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10-04 投稿


metempsychosis 发音

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metempsychosis 中文意思翻译



metempsychosis 网络释义

n. 轮回;转生

metempsychosis 词性/词形变化,metempsychosis变形

名词复数: metempsychoses |

metempsychosis 相似词语短语

1、affective psychosis ─── 情感性精神病

2、metempsychosist ─── n.轮回;转生(metempsychosis的变形)

3、metapsychics ─── n.心灵研究

4、metapsychic ─── 超心理的

5、parapsychosis ─── n.思想错乱

6、metempsychoses ─── n.轮回;转生(metempsychosis的变形)

7、metamorphosis ─── n.变形;变质

8、affective psychoses ─── 情感性精神病

9、psychosis ─── n.精神病;精神错乱

metempsychosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At this moment my meeting whole body is crawly, as if in the for generations metempsychosis in the mankind, the day that saw ability of the person that become aware only is realized. ─── 这时我会全身悚然,仿佛在人类的世代轮回中,看到了一眼只有觉者才能悟到的天道。

2、Next, they believe a bit, namely " hundred years old store " be born in the metempsychosis of success and failure. ─── 其次,他们相信一点,即“百年老店”是在成功与失败的轮回中诞生的。

3、My friend told us a story of metempsychosis. ─── 我的朋友给我们讲了一个转世的故事。

4、Since 2001, liquor tax changes 3 fold, a metempsychosis is passed from start inside 4 years should return start again. ─── 自2001年起,白酒税改一波三折,四年内从起点经过一个轮回又要回到起点。

5、The sort of attrition, after the pan of time of all previous classics and metempsychosis, it is a kind of of life rare experience and experience more. ─── 那种摩擦,在历经时间的淘洗和轮回之后,更是人生的一种难得经历和体验。

6、The six paths of metempsychosis ─── 六道轮回

7、Months months, 60 years a metempsychosis. ─── 天干地支,60年一个轮回。

8、It is the situation that we can't select freely, which seems to be the essence of metempsychosis . ─── 这种无法自由选择的情况,似乎就是轮回的本质。

9、However, this round regression is not pure metempsychosis absolutely, traditional media begins to ponder over prospective growth on new level. ─── 然而,这一轮的回归绝不是单纯的轮回,传统媒体开始在新的层面上思考未来的增长。

10、If Nemesis and metempsychosis exist, SAS, pig plague, birds flu, and H5N1 virus are made of them ?Is the war a revenge ? ─── 如果说真有报应和轮回,SAS,猪瘟,禽流感,什么H5N1是报应和轮回的产物吗?

11、Thousands of Metempsychosis, make gum rosin became amber, he also by the end of that little vitality living in his Iii. ─── 千年的轮回,使松脂变成了琥珀,而他,还靠着最后的那一点点生命力活在他的第三世。

12、All people can't get ride of the property of metempsychosis. ─── 千般人等,总奈何不过这一轮回的属性。

13、1. “Metempsychosis" is a Sanskrit word which means “cycle” or “cycle of life”. ─── “轮回”是个梵文名词,意思是“轮转”或是“生命的循环”。收藏指正

14、The successor of successor, successor, generation generation is deducing the metempsychosis of life. ─── 继续者、继续者的继续者,一代代演绎着生命的轮回。

15、Dim in the existence that seems to have metempsychosis, now, the addition of the design begins to anabiosis. ─── 冥冥之中似乎有轮回的存在,现在,设计的加法开始复苏。

16、Ah, Pythogoras' metempsychosis, were that true, ─── 啊,菲弗葛累斯的灵魂转世是真的,

17、Have kind of view, after the mankind dies, meet metempsychosis. Metempsychosis is repeating bitter experience namely, forever without cease ─── 如果我死了,过很多很多年以后,会不会有和我一样思想和情感的人呢?

