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matriarchal 发音

[ 'metr?'ɑrkl]

英:  美:

matriarchal 中文意思翻译



matriarchal 网络释义

adj. 母系氏族的;女家长的

matriarchal 同义词

matriarchal 短语词组

1、matriarchal society ─── 母系社会; ─── 母系氏族社会

2、matriarchal bow ─── 母系弓

3、matriarchal clan society ─── 母系氏族社会

4、matriarchal societies ─── 母系社会; ─── 母系氏族社会

5、matriarchal tribes ─── 母系部落

6、matriarchal family ─── 母系家族

7、matriarchal tribe ─── 母系氏族

8、matriarchal clan ─── 母系氏族

matriarchal 词性/词形变化,matriarchal变形

形容词: matriarchal |名词: matriarchalism |

matriarchal 反义词


matriarchal 相似词语短语

1、patriarchally ─── 由族长统治地

2、matriarchate ─── n.女家长制社会;母权制时代;母系社会

3、matriarchalism ─── n.女家长;女统治者;女负责人;受人尊敬的妇女(matriarch的变形)

4、matriarchs ─── 女家长;女统治者;受人尊敬的妇女(matriarch的名词复数)

5、matriarchates ─── n.女家长制社会;母权制时代;母系社会

6、matriarch ─── n.女家长;女统治者;女负责人;受人尊敬的妇女

7、matriarchic ─── 母系的

8、matriarchy ─── n.母权制;女家长制;女族长制;母系氏族

9、patriarchal ─── adj.家长的;族长的;由族长统治的

matriarchal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It lives in a matriarchal society - there are blokes, but the birds are in charge - and it is more peaceful than the chimpanzee world. ─── 它们生活在母系社会中,当然在倭黑猩猩的世界也有雄性,但负责做主的却是雌性,可想而知,它们的世界比黑猩猩平静多了。

2、5.Their kinship system is matriarchal making the women visible on the streets of the ancient town as they attend to daily activities and chores. ─── 他们还属于母系社会,在这个古镇的路上可以看到妇女参加日常活动和处理家务杂事。

3、It"s not their original modes .Whith the development of human civilization , human society has evolved from matriarchal society to patrilineal society .So do the myth world. ─── 从人类文明的历史进程来看,人类社会经历了由母系社会到父系社会的演变过程,神话也经历了由女神神格向男神神格演化的历程。

4、Li etymology, all the words one in Altai various languages originated from food allocation which was formed under the condition of sharing food in common in matriarchal society. ─── 在词源上,阿尔泰诸语数词“一”都来源于母系社会时期共食制条件下的食物分配。

5、The mythical origin of the Gelede is said to reflect the transformation from a matriarchal society into a patriarchal society. ─── 杰莱德的神秘起源反映了从母系社会到族长制社会的转变过程。

6、The matriarchal gens has become the pivot on which the whole science turns; ─── 母权制氏族成了整个这门科学所围着旋转的轴心;

7、An elephant family is led by a matriarch, with the matriarch being the oldest and most experienced of the herd ─── 大象的家族首领由一头母象担任,她是象群内最年长和最有经验的母象。

8、Eventually,he embarasses his family,and,being a male in a matriarchal society,the penalty for that sort of thing is death. ─── 最后,他惹恼他的家族,成为了母系社会中的一名男性,对他的处罚就是死亡。

9、After I finished shooting in Baiyu, it was already half past eighteen so I have to cancel my plan to drive across Shanyan ancient matriarchal clanof the original tribal clan. ─── 在白玉放完照片已经18:30,计划穿越山岩原始父系氏族部落只能取消。

10、When most people would aim their lens at the beautiful scenery of Lugu Lake and the romance of Mosuo matriarchal clan marriages, what I thought is this society was changing. ─── 当大多数人将镜头瞄准到泸沽湖美丽的风光和摩梭母系氏族走婚的浪漫情调的时候,我想到了这是个变化中的社会。

