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07-02 投稿




英:  美:


adj. 毁坏的



动词第三人称单数: corrupts | 名词: corrupter | 动词现在分词: corrupting | 形容词: corruptive | 动词过去式: corrupted | 动词过去分词: corrupted | 副词: corruptly |


debauch | harm | filthy | contaminate | abandoned | deteriorate | unprincipled | demoralise | pervert | criminal | alter | sully | defile | taint | bribe | corrupted | infect | crooked | profane | wicked | demoralize | distort | accursed | fraudulent | black | shady | mess | buy | perverse | unethical | dishonest | cloud | warp | subvert | rotten | degrade | oil | spoil | impure | deprave | impute | worthless | sinister | misdirect | debase | evil | immoral | tainted | unscrupulous | addle | vitiate




1 、To debase the morals of; corrupt.───使腐化使道德败化;使腐化

2 、In his sight the world had become corrupted, for all men had lived corrupt lives on earth.───他认为世界充斥着罪恶,因为所有世上的人都过着邪恶的生活。

3 、The Party does not allow any hideout for corrupt elements within the Party.───党内不允许有腐败分子的藏身之地。

4 、Perhaps more to the point, he is a corrupt man.───也许更重要的一点事,他是一个腐败的人。

5 、Deleting corrupt extended attribute set in file %1.───删除文件%1的损坏扩展属性设置。

6 、For it is not thee who hath corrupted mankind, than who?───如果你不是腐败堕落的人类,那么谁是?

7 、He met with each in turn and corrupted them.───他依次会见他们,将他们引入堕落。

8 、The corrupted hearing of people required a collision of sounds.───人们腐朽的听力需要声音的冲击。

9 、WINS was either provided a bad command code or it became corrupt.───WINS可能提供了错误的命令代码,或是它已损坏。

10 、Goodness is the only investment that never corrupt.───善良是唯一永不破产的投资。

11 、The CLR has been fatally corrupted.───CLR已受到致命损坏。

12 、Your riches are corrupted: and your garments are motheaten.───你们的财产腐烂了,你们的衣服被蛀虫吃了,

13 、A dirty or corrupt condition; foulness.───下流,猥亵下流或猥亵的状况;**猥

14 、The orcs were corrupted and became Fel Orcs.───兽人们腐化成为堕落兽人。

15 、S: (cheekily) You corrupted me.───你把我腐蚀了.

16 、He corrupted my reputation by spreading false rumours about me.───他通过散播虚假谣言来损害我的名誉。

17 、Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a corrupted save file.───修正了读取损坏的文件时会出错的问题。

18 、The RPC pipe object is invalid or corrupted.───RPC管道对象无效或已损坏。

19 、His corrupt activities were a discredit to the Senate.───他的腐败行径是参议院的耻辱。

20 、Having been corrupted or depraved.───堕落的堕落的或腐败的

21 、Degraded: Having been corrupted or depraved.───堕落的:堕落的或腐败的

22 、To infect, inflame, or corrupt.───使感染、发炎或腐烂

23 、The Crypto container that contains the private key is corrupted.───包含私钥的Crypto容器已损坏。

24 、Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.───2你们的财物坏了,衣服也被虫子咬了。

25 、They left the bodies to corrupt on the field .───他们让尸体在战场上腐烂。

26 、RSM database is corrupt and cannot be rebuilt.───RSM数据库已损坏并且不能重新建立。

27 、It is indifferent for judges and magistrates; for if they were facile and corrupt, you shall have a servant, five times worse than a wife.───作为法官与地方官,是否独身关系并不大。因为只要他们身边有一个坏的幕僚,其进谗言的能力就足以抵上五个妻子。

28 、It was induced from outside by corrupt power, corruptly deployed.─── 而是*的力量以*的方式由外引发的

29 、Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind.───寧愿身有残缺不愿心灵堕落。

30 、He could have been a great.man, but he was corrupted by power.───他本来是可以有很大作为的,但因权欲熏心而堕落了。

31 、He was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a policeman with money.───他因为试图用钱贿赂一名警察而被送入监狱。

32 、He copied the text carelessly so that it was corrupted.───他抄写原文时很粗心,以致出现讹误。

33 、The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials.───农民们造贪官污吏的反。

34 、Bad habit corrupt good manners.───坏习惯败坏好风俗。

35 、He could have been a great man, but he was corrupted by power.───他本来是可以有很大作为的,但因权欲熏心而堕落了。

36 、Otherwise man has corrupted everything, polluted everything.───以别的方式,人已经败坏了一切,污染了一切。

37 、The text was corrupted by careless copyists.───原文因抄写者粗心而有讹误。

38 、He's corrupt and I want you to nail him.─── 他很* 希望你可以将他绳之于法

39 、They acted in collusion with corrupt officials.───他们与贪官污吏狼狈为奸。

40 、Your ***ches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.───2你们的财物坏了,衣服也被虫子咬了。

41 、To debase, especially morally; corrupt.───使堕落尤指在道德上的堕落;道德败坏

42 、Well, they can't say that you're corrupt.─── 他們不該斷定你貪污受賄的

43 、To infect or corrupt, as with illness or vice.───侵蚀因疾病或罪行而被感染或堕落

44 、Doesn't boot. White screens and corrupt icon in Ninja DS Launcher.───不能引导,白屏且图标错误。

45 、He tried to corrupt the policeman with money.───他设法用金钱向警察行贿。

46 、Eil communications corrupt good manners.───交往恶劣,有损风度。

47 、His imagination dazzled him, but his heart never was corrupted.───他的想象曾使他眼花缭乱,但他的心灵却从未受到任何玷污。

48 、The following file is missing or corrupted:C:WINDOWSSETVER.───再用安装盘修复系统就可以了.

