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07-02 投稿




英:[?m?lb?r?]  美:[?m?lber?]

英:  美:


n.桑树, 桑葚, 深紫红色


1 、She fed mulberry leaves to the silkworms.───她把桑叶喂给蚕。

2 、She fed mulberry leaves to the silkworms,and started to raise more of them.───她就用桑叶来喂养,开始养起蚕来。

3 、All around the mulberry bush All around the mulberry bush, The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey thought 't was all in fun.───围绕着桑树丛,猴子追赶着黄鼠狼。猴子认为这只是玩笑。砰!责任被推托。

4 、A method to detect Isopentyl alcohol and Isobutanol detection in mulberry wine was established.The result was compared with spectrophotometric method.───建立了利用气质联用设备同时检测桑果酒中异戊醇和异丁醇含量的方法,并与传统的对二甲氨基苯甲醛比色法检测结果进行了比较。

5 、Touches of mulberry and rosemary on the palate are well integrated with the French oak tannins to give the wine a long, lingering aftertaste.───入口以后,桑葚和迷迭香完美体现出来,法国橡木中的丹宁使者这款酒的余味持久。

6 、When she left, Aqiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her.───临走的时候, 阿巧带了一些蚕卵和一袋桑籽。

7 、Fig. 1 Dendrogram of the genetic similarity identified with ISSR DNA markers among Indian mulberry.───图1.利用ISSR分子标记探讨檄树样本之遗传相似性群聚分析树状图.

8 、In this paper, we also discussed the extraction of mulberry leaf juice, addition of mulberry juice, fermentation and quality of beer.───并对桑叶汁的提取、桑叶汁的添加、发酵及啤酒的质量进行了探讨。

9 、The basic objective of breeding end using different mulberry varieties is put forward from the breeding angle.───从育种角度对选育和利用不同目的桑树品种的基本目标作了简要展望。

10 、My companions come back and give me some red mulberry when I were surprise.───在我正吃惊的时候,伙伴们纷纷从树上跳下来,手里拿着大把紫红色的桑葚。

11 、Ingredients: Liquorices extract, mulberry extract, compound vitamin liposome, HA, etc.───主要成份:甘草提取液、桑树提取液、复合维他命脂质体、透明质酸等。

12 、She fed mulberry leaves to the silkworms, and started to raise more of them.───她就用桑叶来喂养, 开始养起蚕来。

13 、A mulberry leaf touched with the genius. Ent and wonder at my greatness as the words of these scrolls are fulfilled in me.───当我完成这件事,我要再接再励。当羊皮卷上的话在我身上实现时,世人会惊叹我的伟大。

14 、When she left,Aqiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her.───临走的时候,阿巧带了一些蚕卵和一袋桑籽。

15 、You might see the rows of mulberry trees as you came hither, all planted by Maitre Pierre's command, to feed the silk worms.───您来这儿的途中可以看到一排排的桑树,这都是按皮埃尔老爷的吩咐栽来养蚕的。”

16 、"I heard to eat, I'll let my mother take me to mulberry orchards.───一听到吃,我马上让妈妈带我去那片桑果园。

17 、We lost to Milan, to put down mulberry Pu Doria, but our spirit has not changed.───我们输给了米兰、平了桑普多利亚,但我们的精神并未改变。

18 、North American mulberry having dark purple edible fruit.───北美桑树,深紫色果实,可食。

19 、Ingredients: olive leaves extract, levorotatory VC, wild yam extract, aloe essence, mulberry essence.───成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、旋vc、山药提炼精华、荟因子、树精华。

20 、The proteins of sap flow in mulberry (Morus) were analysed using two dimensional electrophoresis.───应用 I E F 和 S D S? P A G E 双向电泳技术,分析了桑树( Morus) 树液蛋白质的电泳图谱。

21 、A thinker is like a silkworm which gives us not mulberry leaves, but silk.───思想家如蚕,所吐出的不是桑叶而是丝。

22 、Based on the bamboo-leaves, its ingredients include: the fruit of Chinese wolfberry, red date, the root of kudzu vine and mulberry ect.───在原料选用上除采用以竹叶为主外,还辅以枸杞子、红枣、葛根和桑葚子等“药食同源”的植物料;在酒基上选择了陈年优质低度糯米生麦曲黄酒。

