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07-02 投稿




英:['?st?r?sk]  美:[??st??r?sk]

英:  美:


n. 星号(*)


动词过去式: asterisked | 动词现在分词: asterisking | 动词过去分词: asterisked | 动词第三人称单数: asterisks |


1 、I will always have an asterisk by my name.─── 我的名字旁边永远会被打上星号

2 、Ignore me, allow them to come between us, and you will become an asterisk.─── 无视我 让他们离间我们 那你只能成为一个注脚

3 、The reainder of reading assignments are listed below. Required readings are denoted by an asterisk (*).───下面列出了每章的阅读材料,其中必须阅读的材料用(*)标出。

4 、Now fill up the form where there is asterisk.───将带星号的表格填好。

5 、utopia asterisk───提示时奏幻想空间

6 、Following The project that the asterisk stamps must be filled in.───星号标出的项目必需填写。

7 、Dagger: Dagger-shaped symbol used as f footnote reference mark. Usually follows the asterisk in order of use.───剑号:作脚注用的剑形符号,它的使用权用次序是跟着星号。

8 、However, the features denoted with an asterisk are activated only upon the installation of Office SharePoint Server 2007.───但是,标有星号的功能只能在安装Office SharePoint Server 2007后才会激活。

9 、asterisk dummy argument───星号哑变元

10 、In PL/1, an element expression that specifies a position within a dimension of an array.A subscript can also be an asterisk, in which case it specifies the entire extent of the dimension.───1语言中的一种元素表达式,用于指出某一数组某一维内的一个位置,下标也可以是星号,在此情况下它表示该维的整个范围。

11 、musica asterisk───提示时奏乐

12 、But there's bound to be at least one asterisk next to the entry in the record books: Acura isn't really a full-line carmaker.───但有必然至少有一个旁边的星号进入纪录:阿库拉是不是一个真正的全系列汽车制造商。

13 、The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.───星号指引读者去查阅脚注。

14 、do not apply to you. Delete accordingly for items accompanied by an asterisk (*).───不适用的部分,请列明。有(*)的项目,请删除不适用的选择。

15 、Anyway, we just have to buy ourselves some time, so put an asterisk by his name for violating the rules of compartmentalization.─── 反正我们只需要给自己争取一些时间 所以就让他因为 违反任务划分条例而成为特别关注对象

16 、The underlined nucleotides are the first upstream in-frame stop codon and the two putatie polyadenylation signals, respectiely.The asterisk indicates the stop codon.───加下划线的核苷酸分别是这个读码框中上游的第一个终止密码和两个已经认定的多核苷酸序列.星号标记的就是终止密码.

17 、NUM LOCK + digital keyboard asterisk (*) shows the selected folders all of the folder.───NUM LOCK + 数字键盘的星号 (*) 显示所选文件夹的所有子文件夹。

18 、-rewrite Delphis orders View procedures.BCB cases of the use of an asterisk for the password View.───改写DELPHI的口令查看程序. 本例使用BCB进行星号下的口令查看.

19 、I've placed an asterisk next to the tasks I want you to do first.───我在要你首先完成的任务旁边标上了星号。

20 、Asterisk zap channels, zapata.───conf 获取等多信息.

21 、Most baseball fans will forever put a huge asterisk on Bonds breaking the career home run record of Henry Aaron, and this is correct.───帮茨打破了亨利 阿伦 职业生涯“本垒打”记录,对此,大部分球迷都会对他称赞有佳,这是对的。

22 、asterisk fill───星号填充

23 、To do this, we simply have to precede the pointer's identifier with an asterisk (*), which acts as dereference operator and that can be literally translated to "value pointed by".───为了做到这点,我们仅仅须在指针标识符前附带一个星号(*),充当了复引用操作符,书面上可以译作"所指向的值为".

24 、The A search pattern using the asterisk matches all extensions with a wildcard on the end, while a search pattern using the question mark does not use a wildcard.───使用星号的A搜索模式通过结尾的通配符与所有扩展名匹配,而使用问号的搜索模式不使用通配符。

25 、A red asterisk appears on the Resources title bar icon, indicating that you can edit the stencil and its shapes.───“资源”标题栏图标上显示红色的星号,表明您可以编辑该模具及其形状。

26 、asterisk wild-card character───星号(* )通配符

27 、A bulleted list is created when you type a hyphen (-), asterisk (*), or plus sign (+), followed by a space or tab at the beginning of a paragraph.───当您在一个段落的开头键入一个连字符( - )、星号(*)、或加号(+),然后跟一个空格或制表后,创建项目符号列表。您在一个段落的开头键入一个数字后面跟一个小数点(.

