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07-02 投稿





英:  美:




1 、Oh, you are exaggerated. I play only a small part in the whole thing.───哦,你过奖了。我在这件事里只起了很小的作用。

2 、Oh! There he is, and I skip again today.───呀!是他,我今天又没上他的课!

3 、Oh, there's the buzzer.───哦,开演前的预备铃响了。

4 、Oh, my train pass have expired.───哦!我的火车月票过期了。

5 、Oh, come on. He is not so bad actually.───哦,得了吧。他实际上并不那么糟。

6 、Oh no! I'm ever so sorry.───哦不!我真难过极了。

7 、Oh, you can walk it within ten minutes.───哦,10分钟之内你就能走到。

8 、Oh, would you mind? I hate to be a bother.───哦,你不介意吗?我不愿麻烦别人。

9 、Oh dear, I'm ever so sorry.───哦天哪,我很难过。

10 、Oh, go to hell! Don't talk such nonsense!───去你的吧!别这么胡说八道!

11 、Oh dear, you poor thing.───哦天哪,你这个可怜的人儿。

12 、Oh, hello, Ms. Richardson. I just sent you a fax.───哦,喂,Richardson女士,我刚传真一份文件给你。

13 、Oh, good, I am very much in favor of your proposal.───哦,好,我非常赞成你的建议。

14 、Teller: Oh! Hello, Mrs. Jerky. How are you today?───出纳:哦!哈罗,哲琪太太,你今天好吗?

15 、Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.─── 天啊 天啊 我的天啊 天啊 天啊

16 、Oh dear, I've left my knitting on the bus!───哎呀,我把毛活儿落在公共汽车上了。

17 、Oh, no, that will never do.───哦,不,这绝对不行。

18 、Oh, don't worry about it. accidents happen. Besides, I knew Bobby was coming. I should have put that vase away.───哦,别担心。意外总是会发生的。另外,知道鲍比要来,我应该早点把花瓶放起来。

19 、Oh, turn it up, will you!───哎呀,别干了,好吗?

20 、A train's just right! Oh, hooray, Li Ming!───乘火车恰恰好,哦,好啊,李明!

21 、Oh, if Tony were going, I wanna go to camp, too!───哦!假使Tony要去训练营的话,我也要去。

22 、Oh, please don't serve me first.I can wait.───先不要照顾我,我可以等一等。

23 、Oh dear, I've mislaid my glasses again.───哎呀!我又忘记把我的眼镜放在什么地方了。

24 、Oh, no. I am gonna get call on ... help!───哦!糟糕,马上就要点到我,救救我!

25 、Oh, no! I can not stop! Help! I am going to crash!───哎唷!糟了!停不下来!救命!会撞倒的!

26 、Oh, dear, I am awfully sorry about your bad luck.───哦,天哪,我真为你的不幸感到难过。

27 、Oh my, do you have to wear that bright red lipstick?───哦,你必须涂那种鲜花红色的唇膏吗?

28 、Oh, oh, no, no, no. It's not for me.─── 不是的 我不是在给自己搭讪

29 、Oh, that's all right. I can reach it, thanks.───不用,谢谢。我能够得着。

30 、Oh, wow. There's a lot of work piled up.───哎呀,工作堆积得不少。

31 、Oh yes, we have a very good putt green.───哦是的,我们有一个很好的高尔夫推杆草坪。

32 、Oh! The chain is rusted and stuck.───哦!链条锈得咬住了。

33 、"Oh dear!" exclaimed the lady, feeling the vainness of her wish to go home.───"老天!"这女士大声叫道,觉得回家的愿望是难以实现了。

34 、Oh, really. I have never felt so let down before.───哦真是的。我以前从未这样失望过。

35 、Oh, what a lovely do you have! Is it all right if I pet the beautiful dog?───哦,好可爱的狗啊!我抚摸一下这条漂亮的狗好吗?

36 、Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear that. Please accept my deepest sympathies.───听到这些我非常难过。请接受我最诚挚的慰问。

37 、Please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please.─── 求你了 求你了 求你了 求你了

38 、Oh, why do he have to give me this rush job now that it's almost time for my lunch break!───哎,快到午餐休息时间了,他为什么非给我这个急件不可!

39 、Oh, oh, oh, you can't even tell he hurt his head.─── 哦对了 光看外表根本看不出他摔破头

40 、Oh I am really overjoyed to see you again.───哦再见到您我真是万分高兴。

41 、You don't want to join the club? Oh well, suit yourself.───你不愿意参加俱乐部是吗? 那好,随你的便吧。

42 、Oh! I drop my band- aid in the curry.───哎呀!我把我的绷带掉在咖喱饭里了。

43 、Oh, it's nothing special actually.───哦,实际上没什么特别的。

44 、Oh, well, such is life. there's always next year.───哦,好吧,这就是人生吧。总还有来年。

45 、Oh, how nice!───哦,太好了!

