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10-04 投稿


migraine 发音

英:[?ma?ɡre?n]  美:['ma?ɡren]

英:  美:

migraine 中文意思翻译



migraine 网络释义

n. [内科] 偏头痛n. (Migraine)人名;(法)米格雷纳

migraine 短语词组

1、migraine mv ─── 偏头痛mv

2、fulgurating migraine ─── [医] 闪电状偏头痛

3、butterbur for migraine mayo clinic ─── 巴特伯偏头痛梅奥诊所

4、red migraine ─── [医] 脸红偏头痛

5、retinal migraine ─── 视网膜偏头痛

6、vestibular migraine ─── 前庭性偏头痛

7、abdominal migraine ─── [医] 腹型偏头痛

8、migraine equivalent ─── [医]偏头痛的等位发作

9、white migraine ─── [医] 脸白偏头痛

10、ocular migraine symptoms ─── 偏头痛症状

11、ophthalmoplegic migraine ─── [医] 眼肌麻醉性 ─── [周期性]偏头痛

12、migraine aura ─── [医]偏头痛先兆:偏头痛伴随的视觉、运动或精神改变、感觉异常及其他神经异常

13、migraine variant ─── 偏头痛变体

14、ophthalmic migraine ─── [医] 眼型偏头痛

15、basilar migraine ─── 基底部偏头痛

16、ocular migraine ─── [医] 眼型偏头痛

17、epithetic migraine ─── 上感偏头痛

18、migraine treatments ─── 偏头痛治疗

19、optic migraine ─── 视性偏头痛

migraine 词性/词形变化,migraine变形

形容词: migrainous |

migraine 相似词语短语

1、migraineur ─── n.偏头痛患者

2、moraine ─── n.冰碛石;n.(Moraine)人名;(法)莫雷纳

3、migrant ─── n.(为工作)移居者;候鸟;流动季节工;adj.有迁徙习性的

4、migraineurs ─── n.偏头痛患者

5、Igraine ─── n.伊格赖因(英国亚瑟王传奇中的母后)

6、migraines ─── n.[内科]偏头痛(migraine复数)

7、graine ─── n.棱纹塔夫绸;蚕卵

8、migrating ─── v.迁移;迁徙;移居(migrate的ing形式)

9、migrate ─── vi.移动;随季节而移居;移往;vt.使移居;使移植

migraine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Migraine sufferers should avoid factors such as alcohol, lack of sleep and foods that are known to cause attacks. ─── 偏头痛患者应该避免诸如酒精,睡眠不足和引起头痛的食物。

2、Since then, several studies have evaluated botulinum toxin as a migraine preventative. ─── 在这之后,数项研究都评定肉毒杆菌毒素是一种偏头痛预防药物。

3、Of 620 current migraineurs, 31% had migraine with aura, 64% had migraine without aura, and 5% were unclassified. ─── 在620位偏头痛病患中,31%是有前兆的偏头痛、64%是没有前兆的、另有5%无法分类;

4、The treatment of migraine begins with simple painkillers for headache and anti-emetics for nausea, and avoidance of triggers if present. ─── 偏头痛的治疗开始只能用一些平常的止痛药来缓解疼痛,或者是一些止吐药。

5、Once the headache is over, the Migraine attack may or may not be over. ─── 头痛期结束后,偏头痛发作结束或者还没结束。

6、The prodrome may be considered to be the Migraineur's “yellow light,” a warning that a Migraine is imminent. ─── 前驱期被认为是偏头痛的“黄灯”--偏头痛即将发作的警告。

7、Many migrain migraine sufferers say , hot weather and low barometric pressure can add act as riggerstriggers. ─── 一些偏头痛患者说高温及低压力也能引起偏头痛。

8、Does earlier headache response equate to earlier return to functioning in patients suffering from migraine? ─── 偏头痛患者的头痛反应越早是否意味着功能恢复越早?

9、It can treat headache, which is due to wind cold type of cold, migraine, and trigeminal neuralgia effectively. ─── 头痛的病因复杂。本品对风寒感冒性头痛、偏头痛、三叉神经痛有一定的效果,

10、Migraine and head thrombosis, do not have commonly causal, but the migraine that breaks out repeatedly is occurrent also head thrombosis. ─── 偏头痛和脑血栓形成,一般没有因果关系,但反复发作的偏头痛也偶然发生脑血栓形成。

11、In reality, a Migraine (often called a "Migraine attack") consists of far more. ─── 事实上,偏头痛发作包含很多内容。

12、It's important to note that not every Migraineur (a person with Migraine disease) experiences all four phases. ─── 但并非每个偏头痛患者都经历四个阶段。

13、About 90 per cent of migraine sufferers have their first attack before they are 40. ─── 大约百分之九十的偏头痛患者在40岁之前第一次发作。

14、What might trigger migraine? ─── 什么会引起偏头痛?

