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10-03 投稿


stonework 发音

英:['st??nw??k]  美:['ston'w?k]

英:  美:

stonework 中文意思翻译



stonework 短语词组

1、coursed stonework ─── 粗石工

stonework 词性/词形变化,stonework变形

名词: stoneworker |

stonework 相似词语短语

1、stop-work ─── 停工;制挡机件

2、to network ─── 到网络

3、stoneware ─── n.瓷器;石器

4、stoneborer ─── n.石蛏属动物

5、stonehorse ─── 石马

6、stoneworker ─── n.石工;石匠

7、stonewort ─── n.车轴藻类的植物;轮藻纲植物

8、stockwork ─── n.[地质]网状脉;非定制品

9、stoneworts ─── n.车轴藻类的植物;轮藻纲植物

stonework 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"I see you are admiring the stonework of the inn," he said."It is a native art.One pull of the keystone and the whole wall comes tumbling down. ─── “你们一定对这石头墙壁很感兴趣吧,”老板说,“这是当地的一种艺术,只要拿掉主石块,整个墙壁就会倒塌。”

2、For example: The main construction of the object for many earthwork, stonework, concrete, metal structure and mechanical and electrical equipment installation projects; ─── 例如:主要施工对象多为土方、石方、混凝土、金属结构和机电设备安装等项目;

3、natural stonework ─── 天然石砌筑

4、Research on Detection of Earthwork and Stonework in Complex Site with Comprehensive Exploration Means ─── 综合勘探手段在复杂场地土石方检测中的应用研究

5、crumbling stonework ─── 不断破裂的石制建筑

6、Experts blamed algae growing on the stonework - and it was closed for five months at the start of 2005 for further work. ─── 2005年,专家又因喷泉石上长有苔藓需加以维护改进为由,再次将喷泉关闭了5个月。

7、It is believed that Buckingham Palace is among the buildings where some stonework is in a poor state of repair. ─── 据信,白金汉宫是石造部分急需修缮的建筑之一。

8、The restored stonework melds beautifully with the original architecture. ─── 修复的石雕部份和原始建筑相得益彰。

9、What a harmonious and inviting place to live. The design details and craftsmanship of the execution are extraordinary. Even the pattern of the stonework is engaging. ─── 这是一个多么和谐和有魅力的地方。设计的细部与制作工艺都是非凡的,甚至采用了石雕技术。

10、Key points: when transportation distance of earthwork and stonework is in 100, construct by bulldozers. ─── 方案要点:土石方运距在100米以内采用推土机施工;

11、Wether the earthwork and stonework computation is correct or not directly affects the road investment and computation of technological and economical programes in road construction. ─── 本文对路基土石方工程设计现状及存在的问题进行分析,提出如何准确、规范的进行土石方数量的计算与调配的具体方法。

12、People from around the world flock to Machu Picchu to admire its stonework and interesting architecture - and ponder the unknowns. ─── 从世界各地来的人们蜂拥至马丘比丘来欣赏它的石艺和有趣的建筑,思考未解之事。

13、vermicular (or vermiculated) stonework ─── 虫蛀形石雕工艺

14、The stonework used to fill Subgrade.Their intensity, particulate diameter and the extending scale should meet the design and procurement document’s technology requirement. ─── 路堤填筑所用石料强度、粒径及摊铺层厚满足设计及招标文件技术规范要求。

15、The Flemish centre of old Lille, with its cobbled streets and gilt-edged stonework, has been scrubbed up; ─── 在古老里尔城市的弗拉芒中心,鹅卵石铺就的街道和品质上等的石雕被清洗一新。

16、Acid rain and polluted air also damage the bricks and stonework of buildings, and corrode the metalwork of steel bridges and railings. ─── 酸雨和被污染的大气还会侵蚀建筑物的砖块和石造的部分,腐蚀钢制桥梁和铁轨的金属部分。

17、crafted with extremely fine stonework. ─── 经过那座小屋之后,你会看见举行仪式用的浴池,再过去则是太阳神庙,以极为精致的石工所造。

18、Excavation and Fiu of Stonework of High Grade Highway in Mountainous and Hiuy Terrain ─── 山岭重丘区高等级公路石方开挖与填筑

19、Monumental stonework and fireplaces big enough to parallel park Lincoln Town Cars in. ─── 纪念碑一样的石雕作品和壁炉,大得可以并排停下好几辆大林肯车。

20、twenty hundred cubic metres of stonework ─── 两万石方

21、Error Analysis of Measurement of Earthwork and Stonework Quantities in Dredging and Damming Works of Channel ─── 航道疏浚筑坝土石方计量的误差分析