28 、Asterisk Password allows you to view passwords hidden with asterisks in password fields (including Multilingual and Unicode ones).───星号密码,可让您检视密码以星号隐藏在密码栏位(包括多语种和Unicode的) 。

29 、All mandatory information has not been provided. All fields marked with a red asterisk must be entered.───尚未提供所有必需的信息。所有用红色星号标出的字段都需要填入相应的信息。

30 、Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted.───打星号的项目可以删去。

31 、asterisk picture character───星号图像字符

32 、Our style is to begin each line in the comment with an asterisk, thus indicating that the entire range is part of a multi-line comment.───我们的风格是在注释的每一行以星号开始,指明整个范围是多行注释的一部分。

33 、In the first empty row in the grid, select the small cell next to the asterisk to access the element type drop-down.───在网格的第一个空行中,选择星号旁边的小单元格以访问元素类型下拉列表。

34 、The asterisk after "Reduced to $ 1.95" refers to a footnote reading "Today only."───在“减至一点九五元”后,有个星号标示着一个注脚,上面写着“只限今天。”

35 、Sections that may be passed over in first reading are marked with an asterisk.───凡在第一遍阅读时可以忽略的一些段落都用星号标明。

36 、A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page.───一个小小的星形符号把我的目光引到了那页底部一个说明上。

37 、asterisk for cross section of array───数组截面用星号 -PL/1用

38 、An asterisk after the file name in the tab above the Code and Text Editor window indicates that the file has been changed sice it was last saved.───如果在“代码编辑器”的标签页文件名后有一个星号,表示文件被修改过还没有保存。

39 、The asterisk tells the compiler to fill in the build and revision using the current date and time.───星号告诉编译器使用当前日期和时间来填充编译版本号和修正版本号。

40 、asterisk for bound or length───作为界或长度的星号

41 、He added an asterisk to the first page.───他在第一页上加了个星号。

42 、Estimated (or possibly exaggerated) peak weights are marked with an asterisk, while unverified (or unverifiable) stories are marked with two.───估计重量(或可能夸大)山顶却有其星,而未经证实的故事(或核实)两个注明。

43 、When we send your grades off to colleges, they don't come with an asterisk letting them know you were sad.─── 当我们把你的成绩发给大学的时候 不会在旁边加个星号备注 告诉他们你很悲伤

44 、Asterisk footnote A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page.───一个小小的星形符号把我的目光引到了那页底部的一个说明上。

45 、But what I really like, what I really like is when people spell curse words using asterisks.─── 但我真正喜欢的是 人们用星号替代脏话

46 、Asterisk (used in writing and printing to call attention to sth,eg.a footnote,or to show that letters are omitted)───星号(即,用于书写及印刷中以引起注意,例如有脚注或有省略的字母)

47 、For example, if you typed an asterisk, type [*].───例如,如果键入一个星号,则键入 [*]。

48 、Date formats display date and time serial numbers as date values. Except for items that have an asterisk (*), applied formats do not switch date orders with the operating system.───日期格式把日期和时间系列数显示为日期值。除了带星号(*)的项目,应用的格式不会按照操作系统来改变日期顺序。

49 、Reading assignments marked with an asterisk (*), should be completed before each lecture.───带星号(*)的阅读作业应在每堂课之前完成。

50 、A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page. It said:"This service has been suspended."───一个小星号把我引向一个脚注。上面写着:“这班车已经停开。”

51 、A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page. It said: 'This service has been suspended.'───一个小小的星形符号把我的目光引到了那页底部的一个说明上,上面写着:此趟列车暂停运行。

52 、In the first empty row in the grid, select the small cell to the right of the asterisk to access the drop-down list.───在网格的第一个空白行中,选择星号右侧的小单元格以访问下拉列表。

53 、SIP Express Router - SER supports SIP connections with more features and more scalability than Asterisk.───我现在想要个客户端,服务器端都有的这样的只支持sip协议的?有吗?

54 、Parse error: Unquoted Slash ('/') without Asterisk ('*'). Broken Comment?───11分析错误:星号(“*”)后有未引用斜线(“/”)。注释跳出?

55 、In the following table, the attributes identified with an asterisk are the identifiers for the entity or relationship.───在下表中,带有星号的属性为该实体或关系的标识符。

56 、asterisk with based variables───关于基本变量的星号用法

57 、asterisk icon───星号图标

58 、asterisk with initial attribute───初值属性的星号

59 、I guess asterisks are kind of like the chastity belt of the vowel world, in the vowel community.─── 星号就像是在元音社会里 元音界的贞操带

60 、1 If compulsory routines with special requirements or compulsory skills are demanded, the routine must be written down on the competition card with each skill that meets the requirement or the compulsory skills, marked with an asterisk.───如果规定的演出有特别的要求或指定的动作,参赛者必须把整套动作填写在比赛动作卡上,然后把符合要求或指定的动作打上星号。

61 、The asterisk after “Reduced to $1.95” refers to a footnote reading “Today only.”───后面的星号是个脚注,表明现在的读法。

62 、Asterisk (*) indicates required fields───带星号者为必填项目

63 、Time formats display date and time serial numbers as time values. Except for items that have an asterisk (*), applied formats do not switch date or time orders with the operating system.───时间格式把日期和时间序列数显示为时间值。除了带星号(*)的项目,应用的格式不会按照操作系统来改变日期或时间顺序。

