、Maud Gonne ─── [网络] 冈;昴德·冈昂;龚

4、maud welzen ─── 莫德鲶鱼

5、marries Maud Gage ─── 嫁给莫德·盖奇

6、Queen Maud Land ─── [网络] 毛德皇后地;南极洲玛丽皇后地;德后地

7、Lucy Maud Montgomery ─── [网络] 蒙哥马利;露西莫德蒙哥马利;蒙哥马利女士

maud 相似词语短语

1、mauds ─── n.灰色条纹呢;灰格子呢旅行毯;n.(Maud)人名;(西、英)莫德(教名Magdalen、Matilda的昵称)

2、Maud ─── n.灰色条纹呢;灰格子呢旅行毯;n.(Maud)人名;(西、英)莫德(教名Magdalen、Matilda的昵称)

3、aud ─── abbr.审计(audit);听者(auditor);n.(Aud)人名;(挪)艾于德

4、baud ─── n.波特(信息传输速率的单位);n.(Baud)人名;(英)鲍德;(法)博

5、Vaud ─── n.沃州(瑞士州名)

6、daud ─── n.达乌德(姓氏)

7、maund ─── n.莫恩德(尼泊尔、印度、巴基斯坦及某些中东国家使用的一种重量单位)

8、Laud ─── vt.赞美;称赞;n.赞美;称赞;颂歌;n.(Laud)(英、瑞典)劳德(人名)

9、Saud ─── n.沙特(人名)

maud 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Postdepositional losses of methane sulfonate, nitrate, and chloride at the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica deep-drilling site in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica ─── 南极Dronning莫德陆地的南极冰核深钻的欧洲课题中甲烷磺化,硝酸盐和氯化物的沉积后损失

2、"Well, perhaps not all of them, " I said carefully, and cast about in my mind. I thought of my aunt Maud and her reminiscences. ─── “当然,好像不全都是”,我小心地说一边想起Maud阿姨和她那些回忆。

3、"You can feel sorry for Maud because she's the person she is from the life she's lived; it just really intrigues me. ─── “你也许会为莫德难过,正是她的生活使她变成了那样;正是这激起了我的兴趣。”

4、In 1889 Yeats met his great love, Maud Gonne (1866-1953), an actress and Irish revolutionary who became a major landmark in his life and imagination. ─── 1889年叶芝遇到了一生的至爱:莫德.戈妮(1866-1953),她是一名演员,同时也是爱尔兰革命家。

5、I was thinking of Maud, making me think she'd hurt me, to save me knowing who had hurt me most... ─── 你最爱的人伤你最深的这种心态。当一切都随风飘散的时候,你究竟记得的是哪个?

6、Aunt Maud did not like my clothes and she said so, roundly. ─── 莫德姑婆很正经地说她不喜欢我穿的衣服。

7、Benjy's eagerness to win Caddy's tenderness reflects Faulkner's affiliation to his mother Maud and his preference for little, innocent girl. ─── 其中,班吉渴望得到凯蒂的温柔体贴反映了福克纳对他母亲穆德的依恋,以及对天真单纯的小女孩的偏爱。

8、Maud fabric ─── 莫德呢

9、‘Now that's what I've been telling you about,’ said Maud to her father. ‘If you're to give lectures to the public, you simply have to make them more concrete. ─── “那就是我一直在告诉你的,”莫德对她爸爸说,“如果你对公众讲座,你必须要让他们变得更加具体。

10、Maud looked at me and I understand. ─── 穆德望着我,我心中也已经明白了。

11、Young Zhang, the founder of iNgAmE, holds MAUD degree from Harvard Design School &M. ─── 张之杨,建筑师/城市设计师,公司创始人。

12、He saw Maud, in his shop. ─── 见到何毛德时,他在商店。

13、He was fascinated by Maud; ─── 他对莫德迷住了;

14、Maud having left, Mr. Tompkins remarked, ‘I take it she likes doing a bit of drawing then?’ ─── 莫德离开了,汤普金斯说,“我觉得她有点喜欢绘画?”