23、The stonework stands out from the rest of the wall. ─── 墙上的石工部分突出。

24、He did the pointing in the stonework himself. ─── 他自己做了石结构的勾缝。

25、It shows where the dwarves got their skill in stonework, but judging by Ulduar they're still a long way from matching their creators. ─── 这里的石雕可以解释矮人们为什么天生就是雕刻大师,但和奥达尔的石刻建筑比较起来,矮人们的技艺离他们的造物主还有相当大的一段距离。

26、the amount of earthwork and stonework ─── 土石方数量

27、interference stonework ─── 干扰石方

28、After passing the hut, you will find the ceremonial baths and just past them the Temple of the Sun, crafted with extremely fine stonework. ─── 穿过小屋,你会找到举行仪式的浴池,经过它们,就是太阳神庙,它以极其精湛的石艺建造。

29、Continue on the winding city paths that take you past its 170+ other buildings with more examples of fine stonework. ─── 继续沿着城中蜿蜒的小路前行,你会经过170多座其它的建筑,展示更多的精湛的石艺。

30、random stonework ─── 乱砌石工

31、Evidence of this influence can be seen in the expensive stonework throughout the city, and the people's pride in their home town. ─── 此种影响力,可从遍布全城的华丽建筑和居民们对城市的由衷自豪,充分得到佐证。

32、To the east, the tower of St. Vincent's rises into sky, red and fragile, its stonework as delicate as veins of a leaf. ─── 东面圣文森大教堂单薄的红色塔楼耸入半空,它的石头构造像叶脉一样纤细。

33、Quality Control of Stonework in Expressway Construction ─── 高速公路施工中砌石工程的质量控制

34、They were swarming around the stonework near the roof of the garage. ─── 它们靠近石造物的住宅汽车库被蜂群环绕。

35、This means there's no grainy, or realistic quality to the stonework. ─── 这意味着,有没有粒状,或现实的质量向石方。

36、Continue on the winding city paths that take you past its 170 other buildings with more examples of fine stonework. ─── 继续沿着蜿蜒的城中小径前行,便会经过另外一百七十余座建筑,展示更多精致的石工。

37、Close inspection shows up the cracks in the stonework. ─── 仔细观察就能发现这石雕中有裂缝.

38、Scaffolding covers crumbling stonework; ─── 脚手架覆盖着破碎的石制品;

39、anchoring of stonework ─── 石作锚定

40、For example, this beautiful log cabin home in Canada features surround sound speakers that are built into the stonework of the home. ─── 比如,这个坐落于加拿大的漂亮原木小屋,它的环绕立体声扬声器是被装进家中的石墙里的。

41、Dating back over 500 years, the Chapel features Scotland’s finest examples of medieval stonework and has been described as a ‘Tapestry in Stone’. ─── 500多年以来,罗斯林教堂一直是苏格兰中世纪石刻建筑中的瑰宝。

42、a piece of stonework ─── 一件石雕工艺品 [石制品]

43、The stonework of the tower was crumbling,and the great clock had fallen into disrepair. ─── 这座高塔的石建部分已经开始瓦解,而那座大钟早已破损了。

44、cyclopean stonework ─── 蛮石工程

45、In many cases, stonework displayed out - of - doors has undergone serious deterioration because of a number of factors. ─── 梅园石质文物由于多处于露天展示状态,在多种因素的共同作用下,病害状况较严重。

46、The answer in the exhibition is that, as a young man, Palladio excelled at carving decorative stonework on columns, doorways and fireplaces. ─── 本次展览会给出了答案,帕拉第奥年青的时候就擅长于柱子、门框和壁炉的石雕。

47、The stonework blasting of this contract uses construction program that combine blasting deep hole and smooth blasting. ─── 本合同段石方爆破采用深孔控制爆破和光面爆破相结合的施工方案。

48、one million cubic metres of stonework ─── 一百万石方

49、Chengdu Fumeilai Stonework Co., Ltd is a high-tech professional supplier devoted to R&D, design, production, sales and service in connection to artificial stonework. ─── 成都福美来石材有限公司是一家专注于人造文化石研发、设计、生产、销售和服务为一体的专业化高新技术企业。

50、The Houses of Parliament are built from a mix of asparagus, green beans and runner beans which are mixed with baby sweetcorn to depict the intricate stonework. ─── 工艺师们使用芦笋、青豆、红花菜豆,再混以甜玉米生动刻画了英国国会大厦这座错综复杂的石砌建筑。