15、A migraine headache can cause disabling puling pain. ─── 偏头痛能引起无法控制的疼痛。

16、With migraine compared to stocks funds, bond funds produced slightly less transcript. ─── 与偏股型基金相比,债券型基金交出的成绩单略为逊色。

17、The participants kept a daily migraine diary and proided the study team with an early morning urine sample each day. ─── 受试者对每日发生偏头痛的情况进行记录,并将每日清晨的尿样提供给研究小组。

18、Very tight deadlines can be broken just by waking up to a strong migraine. ─── 绷得很紧的截止日期总是容易破灭,一个头痛就可以摧毁一切。

19、The longitudinal association between migraine and cognitive changes was assessed by generalized estimating equations. ─── 在偏头痛和非偏头痛患者之间的纵向关联由普通估计方程来评估。

20、A big clue was that even some of the blind migraine victims avoid light. ─── 其中的重要线索是,有些失明的偏头痛患者居然也害怕光线。

21、What medicine has compared migraine? ─── 偏头痛什么药比较好?

22、Does migraine break out period should the patient do classics skull much general to strap an examination? ─── 偏头痛发作期的患者要做经颅多普勒检查吗?

23、Migraine Headaches: Cleanse, Natto &Propolis. ─── 偏头痛:果汁,纳豆,蜂胶。

24、Hemiplegia migraine is clinical and scarce, have send out gender and familial transmissibility two kinds. ─── 偏瘫型偏头痛临床少见,有散发性和家族遗传性两类。

25、This article reviews the epidemiology and pathophysiology of migraine headache and patent foramen ovale(PFO),and the impact of PFO closure on migraine. ─── 回顾偏头痛和卵圆孔未闭的发病情况和病理生理学机制,以及经导管封堵卵圆孔未闭对偏头痛的影响,评价其应用价值。

26、What are the typical features of migraine? ─── 偏头痛有哪些特点?

27、Migraine common says to slant head wind, western medicine says " hemal sex has a headache " . ─── 偏头痛俗称偏头风,西医称“血管性头痛”。

28、According to Dr. Selwyn Dexter, breathing into an ordinary paper bag can get rid of migraine headaches caused by hyperventilation. ─── 博士说,对着一个普通的纸袋子呼吸能消除因剧烈呼吸而产生的偏头痛。

29、Migraine free after the age of 30. ─── 偏头痛在30岁后缓解。

30、Migraine and obesity are associated in several ways. ─── 偏头痛和肥胖在多个方面存在联系。

31、How can migraine just alleviate quickly? ─── 偏头痛怎样才能快速缓解啊?

32、In order to determine what your particular triggers are, I recommend keeping a migraine diary. ─── 为了找到属于你的特殊触发器,我建议你做一个偏头痛日记。

33、Most people suffering from migraine are aware that different foods, such as cheese, chocolate, wine or citrus fruits, can cause the attacks. ─── 大多人意识到偏头痛发作的原因来自不同的食物,比如干酪,巧克力,葡萄酒或者柑橘类水果。

34、Does Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale as a Treatment for Migraine with Aura? ─── - 卵圆孔未闭的封堵治疗是先兆性偏头痛的选择吗?

35、But exactly why does bright light hurt the migraine sufferer? ─── 但明亮的光线到底为什么会让偏头痛患者难受?

36、For every increase of 5 degrees celcius Celsius in air temperature, the patients had a 7. 055% higher risk of migraine. ─── 他们发现温度每提升5摄氏度,病人就有7.5%的风险患上偏头痛。

37、Migraine when what drug to take? ─── 偏头痛的时候吃什么药?

