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07-02 投稿




英:['hekl]  美:[?h?k?l]

英:  美:


vt. 以麻梳梳理, 激烈质问, 使困惑


动词过去分词: heckled | 名词: heckler | 动词第三人称单数: heckles | 动词现在分词: heckling | 动词过去式: heckled |


1 、Guy has a gun on you, and you heckle him.─── 他拿**指着你 你还敢跟他耍嘴皮子

2 、You have a plant in the crowd shout out a lame, prepared heckle that you have a great comeback for.─── 你在观众中间安**个托儿 用蹩脚的提前准备好的黑话起个哄 而你给予一个机智有力的回击

3 、You and dad used to show up at school and heckle me during gym class.─── 你和我爸总是跑到我学校去 在体育课时对我说黑话

4 、Europe has continued to haunt and heckle the American imagination.───欧洲终久还是紧紧缠着美国人的心,耿耿难安。

5 、There are those who check out how a trick is done out of curiosity, and then heckle magicians during performances, acting if they were experts and challenging the performers, says Tam.───季军邓男子一出场用幽默的风格表演连串令人目不暇给的钱币效果,紧接用优美手法轻松地演绎著他高难度的纸牌流程。技巧之高在初赛已令观众哗然。

6 、"The more they boo me, the more they heckle me, the more they relax me, the more I play better," he said."You would think they would know that by now.───“他们越是嘘我,越是刁难我,就越是让我放松,我就能打得更好,”科比说,“你会认为他们现在该知道了吧。”

7 、to be picky with; to make things difficult for; to raise difficulties; to spite; to heckle───刁难

8 、Meantime, it is a process of study and heckle from the angle of modem industrial society.───同时也是从现代信息社会的角度对欧洲古典油画材料技法进行一个学习和梳理的过程。

9 、heckle hemp or flax.───用麻梳梳理麻布或纤维。

10 、Well, if it'll prevent him from being heckled in the locker room by other guys, absolutely.─── 要是这些话能避免他 被人锁在衣帽间里 那当然了

11 、to heckle a speaker───诘问演讲者

12 、He had scarcely begun his speech before the audience began to heckle him.───他才开始演讲,听众就开始质问他。

13 、1. The reporter wants to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing question.───记者想用那些让人难为情的问题来刁难这位候选人。

14 、The reporter want to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing question───记者想用那些让人难为情的问题来刁难这位候选人

15 、He had scarcely begun his speech when the audience began to heckle him.───他一开始演讲,听众就开始诘问他。

16 、heckle cell───棘细胞

17 、1.to question; to heckle 2.interrogation───质问

18 、Industry doesn't heckle, so that was a clue.─── 业内人士不会闹场 看不出吗

19 、This Chapter analyse emphatically the deep reason of the non-public economic policy of the party developing in heckle and summarize the experience and lessons.───本章着重分析和探讨了这一时期党的非公有制经济政策不断出现曲折反复的深层动因及其经验教训。

20 、He went to heckle at their meetings.───他去他们的会议起哄。

21 、heckle cells───[医] 棘细胞

22 、I've prepared a list of heckles for the occasion.─── 我为今晚的葬礼准备了一堆黑话

23 、To deride, heckle, or tease.───嘲笑看不起,鄙视或拿人开心

24 、I heard some of the audience heckle me with loud whistles.───那天,我听到观众中有人大声吹口哨向我起哄。

25 、You can go ahead and heckle him while he's at the line, but he won't be affected by your jeers.───当小斯在罚球小斯的时候,你可以用激烈的言语去挑衅他,但是不会被你的言语所影响的。

26 、I tried to play soccer and you heckled me.─── 你在我踢足球的时候对我起哄

27 、You should encourage audience members in mock-ups to heckle you and ask the toughest, meanest questions imaginable .───在“演习”时,你应该鼓励听众刁难你,提出最艰涩、残酷的问题。

28 、And here you are, a drunk sack of carbon heckling another sack of carbon.─── 你也一样 一个醉醺醺的碳基生物 却在这里嘲笑另一个碳基生物

29 、Well, you're on videotape heckling the deceased.─── 录像带里面 你在讽刺死者

30 、Right. I need your help with a supersecret heckle.─── 好吧 我需要你帮我偷偷地冒出些黑话

31 、"What? You can heckle me if you want, it's okay I won't understand!" (at a foreign concert───"啊?说什么?你们对我说什么都不要紧,因为我听不懂(在国外的演唱会上面说的)"









1、“星巴克”这个名字来自美国作家麦尔维尔的**《白鲸》中一位处事极其冷静,极具性格魅力的大副。他的嗜好就是喝咖啡。2、星巴克诞生于美国西雅图,靠咖啡豆起家,自1987年正式成立以来,从不打**,却在近20年时间里一跃成为巨型连锁咖啡集团,其飞速发展的传奇让全球瞩目。星巴克不仅将丑小鸭变成白天鹅的奇迹演绎得淋漓尽致,它背后还隐藏着感人的故事。3、 这还要追述到70年代初期,那个卖咖啡豆子以及香料的Starbucks。Starbucks的名字实在是让星巴克的元老(三位)很是费心,Gordon Bowler与他的创意伙伴艺术家Terry Heckler商量重新拟定店名,Terry Heckle选中了雷尼尔山附近矿工聚集地的名字“Starbo”,又经过商量Gerald Baldwin重新把名字同他喜爱的白鲸记拉上关系,Starbuck就是Piqued号上的那位爱喝咖啡的大副

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