11、In the Yellow River Basin,there is a comparatively intact site of the typical matriarchal trible. ─── 半坡遗址是黄河流域一座比较完整,比较典型的母系氏族公社和村落遗址,距今6000年左右,是我国珍贵的文化遗产。

12、An elephant family is ruled by a matriarch (older famale), and generally consist of her female offspring and their young. ─── 一个大象家族由一个女家长管理(年长的雌性),一般由她的雌性后代和年青的小象组成。

13、The matriarchal and age group organization has been the focus of much anthropological study.The exquisite Ami costumes and exotic music and dancing have received even more attention. ─── 本文以花莲南势阿美一薄薄、豆兰、里漏三社为主要研究范围,以文献资料整理,田野实地调查访谈以及织品服饰实物分析等三方进行研究。

14、Meanwhile, in the sprawling white farmhouse next door, Catherine Beatty,84, Jacob's grandmother and the matriarch of this clan, is setting out a huge homemade meal of ham, corn, milk, biscuits, macaroni, fresh fruit pie and coffee. ─── 与此同时,在隔壁随意搭建的白色农舍里,雅各布84岁的祖母凯瑟琳.贝蒂正在把自己烹制的丰盛餐点摆放到餐桌上。

15、The most severe punishment a matriarch can dispense is exile from the house. ─── 女族长所能判处的最重刑罚是流放。

16、The dying elephant -- named Eleanor by the researchers from Britain and the United States -- was first assisted by an unrelated matriarch from another family. ─── 当这位被英美两国研究人员叫做埃莉诺的大象快要死时,另一个象群中扮演“女家长”角色的年长雌象首先跑来帮助她。

17、Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed, but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished, southpaw scientists. ─── 原子科学家居里夫人不仅仅自己是左撇子,她作为女家长,他们一家子都是建树斐然的左撇子科学家。

18、Photo Gallery: Monkeys The last of the grass-grazing primates, Ethiopia's gelada monkeys live in matriarchal societies. ─── 意译:猴子的图片画廊。最后一批草放牧的灵长类动物,埃塞俄比亚的狒狒猴子生活在母系社会。

19、Also in the old time, we had a matriarchal system, like the Zulu people now. Do you still have this system here? ─── 古时候,我们是母权制度,像现在的祖鲁人一样,你们这里还有这个制度吗?

20、The matriarchal society consists of her female offspring and their young. ─── 母系氏族是由雌性后代和年轻雌性组成的。

21、Masters, it is the return of that matriarchal Society, a culture and spiritual energy of sublime balance, termed the 'Law of One'. ─── 大师们,这就是回到母系社会,一个文化和精神能量的高度平衡,被称之为「一的法则」。

22、Kerrigan:I can hardly believe this! You've killed your own matriarch! ─── 我真不敢相信!你杀了你的领导者!

23、Some were like this tortured elf, whose hatred of matriarchal rule was so bitter that he would willingly endure anything to see it end. ─── 某些卓尔,就像刚才遭受折磨的那个,极端憎恨这个女性统治的社会,愿意付出一切来看到它的结束。

24、When the matriarch dies, one of the oldest offspring takes her place ─── 当领头的母象死后,由另一头最年长的后代母象取而代之。

25、Within each house, the rule of the matriarch is law, and her rule can be harsh. ─── 在家族之内,女族长的话就是律法,她的统治也可以很严苛。

26、I can hardly believe this! You've killed your own matriarch! ─── 我难以置信。你居然杀了你的首领!

27、I was hoping that some corner of the world still retained a matriarchal system because that is the best system you could have for our planet. ─── 我希望在这个世界的某些角落还可以保留母权制度,因为这对我们世界是最好的制度。

28、Keywords Human-Nature System;Mosuo People;Matriarchal Family System;Axia Marriage;Lugu Lake; ─── 人地系统;摩梭人;母系家庭共有制;阿夏婚姻;泸沽湖;

29、in a matriarchal society in the past. ─── 应该是一个母系氏族的社会了。

30、An elephant family is ruled by a matriarch (older female), and generally consist of her female offspring and their young ─── 大象的家族是由一头年高的母象来控制的,由其生育的母象和幼象组成。

