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07-02 投稿




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n.精液, 精子, 与抹香鲸有关的物质(如鲸脑油)


名词复数: sperm | 形容词: spermous |


1 、HLF;sperm;liposome;glandmammary special expression vectors;transgenic animals.───01人乳铁蛋白;精子;脂质体;乳腺特异表达载体;转基因动物

2 、It's not just sperm. It could be anybody.─── 这不止是* 这可能是任何一个人

3 、In vitro, the acrosome reaction of sperm does not influence the ovum fertilization rate.───在体外,精子顶体反应率的高低与卵子受精率没有明显的相关性。

4 、A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs,found in certain gastropods.───卵精巢雌雄同体的再生器官,可以产精子和卵子,在腹足纲软体动物身上发现。

5 、When we taking IVF using sperm vitality 0.1 after defrost, the sperm density 107 was suitable.───以解冻后活力为0.1左右的冷冻精液进行体外受精时,精子浓度以107为宜。

6 、In the adult, or medusa stage of a jellyfish, they can reproduce sexually by releasing sperm and eggs into the water, forming a planula.───在海蜇成体或水母体阶段,它们通过将精子和卵于释放到水中形成浮浪幼体而进行有性繁殖。

7 、Mainly used to crush grain and straw, such as sperm, roughage.───主要用于粉碎粮食及秸杆等精、粗饲料。

8 、The sperm whale therefore has to look for the squid using sound waves.───因此巨头鲸就只得利用声波来寻找鱿鱼。

9 、They produce sperm which may be ejaculated through a system of genital ducts.───产生能通过生殖管道系统射出的精子。

10 、In human reproduction,one female egg is usually fertilized by one sperm.───在人体生殖过程中,一个精子使一个卵子受精。

11 、A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs, found in certain gastropods.───卵精巢雌雄同体的再生器官,可以产精子和卵子,在腹足纲软体动物身上发现

12 、Before using the sperm to fertilize an egg, they could test it to make sure it was healthy and lacked the genetic defect.───在用精子使卵子受精之前,他们先对精子进行检查,以确认它是健康且不存在基因缺陷的。

13 、But other scientists are pushing more modest proposals in which they would produce altered sperm in the lab.───但一些科学正在努力推动适中的办法,即在实验室中制造改良基因的精子。

14 、Oysters are tonics to sperm.───多吃蚝能补精;

15 、Currently if two lesbians wish to have a child, they must use donor sperm.───就目前来说,如果两个女同性恋者想要孩子的话,她们必须要使用捐献者的精子。

16 、The two sperm nuclei and the tube nucleus are all derived from a single microspore nucleus by mitosis.───两个精核和管核都是从同一个小孢子核有丝分裂产生的。

17 、He has a low sperm count.───他的精液中精子含量少。

18 、In every sort of sperm sample, you're always going to get a *all percentage of sperm that are immotile.─── 在每一种*样本中 你都会看到 一小部分*不会移动

19 、The macrophage s ability of phagocytizing sperm may also be increased.───巨噬细胞吞噬精子能力亢进,抑制精子的活动度及其功能;

20 、The mate deposits sperm in the queen's sperm sac.───带翅的雄性蚁把精子存到蚁后的卵囊中。

21 、He was inseminated using sperm from an anonymous donor.───他是通过匿名精子捐赠者受精。

22 、The giant sperm whale is the only whale whose mouth is large enough to hold a man.───巨大的抹香鲸是唯一嘴大得足以吞下一个人的鲸鱼。

23 、Beatie's wife Nancy said she inseminated him with a syringe using sperm purchased from a bank.───从精子银行购买了精子后,该男子的老婆帮助他进行了人工受精。

24 、Balance hormones to ease postpartum depression, increased sperm.───平衡荷尔蒙,缓解产后抑郁,增加精子。

25 、Conclusion:this method is valid for detecting the fertilization ability of frozen-thawed sperm.───去透明带仓鼠卵穿透试验是检测牛冻精受精能力的有效方法。

26 、Formation of a viable zygote by the union of the male sperm and the female ovum; fertilization.───受精通过雄性精子与雌性卵细胞结合而形成受精卵的过程;受精

27 、If you only hae one healthy sperm you would be reluctant to use it for anything but fertilisation.───如果你仅有一个健康的精子,除了将它用于受精外,你绝对不愿意将它另作他用。

28 、Only one sperm fertilises an egg.───只有一个精子使卵子受精。

29 、Toby will give us a sperm sample, and then we'll put your eggs and your sperm together, and, hopefully, make some embryos.─── 托比会提供给我们*样本 然后我们会把你们的*和卵子放在一起 幸运的话 就会得到晶胚

30 、An egg cell removed from Mrs. Carr was fertilized in a laboratory dish with sperm from her husband.───从卡尔夫人卵巢里抽出一个卵细胞和她丈夫的精子在实验器里受精。

