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noblewoman 发音

英:[?no?blw?m?n]  美:[?n??blw?m?n]

英:  美:

noblewoman 中文意思翻译



noblewoman 同义词

aristocrat |noble | peeress | peer | Lady | patrician | lady

noblewoman 反义词


noblewoman 词性/词形变化,noblewoman变形


noblewoman 短语词组

1、noblewoman moisturize ─── 贵族女性保湿霜

2、noblewoman and boy ─── 贵族女人和男孩

noblewoman 相似词语短语

1、needlewoman ─── n.缝纫女工,女裁缝

2、noblemen ─── n.列侯,贵族(nobleman的复数)

3、noblewomen ─── n.贵妇人,贵族的妇女

4、oil woman ─── 石油女人

5、horsewoman ─── n.女骑马者;女骑士

6、forewoman ─── n.女工头,女领班;妇女陪审长;女工监督

7、Norsewoman ─── 挪威人

8、foilswoman ─── 女箔

9、nobleman ─── n.贵族

noblewoman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、4.a noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baron. ─── 拥有男爵等级的贵族妇女或是男爵的妻子或遗孀。

2、However, the noblewoman burned her dirty red shoes, put fresh new clothes on her, let her read books and taught her how to do needlework. ─── 然而,贵妇人把她那双脏的红鞋子烧了,给她穿新衣服,供她读书,还教她做女红。

3、Anna Karenina is a sharp example.At the beginning, she was a graceful noblewoman. ─── 如果不是为了几个钱,我是不在乎这几本书印不印的。

4、The painting is an oil on a Panel, 77 centimetres tall by 53 centimetres wide, and shows an Italian noblewoman sitting posed, looking at the viewer. ─── 这是油画板上的一幅画,高77厘米,宽53厘米,上面是一位意大利贵妇摆好姿势坐着,眼睛看着观赏者。

5、Jane DE Belleville was a French noblewoman. ─── 简。德贝勒·维尔是个法国贵妇。

6、"Cenci:Italian noblewoman who was hanged for patricide. ─── 钦契:意大利贵族妇女,因杀父被处以绞刑。

7、I will appear before them in the body of a queen, first lady, or noblewoman and speak Dharma for them. ─── 我于彼前现女主身,及国夫人命妇大家,而为说法。

8、This noblewoman not only took delight in the girl's screams when she was bitten, but also in the tenant's nausea over the odor given off by the bound feet. ─── 佃农把丫环咬得大叫,丫环的小脚把佃农熏得呲牙咧嘴,使得地主婆大为满足。

9、The noblewoman had bad sight now, so she did not know that they were red. ─── 现在贵妇人的眼神已经不怎么好了,所以她不知道这双鞋子是红色的。

10、A noblewoman holding the rankof viscount in her own right. ─── 本人拥有子爵权利的女子爵。

11、Abstract: LI Qing-zhao was an outstanding literatress in chinese literary history.On the one hand.She ranked herself a noblewoman,and so enjoyed the same right to standardise monarchical power as men. ─── 摘 要: 李清照作为中国文学史上杰出的女性文人,一方面,她把自己摆在士人阶层的位置上,与男性文人共同分享规范君权的话语权利;

12、LI Qing-zhao was an outstanding literatress in chinese literary history.On the one hand.She ranked herself a noblewoman,and so enjoyed the same right to standardise monarchical power as men. ─── 李清照作为中国文学史上杰出的女性文人,一方面,她把自己摆在士人阶层的位置上,与男性文人共同分享规范君权的话语权利;

13、Originating from the hood of ancient noblewoman, the shade lancing, grey-green cloth and yellow gauze will obtain a harmonious assortment of exotic sensation. ─── 设计理念源自古代贵妇人的头罩,帘头的花边、灰绿的主布、杏黄的纱布,天衣无缝地相互配合,让空间 充满异国情调。

14、Related: "Ancient Cult Chapels, Egyptian Noblewoman's Tomb Found. " ─── 相关:“邪教教堂,古埃及的贵族妇女坟墓的发现。”

15、a noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right ─── 凭本身的头衔持有子爵称号的贵妇人

16、Portrait of a Manchu Noblewoman ─── 满洲妇女像

17、a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess. ─── 等级低于女公爵高于女伯爵的贵族妇女。

18、A noblewoman saw Karen following after her mother's funeral service. ─── 在她母亲葬礼之后,一位贵妇人看到凯伦跟着她。

19、The noblewoman had died, and her casket was coming out from her house. ─── 此时的贵妇人已经死了,而她的灵柩被抬出了家。

20、The noblewoman is leaving London for Spain to marry the Duke of Obando. ─── 两人同时开始为她的婚礼创作戏剧。

21、A noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right. ─── 本人拥有子爵权利的女子爵

22、A noblewoman ranking above a countess and below a duchess. ─── 女贵族,其爵位在伯爵之上,公爵之下

23、“I will appear before them in the body of a queen, first lady, or noblewoman and speak Dharma for them, ─── 我于彼前现女主身,及国夫人命妇大家,而为说法,

24、Noblewoman only knowing beer and skittles and killing time will be at a respectful distance. ─── 小资情调,吃喝玩乐,打发光阴的贵人我敬而远之。

25、24.ma'am n. used to address to Queen or a noblewoman; ─── used as a polite form of address to a woman 夫人,太太,小姐(Madam一字之缩写形式,用于称呼女王及(昔时之)(贵)妇人,在现代美国英语中,它是对女士的尊称。

26、Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, after the death of Baldwin's first wife Godehilde during the First Crusade, Baldwin married an Armenian noblewoman traditionally known as Arda. ─── 在此期间,博杜安的第一任妻子歌德希尔德在十字军第一次东征时去世,博杜安迎娶了一位亚美尼亚贵族女子阿尔达。

27、A short distance brings the traveler to the dome-shaped ruins of the ornate tomb of the noblewoman Cecilia Metella. ─── 一段短距离,使旅游者的圆顶状废墟中的华丽陵墓的士人塞西莉亚梅特拉墓穴。

28、Diane de Poitiers was a noblewoman noted for her love affair with Henry II of France. ─── 戴安娜.普瓦捷是个女贵族,和法王亨利二世相恋,因此知名。

29、"Cenci:Italian noblewoman who was hanged for patricide. She was the subject of a number of poems and other works of art, including Shelley's The Cenci (1819)." ─── 钦契:意大利贵族妇女,因杀父被处以绞刑。她是许多诗歌和其他艺术作品的主题,包括雪莱的《钦契一家》(1819年)。

30、of viscount in her own right. ─── 拥有子爵权利的女子爵。

31、a noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right. ─── 凭本身的头衔持有子爵称号的贵妇人。

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