38、"People are still arguing whether weather in fact really influences migraine headaches. ─── “人们仍在争论天气是否真会引起周期性偏头痛。

39、A separate study has found that age, geder gender and where a person has extra body effect fat may effect affect the risk of migraine. ─── 另一项分开的研究已经发现年龄,产生和人的身体上拥有额外脂肪的地方可能影响患偏头痛的机率。

40、The typical migraine headache is one-sided and pulsating, lasting 4 to 72 hours. ─── 典型的偏头痛是头的一边,有节奏的疼痛,持续4-72小时。

41、No, "replied the new salesman." He actually came in for a bottle of aspirin for his wife's migraine. ─── 不,"刚来的销售员回答,"事实上他的妻子偏头痛,他是为她买瓶阿斯匹林的。

42、Triptans are a major step foreward in migraine therapy. ─── 偏头痛药物治疗以曲普坦类为主。

43、"Functional arterial properties are altered in patients with migraine of recent onset," the authors conclude. ─── 作者结论说,偏头痛的早期病人功能性动脉性质是可以改变的。

44、TCD in migraine with and without aura. ─── 典型偏头痛和普通型偏头痛TCD检查对照研究

45、The groovy examination of migraine patient cerebrospinal fluid is normal normally, usually the lymphocyte of cerebrospinal fluid but heighten. ─── 偏头痛病人脑脊液的常规检查通常是正常的,一般情况下脑脊液的淋巴细胞可增高。

46、Sumatriptan Normalizes the Migraine Attack-Related Increase in Brain Serotonin Synthesis. ─── 偏头痛患者的5-TH浓度有哪些变化?

47、She said the ability to study, play sport, work and een enjoy a social life could be compromised by migraine symptoms. ─── 她指出学习能力、体育运动、工作以及享受社会生活都必须让步与偏头痛。

48、What consequence can migraine cause? ─── 偏头痛会导致什么后果?

49、ROSHI training may reduce the number and severity of migraine headaches by promoting resilience and flexibility. ─── Roshi训练可以通过提高大脑机动性和弹性减少偏头痛的次数和强度。

50、What symptom does migraine have? Does the cause that cause have those? ─── 偏头痛有什么症状?引起的原因有那些?

51、On exploratory analysis, excluding 2 outliers, the implant group demonstrated a greater reduction in total migraine headache days (P=0.027). ─── 在探索性分析,除外2极端值,手术组证实可显著减少整个地偏头痛天数(P=0.027)。

52、You sound as if you've got another migraine coming on. ─── 你好象又犯了偏头疼。

53、A migraine headache can cause deathly disabling pain.People may not feel back to normal for hours or even days. ─── 偏头痛引起的疼痛会使人不能正常行动,患者可能会数小时甚至数日都都无法恢复正常。

54、These symptoms are particularly associated with migraine headaches. ─── 这些症状尤其与偏头痛相关联。

55、Mechanisms and Applications of Migraine Treated by External Therapy of Chinese Medicine. ─── 中药外治治疗偏头痛临床应用及机理。

56、Do you know anyone who suffers from migraine headaches? ─── 你认识患偏头疼的人吗?

57、Mammary love is painful, inappetence, what reason is loving migraine? ─── 乳房爱痛,食欲不振,爱偏头痛是什么原因?

58、On the night of the masked ball, a woman developed a migraine and told her husband to go alone. ─── 在一个化装舞会上,一位女士的偏头痛发作,便告诉她丈夫自己先回去了。

59、A migraine headache can cause disabling pain. ─── 偏头痛能使人不能正常行动。

60、She rubbed her forehead with her hand and thought of her terrible migraine headache, brought on by all this packing. ─── 她用手揉着额头,因为拼凑那些东西带给她的回忆让她很头痛。

61、Population-based data on the relationship between PFO and migraine are sparse, however. ─── 但是尚罕见以人群为基础的资料研究PFO和偏头痛的关系。

62、Diet may hold the clue to the causes of migraine. ─── 饮食习惯有可能揭示偏头痛的起因。

63、Clinical Course in Migraine: Conceptualizing Migraine Transformation. ─── 偏头痛会发生哪些病理演变?