15、Mr. Tompkins nodded, wondering where Maud had gone. ─── 汤普金斯点点头,心里在琢磨莫德去哪里了呢。

16、Dad! ' explored Maud indignantly. 'That's not what we're here for. You're supposed to be getting away from it all for a week. ─── “爸爸!”莫德有些不高兴的插进来。“这不是我们到这里来的目的。你被要求一个星期内要远离那些的。”

17、Additionally, Norway has a claim for Dronning Maud Land in Antarctica. ─── 此外挪威声称南极洲的毛德皇后地属于本国。

18、Location: The Screaming Bridge of Maud Hughes Road is located in Liberty Township, Ohio. ─── 地点:位于俄亥俄州自由镇区莫德休斯路的尖叫桥。

19、Maud sounded her on her willingness to take up the job. ─── 莫德试探了一下她是否愿意做这个工作。

20、Queen Maud Mountains Eletronic Ticket ─── 莫德皇后山脉电子客票

21、“Maud,” it turned out, was the third episode in a series that Mr.Rohmer had titled “Six Moral Tales,” preceded by two short films and followed by three more features. ─── “莫德” ,事实证明,是第三次发作了一系列先生罗默了题为“六个道德故事” ,之前两个短片后,由三个更多的功能。

22、It's not surprising that this friendly, chatty young Dubliner didn't warm to the cold, clinical Maud, but more unexpected that she leapt at the challenge to play her. ─── 这个友善的,健谈的都柏林人不同情冷酷的莫德,并不十分意外,但意想不到的是她欣然接受扮演莫德所面对的挑战。

23、‘This, by the way, is my daughter, Maud,’ he said. ─── “顺便介绍一下,这是我女儿莫德。”他说。

24、I'm trying to track down my old Aunt Maud. ─── 我正试图寻找到我那年迈的婶婶莫德。

25、Maud A. Mackey ─── 慕懋德(1872-1957),美国人,来华女传教医师。

26、Adams Maud ─── 莫德·亚当斯

27、" Child-care hospitals in Zhejiang Province The medical staff are on spring Maud thumbs-up. ─── 浙江省儿童保健医院的医护人员纷纷对莫德春竖起大拇指。

28、Dad!’ explored Maud indignantly. ‘That's not what we're here for. You're supposed to be getting away from it all for a week. ─── “爸爸!”莫德有些不高兴的插进来。“这不是我们到这里来的目的。你被要求一个星期内要远离那些的。”

29、All his accumulated nervous agitation was discharged on Maud like a thunderbolt. ─── 他那蓄积已久的怒气,就像雷电般倾泻在莫德身上。

30、Maud n. ─── 莫德(女子名) ...

31、Maud is an artist-a professional artist.She's made quite a name for herself. ─── 莫德是一个艺术家-一个专业的艺术家-她自己已经有一些名气了。

32、‘Yes.Very good,’ Maud agreed. ‘But we all know the density is likely to be critical, so the expansion will eventually come to a halt-but only in the infinite future. ─── “是的,很好,”莫德表示认同,“但是我们都知道密度很可能就是临界值,所以膨胀最后将会停下来-但是只是在无限远的未来。

33、He was fascinated by Maud; he had never met anyone one like her. ─── 他对莫德迷住了;他从来没见过一个像她的女孩。

34、Maud spring, male, 37 years old, liquor Xingye Xian Zhu village people in the town. ─── 莫德春,男,37岁,兴业县卖酒镇竹沙村人。

35、his accumulated nervous agitation was discharged on Maud like a thunderbolt. ─── 他那蓄积已久的怒气,就像雷电般倾泻在莫德身上。

36、It was an improvised party, suggested by Aunt Maud, who complained at being left alone all day. ─── 那是一个临时举行的排队,是Maud姑妈建议的,因为她埋怨说她被冷落了一整天。