31、In Tungusic Shamanism, the creation myth with non-substituted value reflecting the three hundred goddess series of matriarchal society showed the earliest humanism. ─── 在通古斯萨满教中,反映母系氏族社会三百女神神系的创世神话,表达了人类最早的人本主义思想,在人类文化史中有不可代替的人文价值。

32、A Research on Matriarchal Society by Viewing the Survived Culture of the First and Second Stages of DaDiwan ─── 从大地湾一、二期文化遗存看我国古代母系氏族社会

33、It was produced in the matriarchal age 7000 years ago. ─── 公元500年时规范了医书的写法;

34、Miss Dan: Matriarchal Symbol of the Birth of Macao Aboriginal ─── 疍家女形象:澳门土生族群诞生的母系符号

35、The Motherly Matriarch (Mazu) cult began in the coastal areas and has lasted for one thousand years. ─── 对慈祥的妈祖女神的膜拜开始于沿海地区,并已延续了一千年。

36、Because of this, we can Yan Emperor Shen Nong China Times as primitive by the matriarchal society to patriarchal clan society, from ignorance, barbarism and civilization transition. ─── 正因为如此,我们可以把炎帝神农时代看成是中国原始社会由母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会,由蒙昧到野蛮、文明的转变时期。

37、The matriarchal society consists of her female offspring and their young ─── 大象的母系族家庭是由其生育的母象和幼象组成的。

38、In Tanzania, primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo, a troop's 50-year-old matriarch . ─── 在坦桑尼亚,原始生物学家对黑猩猩的行为进行了研究,记录了一只叫福娄的黑猩猩的死亡过程。

39、"There is something amiss here.The Matriarch has always been a wise and gentle soul.Though there is some merit in her decision, this is very unlike her. ─── “这里面有些事情不对劲. 女族长一直以来都是明智且宽容的, 虽然她的决定不无根据, 但这真的非常不像她.

40、Behold! The Matriarch has come unto us! ─── 发现密室。戴曰:小样儿,新来的吧?

41、It was almost a principle of anthropological etiquette to speak of his artificially constructed historical series -- child-murder, polygyny, marriage by capture, matriarchal family -- in tones only of profoundest respect. ─── 在原始历史学领域已经形成一种风气,只能以莫大的敬意谈论他那从杀婴经过一妻多夫制、抢劫婚姻到母权制家庭的人工编造的历史理论;

42、Generally believed that a matriarchal clan community of early end to the patriarchal clan society transitional phase, has entered advanced paternal clan society. ─── 一般认为,早期 属于母系氏族社会末期向父系氏族社会过渡阶段,中、晚期已进入父系氏族社会。

43、Mosuo matriarchal culture ─── 摩梭文化

44、Some make a moral case for their holistic vision: that children have a right to see their mothers occasionally, even if the matriarch is a lawyer. ─── 一些人声称她们的总体考虑是基于道德:就算做母亲的是律师,孩子也有偶尔看看母亲的权利。

45、The Yangshao culture is apart from now approximately five to 7000, is the matriarchal clan society's developed time. ─── 仰韶文化距今约五至七千年,是母系氏族社会的发 达时期。

46、This region was in the thriving period of Dawenkou Culture which reflects the process of transiton of matriarchal society to patriarchal society and the disintegration of primitive society. ─── 大汶口文化反映了由母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会过渡,及原始社会解体的整个过程。

47、This is not the period of transition from the matriarchal society to the patriarchal society during which there were no definite marriage relationships, as mentioned by some anthropologists. ─── 女以有夫为有家,男以妻为室为家。并非人类社会学家所论述的处于母系社会向父系社会过度时期的偶婚制,即婚姻关系不确定,男到女家的走婚或夜访婚形式。

48、A while ago some fool offered a Matriarch's Whip for sale on the black market. ─── 前面有些傻子在黑市上卖女族长的鞭子。

