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07-02 投稿




英:['tr??f?]  美:[?trof?]

英:  美:


n. 奖品;战利品

adj. 显示身份的;有威望的


1 、His trophy girlfriend is a New York model.───他的花瓶女朋友是个纽约的模特。

2 、The1- franc stamp shows the world's number one tennis player holding up the winner's trophy at Wimbledon.───在这枚邮票上,世界排名第一的网球选手高举温网的冠军奖杯。

3 、Chinese badminton teams have won the Thomas Cup four times, the Uber Cup six times and the Sudirman Trophy three times.───中国羽毛球队四次获汤姆斯杯,六次获尤伯杯,三次获苏迪曼杯。

4 、But Alan Smith's goal gave them the lead and a heroic defensive display secured the Gunners' second European trophy.───但是阿兰史密斯的进球使阿森纳获得领先,英雄般的防守最终为阿森纳获得了第二座欧洲奖杯。

5 、The rival schools competed for the football trophy.───各参赛学校为足球奖而竞争.

6 、Let's put this trophy where it belongs.─── 我们把奖杯放在属于它的地方吧

7 、He bore away the trophy from the previous champion.───他从前任冠军手中赢得了奖品。

8 、Sniper : "Blokes what bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy!───" 用高尔夫奖杯砸他们的老婆的家伙?

9 、Chelsea is delighted to communicate full details of its trophy parade, which will take place on Sunday22 May.───切尔西很高兴地公布将于5月22日星期日举行的冠军巡游的全部细节。

10 、He also scored the winner as Spain lifted the Euro 2008 trophy last summer, helping to secure a Ballon d'Or nomination.───2008年欧洲足球锦标赛决赛中,托雷斯打进唯一进球帮助西班牙队夺杯,这也使他荣膺欧洲金球奖。

11 、Shannon Warness from the tiny South Australian town of Willalooka won his second Golden Shears trophy.───6月12日,来自17个国家的选手参加了在澳大利亚东北部小镇图翁巴举行的2005年度世界剪羊毛锦标赛。

12 、Yeah, it was here. It was in a trophy.─── 没错 就在这里 在一个奖杯里

13 、That's when I realized the trophy was gone.─── 在那时我意识到奖杯不见了

14 、He lifted the trophy up and kissed it.───他举起奖杯吻了一下。

15 、Champion Trophy won by Foochow Association Kuching Youth Section.───古晋福州公会青年团勇夺冠军。

16 、The above winning teams will be awarded with a trophy and Mizuno Souvenirs.───以上得奖队伍都可获赠送奖盃一坐及美津浓纪念品。

17 、The company awarded him a trophy to thanks his contribitions to company ‘s development.───公司奖给他一个金杯,以感谢他为公司发展所作出的创造性成就。

18 、The 28-year-old is the first European to win the Maurice Podoloff Trophy.───28岁的诺维茨基是第一获波杜夫奖杯的欧洲人。

19 、A decorative cup-shaped vessel awarded as a prize or trophy.───奖杯一种作为奖品或优胜纪念品的装饰性杯状器皿

20 、And documented, but not for a trophy.─── 是纪实录像 但又不是战利品

21 、Years later, someone mailed him that trophy.───多年以后,有人把那个奖杯寄给他。

22 、I will do my best to support the Head Coach, Sigi Schmid, his staff and the team as they try to win the MLS trophy.───因为最近银河队成绩相当糟糕,俱乐部也有了换主帅的意向,据悉,俱乐部的高层同这位43岁的前德国国家队主帅已经开始了正式谈判。

23 、Meatloaf that's about to get your trophy.─── 肉馅糕就快抢走你的奖杯了

24 、In addition, the 1st Macau Jockey Club Goodwill Trophy will be held in Korea on Sunday, 11 November 2007.───另外,首届的澳门赛马会亲善?,将于二零零七年十一月十一日(星期日)于韩国举行。

25 、Then came last season with a repeat exit at Anfield, ending a lung and leg-busting fight on four trophy fronts.───上个赛季的半决赛经历我们再次跌倒在安菲尔德球场,四冠王的征程就此止步。

26 、Joined Inter from Chievo in summer of 2007 and made first-team debut in Gamper Trophy friendly against Barcelona.───2007年夏天从切沃**国际米兰,并在与巴塞罗那队的甘伯杯友谊赛中首次出场。

27 、His trophy wife was an asset to his business.───他漂亮的妻子是他事业的资产。

28 、His darts trophy takes pride of place on the mantelpiece.───他将掷镖奖杯放在壁炉台上最显著的位置。

29 、Chinese prodigy charge home to meet the Shinco Northern Ireland Trophy runner-up Dave - Harold challenges.───中国神童坐镇主场,迎接新科北爱杯亚军戴夫-哈罗德的挑战。

30 、The 2000-01 season saw Arsenal yet again lift the trophy after beating Tranmere Rovers at Chester City.───2001赛季,阿森纳在切斯特城击败特拉米尔队后再次捧杯。