51、A stunning example of how the landscape can complement the architecture without being a slave to it. The colors, distinctive detailing, and striking stonework are beautifully appropriate to the site. ─── 这一项目有力的证明了景观可以为建筑添彩而不是作为建筑的附属。极美的颜色,与众不同的细节,精益的石雕工艺都与场地完美的结合。

52、earthwork and stonework ─── 土石方

53、The theoretical formula by cross-area method for measurement of earthwork and stonework quantities in dredging and damming works with trapezium cross section is derived. ─── 推导了梯形横断面的航道疏浚和筑坝工程采用断面面积法进行土石方计量的理论公式,通过误差分析,得出现行计算公式存在理论正误差,提出了减少计量误差措施。

54、The color stonework was the ancient times civilization record. ─── 彩石制品是古代文明的记录。

55、I scuffed the heel of my shoe on the stonework. ─── 我的鞋跟儿给铺好的石头磨坏了。

56、Inquiring into working out quota of volume of stonework excavating from tunnel ─── 对编制石方洞挖定额的一点探讨

57、A structure of stonework, cement, or other material built to retain a flow of water. ─── 堤为阻止水流而以石头、水泥或其他建筑材料建造的建筑物

58、e.g. the committee are currently getting estimates for repairs to the stonework. ─── 委员会目前正在为石制部分的修复估价。

59、Stonework layout man ─── 采石划线工

60、We provide facade consulting services for all types of exterior wall systems, including; custom curtain wall, glass wall, skylights, exterior stonework, masonry and precast concrete. ─── 我们提供所有形式的外面墙体系统的咨询服务,包括设计幕墙,玻璃墙,天窗,石头和砌块外墙,以及预制混凝土板外墙。

61、I really enjoy walking across those old bridges and taking photos of the stonework and people washing their clothes in the canals. ─── 在这些古老的桥梁间穿行,拍拍石街和在河里洗衣物的人的照片,对于我来说是一种真正的享受。

62、Wood screens and rough stonework are also used on the main facades.The program includes facilities for VIP guests, corporate events, dining, offices and golfers. ─── 建筑立面以现代中式为主要风格,既能体现古典苏式建筑之典雅神韵又不失现代建筑的简洁之美。

63、Stonework or brickwork. ─── 石建筑或砖建筑

64、(in carpentry and stonework)tool for making such edges ─── (木匠和石匠用的)斜角规.

65、Not even the upper section of the lighthouse was working right.The ropes had been tampered with and some of them, instead of pulling the plates, pulled down sections of stonework. ─── 不仅上面的部分不能正常运作,一些绳子也被动过手脚,其中一些绳子不再是拉动板子,而是拉动横梁。

66、A first Christian church was built on the site as early as the 4th Century. You can see part of its patterned stonework floor. ─── 早在公元四世纪,这里建起了第一座基督教堂。你可以看到它部份拼花石制地板。

67、stonework road cutting ─── 石方路堑

68、1. The stonework of the tower was crumbling, and the great clock had fallen into disrepair . ─── 钟楼的石头框架摇摇欲坠,那座大钟也已年久失修。

69、Marine Pipeline Route Deployment and Calculation of Cubic Metre of Stonework in Reef Region ─── 礁石区海底管道的路由布置及石方计算

70、All the inside of the house was cedar-wood, ornamented with designs of buds and flowers; no stonework was to be seen inside. ─── 18殿里一点石头都不显露、一概用香柏木遮蔽,上面刻著野瓜和初开的花。

71、Parliament are built from a mix of asparagus, green beans and runner beans which are mixed with baby sweetcorn to depict the intricate stonework. ─── 英国国会大厦是由芦笋、青豆和红花菜豆与甜玉米混合而成,以描绘复杂的石雕。

72、An ornamental device, as in stonework or weaving, consisting of stylized vine leaves and tendrils. ─── 螺层一种含有很风格化的藤叶和卷须的装饰结构,如石制品或纺织品上

73、Design in the style of a Spanish palace, handmade tiles, stonework and ceramics were used throughout ? ─── 西班牙宫殿风格,手工瓷砖,石雕和陶艺贯穿整个设计?

74、The trespasser sat on the stonework ledge of the balcony and looked out, beyond the bailey, beyond thehillock, and beyond the ringed hills. ─── 闯入者倚在阳台的石质护栏上向外望去,目光穿越居民区,穿越小丘,穿越群山。月光寂静无声,群山也像是摒住了呼吸,等待着他。

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