31 、Sperm count, shape, and motion (motility) were similar in both groups of men.───两组研究对象的精子计数、形状和移动性相似。

32 、The sperm whale has about thirty teeth in its lower jaw.───在抹香鲸的下颚上大约有30颗牙齿。

33 、And if we can get men's sperm counts to less than a million sperm per millilitre, that's an effective contraceptive 95 to 97% of the time.─── 而如果能将*的数目 降低到一百万每毫升 **有效率就会达到百分之九十五到九十七

34 、In the neck for eggs produced in only one egg, sperm is produced in many long, curly and two of the sperm flagellum.───在颈卵器中只产生一个卵,而在精子器中产生许多长形卷曲而具二根鞭毛的精子。

35 、Syngamy - The fusion of egg and sperm cells into a zygote.───Syngamy -融合卵和精子细胞成受精卵。

36 、This paper reviews nutrition reproduction and sperm metabolism in male decapod crustacea.───对雄性虾蟹的生殖营养及精子代谢作了综述。

37 、The eggs develop without sperm and are clones of the female parent.───卵发育过程没有精子,而且是母鱼的复制。

38 、Its purpose is to liquefy the semen to release sperm, freeing them to fertilize an egg.───它的作用是溶解精液释放精子,使其易于和卵子受精。

39 、But then no one really thought the donor mattered once he had given his sperm.───但是,大家当时都觉得捐精者献出精子后就无关紧要了。

40 、The peptides cross the sperm cell membrane and they target the protein and switch off the motility in the sperm.─── 这种缩氨酸穿过*的细胞膜 以蛋白质为目标 使*失去能动性

41 、Same result as Sperm Whale vs Orca.───和抹香鲸和逆戟鲸的结果一样。

42 、Your sperm and egg parents, not them.─── 你们遗传学上的那些 不是他们

43 、There are100million men who don't produce any sperm,and genetic reprogramming is the sole solution,he says.───他说,大约有1亿男性没有精子,基因重组是惟一的解决方案。

44 、Egg cell and sperm cells. Schematic drawing showing their relative sizes.───卵子细胞与精子细胞。按照相对大小所绘示意图。

45 、We report a case of ovarian pregnancy after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and embryo transfer.───在此我们提出一有关于施行精虫卵质显微注射/胚胎植入术后发生卵巢子宫外孕之病例报告;

46 、Miranda: Honey, let's go to the sperm bank to search for a suitable sperm donor.───亲爱的,我们到精子银行找找合适的精子捐赠者吧!

47 、The sperm whale is believe to dive deeper than any other cetacean .───人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。

48 、A sperm - producing organ occurring in seedless plants,fungi,and algae.───孢子囊,精子囊无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的孢子囊

49 、Whether the 51KD antigen is a new sperm antigen related to infertility deserves to be confirmed by further study.───51KD抗原是否为一种新的与不育相关的精子抗原,有待进一步研究证实。

50 、Sperm must be diluted and treated during artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.───在人工授精及体外受精过程中,需要对精子进行活化处理。

51 、Genes determine how we develop from the moment the sperm fuses with the egg.───在精子与卵子结合的瞬间,基因就决定了我们成长的方式。

52 、In this case, the woman asked doctors to remove the sperm from her husband's body and store it in a sperm bank.───在这种情形下,那位妇人要求医生从她丈夫体内取出精子并将精子存在精子银行。

53 、But one prominent scientist has already come up with a bold scenario for correcting genetic diseases in sperm.───不过一位著名科学家已经大胆提出了修补精子中致病基因的方法。

54 、Fig.3 The normal demembranated sperm of Xenopus laevis(stained with DAPI).───图3在荧光镜下观察到的正常非洲爪蟾去膜精子。

55 、Fig.3 Sperm capacitated with BWW.Acrosome has lost and IAM is heavy labeled while PM of PA(*)is not.───图3BWW获能组精子,顶体已失,顶体区IAM见大量金颗粒标记,顶体后区(*)质膜则无。

56 、Brinster says that sperm - producing cells are the best target for anyone trying to tinker with human genetic inheritance.───布林斯特说,对于想改变人类遗传基因的人来说,改造产生精子的细胞是最好的办法。

57 、Human development begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg and creates a single totipotent cell.───人类的发展是从一个精子和一个卵子结合形成受精卵开始的。

58 、He has a low sperm count, ie He has few sperm cells and so is not very fertile.───他的精液中精子含量少.