49 、Corrupt milk can cause several illnesses.───变质的牛奶能引发多种疾病。

50 、IPX dial-in client configuration information is corrupted.───IPX拨入客户配置信息已损坏。

51 、Adamic order is first. Corrupted by sin. Order of death due to sin.───亞當的秩序在先。被罪敗壞了,因為罪成為死亡的次序。

52 、You can't be corrupted unless you wanna be corrupted.─── 只有你自己希望被毁时 才会被毁

53 、Do you think young people are corrupted by big city life?───你认为大城市的生活会使年轻人德道败坏吗?

54 、She wrote a book declaiming against our corrupt society.───她写了一本书抨击我们这腐败的社会。

55 、IPX global configuration information is corrupted.───IPX全局配置信息已损坏。

56 、Their morals have been corrupted .───他们的道德已被败坏了。

57 、He claims that the present administration is corrupt.───他声称当前的行政部门是腐败的。

58 、A corrupt institution founded by a corrupt individual.─── 这是一个由*之人建立的*组织

59 、If you have bad friends, your morals may be corrupted.───如果你结交坏朋友,你的品行会被败坏。

60 、The unworthy son corrupted the ethics and moral standards of the family .───不肖之子败坏了这家的门风。

61 、She has corrupted her children.───她把孩子给惯坏了。

62 、He is corrupt to the last degree.───他腐败之极。

63 、He was adamant in his determination to punish the corrupt officials.───他下了决心,坚决惩治那些贪官污吏。

64 、Foreign Aid: Control, Corrupt, Contain?───外援:控制、腐败、遏制?

65 、Evil communications corrupt good manners.───不良的交往败坏良好的举止。

66 、One way Lee Kuan Yew cleaned up Singapore was by shaming corrupt officials.───公开揭发贪污官员是李光耀保持新加坡廉洁的方法之一。

67 、A depraved, corrupt, or vicious person.───堕落者腐败、伤风化或邪恶的人

68 、The installer you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete.───你正在使用的安装程序错误或者不完全的。

69 、They spoke a corrupt form of French.───他们讲的法语不标准。

70 、The fear is that Walcott will be corrupted.───人们担心的是沃尔科特会堕落。

71 、The event log file is corrupted.───事件日志文件损坏。

72 、But don't don't let that place corrupt you.─── 但是别 别让那个地方腐化了你

73 、My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness.───因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。

74 、Sebastian is up on a corruption charge.─── 塞巴斯蒂安被指控貪污受賄

75 、It doesn't change the fact that he is morally corrupt, and he has corrupted the institutions that report to him.─── 这不能改变他道德败坏的事实 他也败坏了听命于他的机关

76 、The president of KBS wasn’t corrupt at all.───他在梦里,好像是他被某种东西拖住。

77 、It was suggested that he may have caught his *allpox from a prostitute, but the whole idea of a corrupt body of a corrupt king were very resonant, and it is thought that this was a fitting punishment.─── 可能是一名*把天花传染给他 但是一名*堕落的国王即将入土 这消息实在振奋人心 民众皆认为这是因果报应

78 、Critical message processing data is missing, invalid, or corrupted.───关键邮件处理数据缺失、无效或损坏。

79 、He was so crazy that he corrupted sane men.───他那股疯狂劲把正常人都搞糊涂了。

80 、Murphy: It is your corrupt we claim.───墨菲:我们寻的是堕落的人。

81 、It corrupted, and her death brought down.─── 结果引起了变质 导致了她的死亡

82 、The XML in the snippet file may be corrupt.───代码段文件中的XML可能已损坏。

83 、He was a weak president surrounded by corrupt advisors.───他是个无能的总统,周围还簇拥着一群贪官污吏。

84 、He is trying to corrupt a tax official with money.───他企图向税务官员行贿。

85 、The peasants staged an uprising against the corrupt officials.───农民举行起义反对贪官污吏。

86 、The cities make ferocious men because they make corrupt men.───城市会使人变得凶残,因为它使人腐化堕落。

87 、Manners are corrupted more easily than they are reformed.───坏俗易,改俗难。

88 、Fixed a crash when decoding certain corrupted AAC files.───修正播放部分损坏AAC文件崩溃的问题。

89 、He is the Lord Yama to corrupt officials.───他是贪官污吏的阎罗爷。

90 、He was neither arrogant nor corrupt.───他既不自高自大,也不腐化堕落。

使用WPS过程中出现File corrupted!This program has been manipulated and maybe it's infected by?













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