49、It appears in the Old Testament as Ephrat, where Rachel the beloved matriarch of the Jewish People, the favorite wife of Jacob, died during childbirth. ─── 它是作为奥发拉特而出现在旧约上,是犹太人至爱的女家长雷切尔,雅各至爱的妻子,从孩童时期一直到去世都所在的地方。

50、In the course of ancient Greek society's history development from matriarchal society to patriarchal society and to slavery society,the woment's status lowered again and again. ─── 古希腊社会经母系氏族社会到父系氏族社会再到奴隶制社会的历史发展进程中,妇女的社会地位一再降低。

51、The mythical origin of the Gelede is said to reflect the transformation from a matriarchal society into a patriarchal society. ─── 杰莱德的神秘起源反映了从母系社会到族长制社会的转变过程。

52、It is a kind of activity of community offer sacrifices, reflects the ruin breeze of the matriarchal society clan. ─── 一种群体性的祭祀活动,反映了母系氏族的遗风。

53、Maiden Javelin - Ceremonial Javelin - Matriarchal Javelin ─── 女士标枪-祭典标枪-女族长之标枪

54、" Nu Wa, the ancient Chinese are matriarchal society, a well-known tribal leaders hope the clan. ─── 女娲,是中国远古时期母系氏族社会一位很有名望的氏族部落首领。

55、Red Riding Hood entered the cottage and said, “Grandma, I have brought you some fat-free, sodium-free snacks to salute you in your role of a wise and nurturing matriarch. ─── 小红帽走进小屋说,“外婆,我来看你了。我带来了一些脱脂无钠的小吃,这能让咱家的顶级营养专家满意吧。”

56、"Earth" is the most matriarchal society female monarch. ─── “后土”,就是母系氏族社会最高的女性君王。

57、In Tanzania,primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo,a troop's 50-year-old matriarch. ─── 在坦桑尼亚,原始生物学家对黑猩猩的行为进行了研究。他们记录了一只叫福娄的黑猩猩的死亡过程。福娄是一个黑猩猩群落中年近50岁的女族长。

58、In Tanzania, primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo, a troop's 50-year-old matriarch. ─── 在坦桑尼亚,原始生物学家对黑猩猩的行为进行了研究。 他们记录了一只叫福娄的黑猩猩的死亡过程。 福娄是一个黑猩猩群落中年近50岁的女族长。

59、Village Ancient Cultural Relics of research has proved that early in the previous five thousand years ago matriarchal commune period, the ancestors on this land at Qixian thriving. ─── 对梁村古文化遗址考证证明,早在距今五千年以前的母系氏族公社时期,先民们就在祁县这块土地上繁衍生息。

60、The girls most at risk of being dedicated will have grown up in very matriarchal Devadasi communities. ─── 最有可能从事这一行业的女孩将会成长在母系神之女奴的群体中。

61、My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared matriarch of our New York family back in the 1950s. ─── 20世纪50年代我们家住在纽约,当时祖母是一家之主,也是一个令人敬畏的刁悍女人。

62、Each house consists of a bonded group of neraphim made up of several related families and one matriarch. ─── 一个家族是由几个有血缘关系的家庭组成,由一位女族长统治。

63、another for a two-story building, "Room" for young women and their "A Note" room, a matriarchal clan commune retained some characteristics of the period. ─── 另一幢二层楼房为“客房”,上为青壮年妇女与他们的“阿注”的居室,保留着母系氏族公社时期的一些特点。

64、Clan females are all related, and can trace their ancestry to a common matriarch. ─── 家族中的女性都是有亲戚关系的,而且可以追溯至一个共同女家长;

65、the matriarchal principle ─── 母性原则

66、“I was born into a family where we care about health,” said Helen An, the matriarch of the family, who is also head chef.“I learned Eastern medicine from my grandparents. ─── “我们生在一个关心健康的家庭,我从我的祖父祖母那里学会了东方药学”,海伦.安说,她现在是一家之长而且还是主厨。