64 、Additional areas identified with an asterisk are known as "common areas." Common areas are areas which have a high recurrence of new novae.───带*号的表示一些普通区域,普通区域表示在此区域发现过多颗新星。

65 、A pencil appears next to all edited items in the Query Results and an asterisk appears on the tab that indicates that your changes have not yet been saved.───“查询结果”中所有已编辑项的旁边都会显示一个铅笔图标,并且选项卡上会显示一个星号,指示所做的更改尚未保存。

66 、The following books are available for purchase at the Coop Bookstore. There is also a Course Reader; readings from it are indicated on the schedule of readings by an asterisk (*).───下列书单可见于库博书店的书架上。至于参考书目的部分,即教学时程用星号(*)表示的文章。

67 、Asterisk: Reference mark used in the text to indicate a footnote. Also used to indicate missing letters or words.───星号:在正文中用来表示脚注的附注符号。也用来标示略去的字母或单词。

68 、You've always been the perfect one that mom and dad worshipped, and I've always been the one that did things with an asterisk next to them.─── 你一直都是爸爸妈妈眼中唯一的骄傲 而我所做的每一件事情 最后都会加上不光彩的注释

69 、The plug-in names followed by an asterisk are those that were loaded during startup.───后面跟有一个星号的**件名是那些在启动的时候就加载的**件。

70 、Character to the left of asterisk in the expression should match 0 or more times.───在字符中左边带星号的字符应该匹配0或者更多倍数关系。

71 、asterisk a word that requires a footnote───将需要脚注的字加以星号

72 、Even with that asterisk though, Nowitzki is still among the most impactful players in the game. Who else combines elite passing, ball-handling, shooting and rebounding like Nowitzki?───当然,除去那个问题,德克仍然是场上最有影响力的球员。有哪个球员能像德克一样集合传球,运球,投篮和篮板这么多的功能呢?

73 、Level 5 candidates with the best performance will have their results marked with an asterisk.───在该些获得第 5 级成绩的考生中,成绩最好的一群,其成绩级别之旁会另外加上星号。

74 、You can change the asterisk in the WBS code to another set of characters only at the highest level in the task list.───只有在任务列表中的最高级别,才可以将WBS代码中的星号更改为其他字符集。

75 、An asterisk The initial readers can from one, two stars start reading, along with the ability to read, can choose samsung, four such difficult articles.───初始阅读者可以从一星、两星开始阅读,随着阅读能力的提高,可以挑选三星、四星这类难度较大的文章。

76 、(Working in IE as-is being relative.) We do have to adjust the positioning a little using the asterisk hack───(因为在IE下显示的关系,)我们不得不用星号代码把**稍微调整一下。

77 、Such competitions are open to external candidates when the competition reference number in the vacancy announcement does not carry an asterisk.───如在空缺通知中的竞争参考号码上未打有星号者,则此类竞争招聘向外部应聘人员开放。

78 、Asterisk_telefooncentrale VOIP centrale Asterisk is een open source pakket waarmee een volledige telefooncentrale kan worden opgezet.───广西壮族自治区民政厅包含政务公开,民政新闻,政策法规,职能部门,民政友情连接。

79 、The cards that are initially layed on the table are marked with asterisk ‘*’ after the description.───凡是说明书上的解释后面有*标志的,都代表在游戏开始时,摆放在桌上的卡片。

80 、a dialog based on the process, an asterisk password detectors, a rolling images show that the use of a large photo of small loading hidden pictures,───一个基于对话框的进程显示,一个星号密码探测器,一个滚动图像显示,一个利用大图片加载隐藏小图片

81 、You can type an asterisk (*) in the Find What box to match any number of characters or a question mark (?) to match any single character.───在“查找内容”编辑框内可以使用通配符(*)替代任意数量的文字或数字,或使用通配符(?)替代单个的文字或数字。

82 、Ago to write an asterisk password access procedures. Can show the location of the mouse controls CLASS, TEXT, NAME, and other attributes.───以前写的一个获取星号密码的程序。可以显示鼠标所在位置的控件的CLASS,TEXT,NAME,等属性。

83 、robotz asterisk───提示时发金属声

84 、asterisk with use attribute───使用属性的星号 -PL/1用

85 、so put an asterisk by his name for violating the rules of compartmentalization.─── 所以就让他因为 违反任务划分条例而被打上星号

86 、If your post is very offensive in language, it will be masked, that is some character will be replaced the the asterisk(*).───如果发言过于冒犯,就会被遮罩,即某个字会被星号()代。

87 、asterisk protection───星号保护

88 、You can use the asterisk anywhere in a string.───可在字符串中的任意位置使用星号。


星号一般说成:こめじるし(米印) 井号一般说成:いたげ



读法:a su te ri su ku

(印刷用语) 星印。「*」。注を添える时などに使う。

ハシシンボル hash symbol

读法:ha si si nn bo ru

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