31 、Not to fear, though, this trophy is just a replica of the real thing.───不过不必担心,因为这个战利品只是一个复制品。

32 、He also beat him in the final of the TV Trophy, one of the earliest televised events.───他同时在TV大奖赛决赛中将约翰斯宾塞打败,那是最早的TV直播赛事。

33 、He was going to hang the horns of the antler on the wall as a trophy.───他将把鹿角挂在墙上作为纪念品。

34 、At school she had been captain of the hockey team and had won the gymnastics trophy two years running.───上学时她做曲棍球队长,连着两年得了体操奖杯。

35 、Three English sides are in the semis, but none of them will lift the trophy.───世界杯结束之后,审判结果将正式公布。是不是考虑开个新贴啊?

36 、Deciding on which team will come away with the trophy is the unenviable task here.───决定哪支队伍会赢得总冠军并不是一个很轻松的工作。

37 、A trophy rack; a rack for baseball bats in the dugout; a drying rack for laundry.───奖品架;球员休息室里的球棒架;洗衣房的晾衣架

38 、But they receive the ropes as a kind of a remind of a reminder that they can take that noose and use it as a trophy.───可是,他们现在获彩带最为纪念品,以提醒自己,他们可以接受那个绞套,作为战利品使用。

39 、A participation trophy for anyone over the age of 6 just ends up devaluing the meaning of a real trophy.───一个六岁以上儿童参加的大奖赛最后以奖杯真正意义的贬值而告终。

40 、They are this year's winners of the coveted trophy(= that everyone would like to win).───他们是人人都向往的本年度获奖者。

41 、His name was inscribed on the trophy.───他的名字刻在奖杯上。

42 、He made me feel so special, autographs, my photo done with the Premiership trophy.───他带来了一个意大利厨师,这位厨师至今仍在这里,他叫尼克。

43 、He has put his shirt on his team winning the trophy.───他孤注一掷,赌自己的队一定能赢得锦标。

44 、"It would be very special to be the first team to retain this trophy," said O'Shea.───“如果我们能够从小组赛中突围,那么当淘汰赛战役开始时,我们将会有很好的机会。


46 、The image of their son holding up the championship trophy would be etched on their memories forever.───他们永远也不会忘记儿子高举着冠军奖杯的样子。

47 、In his athletic career he win three cup and many other trophy.───在他的运动生涯中,他获得三个奖杯和许多其他奖品。

48 、In Trophy Manager you can have up to six coaches to train your players. 1 for goalkeepers and 5 for outfield players.───在奖杯经理您最多可以拥有6个教练,训练您的球员。1守门员和5场的球员。

49 、Yet once again the Blues romped away with it, the trophy handed over in April with another massive 90+ points total.───但是我们克服了这一切,再次举起联赛冠军奖杯,这次球队同样到四月底才最终确定冠军,并且联赛积分再一次突破了90分。

50 、They wanted to take his scalp as a trophy.───他们想拿他的头皮当作战利品。

51 、The following pictures are of a guy who works for the US Forest Service in Alaska and his trophy bear.───下图显示一个为美国阿拉斯加森林服务部工作的人和他打死的熊。

52 、I won a bunch of sports trophies, but never a diligence trophy.─── 我得过一些体育奖杯 但从来没得过勤奋奖杯

53 、League &Cup Shield real Trophy!───同盟 &杯子盾真正的战利品!

54 、Named after its music awards so far, more than 40 years of history, the trophy shaped like an old-fashioned gramophone.───以它命名的音乐奖迄今已有40多年历史,其奖杯形状如一架老式的留声机。

55 、Men who have lost heart have never yet won a trophy.───失去信心的人永远得不到奖杯。

56 、I'm not an accessory, I'm not a... trophy.─── 我不是附属品 不是战利品

57 、He have put his shirt on his team winning the trophy.───他孤注一掷, 赌自己的队一定能赢得锦标。

58 、They are determined to win back the trophy.───他们决心重新夺回奖杯。

59 、But we can go one step further this season and can win the trophy.───但是我们这个赛季能够走得更远,甚至能赢得冠军。我们有能力做到这一点。

60 、England has not won a major trophy since winning the World Cup in 1966.───从66年获得世界杯后,英格兰队就未取得一场重大胜利。

61 、Animal-welfare groups call that a euphemism for trophy hunting, which Kenya banned in 1977.───动物福利事业团体称之为对狩猎的战利品一种委婉的说法,而狩猎是肯尼亚在1977年就被禁止了的。

62 、First TOUCH on the BPL 07/08 trophy and a donation for the Szechuan earthquake!───与英超奖杯第一次的亲密接触又能做善事,何乐而不为!