23 、But "time and patience," says the Eastern proverb, "change the mulberry leaf to silk.───但是东方格言说:“时间和耐心把桑叶变成蚕丝。”

24 、Ingredients: alfalfa sprout 30g, Anoectochilus 30g, fresh mulberry 50g (or juice 30g), 1 apple, 1 orange, yogurt drink 200c.c.───做法:将苹果洗净、去皮切丁,柳橙洗净,榨出原汁,再将全部材料放入果汁机拌匀即可。

25 、The crescent of a new moon hung over the mulberry in the yard.───一弯新月高悬在院子里的桑树这上。

26 、Ningxia municipality grows mulberry sericiculture 1989 second half of the year begins survey demonstration, 199..───宁夏自治区栽桑养蚕于1989年下半年开始调研论证,199.

27 、In addition to this, the great plain of North China in the lower course is the original home of mulberry, walnut, jujube and hazelnut.───当然得出这样的结论还有一个很好的理由,那就是,现今我国从东南的福建、台湾到西南的云南,北到江西、南到海南都有普通野生稻的分布。

28 、The technology and equipment of hot filling for bottled acidic beverage with self heal,chrysanthemum and mulberry were intrduced.───介绍了以夏枯草、菊花、桑叶中草药为原料,生产酸性瓶装清凉饮料的生产工艺和设备;

29 、A heat-relieving beverage is prepared using cogongrass rhizome, mulberry leaf and licorice as the main ingredients.───以白茅根、桑叶、甘草为主要原料,辅以蜂蜜、柠檬酸、白砂糖,研制出色香味俱佳、清热解暑的保健饮料。

30 、Ingredients: olive leaves extract, whtiening glycylglycine, ocean plant essence, aloe extract, mulberry essence.───成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、美白氨环素、海洋生物精华、芦荟因子、桑树精华。

31 、A light but durable paper made from the mulberry bush.─── 用桑树叶制作的一种很薄但很耐用的纸

32 、In this paper, the distilling of mulberry leaf juice and the addition measures of mulberry leaf juice and the stability of the win...───并对桑叶汁的提取、桑叶汁的添加方式及黑米酒的稳定性进行了探讨。

33 、Mulberry,purslane,stigma maydis in Fufang Jiangtangning granule were analysed by thin layer chromatographic(TLC).───对复方降糖宁颗粒中桑椹子、马齿苋、玉米须进行薄层层析分析。

34 、To extract mulberry processing fiber from mulberry bast,chemical and bio-chemical degumming methods were adopted in the aegumming test.───为从桑树韧皮中提取出桑皮工艺纤维,对桑树韧皮采用化学脱胶法和生物-化学联合脱胶法分别进行了脱胶试验。

35 、I put Shue Hang Mulberry Lane, into the dung, and then fill in soil. Ye, kinds of good!───我把桑树放进树坑里,倒进牛粪,然后填上土。耶,种好了!

36 、Main ingredients:essential and pure mineral,whiten concealer cell,pearl powder,arbutin and mulberry leaves.───主要成份:精纯矿物、美白遮瑕因子、珍珠粉、熊果苷、桑叶。

37 、Main compositions: Pomegranate essence, Ivy vine, Mulberry tree extract, Licorice, Citrus paradise extract.───主要成份:红石榴素、常青藤、天然桑树萃取精华、甘草萃取液、葡萄柚精华。

38 、Analysis of Available Active Substance in Crude Ethanol Precipitation of Mulberry Syncarp[J].───引用该论文 刘朝良,孙辉,尹志亮,李锋,张军,魏国清,邵引刚,周炎.