37、Master of Audiology(MAUD) ─── 听觉学硕士

38、* Although Maud was a generally perceptive critic, she had her blind sports: she could never see flaws in the work of her friends. ─── *虽然莫德是一个普遍见地的评论家,她她的盲人体育:她可以永远也看不到缺陷的工作她的朋友们。

39、October - Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery ─── 十月-《清秀佳人》作者:露西·莫德·蒙哥马利

40、The way Joe was looking at Maud will surely cause some tongues to wag. ─── 乔看着莫德的样子肯定会使人们说长道短的。

41、10. In 1889 Yeats met his great love, Maud Gonne (1866-1953), an actress and Irish revolutionary who became a major landmark in his life and imagination. ─── 1889年叶芝遇到了一生的至爱:莫德.戈妮(1866-1953),她是一名演员,同时也是爱尔兰革命家。收藏指正

42、It is imperative that you be extremely agreeable to Great-Aunt Maud when she comes to tea: otherwise she may not leave you that million dollars in her will. ─── 莫德伯祖母来赴茶会时你一定要非常殷勤:否则她可能不会在遗嘱中把那百万美金遗赠给你。

43、The Maud Gone Caf nearby recalls his lifelong(and platonic) friendship with the poet and fellow revolutionary Maud Gonne. ─── 在附近的莫德.龚茵咖啡馆回顾叶芝与诗人及革命伴侣莫德.龚茵一生(柏拉图式)的友谊.

44、" A middle-aged man said to play cards, mahjong homes for the elderly is what administrator Maud open, when old people are living in the open, "he very good business, there are machine upstairs Ma. ─── 一玩牌的中年男子说,麻将馆是敬老院管理员何毛德开的,老人入住时就开张了,“他生意好得很,楼上还有机麻。”

45、On the Edge of Antarctica: Queen Maud Land ─── 南极洲边缘:毛德皇后地

46、Maud, a collection of short lyrics ─── 摩德抒情短歌集

47、Queen Maud Mountains ─── 莫德山脉

48、Maud Although spring is a migrant workers, but his ideological consciousness is very high, high caught us by surprise. ─── 虽然莫德春是一个农民工,但他的思想觉悟却很高,高得出乎我们的意料。”

49、Text adapted from and photo shot on assignment for, butnot published in, "On the Edge of Antarctica: Queen Maud Land,"February 1998, National Geographic magazine ─── 在南极洲的毛里皇后地,大地冰封,嶙峋的山峰穿耸而立。要知道,这些花岗岩山体我们看见的不过是冰盖(厚达1524米)上的裸露部分。

50、Queen Maud Range ─── 毛德皇后山脉(南极洲一山脉)

51、"He makes me shine, " she said. Since their 2002 wedding, Behn has settled down, becoming a proud papa to baby Maud Angelica. ─── 她说:“他让我光彩照人。”他们2002年结婚以后,贝恩安顿了下来,成了自豪的父亲,宝宝叫默德·安吉利卡。

52、Russel, Maud ─── 陆慕德

53、‘There you go again. Academic nit-picking,’ interrupted Maud. ─── “你又来了。学术上的咬文嚼字。”莫德插话说。

54、Queen Maud Land ─── 毛德皇后地(南极洲大西洋沿岸地区)

55、No, no,’ stammered Mr. Tompkins. ‘No. Of course not. Please to meet you, Maud. ─── “没,没有,”汤普金斯结结巴巴的说,“没有,当然没有。很高兴见到你,莫德。”

56、Yeats developed an obsessive infatuation with Maud Gonne's beauty and outspoken manner, and she was to have a significant and lasting effect on his poetry and his life ever after. ─── 叶芝一直以来沉醉于毛冈的美貌和率直,自从那以后,毛冈对他的诗和生活有着重要而深远的影响。

57、multi-attribute utility decomposition(MAUD) ─── 多属性实用分析程序

58、edited by Ralph Maud. ─── 作者声明: Dylan Thomas ;

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