63 、Guide have annoyed me so , that today I kill one and be have him stuffed for our trophy room .───向导们把我气死了,所以嘛,我今天杀掉了其中一个,还叫人给做成标本摆在我们的纪念品室。

64 、He almost choked up as he talked about GM Mitch Kupchak before handing over the trophy, and you know he was sincere.───在将奖杯颁给湖人总经理库普切克前,他谈到库普切克时,甚至有些哽咽,你从他的话语中能读出他的真诚。

65 、A month after Earhart was declared lost at sea, Cochran flew again in the Bendix Trophy Race.───埃尔哈特被宣布失踪后一个月,科克伦再次参加了本迪克斯特罗菲比赛。

66 、"Knowing they [United] have the Premier League trophy for a year hurts like hell," Drogba told the News of the World.───“看着他们赢得英超的冠军的感觉让人感到太受伤了。”德罗巴向世界新闻报诉说道。

67 、The trophy was inscribed with his name.───奖杯上刻着他的名字。

68 、The defending champion Arbi succeeded in retaining the trophy.───上届冠军阿尔比卫冕成功。

69 、What's your most prized trophy?───你认为最有价值的奖项是什么?

70 、In a few days, Luis Scola will bring his latest MVP trophy back to Buenos Aires.───再过几天,路易斯-斯科拉将带着他的MVP奖杯回到布宜诺斯艾利斯。

71 、Beckham,31, is desperate to finally win a trophy with Real.───今年31岁的贝克汉姆十分希望他能帮助皇马夺得一项冠军。

72 、You put my sister in your trophy case because she was just another one of your trophies.─── 你把我姐姐 放在你的奖杯陈列柜上 因为她不过是你的又一件战利品

73 、He's so *all, he could model for trophies.─── 他这么小 都可以当奖杯模子了

74 、Upon his return home, Antonius carried with him a bow which he claimed as a trophy of the mission.───他回家后,安东尼奥斯随身带回了一把弓,他说这是这次任务的奖品。

75 、Q R Ranfurly Shield - a challenge trophy between the provincial sides of New Zealand.───兰佛理盾,新西兰省际比赛的挑战奖杯。

76 、Trophy wives were once the must-have accessory for successfulmen.───“花瓶妻”曾被认为是一个成功男人的必要“配件”。

77 、He receives a trophy for Special Services to the school.───他获得了学校的特殊贡献奖。

78 、Lok-yee (first right) proudly displays her hard-earned certificate and trophy.───乐宜(右一)开心地展示她努力赢得的奖盃和证书。

79 、Silverware is already in the trophy cabinet with the dream alive of more to come.───一项奖杯已经到手了,而且亦继续保持住追求更多锦标的梦。

80 、They vied with one another for the trophy.───他们互相争夺奖杯。

81 、You've got a national championship trophy from last year in that case and a bunch of other loser trophies standing with it.─── 在那个奖杯柜里有一座 去年赢来的全国赛奖杯 旁边还摆了一堆杂七杂八的失败者奖杯

82 、A real adventure icon, inspired and developed on actual Camel Trophy events.───一个真正的冒险图标,激励和发展的实际骆驼杯活动。

83 、The winner will also receive a" Golden Fig Leaf" trophy plus10,000 pounds($18,630) in cash.───冠军获得者同样还将获得一片“金无花果叶”,以及1万英镑的现金作为奖励。

84 、His name has been given to the trophy awarded to the winners of the quadrennial Rugby World Cup tournament.───四年一次的世界杯橄榄球锦标赛的奖杯就是以“威廉?韦伯?艾利斯杯”命名的。

85 、Sniper: "Blokes what bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy!───"用高尔夫奖杯砸他们的老婆的家伙?

86 、The trophy was bestowed upon the winner.───奖品授给了优胜者。

87 、By showing a little unselfishness, Kobe was rewarded with an NBA Finals appearance and the MVP trophy.───他表现得更无私,科比收获了一次参加总决赛的机会和常规赛MVP的荣誉。

88 、He hung the lion's head as a trophy.───他把那狮子头挂起来作为狩猎纪念品。

89 、His trophy was sitting on the fireplace ledge.───他的战利品放在壁炉架上。

90 、How hungry are you to win this trophy again?───你们很渴望这个冠军吗?





名爵(Morris Garages),简称MG,起源于英国,是一个具有深厚历史底蕴的汽车品牌。自1924年成立以来,名爵一直秉持着运动、激情与优雅的品牌理念。如今,名爵车系已经涵盖了包括名爵3、名爵GT、名爵6、名爵6新能源、名爵5、名爵ZS、名爵EZS纯电动、名爵HS、名爵GS以及名爵eHS等在内的多款车型,每一款都传承了名爵品牌的独特基因和卓越品质。

souvenir trophy的difference

souvenir 两个词性 n. 纪念品;礼物 vt. 把…留作纪念

trophy 有三个词性 n. 奖品;战利品;纪念品 vt. 用战利品装饰 adj. 显示身份的

二者除了同样有 纪念品的意思,其他意思的用法都不同

举例:He failed to win a trophy. 他没能赢得奖杯。

He souvenirs the photo 他把照片留做纪念

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