39 、Systematic experiments made on light fastness of mulberry dyes show that anthraquinone dyes and metal complex dyes are conducive to light fastness.───对桑蚕丝织物的耐光色牢度进行了较系统的试验。

40 、Nose: Dark fruit aromas: cassis; mulberry; and plum, blend seamlessly with cedar-like spice and hints of creamy vanilla.───口感:口感温顺带有成熟梅果,黑樱桃,少许一点点的黑巧克力和肉桂风味,单宁圆滑、后韵留香

41 、On the rich land with a beautiful pool, growing were bamboo, mulberry and the like.───复行数十步,豁然开朗。

42 、Title: The Effect of Silver Nitrate on Genetic Transformation in White Mulberry ( Morus alba L.───关键词:桑树;遗传转化;根癌农杆菌;硝酸银

43 、The industrial catenary of a new mechanism that gives priority to in order to grow mulberry sericiculture was born.───一条以栽桑养蚕为主的新机制的产业链诞生了。

44 、Products: Kiwi-fruit, mulberry fruit.───主要产品:弥猴桃、桑椹。

45 、At that time, Huzhou in Zhejiang Province, along the sericulturist Nanxun, many people buy a mulberry leaves by silkworm (see short name) of.───当时浙江湖州、南浔一带蚕农,不少人是靠买桑叶养蚕(俗名看空头)的。

46 、Were nature sentient, she too would pass from youth to age; but man's world is mutable, seas become mulberry fields.───天若有情天亦老,人间正道是沧桑

47 、The crescent of a new noon hung over the mulberry in the yard.───一弯新月高悬在院子里的桑树之上。

48 、Researches are made on the pretreating and one bath dyeing of mulberry silk/viscose fabric.───主要研究蚕丝/粘胶纤维织物的前处理工艺和一浴法染色工艺。

49 、She told Aqiao that these white worms were called silkworms and the leaves they ate were called mulberry leaves.───她告诉阿巧,这些雪白的虫子叫做蚕,它们吃的叶子叫桑叶。

50 、Back to Shenzhen, I will let my mother buy and Mulberry Juice Mulberry, acid sweet taste that always reminds me that a mulberry orchard.───回到深圳,我会让妈妈买桑果和桑果汁,那酸酸甜甜的味道,总会让我想起那一片桑果园。

51 、Therefore,the use of imidacloprid nearby mulberry field and the region of bee life must be vetoed.───因此必须禁止在桑园附近及蜜蜂活动区域使用吡虫啉农药。

52 、The effect of the 90%wettable powder of insecticid e “Wan Ling”was used to prevent and control pests in mulberry field .───万灵农药90%可湿性粉剂应用于桑园的害虫防治,杀虫效力高,速度快,残毒期较短,有利于养蚕用叶。

53 、Here we go round the mulberry bush on a cold and frosty morning.───在一个寒冷,下霜的早晨,我们围着桑树走。

54 、He only wanted your trees dead, not every mulberry tree in the world.─── 他只想弄死你的树 不是地球上所有的桑树

55 、You Wen facing mulberry Pu Doria, both sides makes into 0:0 stuffy sums finally.───尤文面对桑普多利亚,双方最终打成0比0的闷和。

56 、The ovaries of adults raised with white mulberry or paper mulberry can normally grow and continually produce mature ova.───以桑树、构树为补充营养,雌成虫卵巢发育正常,能不断产生成熟卵。

57 、He did not, however, manage to obtain freehold interest in the mulberry garden.───但是他没有获得桑葚园的产权。

58 、Leaders including nurseries, greenhouses, tea plantations, orchards, mulberry orchard planting economic trees and other land.───园地包括苗圃、花圃、茶园、果园、桑园和其他种植经济林木的土地。

59 、I do not knowHuang Weide two-foot boat, or mulberry leaf red love seizing Hengdao?───不知道是黄维德脚踩两船,还是桑叶红横刀夺爱?

60 、Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields into seas; time brings great changed to the world; the whirligig of time.───大海变为桑田,桑田变为大海。比喻世事变化很大。

61 、The bright prospect of engineering and technique of plant pest-resistent gene in control of mulberry pest showed in this paper.───展望了植物抗虫基因工程技术在桑树害虫防治中的应用前景。

62 、Asiatic mulberry with white to pale red fruit; leaves used to feed silkworms.───亚洲种桑树,果实有白到浅红各色;叶子用来喂养桑蚕。

63 、Ingredients:amino acid protein,ginseng essence,macromolecule sunproof factor,mulberry whitening extract etc.───成份:氨基酸蛋白、人参精华、高分子防晒剂、桑树净白精华等。