64、A migraine headache can cause disabling pain. People may not feel back to normal for hours or even days. ─── 偏头痛可以引起致残性疼痛。患者也许会感觉数小时甚至数日都无法恢复正常。

65、Migraine can be treated either with specific drugs, the triptans and ergot alkaloids, or with NSAIDs. ─── 偏头痛治疗包括曲普坦类和麦角胺类特效药和非甾体类止痛药。

66、Impacting the head and neck with waterfall to promote blood circulation, remove tinnitus and migraine and keep slim. ─── 以落差形成的瀑布冲击头、等部位,可起到促进血液循环,消除耳鸣、头松弛瘦身的作用。

67、Second, migraine with aura, as obesity, seems to be a risk factor for cardiovascular events. ─── 其次,有先兆偏头痛和肥胖都是心血管事件的危险因素。

68、As noted earlier, not all Migraine attacks include all phases. ─── 先前的研究发现,并非所有的偏头痛发作都包含所有阶段。

69、Do Parents Play A Role In Their Kids'Migraine Pain? Study: How Much Headache Pain Is Genetic, How Much Is Mimicked? ─── 孩子的偏头痛与父母有关?研究:多少头痛与遗传有关,多少是假性头痛?

70、Migraine? I thought you had food poisoning. ─── 偏头痛?不是食物中毒吗?

71、How does migraine have good remedial method. How is operation cure treated. Hope expert replies, thanked. ─── 偏头痛怎么有良好的治疗方法。手术治疗是怎么治疗的。希望专家回答,谢谢了。

72、No, "replied the new salesman. " He actually came in for a bottle of aspirin for his wife's migraine. ─── 不,“刚来的销售员回答,”事实上他的妻子偏头痛,他是为她买瓶阿斯匹林的。

73、The remedial method of migraine? ─── 偏头痛的治疗方法?

74、A separate study has found that age, gender and where a person has extra body fat may affect the risk of migraine. ─── 另外还有一个研究发现,年龄、性别以及人体的肥胖部位都可能影响偏头痛的患病机率。

75、The presence of migraine attacks, especially migraine with aura, was the major predictor for these associations. ─── 偏头痛发作,尤其是有先兆的偏头痛,是主要的预测因素。

76、It's no wonder, then, that trying to have a quality relationship with a man can be the best way to bring on a migraine. ─── 所以难怪,想跟男人建立良好关系,根本就是引发偏头痛的最佳途径。

77、Migraine headaches can usually be attributed to some triggering event such as a particular food or stress. ─── 偏头痛经常归因于一些触发事件,比如某种特定的食物。

78、Only three found that having an orgasm made their migraine worse. ─── 只有三个人发现高潮会让她们头疼的更厉害。

79、A woman in Plymouth, England, had a migraine so powerful that it replaced her British accent with a Chinese one, the Daily Mail reported. ─── 据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国普利茅斯一位女子因偏头痛严重,竟然导致口音中带有中国味。

80、I'm getting a migraine. ─── 我得了偏头痛。

81、Migraine headaches are most common among young adults and middle-aged people. ─── 偏头痛在年轻人和中年人当中是很普遍的。

82、She worked at relieving stress and learned what helps when she feels a migraine coming on: ice packs, a dark room and relaxation. ─── 她练习纾压,也学习在感觉偏头痛即将来袭的时候采用若干方法减轻症状:冰敷、待在昏暗的房间,还有放松。

83、A migraine is a throbbing, intense headache in one half of the head. It can affect people of all ages. The cause of migraine is not known. ─── 偏头痛是脑袋一边感到悸动,强烈的头痛。它影响不同年龄段的人群。导致偏头痛的原因尚前未知。

84、According to Dr.Selwyn Dexter, breathing into an ordinary paper bag can get rid of migraine headaches caused by hyperventilation. ─── Selwyn Dexter博士说,对着一个普通的纸袋子呼吸能消除因剧烈呼吸而产生的偏头痛。

85、A megrim migraine headache can cause disease , people disabling pain. ─── 偏头痛会导致疼痛消失,人们可能在几小时甚至数天内无法恢复正常。

86、Rizatriptan is an effective drug used in treating migraine with tolerable side effect. ─── 利扎曲坦是一种治疗偏头痛的有效药物,耐受性好,不良反应轻。

87、Migraine headaches were diagnosed according to modified criteria of the International Headache Society. ─── 偏头痛患者的诊断标准来自国际头痛协会的改良标准。

88、A sensation,as of a cold breeze or a bright light,that precedes the onset of certain disorders,such as an epileptic seizure or an attack of migraine. ─── 先兆某种失调疾病,如癫痫病或偏头痛发病前出现的感觉,如发冷或脸色发红。

89、ACE D/I Polymorphism, Migraine, and Cardiovascular Disease in Women. ─── 偏头痛患者ACE基因D/I多态性与心血管事件的关系。

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