46 、Oh, the boss will not let anyone else sing.───哎啊,老板不让别人唱嘛。

47 、Oh good, there is a pub; I'm breaking my neck for a drink.───哦,很好,那里有一家酒店,我急想喝个痛快。

48 、Oh, geez, oh, geez, oh, geez, oh, geez.─── 我的天我的天我的天我的天

49 、Oh, Xiao Fang, I didn't hear you come in.───哦,小方,你进来我都没听见。

50 、BRYSON: Oh, the Faculty Office as usual.───向平常一样交到系办公室。

51 、"When we get married, " Ned said to me almost threateningly, "We're going to have the reception of all time." "Oh, " I said freely. "Of all time, " he repeated.───"我们结婚的时候,"内德几乎带着恐吓的口气对我说,"我们要举行空前绝后的盛大宴会。""哦", 我随随便便地应了一声。"空前绝后的盛大宴会,"他又说了一遍。

52 、Oh, that's marvelous.───哦,好极了。

53 、Oh, get on with you! I know better than that!───去你的吧!我还不至于蠢到相信那个鬼话。

54 、"Oh, piped down." he called.───"噢,闭嘴。"他喊道。

55 、Oh, no wait a minute, he's already past25.───哦不等一下,他已经过25岁了。

56 、Oh, dear! I failed in the English examination!───哦!天啊!我英文没有考及格!

57 、Oh, oh, oh, and then we have crossword corner.─── 哦哦哦 然后我们还有填字游戏角

58 、Oh, Lord, are you going to get on my back?───哟,大人,你想找我茬,是吗?

59 、Oh, well why do not I check out the campus employment office?───哦!对了!我为什么不到学校的就业咨询处去查询一下呢。

60 、It's bad manners of Dennis always to keep us waiting. Shall we go? Oh, talk of the devil, there he is.───丹尼斯很不礼貌,总是让我们等他,咱们走吧!噢,说到曹操,曹操就到。他来了。

61 、"Oh, Sister," said Solomon, with ironical softness.───“啊,妹妹,”索罗蒙说,温和中带一点刺。

62 、Oh, oh, oh, wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry, one more thing.─── 等等 抱歉 还有一件事

63 、No, nothing oh, just a minute, I'd like some soap too, please.───不用。哦, ... 等一下,请拿几块肥皂来。

64 、Oh horrors! Not another invitation to tea with Aunt Muriel!───可别再应邀去缪里尔大婶那里参加茶会了。

65 、Oh no, hive me lobster every time.───哦不,我只喜欢龙虾。

66 、Oh... oh, but I didn't say when we was meeting.─── 但是我还没说我们什么时候讨论学习

67 、But, oh, how much I must miss, and how much pleasure you seeing ones can derive from watching and hearing the interplay of speech and movement in the unfolding of a dramatic performance!───但是,啊,我可能失去了多少,你们能看的人从戏剧表演中看动作,听语言的相互作用中产生了多少喜悦!

68 、Oh, they are very dull actually.───哦,实际上很乏味的。

69 、Oh, my dear, I didn't mean to pry.───哦,亲爱的,我并不是想打听什么。

70 、Oh, well. Another single guy who get away.───哎啊,又少了一位光棍了。

71 、Oh, you flatter me.───哦,你过奖了。

72 、Oh, not really.───哦,不会吧。

73 、Oh a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca.───哦,一个吻一直是一个吻在卡萨布兰卡。

74 、Oh, get off my back, will you? I'll do it as soon as I have time.───别再给我唠叨了,行吗?我一有时间就做这事。

75 、Oh, I think I like the white one better, miss.───哦,**,我想我更喜欢白色的。

76 、"Oh, dat iss all over," said the German.───“噢,这事已经过去了,"那个德国人说。

77 、Oh, about6:30- will that be all right?───哦,6点30分左右-这个时间行吗?

78 、Oh, she really is getting above herself!───哦,她确实变得越来越自高自大了。

79 、But I don't understand you joke! Oh, skip it, it's of no importance.───可是我不明白你讲的笑话。噢,没关系,不重要。

80 、Oh, no! I can not believe I will be assigned to this section! It's just impossible.───哦,不!我不相信我会被派到这部门!那是不可能的。

81 、Oh, sorry. I'm used to walking fast.───哦,对不起。我一贯走路很快。

82 、Oh, come on! Just a quick one!───哎,来吧!一会儿就完。

83 、Oh dear, I've boobed again.───哎呀,我又犯了愚蠢的错误。

84 、Oh, no! How dreadful!───哦,不!真可怕!

85 、Oh, do hush up!───哦,可别出声!

86 、Oh, come on. Don't straddle the fence.───哦,别这样。别太世故。

87 、Oh, what a shame! We'll miss you!───哎,真可惜!你不来我们会觉得扫兴的!

88 、Oh, do you really think so?───哦,你真的这样想吗?


oh [ əʊ ] . .

int. 啊呀,哦

ooh . .

int. (表示惊讶、欣喜、痛苦等)嚯,呵


oh是感叹词 Interjection( interj. ) ,表示说话时的语气或感情


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