18、"That's metempsychosis , " said Sonya, who had been good at lessons, and remembered all she had learned. ─── “这就是灵魂的转生,”索尼娅说道,她一向学习成绩优良,什么都记得很牢。

19、Thousands of Metempsychosis, make gum rosin became amber, he also by the end of that little vitality living in his Iii. ─── 千年的轮回,使松脂变成了琥珀,而他,还靠着最后的那一点点生命力活在他的第三世。

20、The "shifting creation" in Chuang-Tzu is different from the original conception about metempsychosis, but Guo Xiang mixed them up. ─── 《庄子》中所谓的“以形相禅”已不同于原始的转生观念,郭象却把二者混为一谈。

21、If his (her) life is really the us, that is because we had the former him (her), the world of mortals metempsychosis, no dispute. ─── 如果他(她)今生真的负了我们,那是因为我们前生负了他(她),红尘轮回,无需计较。

22、3. In the cycle of metempsychosis, I attempt to change and desire to select, but nothing effects, so I have to learn how to adapt. ─── 在这轮回的流转中,我企图改变、渴望选择,当这一切无济于事时,我学会适从。收藏指正

23、This fame have a metempsychosis again. ─── 传说在花江峡谷开始了又一次轮回。

24、I couldn’t make sure who I have make an appointment with in preexistence, for I have lost all my memory in metempsychosis. ─── 我不知道在前世已经和谁缘定今生? 在轮回中,我遗失了所有的记忆。但是我敢肯定,我有一个如梦的誓言!

25、Angel has crowd of lines to have to go to the metempsychosis the soul. ─── 天使带著一群排队要去投胎的灵魂。

26、"Metempsychosis" is a Sanskrit word which means "cycle" or "cycle of life". ─── “轮回”是个梵文名词,意思是“轮转”或是“生命的循环”。

27、Process of this one metempsychosis, reflection gave the 9 big change of lukewarm state economy. ─── 这一轮回过程,折射出了温州经济的九大变化。

28、This ritualized novel is much like a melodrama, poem or song, managing with ease to sketch out the nature of life in the constant metempsychosis in which the divinity usually hides. ─── 仪式化的小说像戏,像诗,也像歌,举重若轻地勾画出无休止的生死锁链中生命的本然情态。此种情态往往潜隐着神性。

29、This job gives Zhu Min the biggest gains is, before letting him see 30 be in China for years never the way of business life metempsychosis that experience lives. ─── 这份工作给朱敏最大的收获是,让他看到了前30多年在中国从未见识过的企业生命轮回方式。

30、Is life true can metempsychosis? ─── 生命真的能轮回吗?

31、So the history always repeats ceaselessly, the big fight of the software that reduce toxin that performs around sale channel is in every year it seems that metempsychosis. ─── 所以历史总是不断地重复,围绕销售渠道而上演的杀毒软件大战似乎每年都在轮回。

32、He laughs to resemble a rascal, not be actually, so I always call him " mix child " , never know hit understanding to be hit again unfamiliar, a metempsychosis, go very tiredly however. ─── 他笑起来像个坏蛋,其实不是,所以我总叫他“混子”,从不认识打到认识再打到陌生,一个轮回,却走得很累。

33、2.Once we have been kept in the cycle of life and death involuntarily, we are in metempsychosis. ─── 只要我们不自主的被囚禁在生死的循环里,就是在轮回之中。

34、attentively to this piece of fairy song--metempsychosis of water. ─── 注意地到这首仙女歌--水的转生。

35、Metempsychosis, he said, frowning. It's Greek: from the Greek. hat means the transmigration of souls. ─── 他皱着眉头说,“这是个希腊字眼儿,从希腊文来的,意思就是灵魂的转生。”

36、Dim in the existence that seems to have metempsychosis , now, the addition of the design begins to anabiosis. ─── 冥冥之中似乎有轮回的存在,现在,设计的加法开始复苏。

37、In the Buddhism idea of six metempsychosis, preexistence hatred was achieved in the secular, while the revenger may change to some animals. ─── 在“六道轮回”的佛教理念中,前世仇怨可在今世雪报,而报仇的复仇主体可能转世为某种动物。

38、In the cycle of metempsychosis, I attempt to change and desire to select, but nothing effects, so I have to learn how to adapt. ─── 在这轮回的流转中,我企图改变、渴望选择,当这一切无济于事时,我学会适从。

39、It is the situation that we can't select freely, which seems to be the essence of metempsychosis. ─── 这种无法自由选择的情况,似乎就是轮回的本质。

40、You are fountain of the metempsychosis on the golden string. ─── 你是轮回的清泉,在金色的玄线上。

41、“That's metempsychosis,” said Sonya, who had been good at lessons, and remembered all she had learned. ─── “这就是灵魂的转生,”索尼娅说道,她一向学习成绩优良,什么都记得很牢。

42、Metempsychosis" is a Sanskrit word which means "cycle" or "cycle of life". ─── 轮回”是个梵文名词,意思是“轮转”或是“生命的循环”。

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