59 、The union of the sperm and egg in sexual reproduction.───两性融合,杂交繁育在有性繁殖中精子和卵子的结合。

60 、They swarm her in a frenzy, releasing sperm as she releases her eggs.───在雌鱼排出卵的同时,它们蜂拥而上围在她身边疯狂地释放精子。

61 、It's very important to assess mammalian sperm quality for artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.───哺乳动物精子质量的评估,对于人工授精技术和体外受精技术的应用具有重要意义。

62 、But as a result of the animal work, says Culver, "the technology is there" for engineering human sperm.───但卡尔弗说,作为动物实验的成果,“就有了现成的技术”来改造人类的精子。

63 、He spins a special web, expels sperm onto it, then sucks the sperm into bulbs on the ends of his pedipalps.───它会织出一个特殊的网,将精液排在上面,然后把精液吸附在须肢末端的球状物上。

64 、Nitric oxide as a cytotoxic factor may be partial to kill sperm and the sperm suppression activity due to infertility.───一氧化氮作为局部细胞毒因子可杀灭精子和抑制精子的活动力而致不孕。

65 、The copulation had no influence on release and storage of sperm bundles.───交配对精子束的释放和贮存无影响。

66 、But undeveloped male sperm cells, called spermatogonia, do fine in a freezer.───但未发育的雄性精子细胞,即精原细胞,能够较好的冷冻保存。

67 、Furthermore, if males do mate with transsexual individuals, they deliver relatively few sperm to them.───即使雄性与变性个体交配了,射出的精子数量也比较少。

68 、The haploid nucleus of a sperm or egg before fusion of the nuclei in fertilization.───原核授精的核聚变之前的精子或卵子的单倍体核

69 、Somatic cell- cell of the body other than egg or sperm.───体细胞-涉及生殖系(细胞或精子)任何器官的细胞。

70 、He allowed these "enucleated" eggs to be fertilized by sperm from sea urchins of the genus Echinus.───他让这些“无核”的卵跟海胆属的海胆的精子受精。

71 、He has a low sperm count(= very few live male cells).───他的精液精子计数低。

72 、It is a great aid to men with a low sperm count or low virility.───对精虫稀少或活动力差者,很有帮助。

73 、In gymnosperms, the egg into the neck with only one of the two sperm and egg fusion.───在裸子植物中,进入颈卵器的两个精子只有一个与卵融合。

74 、The low-voltage impulse worked for Geoff, but his sperm quality was low.───低压刺激对Geoff起作用,但是他的精子质量低。

75 、Yolk-free cryoprotective medium and two-step freezing could be used in the cryopreservation of round-headed sperm.───不含卵黄冷冻保护剂和两步降温可应用于冷冻保存圆头精子症标本。

76 、And sperm whales are frequenting the North Sea more than before.───“人们不禁要问这是不是环境变化造成的?”

77 、Contains L-Carnitine, shown to increase sperm count, quality and motility.───包含L-肉碱,能增加精子数量,质量和活动力。

78 、All you need are sperm banks to keep the species going, and those are coming along now.───只需要精子库传宗接代,而这已经开始出现了。

79 、In human reproduction, one female egg is usually fertilized by one sperm.───在人体生殖过程中,通常一个精子使一个卵子受精。

80 、One secondary spermatocyte divides and eventually grows into two sperm cells.───一个次级精母细胞分裂并最终产生两个精子。

81 、In the sea urchin eggs, sperm acrosome reaction stirred up the eggs week in a polysaccharide film material.───在海胆卵上,激起精子顶体反应的是卵周胶膜中的某种多糖物质。

82 、The applications of aquatic animal sperm in the experimental ecology and cytotoxicology in recent years are introduced.───介绍了近几年来水生动物精子在实验生态学和细胞毒理学研究中的应用。

83 、This age effect, too, could be ascribed to the Trivers-Willard hypothesis if, say, sperm quality falls with age.───同时,年龄的因素也可以说是导致催佛司维纳德假设的原因因为精子质量随着年龄增长出现了下降。

84 、The bulls producing donor sperm are screened first for disease and bloodlines.───对用作提供精液的公牛,首先要调查它们的病史和血缘关系。

85 、In IVF, a sperm and an egg are joined together outside a woman's body.───在试管受精中,一个精子和一个卵子在妇女的体外被结合在一起。

86 、But underneath a tentacle on one of the females they discovered a small hole where sperm has been deposited.───但在一只触手之下在女性的当中一个他们发现了精液被放置了的一个小漏洞。

sperm whale和sperm有什么联系?


Sperm Whale

sperm=精液 ; whale=鯨魚

Sperm Whale = 精液鯨?!→其實中文是叫抹香鯨


誤以為是鯨魚的精液,因此這種鯨魚就被叫做"Sperm Whale"





配子:指生物进行有性生殖时由生殖系统所产生的成熟性细胞。配子分为雄配子(male gamete)和雌配子(female gamete),动物和植物的雌配子通常称为卵细胞(ova,或egg),而将雄配子称为精子(sperm)。



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