67、Maiden Pike - Ceremonial Pike - Matriarchal Pike ─── 女士长矛-祭典长矛-女族长之长矛

68、The New Achievements in Feminist Anthropology and in the Study of Mosuo Matriarchal Society ─── 女性人类学与摩梭母系文化研究的新进展

69、In the transition from matriarchal society to clan society Avunculate rises the function of the bridge. ─── 在母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会转化的过程中,舅权起到了桥梁的作用。

70、DaDiwan remains is a typical one of matriarchal society during our Yangshao culture time. ─── 大地湾遗址是我国仰韶文化时期一处典型的母系氏族公社的聚落遗址。

71、Chinese sub civilization originates from line in the eight diagrams,matriarchal society and mythology. ─── 中国的亚文明时代是从爻号、母系社会、神话时代演变过来的。

72、In this process, the original crowd began to transition to the clan society, above all, the emergence and formation of matriarchal society. ─── 就在这个过程中,原始人群开始向氏族社会过渡,首先是母系氏族社会出现和形成。

73、Robyn Erbesfield is a matriarch of modern sport climbing. ─── Robyn Erbesfield是一位现代攀登运动的女族长。

74、Eh, Han Jia, they must have lived in a matriarchal society in the past. ─── 哎,韩佳, 那他们以前应该是一个母系氏族的社会了。

75、Chinese ancient times in the matriarchal society, the clan (tribal) leaders referred to as the "after. ─── 在中国远古时期的母系氏族社会,氏族(部落)的首领称为“后”。

76、She may not be much of an athlete, but according to the letter writer, this Kenniston family matriarch can "run circles around anyone twice her size and with a heart four times more full of love!" ─── 她也许离运动员的要求相去甚远,但推荐人在信中说,这位肯尼斯顿家族的家长能够“超过身材比她高一倍的任何人,而且心地无比善良”。

77、matriarchal marriage ─── 女家长主婚之婚姻

78、bemoaned Thio Su Mien, their 71-year old matriarch. ─── 她们71岁的女长辈黄嗣绵感叹说。

79、The animals live in matriarchal groups. ─── 这些动物按母系群体生活。

80、In some cases it may include one of the matriarch's sisters and her offspring as well ─── 有些情况下,有可能包括母象首领的同胞姐妹和她的子女。

81、My grandmor was an iron-willed woman, the feared matriarch of our New York family back in the 1950s. ─── 20世纪50年代我们家住在纽约,当时祖母是一家之主,也是一个令人敬畏的强悍女人。

82、They have countless tales of being held captive by the matriarch or the single women who want them to settle down. They ultimately confess to the females they are married--to their bikes. ─── 他们有无数得到女主人或单身女人的青睐,要他们定居下来的故事,但他们最后都不得不坦言相告他们结婚了一一同他们的自行车结婚了。

83、However, after the transition from Matriarchal Society into Patrilineal society, women"s social and family status slowly declined and finally became the appendage and foil of men. ─── 但自人类从母系氏族社会缓慢过渡到父系氏族社会以来,女性在社会和家庭生活中间逐渐退居次席,成为在男性主导下的父权社会的附庸与陪衬。

84、A matriarch dies and family relations are put to the test. ─── 家族中的女性长辈去世,全部成员与家族里的关系被摊开来。

85、We want the Zerg to have the Queen, the matriarch of the Zerg empire. ─── 我们希望虫族能有女王---虫族帝国的女族长。

86、The former record of Yan Emperor Shen Nong era seems to be matriarchal society, "people know his mother, not knowing his father. " ─── 前者记载炎帝神农时代好像是母系氏族社会,“人知其母,不知其父”。

87、The primitive commune is a matriarchal clan society . ─── 原始公社是一个以母系为主的氏族社会。

88、It is now the matriarch of a veritable family of Mars spacecraft. ─── 另外,火星漫游号已绕轨一年多,它会测量地下含水量并拍摄红外线影像。

89、Among the matriarchal Mosuo minority, children are raised by their mothers and maternal uncles and usually don t know their fathers. ─── 摩梭人实行母系家长制。儿童由母亲或母亲的兄弟抚养,通常他们都不知道生父是谁。

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