64 、Mulberry natural pigment is a sort of edible pigment, which is secure and nonpoisonous.───从桑椹中提取的天然红色素是一种安全、无毒的食用色素。

65 、Fluoride accumulation and distribution in mulberry insects near fluoride pollution sources.───大气氟污染源附近食桑昆虫中氟的积累和分布。

66 、The palate is richly layered, portraying concentrated mulberry and black berry fruit flavors with fine tannins and an exceptionally long finish.───口味丰富,层次分明,桑葚及黑浆果的口味尤为突出,丹宁精致,回味颇为隽永。

67 、The endemic mulberry varieties of Shandong have high leaf yield, better leaf, strong anti-adversity and wide adaptability.───山东桑树地方品种春季产叶量高,叶质较好,抗逆性强,适应性较广。

68 、As natural protein, sericin protein (SP) is the main component of mulberry silk besides the fibroin, and it is byproduct of filature production.───丝胶是桑蚕丝除丝素外的主要成分,是天然蛋白质,是缫丝生产的副产物;

69 、With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin.───只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针。

70 、My sister and I had a room on the upper floor, looking out over a large garden with many mulberry trees.───我们就住在衙门里面。 我们姊妹住在一间楼房上,推开窗便是一个大坝子,种了些桑树。

71 、A preliminary study of economic characters of mulberry planted within contour hedgerows of nitrogen fixing plants.───固氮植物篱梯埂套种桑树效益初探。

72 、Ingredients: Rose essential oil, mulberry root extract serum, sea-kelp, VitaminE and rosehip essential serum.───成份:玫瑰精油、桑根提取液、芦荟鲜汁、海藻、维他命E、玫瑰果萃取液。

73 、There were some reports about experiments of mulberry wine, mulberry juice, mulberry ice cream and mulberry yoghourt processing technologies.───已有以桑椹作原料,研制成桑椹酒、桑椹汁、桑椹冰淇淋、桑椹酸奶等营养保健食品的试验报道。

74 、Expounds preparations to be made before implementing the standards of dried mulberry cocoons and points out matters to be noted.───山东省资料表明,桑蚕茧(干茧)国家标准是切实可行的。

75 、Especially, the application of silk and mulberry leaves in the fields of medicine and food was highlighted.───尤其是利用蚕丝和桑叶的功能,在医药卫生及其他领域的应用研究,展现出新的前景。

76 、It is called And To Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street.───名字叫And To think I Saw It on Mulberry Street。

77 、Like skimming rocks across the river or catching fireflies in the mulberry fields.─── 比如在河上飞石子 或者在桑园抓萤火虫

78 、This year, the flood has damaged innumerable mulberry fields, which is quite distressing.───今年的洪水冲坏了无数桑田,真让人痛心。

79 、"I saw the Count of Crevecoeur's equipage, horses, and retinue," said another of the guests, "down at the inn yonder at the Mulberry Grove.───“我见到了克雷维格伯爵的车马和随从,”另一个来客说到,“他们下榻在桑树林那边的旅店里。

80 、Contents: Selfheal, Mulberry, Chrysanthemum, Methylglycine, Fenugreek Gum CG, HA, etc.───主要成份:夏枯草、桑叶、菊花、氨基酸保湿剂、芦巴胶CG、HA等多种植物萃取精华。

81 、In headquarters of company of Stockholm pirate bay, the reporter made be interviewed meaningly to mulberry heart He Naijie.───在斯德哥尔摩海盗湾公司总部,记者对桑德和奈杰进行了一次有意思的采访。

82 、Ingredients: Sunflower oil, palm oil, coconut oil, sodium hydroxide, glycerin, mulberry tea, white tea oil and Vitamin E.───成分:向日葵油、橄榄油、椰子油、氢氧化钠、甘油、桑树茶、白茶油和维他命E。

83 、He saw roses winding about the rain spout ; or mulberries-birds gorging in the mulberry tree.───他会看到玫瑰花绕在水管上,或者是看到在桑树枝头上使劲啄食的小鸟。


mul 这个前缀是:多,大等的意思。

所以看字面意思 mulberry 要比berry 的颜色要深!




berry [简明英汉词典]


mulberry [简明英汉词典]

n.桑树, 桑葚, 深紫红色

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