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10-04 投稿


newmarket 发音

英:[?nju??mɑ?k?t]  美:[?nu?mɑrk?t]

英:  美:

newmarket 中文意思翻译



newmarket 短语词组

1、newmarket office furniture ─── 新市场办公家具

2、newmarket cough ─── 新市场的咳嗽

3、newmarket high school ─── 新市场高中

4、newmarket ontario weather ─── 安大略省新市场天气

newmarket 相似词语短语

1、the market ─── 市场

2、downmarket ─── adj.面向低收入人消费者的,低档的,价廉质次的;adv.面向低收入消费者地,低档品市场地

3、remarket ─── vi.重新上市

4、demarket ─── v.劝消费者不买

5、newmarkets ─── n.女式长大衣;赶新市(一种玩法筒单的纸牌戏)

6、near-market ─── 临近市场

7、Newmarket ─── n.纽马克特(英格兰东南部城市)

8、antimarket ─── 反市场

9、nonmarket ─── 非市场性质;非市场化;非市场型

newmarket 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、MY Healthcare Newmarket opened in 1998 and employs 70 staff. ─── ”我的保健纽马克于1998年启用,雇用70名工作人员。

2、of the race -track) at Newmarket is soft today. ─── 今天纽马基特的跑道湿软。

3、Can you remember anything useful?Like the 3:30 winner at Newmarket? ─── |有没有记得比较有用的事? 像是纽马克三点半那场比赛哪一方赢?

4、MY Healthcare Newmarket opened in 1998 and employs 70 staff. ─── 我的保健纽马克于1998年启用,雇用70名工作人员。

5、The Quest Newmarket hotel is located in Auckland, New Zealand. ─── Mount Eden -配有 免费早餐 的酒店:Location.

6、newmarket cough ─── 刚产犊母牛

7、Are you going to race your horse at Newmarket next week? ─── 你要让你的马参加下周在纽马克特的赛马会吗?

8、Dartie, who had travelled to Newmarket the night before, arrayed himself in spotless checks ─── 达尔弟头一天夜里就赶到纽马开,穿了一身整洁的格子呢衣服。

9、The Newmarket Stakes is always a popular race. ─── 纽马基特赛马总是吸引很多人。

10、All of our producers, Brad, Clark, Meagan, Mark, Donald, Sammy Lee, everybody at Media8, Bob and everybody at Newmarket, thank you so much for working so hard on this film. ─── 我们的所有制片人,布拉德、拉克、根、克、纳、米-李,以及所有在“媒体8”工作的人,鲍博和所有在新市场工作的人,非常感谢你们在这部电影上所付出的努力!

11、All of our producers, Brad, Clark, Meagan, Mark, Donald, Sammy Lee, everybody at Media 8, Bobeverybody at Newmarket, thank you sofor working so hard on this film. ─── 的制片人,布拉德、克拉克、马根、马克、唐纳、萨米-李,以及在“8”工作的人,鲍博和在新市场工作的人,非常感谢你们在这部上所付出的努力!

12、The going (ie The surface of the race-track) at Newmarket is soft today. ─── 今天纽马基特的跑道湿软。

13、Can you remember anything useful? Like the 3: 30 winner at Newmarket? ─── 有没有记得比较有用的事?像是纽马克三点半那场比赛哪一方赢?

14、Their profit grows, the partial reasons are because has used the newmarket strategy. ─── 他们利润增长,部分的原因是由于采用了新的市场策略。

15、Captain Mike and I met at Newmarket car pool parking lot at 7:25am. ─── 麦克船长和我在400号和9号交界口的停车场碰了头,当时是早上7:25。

16、The content of this page is from the NEWMARKET port or NEWMARKET customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自NEWMARKET港口或NEWMARKET海关的进出口公司目录;

17、City: , Phone: 5249868 , Email: justin@gce.co.nz , Address: Suite 4, Level One, 27 Gillies Ave, Newmarket, AKL ─── 星光集团本集团是集房地产开发、房屋建造、物业买卖及管理、生意投资及建立为一体的专业咨询顾问及销售公司。

18、Are you going to race your horse at Newmarket next week ? ─── 你要让你的马参加下周在纽马克特的赛马会吗?

19、1. The going (ie The surface of the race-track) at Newmarket is soft today. ─── 今天纽马基特的跑道湿软.

20、Newmarket: Aryaloka Buddhist Retreat Center - Offers meditation retreats and classes. Their facility is also available for rental use. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

21、Captain Mike and I met at Newmarket car pool parking lot at 7:25am. ─── 麦克船长和我在400号和9号交界口的停车场碰了头,当时是早上7:25。

22、Jimmy Gardner, who was born in Newmarket, England on August 24, 1924, is 82 years old today. ─── Jimmy Gardner在1924年8月24日出生于英格兰东南部城市Newmarket,今天是他82岁大寿!

23、Tom Reid, managing director of Nampak Europe, said the investment showed the firm's "commitment to our Newmarket site, the marketplace and meeting changing customer needs". ─── 汤姆里德总经理那姆派克欧洲,说的投资显示了公司的“的承诺,我们的新市场的网站,并在市场上不断变化的客户需求。

24、Regars, Snow and I take the bus to Newmarket. At the newmarket, Snow and I say goodbye to Regars. She still need to go to school today. ─── 我们进入一个工艺品小店,东西非常的精美,。难忘那些生日卡片,异常的漂亮,有丝带,有水钻。还有很多把蛋糕弄成各种

25、Book online the cheapest hotels in Newmarket - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Newmarket 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

26、One lad fancies himself as a boxer and the staff are proud to reveal that a former student is now at the jockey school at Newmarket. ─── 一个孩子想要成为拳击手,老师们也很骄傲的说以前的一个学生现在在纽马克特(英国著名赛马中心)的一所教赛马的学校学习。

27、David Appell is a science writer based in Newmarket, N.H. ─── 科学作家,现居美国新罕布夏州的纽马克市。

28、A general view of spectators dur-ing the 14:35 ladbrokes.com Her-itage Stakes Handicap during the Horse Racing in Newmarket. ─── 在英国东南部纽梅克特市举行的赛马比赛场边,一位体态丰腴身穿露背装的女士格外引人注目。

29、a variety of purposes, technical content newmarket label market requirement; ─── 多种用途、技术含量高的新品种的标签市场需要量大;

30、All of our producers, Brad, Clark, Meagan, Mark, Donald, Sammy Lee, everybody at Media 8, Bob and everybody at Newmarket, thank you so much for working so hard on this film. ─── 我们的所有制片人,布拉德、克拉克、马根、马克、唐纳、萨米-李,以及所有在“媒体8”工作的人,鲍博和所有在新市场工作的人,非常感谢你们在这部电影上所付出的努力!

31、1. The Newmarket Stakes is always a popular race. ─── 纽马基特赛马总是吸引很多人.

32、By the 1980s, with the newmarket economy, there was a competitive model of employment. ─── 然而,到了80年代,在新的市场经济体制下,就业竞争机制。


primary market: 初次市场(即证券发行机构);一级市场。 在金融市场方面的一级市场(Primary Market / New Issue Market)是筹集资金的公司或政府机构将其新发行的股票和债券等证券销售给最初购买者的金融市场。 房地产一级市场是指新建住房的买卖市场,市场主体是住宅开发商、营造商和居民。居民通过一级市场购得住房的产权,使住房的产权首先从法律上达到确认。


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